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Fandom Pokémon: Galar (Roleplay Thread)

Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Turffield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Cloud Nine – {Sunny (5 turns rem)}
Gym Leader:
Gym Pokémon Con: Cherrim Encored (1 Turns)

There was little Milo could do against a staggered assault and Liligant hadn’t much left in the tank. Ultimately, it couldn’t withstand the Dazzling gleam and fell. Nevermind that, things weren’t over yet! In fact, he was about to turn this whole situation around! The dynamax band on Milo’s arm began to radiate a brilliant light—“It’s your turn Flapple, G-Max Tartness—nail that Golduck!” As the now massive pokéball in Milo’s hand hit the field, his ace emerged, Gigantamax Flapple.
The battlefield rapidly bloomed with an orchard of apples which all began to converge on Golduck—with an Ice beam held, the duck Pokémon wouldn’t even have time to switch to protect!

August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

The Lilligant fell to Tapper's Dazzling Gleam, but in its place appeared a bigger threat, in the literal sense. Coming out next on Milo's field was the imposing form of a G-Max Flapple. The Gigantamaxed Grass and Dragon type unleashed its signature G-Max move at Finn right as it landed. This would surely take out the Water type if it hit its target, if it hit its intended target that is. A smirk grew on Ken's face as he gestured towards his Mr.Rime. "Tappers, Ally Switch."

A loud clap suddenly resonated throughout the arena as the Ice Psychic type slapped his palms together. In an instant, The Mr.Rime and Golduck found themselves warped through space, taking each other's place on the battlefield. The Comedian pokemon tipped his hat as he was engulfed in the grassy explosion caused by the opposing Flapple's attack, fulfilling his role in giving Finn a clear shot with the Ice Beam he had been holding on to. "Now Finn! Let it rip!" With a loud shout, the Golduck unleashed a Icy beam aimed directly at the titanic pokemon in front of him.

Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Turffield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Cloud Nine – {Sunny (4 turns rem)}
Gym Leader:
Gym Pokémon Con: Cherrim Encored (0 Turns) | G-Max Flapple (2 turns Rem)

Sacking his ice type to launch an ice beam without STAB? A cunning and bold(?) strategy! Milo raised an eyebrow, but otherwise let the turn play out. Flapple handled the ice beam beautifully thanks to the extra bulk from its Gigantamax form, while—thanks to hustle boosting attack by 50%—Gmax Tartness was all but guaranteed to wipe Mr. Rime from this match. Milo wasn’t even particularly concerned with the damage because encore had finally ended and Cherrim was back in play.

“Cherrim Pollen Puff, Flapple once more—G-Max Tartness!”

Cherrim released a healing balm of pollen to restore Flapple’s health while Flapple once more prepared to wipe Golduck from the match. Where would it run to now without Mr. Rime?
The Blazed Heart Crew
Route 9 (Circhester Bay)
August 1st

The sentry and his Fearow were in a no win situation, the Fearow credit to it continued to fight aggressively but against these two coordinated Pokemon the odds were impossibly stacked against them. The Fearow's attack was blocked by Flygon and before it had a chance to react the Garchomp used a combo of Aerial Ace to flank it and slammed Liquidation which delt damage and lowered Fearow's defenses as it was knocked in the air stunned.

Flygon took the chance to slam a Dragon Tail right across the face, sending the Fearow flying down and slamming against the Sentry on the roof as both were knocked out behind the forceful collision. The Flygon glanced at its newfound friend in the sky and seemed to smile before Flygon gestured to several trucks and such, as the aim was to clearly smash them to prevent the baddie from trying to escape even amid the Sandstorm.

"Don't let them get away! Scoupi use..." The grunt called out as the Pin Missile connected and an attempted to follow up had been thwarted when the Golbat used a powerful whirlwind to blow it and the other grunt's Yanmega which gave him time for the trainer to escape.

To make matters interesting, Taunt was used which seemed to work to get Yanmega annoyed and brought it closer towards Mawile...only for Venus to be recalled as the trainers began to run away with another gust of wind giving them a head start.

