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Fandom Pokémon: Galar (Roleplay Thread)

Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Turffield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Cloud Nine – {Sunny (5 turns rem)}
Gym Leader:
Gym Pokémon Con: Cherrim Encored (1 Turns)

There was little Milo could do against a staggered assault and Liligant hadn’t much left in the tank. Ultimately, it couldn’t withstand the Dazzling gleam and fell. Nevermind that, things weren’t over yet! In fact, he was about to turn this whole situation around! The dynamax band on Milo’s arm began to radiate a brilliant light—“It’s your turn Flapple, G-Max Tartness—nail that Golduck!” As the now massive pokéball in Milo’s hand hit the field, his ace emerged, Gigantamax Flapple.
The battlefield rapidly bloomed with an orchard of apples which all began to converge on Golduck—with an Ice beam held, the duck Pokémon wouldn’t even have time to switch to protect!

August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

The Lilligant fell to Tapper's Dazzling Gleam, but in its place appeared a bigger threat, in the literal sense. Coming out next on Milo's field was the imposing form of a G-Max Flapple. The Gigantamaxed Grass and Dragon type unleashed its signature G-Max move at Finn right as it landed. This would surely take out the Water type if it hit its target, if it hit its intended target that is. A smirk grew on Ken's face as he gestured towards his Mr.Rime. "Tappers, Ally Switch."

A loud clap suddenly resonated throughout the arena as the Ice Psychic type slapped his palms together. In an instant, The Mr.Rime and Golduck found themselves warped through space, taking each other's place on the battlefield. The Comedian pokemon tipped his hat as he was engulfed in the grassy explosion caused by the opposing Flapple's attack, fulfilling his role in giving Finn a clear shot with the Ice Beam he had been holding on to. "Now Finn! Let it rip!" With a loud shout, the Golduck unleashed a Icy beam aimed directly at the titanic pokemon in front of him.

Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Turffield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: Cloud Nine – {Sunny (4 turns rem)}
Gym Leader:
Gym Pokémon Con: Cherrim Encored (0 Turns) | G-Max Flapple (2 turns Rem)

Sacking his ice type to launch an ice beam without STAB? A cunning and bold(?) strategy! Milo raised an eyebrow, but otherwise let the turn play out. Flapple handled the ice beam beautifully thanks to the extra bulk from its Gigantamax form, while—thanks to hustle boosting attack by 50%—Gmax Tartness was all but guaranteed to wipe Mr. Rime from this match. Milo wasn’t even particularly concerned with the damage because encore had finally ended and Cherrim was back in play.

“Cherrim Pollen Puff, Flapple once more—G-Max Tartness!”

Cherrim released a healing balm of pollen to restore Flapple’s health while Flapple once more prepared to wipe Golduck from the match. Where would it run to now without Mr. Rime?
The Blazed Heart Crew
Route 9 (Circhester Bay)
August 1st

The sentry and his Fearow were in a no win situation, the Fearow credit to it continued to fight aggressively but against these two coordinated Pokemon the odds were impossibly stacked against them. The Fearow's attack was blocked by Flygon and before it had a chance to react the Garchomp used a combo of Aerial Ace to flank it and slammed Liquidation which delt damage and lowered Fearow's defenses as it was knocked in the air stunned.

Flygon took the chance to slam a Dragon Tail right across the face, sending the Fearow flying down and slamming against the Sentry on the roof as both were knocked out behind the forceful collision. The Flygon glanced at its newfound friend in the sky and seemed to smile before Flygon gestured to several trucks and such, as the aim was to clearly smash them to prevent the baddie from trying to escape even amid the Sandstorm.

"Don't let them get away! Scoupi use..." The grunt called out as the Pin Missile connected and an attempted to follow up had been thwarted when the Golbat used a powerful whirlwind to blow it and the other grunt's Yanmega which gave him time for the trainer to escape.

To make matters interesting, Taunt was used which seemed to work to get Yanmega annoyed and brought it closer towards Mawile...only for Venus to be recalled as the trainers began to run away with another gust of wind giving them a head start.

"Hey get back here!" The grunts called out, though before they had a chance to peruse this figure seemed to appear and their Raboot came in and just laid out the grunts with next no effort at all. What the hell was that!? Before they could respond another figure launched an attack and knocked the grunts outright as this had not been their day.


Maddie and Zeke were already at work, with Zeke taking on grunts inside the back of the base with his partners Crimson and Sansom while Maddie was aiding in letting escaped Pokemon out of the foe outside the base while she tended to some injuries. Things seemed to be going okay so far as Rodriguez and Arthur took up the main attention in the frotn so they had only a few scouts to worry about and Zeke was holding his own.

Still, any battle was dicey especially given Maddie had to work to tend to the scared and recovering Pokemon all the while as Zeke was on his own for the moment. But then a figure in the distance seemed to send a Gloom tumbling through the hole inside much to Maddie's confusion as it began to spray Sleeping Powder along the way.

