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Fandom Pokémon: Galar (Roleplay Thread)


August 2nd
WCS Rank: 69,398
Interactions: Cole Forrest(Merciless Medic)

Without much thought, Wilford caught the Trubbish's Pokéball. Thankfully, Cole was a good thrower; perhaps he got some time playing catch with his dad when he wasn't tending the farm or whatever country folk do. Part of him wished Cole handed him the ball, removing any potential fumbling, but he knew to leave well enough alone.

Once again, Cole's input perplexed Wilford. Why pass up the chance to make more money? Plenty of demographics would chomp at the bit for Cole's remaining Pokemon: Dark Type specialists would greatly appreciate an easy Pangoro to beat the mirror matches, Normal-Type specialists would love Stufful's apparent ability to shred through Steel and Rock types, and many aspiring trainers would appreciate a pre-trained Magikarp, hoping for a soon-to-be Gyarados. However, Wilford kept his mouth shut. The Pokemon belong to Cole; he can waste time and throw away money at his leisure.

Before Wilford left, Cole's idle prattling revealed something worthwhile: investing in a trip to Paldea. The region wasn't originally on his radar, certainly not for Glimmora; its typing was strictly inferior to other options, but perhaps Paldea held a more tantalizing teammate candidate.

Wilford scoffed as he went deeper into the hills, seeing more plains than anything else. This was to be expected; despite their lengthened history with the language, Galarians were routinely outperformed by Unovans regarding usage. Putting his complaints aside, Wilford set his suitcase down, grabbed Panpour's Pokéball, and unleashed the Spray Pokemon into the world.

The Water-type glanced at its surroundings, confused, prompting Wilford to pinch the bridge of his nose. This could've been avoided if he had taken Panpour out of his ball more often. Given its performance defects, it's not like he had much of a reason.

"Panpour, you're being replaced. Your Hydro Pump is useless without balance," Wilford stared lifelessly at his increasingly disheartened Pokemon as he explained the situation. The rich young man rolled his eyes at the Water Type's eyes welling up. The premature reaction tempted Wilford into rescinding his generosity, but he steeled himself. Unlike Cole, he wouldn't throw away money at the slightest annoyance.

"Digging your feet into the ground should provide the necessary stability. Impress me," Wilford instructed his Pokemon before folding his arms.

At first, the Water Monkey dried its tears, recognizing its trainer was giving them another chance. It hesitated momentarily, trying to figure out what Wilford meant. Panpour figured it out soon enough, creating tiny craters for its small feet. After choosing a nearby tree as its target, the Panpour finally unleashed its Hydro Pump.

The water geyser erupted from Panpour's mouth, smashing into the targeted tree. Simultaneously, Panpour was slightly pushed back, though, unlike previous attempts, its embedded feet kept it from doubling over. The Panpour stumbled after firing the attack but quickly readjusted itself to look at Wilford, hoping for his approval.

"Good," Wilford nodded as he walked toward Panpour, "You'll have a future with another trainer."

Despite evident confusion, the Panpour forced a smile before returning to its Pokéball. Moving on to the next task, Wilford surveyed the area for a good opponent for Mimikyu. Ideally, it would match her strength and be a neutral matchup, though a slight disadvantage would be acceptable in a pinch.

Species: Monferno
Ability: Iron Fist
Battle Ready Moves:
Fire Punch(Egg Move)
Mach Punch
Thunder Punch(Egg Move)
Power Up Punch
Fake Out
Helping Hand(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Thwackey
Ability: Grassy Surge
Battle Ready Moves:
Fake Out
Razor Leaf
Branch Poke
Double Hit
Leech Seed(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Panpour
Ability: Torrent
Battle Ready Moves:
Disarming Voice(Egg Move)
Hydro Pump(Egg Move)
Play Nice
Water Gun
Species: Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace
Battle Ready Moves:
Fairy Wind
Extrasensory(Egg move)
Life Dew
Psycho Shift(Egg move)
Sweet Kiss

