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Fandom Pokemon Cruise

Max's eyes would widen. Standing up, she stood up on the ranger's chest, seemingly without any acknowledgement that he was still under her, and her eyes seemed to glimmer brightly and full of curiosity. A gym leader! No matter how strong her Pokemon were, she hadn't won a single gym badge yet. Her father trained her under expectations, and isolation had consumed a large part of her life. Nonetheless, if she was capable of fighting a gym leader, maybe she'd be capable of showing her father that he was wrong! With both her feet firmly planed on the man's chest, she leaned forward and rapidly shook her hand.

"Y-you're the Ecopolis Gym Leader!! I knew that uniform and hair seemed familiar!!! Oh my goodness, what a pleasure!! We should battle some day!!"

Max didn't find a lot of self-confidence in her own battling skills. In fact, she always viewed herself as below-average, and it wasn't in terms of attention. She grew up with her father always using her like a step-stool, defeating her for experience, and she never thought she was capable of winning a battle all by herself. But hey, she felt hope that she can one day show that old man wrong and beat the Elite 4!!



Sentret stopped in it's tracks, and an unfamiliar cry would seem to come from nearby in the hall. Turning around cautiously, Sentret stood back up on it's tail. It always was her feel of security to do so, making her feel just a little bit taller than she was. All of Max's Pokemon were massive and strong, and while she was one of the higher leveled Pokemon, her lack of evolution really settled in in terms of how threatening she was and how she looked.

"Sen... sentret! Sentret! "

Determined, Sentret went back down on all hours, scurrying past the Meowstic in quite a hurry. Her small head bumped into something that may have been a trainers foot, and intimidated by ythe figure she hadn't even seen yet, Sentret backed away in caution. If she needed to, she'd prepare hyper voice!

.Luna sighed, it was too late. She was spotted, might as well upkeep the eighth gym leader status she had. With her face lighting up and her eyes filling with determination, she look at the girls. "So what if I am? Care to fight me?" She laughed, standing up taller a puffing her chest out.

@Flannels @Entarriance
"Oh, she is quite lovely, isn--" he began as his smile grew wider at the compliment, despite it not being directed towards him. He was unable to finish his sentence, which might've been a good thing. The airhead had a tendency to ramble on about his partner when she became the conversation topic due to his overwhelming fondness of her. Lu was immediately knocked off of Sanyi's back and to the ground when he tried to catch a girl being hurled directly at him. Luckily, he broke her fall upon impact as she was held safely in his embrace. With his ranger instincts kicking in at the sight of a very large, provoked Pokemon, he held Max close and swiftly flipped over to protect her. After what seemed to be half of a second, Lu's back was suddenly to the pangoro as he made a human shield of himself to protect Max. Sanyi stood her ground in front of her grounded partner and spread her jaws to spit web. Lu held the girl in his arms tighter when he heard the screech, holding her head into his chest. He was worried about his partner against a bird pokemon, but knew she could handle herself. Sanyi shot out a web that caught only air due to the pangoro being swept away by the source of the screech.

When nothing happened, Lu heard a familiar voice and looked up, it was Luna! She dropped something when reaching out to him, and it didn't take long for Max to forget all about him and step on top of him. He simply watched as the girl on top of him beamed at the gym leader that had managed to slip away from him. He was interested, so he kept quiet.

@Entarriance @Lunachan @Flannels
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With a childlike grin, she clapped her hands together with enthusiasm, appearing to be gushing with joy, almost enough to cause cartoon like stars to confetti around her body. using Lu's head as a type of stand to balance herself, placing her hands on his hair, she leaned forward with an expression of great interest. A little unsuiting for her age, she still was overly enthusiastic and childish when it came to new conversations and people, and overtime is when she would settle down. But with the Gym Leader, the new faces, Pokemon, and people, there was no time for her heart to settle to it's typical investigative and cogent personality.

"Fight?! Oh, oh my god this is like a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity! It'd be such an honour!! I'd be sanctified even if I lost!"

That was only partly correct. It was, definitely not somewhere she should start, but her philosophy was more of forced onto her by her father. Whether or not she won or lose really determined her mood for the day, and even when she tried to not let it bring her down, there was always an impuslive thought of hers that she was incapable none the less. But she shouldn't let herself get down now, she needed to pump herself for what was going to happen! If, it did. Max's shoulders would jump a little, as if just realizing where she was in this situation. Taking off her hat, she pulled it over Lu's head. Sure, she was short, but she was definitely far from unathletic. Whatever Max was, it definitely could be described as bizarre.