"Shit! Hey!?" Maddie called out to the figure that dashed inside. "We got people in there too!" Maddie said, as she covered her own mouth already while her Blissey attempted to do the same though some of the recovering mon got hit and got drowsy as this introduced a sudden complication to things. Then the ice wall shattered as a damn Nidoking had been causing chaos and it seemed was trying to aid in breaking some more cages in.

Zeke had been busy with a few grunts as his Growtlithe Crimson blasted at the feet of one which made them stumble back in a panic before she'd got her Pokeball out, while another one seemed to have managed to get out a Poliwhirl who seemed to be locked in a dual with Samson the Gurdurr as the latter delivered a Dynamite Punch across the chest of the former. Despite the grunts around things seemed to be going well enough amid the panic elsewhere in this main room.

Then this sleepy spray seemed to follow the frantic if wobbly feet of a wandering Gloom which brought confusion though Zeke's eyes widened in alarm as he covered his mouth.

"Samson, Crimson don't breath it in!" Zeke called out muffled behind his arm and while Samson managed to use his steel beam it always carried to protect from breathing in the sleeping powder though it was a bit slow for Crimson who flopped asleep on the ground though a couple grunts and some of their mon seemed to go down too in this chaotic little arrival to this.

"What is this...!?" Zeke called out, as two figures seemed to come in with cloth over their faces as he presumed they were the party responsible, though another figure seemed to arrive and Zeke paused as something about him seemed, different...and who owned the damn Nidoking!? Was it a fourth!?


"Ohhohoho, seems like the reinforcements have arrived. Careful not to breath that in." Arthur chuckled as he and Lucario covered their mouths as they and Rodrigeuz had taken notice of the wandering Gloom and a whole assortment of this as several trainers and their mon seemed to rush in as one female grunt saw the writing on the wall and simply put her Pokeball back in her pocket.

"You know what, I am not nearly paid enough for this. I just surrender." She said moving by a wall to wait this out. The other grunts in a panic tried to flee and such but a few ran into Lucario's Aura Sphere or Arthur's own fists though Gloom and the several mon present complicated things.

"Hey uh appreciate the help btu maybe you all should've uh talked with each other so you don't flood the room or stuff." Rodriguez said, using on arm over her mouth as the smuggler boss was able to knock her off in this position though he and his Electrivire seemed way outnumbered and were losing aid fast as Absol intensified its glare at them.

"Damn it damn it, nobody move! If any of you try something funny, I blow this whole place to hell!" The smuggler leader said pulling what seemed to be a detonator of sorts as Penny saw this on one of her several monitors and seemed to bite het thumb. Guy had the place wired? What kind of nut puts in something like that!? Either way she snuck a couple drones on the building and began to search for those explosive receptors. She just hoped they could prevent him from being trigger happy.

"What your plan is to blow yourself up? Doesn't seem like the best idea, is a hired gun like you really the type to "die for the cause" or something?" Rodriguez mused, though as she chatted she already worked on a plan of sorts as a few of the remaining grunts tried to hold their ground or back up their boss. The ones not fleeing in a panic in an increasingly cornered situation.

August 2nd
WCS Rank: 69,398
Interactions: Cole Forrest(Merciless Medic)

Though the angelic kiss dazed the enlarged Mimikyu, she retaliated with a Max Phantasm that scratched at their Pokemon's defenses. Fortunately, Meowth cleaved through her Disguise with an amplified Metal Claw, enabling the trainers to deal real damage. Thwackey's defense lowering Screech sweetened the deal.

Wilford momentarily calculated the most rewarding course of action. Pouring all support into Meowth might be a more optimal choice, but doing so could make Mimikyu view Cole as her trainer rather than Wilford, even if he was the one to catch her. Outputting offensive pressure was more important at the moment.

"Monferno, Fire Punch! Togepi, Life Dew!"

The Playful Pokemon doused his fist in flames to join the Meowth in attacking as Togepi twirled and raised her hands, causing a healing drop of water to wash over the Pokemon owned by Wilford and Cole. Though it did nothing for the majority, it was sure to patch up at least some of the damage Meowth took from the Max Phantasm.

Due to vigilantly observing his surroundings, Wilford noticed Cole's glowing Dynamax band. Upon looking at his band, the rich young man saw it was much dimmer.