Species: Mimikyu
Ability: Disguise
Battle Ready Moves:
Shadow Sneak
Destiny Bond(Egg Move)
Baby Doll Eyes
Double Team
Wood Hammer
Feint Attack
Rusty Moves:
Elizabeth “Lizzie” Roylott
August 1st - Circhester Bay, Galar (Route 9)

Lizzie barely registered what happened around the room as several of the combatants leapt back into action, a flurry of movement and a quick scuffle resulting in the binding of the ringleader and the surrender of several others around the room. Of course, Lizzie really didn't know who these people were or what the fighting was about in the first place. She'd probably ask questions later, but for now she was just relieved that they weren't being blown to smithereens. A sigh of relief escaped her. Her relief quickly shifted back towards irritation, however, as her friend made a comment about the lack of professionalism in not checking bombs. Lizzie was torn between amusement and frustration at the ridiculousness of the notion. In what world would it be standard practice to check for bombs before entering a building?

Her annoyance quickly waned when Freya turned to check on her. "Yeah, I'm-" she started to reply, but the second sentence registered and she stopped in her tracks, sputtering. "Pretending?" she asked, disbelief crossing her features as her friend turned away. Then she heard the murmured sound of her friend's thanks, and once again the emotional roller coaster left Lizzie floundering. Seriously, these emotions are bouncing around like a rubber ball on a cheap wooden paddle. Might wanna get that checked, Lizzie.

Unsurprisingly, Freya quickly returned to her mission of hiring Rodriguez. Lizzie hovered around her friend, keeping most of her attention on her friend's proposal but still throwing glances around the room, from the people being restrained to the restrainers to the trainer who'd come up behind them during the confrontation. "Seriously, what did Freya drag us into? This is right wack... some kind of police sting operation, maybe? It feels like something out of a spy movie..." Her attention snapped back when Freya turned back to her and indicated that she'd continue to be involved. That was what Lizzie had expected to do, of course. She might be having some slight second thoughts at this point, but she still wanted to help Freya find her brother, and surely there wouldn't be any situations as chaotic as this again, right?

"Er- hi. I'm 'lizabeth Roylott, usually go by Lizzie. I, uh, nice to meet you... Rodriguez? And sorry if Freya and I disturbed something important or anything... thanks for stoppin' that guy." Lizzie gave a slightly shaky wave of greeting.

"You did a great job!" Saga shouted while clapping. She jumped around before pointing forward, looking at Combee determinedly. "Sweet Scent! Then Bug Bite again!" she yelled out, waving her pointer finger forward. Combee flapped it's wings rapidly as a pleasent smelling, pink air surrounds it before it dived back in, revving up for an attack.

Level 70

Level 20

Timothy Joy

Location — Spikemuth, Nurse joys office.
At this point the battle was very much over, lich having used up the rest of his energy on that final attack. The bug bite was more than likely overkill as lich fell over on the floor, knocked out with swirls in his eyes from the sweet scent. Timothy pumped his fist, picking up lich. "That was awesome!" He'd shout, before realizing what he did and lowering his tone to his more usually refined tone with a pink tint on his face. "Y-yeah, great first experience." He'd snap his fingers, remembering that he had definitely forgot something and he turned to ask saga. "You got a pokeball I can borrow really quickly? I forgot to get one and he isn't registered in my pokedex." He'd rub the back of his neck with a cheeky smile.

Saga cheered as she rushed over to Combee, hugging it as Combee tried to fly away from her grasp. "See see, Combee!" Saga hugged Combee tighter before it flew out of her grasp. Saga's ears perked up when Timothy asked for a pokeball rushed over to to Timothy and Lich with a pokeball and towel in hand. "Here ya go! That was a great battle, by the way! Can't wait to battle with you more!" Saga said as she gave him a thumbs up.

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