"Thanks Mr.Ranger!"

@tinygrassisdreaming @Lunachan @Flannels
Luna snaps her fingers and her Absol appeared at her side, "now, Moon moon. Shall we," she flipped her hair, "make this quick" Luna mega evolved Moon moon and pointed to the trainer who was foolish to fight her, "Ill be nice. Go on,try to hit my Absol"

"Don't look down on me! Gimme all you got!"

Max had grown up with people who always looked down on her, no matter how hard she tried. And feeling the Gym Leader just take it easy because it was her irritated her. It wasn't exactly hard to make her frustrated or angry, as she brushed off situations for the best and for fun, but her something about how she phrased herself being a Gym Leader irritated her. Placing two fingers in her mouth, there was a loud whistle that echoed through the area, before there was mass silence directly after. In that silence, Max folded her arms while she was still on Lu's shoulders, an astringent expression on what used to be an ear-to-ear smile.

"You should stop belittling people who aren't as fortunate to be a Gym Leader as you are."

Max made sure not to let her own emotions dictate the way that she battled, but she sure as hell wouldn't let this Gym Leader get off without a scratch. She was an admirable fighter, as well, but in Max's mind, everything almost had a video-game like format. Nothing really bore a strong sense of reality to her, so it was easy for her to come up with short term calculations and dictations for things, but never anything for the long term. And usually, that was the only pro that she had in battle.

There was a light screech from above, Max's Skarmory. An orange glow was around the soon fast-falling Pangoro from earlier, who was spiraling down towards the ground at an impressive speed. Pangoro braced itself for a miss if it did, and also it prepared to jump back among impact for the Pokemon it was battling were to strike back or dodge.

"Now, Moon moon. Let make sure, they don't faint" Luna said, giving away the code word to tell Absol to use Faint Attack. She saw anger flashing the in trainers eyes, "oh and sorry if you're... Oh what's the word... Mad. Because I do a 180 when I battle. But let's leave foolish stuff like that out of this. You'll regret saying yes to the eighth gym leaders challenge"

Lu's eyes widened as he witnessed the battle begin. He was even right under the opposing trainer, it was as if he was a part of the battle! He wanted to get a better position, hopefully without the young trainer above him noticing due to being absorbed in the current battle. Lu picked Max up by her feet and placed her beside him before sitting up and spinning around to face the exciting scene that was currently unfolding. Picking her up by her legs once more, he hoisted her atop his shoulders to give her more height, hopefully this would add to her morale. The ranger watched with starry eyes.
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The thing with the move Superpower that Pangoro was using as it spun rapidly down to the ground was that it was a Fighting type move. While Absol bore incredible agility and physical attack, even using a stab move like Faint Attack, Superpower was the far more superior move, as the super effective advantage and STAB with Pangoro using it should have given just enough strength to a burly Pokemon with a high attack stat.

When Absol disappeared, Pangoro spun around in expectation for Absol to appear somewhere that wouldn't be directly in front of it. The orange aura around it growled brighter as it slammed hard into the dark type, who's sharp strength from the attack would cause Pangoro to fall faster towards the Earth, but at the same time, Pangoro's somewhat subdued superpower would have very likely hit Absol as well, with both moved clashing against each other. Dark moves weren't as effective to Pangoro, however, but he still fell quickly down to the Earth.

Hoisted up onto the ranger's shoulders, she thrusted her fist up into the air with a determined smile at the gym leaders words.

"Who cares how you act in and out of battle. It's boring to always expect the worst out of someone! You got this, Omi!"

As if powered by his trainer calling his name, Pangoro managed to roll up into a ball seconds before hitting the ground, causing the boat to shake upon impact and a field of dust to consume the area. Seemingly unsurprised by the ordeal, Max merely pushed down her hat that was on Lu's head to cover his eyes so dust wouldn't get in, and she held her hand up as a visor over her eyes. Pangoro slammed its fists together with as much determination that his trainer bore, and Max whistled a light tune. As if it meant something, Pangoro held its arms over its torso with a cross, bending its knees as it chewed on the sprig in its mouth, as if waiting defensively for the next move.


Voyan took a step back as a Sentret ran into his foot. It looked like it was in a hurry, he wondered where it was headed. "Hi there, do you need something?"