He can probably use Dynamax on a Pokemon, but he isn't. No matter. Once I can, I'll end this fight and capture that Mimikyu.
Species: Monferno
Ability: Iron Fist
Battle Ready Moves:
Fire Punch(Egg Move)
Mach Punch
Thunder Punch(Egg Move)
Power Up Punch
Fake Out
Helping Hand(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Thwackey
Ability: Grassy Surge
Battle Ready Moves:
Fake Out
Razor Leaf
Branch Poke
Double Hit
Leech Seed(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Panpour
Ability: Torrent
Battle Ready Moves:
Disarming Voice(Egg Move)
Hydro Pump(Egg Move)
Play Nice
Water Gun
Species: Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace
Battle Ready Moves:
Fairy Wind
Extrasensory(Egg move)
Life Dew
Psycho Shift(Egg move)
Sweet Kiss

Cole Forrest1720409459787.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Hammerlocke Hills, Galar
Interactions: Wilford Pine
Mentions: N/A
sSoul sSoul
WCS Rank: 72,303
Pokemon Team:
Galarian Meowth

Dynamax Mimikyu: -2 Def; Taunt 3 turns
Thwackey: -2 Def
Galarian Meowth: -2 Def
Monferno: -2 Def
Togepi: -2 Def

The Life Dew was much appreciated, and the two attacks - Fire Punch and Metal Claw - slammed into the Mimikyu and it was wavering. It was so close.

But, it snapped out of confusion and attacked again. This time, it switched tactics, using Max Phantasm on Monferno. Ghostly apparitions of huge glowing items slammed down on Monferno's location, a wave of defense-lowering energy hitting all Pokemon. Cole clicked his tongue.

"Your Pokemon, your hit to finish it off, Wilford. I'll refrain." He whistled, his two Pokemon backing away.

His Dynamax Band dulled and beeped to let Cole know it lost its charge. In the next few moments, Cole thought, Wilford's Dynamax Band should be glowing and beeping to show it's fully charged.

"Elden ring! Only the greatest game ever made!" He rambled on about the game for a bit, before realizing and stopping with a red blush "S-Sorry. You need me to show you to the rooms?"
"Nope!" Saga chirped immediately, "That's why we come here!" She sat down beside him and took a peak at his video game, "Whatcha playing?"

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
"Elden ring! Only the greatest game ever made!" He rambled on about the game for a bit, before realizing and stopping with a red blush "S-Sorry. You need me to show you to the rooms?"
Saga listened enthusiastically about his game. She jumped off the seat when he'd offer to show her the rooms. "So we can get a room here too? Yaaay, let's go Combee!" She said as she rushed to a random direction before coming back when she realize that was not the way, "If you could show us, lead the way!"

August 2nd
WCS Rank: 69,398
Interactions: Cole Forrest(Merciless Medic)

Unable to avoid the massive attack, Monferno braced himself as the Max Phantasm slammed into him, sending a defense-lowering shockwave on impact. Though heavily damaged, the Playful Pokémon remained, wearily readying himself for another command from his trainer.

Wilford exhaled softly as he watched the dust clear, relieved his Monferno hadn't fainted. His relief gave way to excitement when his Dynamax band beeped, indicating it was ready to be used. Immediately after this prompt, Wilford recalled his Monferno, enlarged the Pokeball he held, and released his Pokemon behind him, now magnified by Dynamax energy.

"Togepi, Life Dew. Monferno, Max Flare!" Once again, the Egg Pokemon summoned revitalizing water, healing Monferno's wounds. Refreshed, the Fire-type Pokemon ignited his fist in flames before punching the air. Due to being Dynamaxed, a stream of fire erupted from his fist and crashed into the Mimikyu.

Immediately after getting hit by the attack, the Mimikyu discharged a shockwave of orange energy. To Wilford's surprise, the shockwave was harmless to his Pokémon. Closer inspection revealed the Ghost-type looking exhausted, evidenced by slight shifts trying to regain balance.

Looks like my best chance to catch it.

Grabbing an empty Pokéball from his briefcase, Wilford tried to figure out how to imbue it with the necessary energy to make the capture possible. After fiddling with it, he got the ball to grow by pressing the central button. With no further hesitation, Wilford threw the Pokéball at the dazed Mimikyu as hard as he could. After three shakes, the ball shrunk to its regular size with an audible click, confirming its capture.

After recalling his Pokémon, Wilford walked over to collect his prize. Before he grabbed the recent capture, he noticed a cluster of tiny blue crystals near the Pokéball. Kneeling to get a closer look, the rich young man found that the crystals resembled rock candy.

"Look at this," Wilford motioned Cole to come to him, figuring the candy-like object was too small to show at a distance. Hopefully, his companion knew whatever these things were.
Species: Monferno
Ability: Iron Fist
Battle Ready Moves:
Fire Punch(Egg Move)
Mach Punch
Thunder Punch(Egg Move)
Power Up Punch
Fake Out
Helping Hand(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Thwackey
Ability: Grassy Surge
Battle Ready Moves:
Fake Out
Razor Leaf
Branch Poke
Double Hit
Leech Seed(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Panpour
Ability: Torrent
Battle Ready Moves:
Disarming Voice(Egg Move)
Hydro Pump(Egg Move)
Play Nice
Water Gun
Species: Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace
Battle Ready Moves:
Fairy Wind
Extrasensory(Egg move)
Life Dew
Psycho Shift(Egg move)
Sweet Kiss

Cole Forrest1720474539354.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Hammerlocke Hills, Galar
Interactions: Wilford Pine
Mentions: N/A
sSoul sSoul
WCS Rank: 72,303
Pokemon Team:
Galarian Meowth

With Cole watching and returning his two Pokemon, he was impressed. A fast learner, quick to figure things out on his own... Good good. Even if he wasn't being super detailed about how catching a Dynamax Pokemon worked, it still got the point across.