"Hey get back here!" The grunts called out, though before they had a chance to peruse this figure seemed to appear and their Raboot came in and just laid out the grunts with next no effort at all. What the hell was that!? Before they could respond another figure launched an attack and knocked the grunts outright as this had not been their day.


Maddie and Zeke were already at work, with Zeke taking on grunts inside the back of the base with his partners Crimson and Sansom while Maddie was aiding in letting escaped Pokemon out of the foe outside the base while she tended to some injuries. Things seemed to be going okay so far as Rodriguez and Arthur took up the main attention in the frotn so they had only a few scouts to worry about and Zeke was holding his own.

Still, any battle was dicey especially given Maddie had to work to tend to the scared and recovering Pokemon all the while as Zeke was on his own for the moment. But then a figure in the distance seemed to send a Gloom tumbling through the hole inside much to Maddie's confusion as it began to spray Sleeping Powder along the way.

"Shit! Hey!?" Maddie called out to the figure that dashed inside. "We got people in there too!" Maddie said, as she covered her own mouth already while her Blissey attempted to do the same though some of the recovering mon got hit and got drowsy as this introduced a sudden complication to things. Then the ice wall shattered as a damn Nidoking had been causing chaos and it seemed was trying to aid in breaking some more cages in.

Zeke had been busy with a few grunts as his Growtlithe Crimson blasted at the feet of one which made them stumble back in a panic before she'd got her Pokeball out, while another one seemed to have managed to get out a Poliwhirl who seemed to be locked in a dual with Samson the Gurdurr as the latter delivered a Dynamite Punch across the chest of the former. Despite the grunts around things seemed to be going well enough amid the panic elsewhere in this main room.

Then this sleepy spray seemed to follow the frantic if wobbly feet of a wandering Gloom which brought confusion though Zeke's eyes widened in alarm as he covered his mouth.

"Samson, Crimson don't breath it in!" Zeke called out muffled behind his arm and while Samson managed to use his steel beam it always carried to protect from breathing in the sleeping powder though it was a bit slow for Crimson who flopped asleep on the ground though a couple grunts and some of their mon seemed to go down too in this chaotic little arrival to this.

"What is this...!?" Zeke called out, as two figures seemed to come in with cloth over their faces as he presumed they were the party responsible, though another figure seemed to arrive and Zeke paused as something about him seemed, different...and who owned the damn Nidoking!? Was it a fourth!?


"Ohhohoho, seems like the reinforcements have arrived. Careful not to breath that in." Arthur chuckled as he and Lucario covered their mouths as they and Rodrigeuz had taken notice of the wandering Gloom and a whole assortment of this as several trainers and their mon seemed to rush in as one female grunt saw the writing on the wall and simply put her Pokeball back in her pocket.

"You know what, I am not nearly paid enough for this. I just surrender." She said moving by a wall to wait this out. The other grunts in a panic tried to flee and such but a few ran into Lucario's Aura Sphere or Arthur's own fists though Gloom and the several mon present complicated things.

"Hey uh appreciate the help btu maybe you all should've uh talked with each other so you don't flood the room or stuff." Rodriguez said, using on arm over her mouth as the smuggler boss was able to knock her off in this position though he and his Electrivire seemed way outnumbered and were losing aid fast as Absol intensified its glare at them.

"Damn it damn it, nobody move! If any of you try something funny, I blow this whole place to hell!" The smuggler leader said pulling what seemed to be a detonator of sorts as Penny saw this on one of her several monitors and seemed to bite het thumb. Guy had the place wired? What kind of nut puts in something like that!? Either way she snuck a couple drones on the building and began to search for those explosive receptors. She just hoped they could prevent him from being trigger happy.

"What your plan is to blow yourself up? Doesn't seem like the best idea, is a hired gun like you really the type to "die for the cause" or something?" Rodriguez mused, though as she chatted she already worked on a plan of sorts as a few of the remaining grunts tried to hold their ground or back up their boss. The ones not fleeing in a panic in an increasingly cornered situation.

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