With a nod of approval, he watched as he caught it after a magnificently pulled off Max Flare, and he sauntered up to Wilford as he went to retrieve his prize. That was when his companion ushered him over, so he walked a bit quicker. What he saw made him smile. He picked up a nugget, the ore-like thing glowing with purple-red energy. "Ahhh... We call 'em Experience Candies here. They are distilled energy of the den, and it can make a Pokemon grow like a Rare Candy. But, really, all it does is accelerate their growth briefly upon consumption. The bigger they are, the more growth they receive, but it doesn't help them control the added power they get. But it's slow, not an immediate thing like a Rare Candy. You'd need lots of these to do what a Rare Candy can do, depending on how experienced they are already. Otherwise, these are the better choice for an inexperienced Pokemon."

With that, he got up, wiping his hands as he gave back the Experience Candy. "Alright, let's get out of here before the energy of the den catapults us out of here. Ooh, a berry." He grabbed a Lum Berry and began walking his way out of the den, walking up the incline and then hopped out of the den's exit, waiting for Wilford to come out...

Or get shot out, whichever the two. If Wilford made his way out in time though, Cole will help him out of the den, it's a bit of a drop.

Freya McIntyre
Wondering Elf

Tuesday August 1st, Chirchester Bay, Route 9.

"Return, Ivy!" Freya retruned the sleeping medicine on legs and tucked away the Poke Ball. She slowly uncovered her mouth but kept her hoodie on, to make sure they didn't see her ears. Whatever compalints or comments made towards her, she burshed them off, her eyes focusing on her target. Rodriguez.

"Hey! I need to have a word-" She was interrupted by the blasted grunt holding the detonator and to make it wrose, she noticed some dude had joined her and Lizzie. "Back the fuck off!" Freya stepped in between long name oc and Lizzie. "Who the hell are you?"

Freya placed her hand into her hoodie pocket, to secure her Golbat's Poke Ball and ready to fight. "Wait..." Her attention back to the captain. "Rodriguez! I need to have a word." Her eyes glared at the veteran trainer.

Despite the situation, Freya was focused on her target, not realizing she was grabbing Lizzie's hand to make sure she stayed close. She didn't care if the place exploded in reality. She only cared about securing Rodriguez and her crew to help her find her brother.

Alucard (Parent Briavery) Has a red streak down her back and is of a darker blue.
Ivy (Parent Ivysaur) Has a more blueish greenish skin color. Her leaves on her head are lighter.


August 2nd
WCS Rank: 69,398
Interactions: Cole Forrest(Merciless Medic)

Cole's smiling examination prompted curiosity from Wilford, expressed by his raised eyebrow. Thankfully, his companion immediately explained why he was so happy: the rock candies Wilford found could expedite the growth of one of his Pokemon. While it delivered diminishing returns as Pokemon grew in battle experience, the advantages afforded to inexperienced Pokemon were palpable. With newfound understanding, Wilford grabbed the candies strewn about the den, yielding five small units. Satisfied with his gatherings, Wilford followed Cole out of the den.

Upon emerging, Wilford grabbed Mimikyu's Pokeball to let her out to get a closer look and check the moves she knew. The first thing Wilford noticed about his new Pokemon was her grey cloak, compared to the faded yellow most Mimikyu wore. The difference was noticeable in the den but clear as day in natural lighting. Aware of the significance of a rare coloring, Wilford smiled to himself before checking the moves.

Shadow Sneak immediately stood out, likely powering the Max Phantasms used earlier. Wood Hammer was another standout with potent coverage that could surprise a ground or water type. Destiny Bond could be vital in a pinch as well. The lack of a damaging Fairy move was unfortunate, though. No Pokemon would faint to Baby Doll Eyes any time soon. Regardless of that deficiency, Wilford was satisfied with the baseline he had to work with.

"Well, I'm off to test my new Pokemon. I'll leave you to your business," Wilford addressed Cole while offhandedly recalling Mimikyu, ignorant of her occasional reactions to distant sounds. Hammerlocke Hills were vast enough to provide a suitable range of targets for the fledgling Pokemon. Which he'd encounter was a mystery he'd uncover in time.

I'll have to alert Henryson of my capture. How he'll take care of feeding Mimikyu is beyond me. Maybe he'll pull out a skeleton in his closet. That should suffice.
Species: Monferno
Ability: Iron Fist
Battle Ready Moves:
Fire Punch(Egg Move)
Mach Punch
Thunder Punch(Egg Move)
Power Up Punch
Fake Out
Helping Hand(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Thwackey
Ability: Grassy Surge
Battle Ready Moves:
Fake Out
Razor Leaf
Branch Poke
Double Hit
Leech Seed(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Panpour
Ability: Torrent
Battle Ready Moves:
Disarming Voice(Egg Move)
Hydro Pump(Egg Move)
Play Nice
Water Gun
Species: Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace
Battle Ready Moves:
Fairy Wind
Extrasensory(Egg move)
Life Dew
Psycho Shift(Egg move)
Sweet Kiss

Species: Mimikyu
Ability: Disguise
Battle Ready Moves:
Shadow Sneak
Destiny Bond(Egg Move)
Baby Doll Eyes
Double Team
Wood Hammer
Feint Attack
Rusty Moves:
Elizabeth “Lizzie” Roylott
August 1st - Circhester Bay, Galar (Route 9)

Thankfully Freya had stopped running and recalled Ivy, so Lizzie was able to remove her arm from her sleeve. She was feeling a little disoriented at this point, maybe from the chaos or maybe from the sleep powder lingering in the air, she wasn't sure. She heard Freya speak but didn't quite catch what she was saying at first, partially because a cough from behind had drawn Lizzie's attention. Some dude was behind them, and she wasn't sure why he was there, so she quickly reached down toward one of her Pokéballs in case he was hostile. However, her attention was swiftly pulled from him by the shouting of someone nearby threatening to detonate the building. As much as she was concerned about the threat of imminent explosion, and as much as she wanted to immediately throw her hands up and stand still, she still didn't feel super comfortable knowing there was an unfamiliar individual behind herself and her friend. She was about to try to attract Freya's attention to the guy, but apparently Freya had noticed him as well. Apparently much less frightened than Lizzie, Freya stepped between her and the newcomer, telling him to back off and explain who he was.
A moment later Freya's attention went elsewhere in the room, and she called out to Rodriguez again, much to Lizzie's confusion. Why was she still trying to get to this person while some lunatic was threatening to blow all of them up? Was she not worried that they were about to die? For the sake of her pride Lizzie hoped that her hand in Freya's grasp wasn't trembling, but another part of her hoped it was and that it might just clue in her highly purpose-driven friend to something besides the single goal of talking with Rodriguez. Things like not getting blown up. Being in one piece was nice, and Lizzie didn't really want to try being in more than one.
Mind racing, she ran through her team's capabilities in her head, trying to decide if any of them could help her if the guy really did try to blow up the building. Maybe Alpha could throw up a Barrier, but she had no way to know which direction an explosion would come from in this place, and her Porygon hadn't used the move much recently. Her mom had complained too much about the mostly-invisible barriers Lizzie had been having Alpha set up to hold her computer while she stood. It had been a huge deal when her mom had bumped into one and spilled baked goods all over the...
Nope, no time to think about that. Explosions. Bad. Dangerous. Not much way to stop them though. If she let Alpha out of his ball, the guy might just take that as provocation to make things go boom, and she had no idea if a Barrier would actually protect her and Freya from a blast of the magnitude to bring down a building. She really just had to hope that the guy wouldn't pull the trigger.


Cole Forrest1720737815432.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Hammerlocke Hills, Galar
Interactions: Wilford Pine
Mentions: N/A
sSoul sSoul
WCS Rank: 72,303
Pokemon Team:
Galarian Meowth

Cole stared at the Mimikyu as Wilford came out and released her to look her over, humming as he noticed a strange discoloring of her rag. He raised an eyebrow, quickly browsing through his phone before smiling as he found the actual color palette from other Mimikyu.

"Huh, a Shiny. How lucky you are." He said, teasing Wilford. As Wilford addressed Cole and said his farewell, Cole gave a parting nod. "And I hope you don't find your Shiny Mimikyu stolen. They fetch quite a good price, and people will try and sell their kidneys to you. Oh, and some Shiny Pokemon - if they have some lingering issues with Pokemon and people preying on them for their discoloration - will be irritable and easily startled. The pro with that is they are very alert, aiding in battlefield awareness. The cons with that are they could be easily agitated and may lash out during training, so be careful."

With that piece of advice, he looked around the place a bit before going further south through the hills. "Anyway, I'll be off now to let go of some dead weight. See ya." He grabbed the four Pokeballs from his hip, circling them around in his hand when he paused. He recalled Wilford talking about selling or auctioning off his Pokemon. Should he chance it?

"Hey, you still gonna do that weird auction thing?" He asked, back still facing him.


August 2, Wednesday - Turffield Town, Galar Region
Ken Blake

Finn likely would not be able to get out of this one, so Ken was going to make the most of it. "Aqua Jet towards that Cherrim then use Ice Beam, point blank!" The Golduck swiftly dashed forward after submerging himself in a layer of water. Taking advantage of the opposing Cherrim's use of a support move, Finn would aim to grab the Grass type and slam it down to the ground. Following that, an icy beam would form in the hand that was still grabbed onto his opponent. As the Golduck was engulfed in the grassy explosion, he aimed to take the Flapple's teammate down with him, leaving a single pokemon on both sides of the field.

Meanwhile, Ken had his last pokemon in hand. “While in Galar, do as the Galarians do!” His Dynamax Band would flare up with energy, causing the pokeball he held to grow in size. “Let’s finish this battle Mortar! Come back out!” The young man shouted as he threw the giant pokeball overhead with both arms. Appearing back on the field was Ken’s Magmortar, now having grown into his Dynamax form. “Let’s do this, Max Ooze!” Stomping his leg down, Mortar created a large wave of purple sludge from the impact point which quickly rushed towards the opposing Gigantamax Flapple.

Tuesday, August 2nd

Turffield Stadium, Turffield City

Ken Blake
Mentions: @Grand Master Koop

Field Conditions: {Sunny (3 turns rem)}

Gym Leader:


Gym Pokémon Con: G-Max Flapple (1 Turns Rem)

Cherrim for Golduck and some health? That was a good trade in Milo’s book. The battle was reduced to a 1v1 but Milo held the advantage. The sun couldn’t help him with Cherrim gone but this match was over—it was likely over the moment the challenger had sacrificed his Mr. Rime for Golduck. It was truly a misplay on the challenger’s part, a Dynamaxed Mr. Rime would’ve been able do far more damage with a max hailstorm and it would’ve also been able to change the weather.

Magmortar wasn’t a bad dynamax option but the damage it had taken earlier in the battle would now come back to haunt it, flapple would only need a single turn to finish it off. The challenger had come close but if this was all his had then this battle was over—“Go Flapple, Max Wyrmwind!”

With its health restored by Pollen Puff, Flapple was able to withstand the Max Ooze and strike back with a gathering of draconic winds, Max Wyrmwind descended!

Atticus Pumpernickel
Aug. 1 - Circhester Bay

Ooof, not the ideal response.

Atticus quickly raised his hands up in a gesture lacking in ill will, though he made sure to hold his breath in case the Gloom's powder was still potent. Both of the girls whose attention he'd tried to grab immediately tensed upon his arrival, readying their Pokeballs for a potential battle, but Atticus wanted no such thing, and if the girl with unusually long ears could bear to spew such surprising vitriol, Atticus decided the air was fine enough to speak.

"I'm... I'm not here for a fight. I just happened to pass by--"


Atticus's reply was immediately cut short as the darker-haired girl seemed to abruptly switch gears, presumably to other pressing matters. He was perfectly fine to leave her on her way, as one of his questions had technically been answered by her Pokeball recalling her Gloom. However, the name she shouted to herself sent a shock through Atticus's spine, and sure enough, his attention was suddenly drawn to the two other individuals on the scene. Well, one in particular had the majority of his attention.


Atticus's eyes went from confused meekness to somber realization. He knew he recognized that Flygon of hers. Absol was there, too. After all these years...

Wait, that guy definitely said something about blowing up this whole building, didn't he?
Last edited:
Route 9
Cassius 'Kaz' Aspen

Soveriegn smacked his strong tail against the ground and uses it to rip the doors off of cages with its fists. It using it larger body to keep the odds of stray attacks from hitting anything behind it. It could understand the less than controlled chaos it was potentially causing but it wasn't exactly going to disobey Cassius' orders and save these Pokémon. The Gloom was little more than a slight annoyance with its pitiful attempt at chemical warfare as it walked around. He'd fought with Vileplume with more kick, but it doesn't make following orders easier. It used the strength in its tail swinging it to keep the spores away from the retreating Pokémon.

Glory looked at its aerial ally and tilted its head slightly as it began to gesture towards the trucks. It took a moment to understand but a excited glimmer appeared in Glory's eyes. Oh, this was going to be fun! She adjusted her trajectory and dove towards the trucks her claws glowing with dragonic power. Unleashing the power of Dragon Claw repeatedly upon one of the vehicles ripping it into scrap metal in mere moments. The scene was akin to a child easily ripping apart wet tissue paper.

Cassius saw Glory start to mangle a truck upon getting so vague gestures from the Flygon it had assisted take out the Fearow. Glory looked genuinely like a kid in a candy store when she figured out what the other Pokémon wanted her to do. It was rare to see such gleeful actions from the dragonic sand-shark. Perhaps he should let her go wild in a junk yard once in a while. Heck the people working there would probably pay to have a destructive force like Glory to tear up the old junk.

Titania kept the sand storm going with relative ease as now. The two idiots who confronted her had been knocked unconscious by a Raboot. It made her snort in disgust at how easily they were out like a light from one hit. Her trainer Cassius would have easily taken at least two or three more kicks to end up like that. These extras are just pathetic. She doesn't exactly know why she needed to even keep doing this considering all the extra people that started swarming the building. However, it seemed like a even bigger waste of energy to wonder to where she can smell Cassius is at. It would require walking all the way across the battlefield and through the building she can tell Soveriegn is inside, likely making a mess of his own. She really didn't feel like going through there and making it worse.
The Blazed Heart Crew
Route 9 (Circhester Bay)
August 1st

This situation just got a bit tricky, as now the guy seemed to resort to a mad bomb threat as he was backed into a corner, even his Electirivre seemed concerned as Maria and her partner Absol stood firm though she couldn't just bum rush the guy. Even if there was a 99% chance it was a bluff, that still left at least 1% where he'd press it and they'd all be blown sky high. Maria's attention was also focused in part on several new faces here. Though one who seemed to shout for her name in the open seemed to catch everyone's attention smugglers and the Blazed Heart Crew alike. ear seemed to twitch a bit as she seemed to hear a familiar voice, glancing over and seeing...wait, was that? Atticu...?
But before she can focus on that, one person just shouted for her name out there. Like out in the open as Maria and everyone seemed to turn to the direction of the one who audibly called Maria out without a measure of restraint. Zeke looked dumbfounded, Maddie seemed to twitch an eyebrow and Arthur chuckled a bit admittedly enough.

"Aw the spirit of youth~" Arthur mused, though it was Penny back from her monitor viewing from the drones who seemed to be the most irate. W-what kind of moron tried to ask for Maria out int he open like this!? "Is this person nuts!?" Penny yelled to herself though Zeke back at ground zero seemed to rub the back of his head. "H-hey kid uh now might not be the best time for an autog..."

"Hey! Nobody try anything funny or you can kiss your asses goodbye!" The smuggler leader threatened as he cut off the dialogue present and the grunts now just in pure panic survival mode, attempted to flee the area in question but they ran into some...complications to put it lightly.

The Flygon outside seemed to be having the time of its life, as it and its new friend in the sky worked to total the escape vehicles of these hired smugglers as between the Dragon Claw and Dragon Tail of the two Pokemon the high worked to total these cars as they were reduced to scrap metal or burst in a fiery set of explosions! Needless to say between this and the rampaging Pokemon who burst open the cages releasing the captured mon, the smuggler grunts were not having the best time in the world.

"This whole mess is a chaotic hell..." Maddie muttered though worked to lead the captured Pokemon outside trying to tend to them on the go but the situation inside remained tense as ever. The smuggler leader saw the rampaging Pokemon outside, between the constant sandstorm the ones who broke their vehicles and now this rampaging brute freeing their prizes this only caused his blood vessels to nearly burst as his hand shook over the detonator.

"I mean it I'll blow us all to hell! Call of your Pokemon all of you now!" The smugger leader cursed out as Penny seemed to be hard at work, trying to get into the wiring system of the place with her drones. If this guy had a detonation then it had to send a signal somewhere. A drone latched onto the mainframe itself in the midst of the chaos around it as it began to do some digging as Penny tried to get a layout of the building and any receiver source for the detonator as she looked behind her monitor. "Think I might have something, just need a minute..." Penny said over her ear piece as Maria and the crew heard though of course gave nothing away.

"Everyone return your Pokemon now or else!" The smuggler leader called out, sweat dripping down as Maria seemed to raise her hand a bit.

"Hey hey easy easy, no reason to blow a gasket here..." Maria mused, though she couldhear Penny slam her forehead on her desk back on the ship through the earpiece as Maria focused on getting the guy talking. During this Maddie continued to work to care for the Pokemon, though she and Zeke worked to return their mon to least appear as if they were cooporating here. The man glanced at the other strange trainers who arrived.

"Well, put them away!" He cursed out, as Maria subtly used a hand to reach in her back pocket...
Freya McIntyre
Wondering Elf

Tuesday August 1st, Chirchester Bay, Route 9.

"Ugh, this is so annoying." Freya crossed her arms. She looked frustrated, not because of the situation, but because they were making her wait. Her target was right there, finally a clear path to her goal. But now they had this guy making a big scene. "Seriously, blowing yourself up? That's so pathetic. Just admit you were bested, deal with the consequences and fuck off." She whispered harshly, mostly just enough for Lizzie and Atticusthing to hear her.

Freya didn't have any Pokemon out and she wasn't a professional. But she knew there were at least a few Pokemon on site that could probably cut the grunt's hand off before he could even react. In fact, if her ghost Anabell was even around, the guy wouldn't even see her coming before she had her cloak around his hand. Thinking about the situation only made Freya blow the hair away from her face. "How long is this going to take? I swear if he tells us to lay down or something, I'm attacking. No way am I going to play this guy's game."

"What the fuck is even the plan here?" Freya finally spoke out. "If you blow us all up, you lose. If you don't, you still lose. The only one who will benefit from this is some trainer who's going to find new ghost Pokemon around here. Telling by how damn cold it is, I'll be a Frosslass and trust me man, I will not let your soul rest in peace if that happens!"

The Galarian elf turned to Rodriguez once more. "Seriously, I'm sure you've dealt with worst situations than this, right? Otherwise, I'm wasting my time here."

Alucard (Parent Briavery) Has a red streak down her back and is of a darker blue.
Ivy (Parent Ivysaur) Has a more blueish greenish skin color. Her leaves on her head are lighter.

Elizabeth “Lizzie” Roylott
August 1st - Circhester Bay, Galar (Route 9)

Lizzie continued to tremble. The shouts and threats had certainly managed to intimidate her, although she couldn't exactly follow the man's orders since she didn't have any of her Pokémon out to be returned to their balls. She felt her arm fall as Freya finally released it to cross her arms and begin whispering, although Lizzie wasn't entirely sure whether it was to herself or to Lizzie. Freya's willingness to attack the bomb man (an incredibly risky move in Lizzie's opinion) left her on edge, and she began raising a hand to tap Freya's shoulder and tell her to sit tight, but she couldn't help but glance over at the bomb man to make sure he wasn't going to object to her moving her hand. "Er, Freya, I don't think-" she began to whisper, but her hesitation had lost her the few moments she might have had to try to keep her friend quiet.
Lizzie flinched as Freya's voice rung loud and clear through the room, calling out the grunt on his stupidity. While Lizzie agreed with Freya's points (really, what was even going on here that someone was threatening to blow themselves and everyone else up? Just what had she gotten herself- no, what had Freya gotten the two of them into?) she didn't think it was a good idea to antagonize the guy holding the detonator that could probably kill everyone in the room before they had a chance to react. "Freya," she hissed, "please don't make him angrier..." she shook her head, although she didn't count on Freya seeing it since she was focused elsewhere when Lizzie began to speak, "and maybe don't point out that he's losing either way... if he's done either way, why wouldn't he try to take everyone else out with him?" She tried to quietly rebuke her friend. Not that it would do much good; the words had already been spoken, there was no taking them back.

Saga listened enthusiastically about his game. She jumped off the seat when he'd offer to show her the rooms. "So we can get a room here too? Yaaay, let's go Combee!" She said as she rushed to a random direction before coming back when she realize that was not the way, "If you could show us, lead the way!"
Timothy put the game down and stood up, walking to behind the medical doors where the pokemon would be treated. There he would Open a door that lead to a small living room with a leading staircase upstairs and a fireplace. "It's already August and galar gets cold fast, I'd reccomend putting that combee next to the fireplace and out of its pokeball for a bit." In front of the fireplace was an egg. It had purple stripes surrounding it, with a crimson Crack running through the front "do not touch that, and everything will be alright!"
Timothy put the game down and stood up, walking to behind the medical doors where the pokemon would be treated. There he would Open a door that lead to a small living room with a leading staircase upstairs and a fireplace. "It's already August and galar gets cold fast, I'd reccomend putting that combee next to the fireplace and out of its pokeball for a bit." In front of the fireplace was an egg. It had purple stripes surrounding it, with a crimson Crack running through the front "do not touch that, and everything will be alright!"

Saga hums happily as she followed Timothy through the medical doors. "Woah, look at this, Combee!" she said as her eyes wandered around the room curiously, "You heard him, Combee! To the fireplace you go!" As Combee buzzed around the fireplace, it saw the egg placed in front with a big crack on it. Buzzing close to it, Combee was about to nudge it before Timothy's warning suprised it as it buzzed away. While Combee curiously checked the egg out, Saga followed Timothy. "So you work here? It's must be nice working in such a fun place. Do you go on any fun adventures here or something? Please tell me 'bout them!" Saga chirped, excited and curious about him and what he does.
“Not very many. Biggest adventure I’ve ever gone on is shouting at those dumb team yell henchmen. Although it depends on what you count as an adventure….” He put his hair over his shoulder and ran his fingers through it slowly before looking at saga excitedly and talking up a storm. “What you’re looking at is a scientific breakthrough! One of the newest Pokémon since mewtwo! Now you may be curious what all this is about, but what you’re looking at is a genetically engineered charmander! Straight from a farm. I experimented with the dna strands a bit, and when you look close charmander very closely resembles dragon type pokemon like dratini and bagon. In fact one of its closest relatives are dragonites. Charizard has been wrongfully deprived of what could be an amazing evolution, until today! By Breeding a Male charizard with a Female salandit, and giving i some things such as claws like an arcanine and the manipulation aspects of a ninetales you get a genetic beauty like this one! I expect it to hatch sometime around tomorrow but I’m just so-.” He paused and realized he had rambled, blushing slightly and going back to his reserved attitude. “So..yeah. Has a lot to do with egg groups though.”
Saga clapped happily when he finished his rant. "So you do go on adeventures!" she said enthusicasicly, "Whatever this scientific breakthrough egg adventure must be really exciting!" Looking at Combee as it buzzed around the egg curiously, Saga pointed to them. "Whatever pokemon that's inside it must be awesome! Say say, why don't we have a battle after that pokemon hatches!" Saga proposed.
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