Just then a loud clunk could be heard from on deck. It sounded like a war zone up there. "What's going on up there? Mao, check it out."

Good idea, Mao agreed. Using psychic, she flew herself up the stairs quickly and emerged onto the deck. As soon as her eyes adjusted to the light, she noticed that two trainers were engaging in battle. At this rate, they might end up shredding the deck.

@Entarriance @Lunachan

Mao extended her ears, using her psychic power to lift all battling pokemon and trainers into the air to constrict their movement. She strained against the effort required. She had trained for moments like these hard and long. Of course, it was a lot harder to lift living organisms. Hey! Battling is explicitly restricted to the Battle Arena, we can't have you trainers tearing apart the ship! She sent to everyone around, You can continue this below deck.
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Luna stared the trainer, hmmm... Absol is a dark type... But so are all my others.... I can beat her!! Just lik- what the?! When Luna started floating, she gave off a small scream. She hated psychic type Pokemon, no, she LOATHED them. "A-Absol!!" She cried out nervously, the fact she was.floating made her head hurt. Not because she was floating, but because she could... Feel the waves of energy the Pokemon that was using Psychic was making. It was killing her head and made fears spin in her head, "Absol, get me down!!" She begged her loyal Pokemon.

Climbing up Voyan's leg up to his shoulder, Sentret sat comfortable down. The Pokemon was small, so it wasn't a huge weight to be bothered with, anyway. As they moved off, the familiar voice screaming in great anticipation was all too familiar for her. Sentret's small paws poked at Voyan's face, before off to the direction that Mao had walked off to. It seems that she was in the middle of a battle, and something about it made Sentret quite uneasy. While it was hard for Max herself to be discouraged, she had quite a history when it came to her own capabilities and people judging her on appearance and personality. Having your main partner be a Sentret sure didn't make that any better. Watching as the trainers floated in the air, Sentret squeaked in concern for her trainer, but it was overall a hard concept to explain if Sentret could only understand English, not speak it. If she dragged herself into this mess, she might as well finish it.

"Sen!! Sen!"

Pawing at Voyan's face, it was more of a cute and ticklish gesture than anything of concern.


"Wow, hey, Mr.Ranger you don't seem to hold a lotta gravitational pull, do you?"

There was an odd, stomach floating feeling that came over her, and in Max's attempt to stay to the ground, she clung onto Lu's arm, believing that he was secured to the ground. Unfortunately for her, as he was close enough to the battle to be considered a trainer, it appears he was lifted up as well. Pangoro who has braced themselves for the smallest movement had his fists glow a dangerous light blue, before Max would whistle a few times, signalling him to stop.

"Omi! Omi Omi Omi Omi!! You oughtta chill, it's fine! It's fine! Sorry about it Missus, we'll take it downstairs! Didn't mean to, I just got super invested in the moment! You hear that, Omi? Thanks missus! Tell me if you see a Sentret runnin' loose!"

The Pangoro grunted, folding its arms back over its chest, as if in dissapointed that their battle was temporarily interrupted. He seemed to attempt to swim through the air for a few seconds through the Psychic to get to the lower deck.

"Oh?" Lu watched curiously as the weight on his shoulders lifted. He became even more suprised when Max made a comment about it. When she clung to him, Lu grabbed her hand to try to keep her from floating off like a released balloon. His efforts proved to be useless when he began floating as well, but that didn't discourage him. A smile spread itself across his face as the two of them hovered by the power of a pokemon and he reached for Max's other hand. As she explained the situation to the meowstic, Lu began twirling Max through the air in a dance. He began to giggle out of how much fun he was having dancing through the air.

Sanyi followed Lu with her eyes, she had moved away from the battle when it began, so she was the only one in the area who was grounded. Sanyi simply kept her resting position while she watched her partner enjoy himself in the air.

"Darling, look! This is so much fun! You should join us," Lu giggled.
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"Hehe! That tickles!" Voyan giggled, petting Sentret, "How about we go see what's going on above deck, your trainer might be there as well." Voyan strolled down the corridor, leaving the Pokemon Center behind. He could take his time, Mao was more than capable enough to deal with any situation.

Thank you, Mao replied, I am not against battles, just keep it contained so you don't scare the passengers. She lowered her ears, withdrawing her psychic energy and causing everyone to fall to the ground. Mao's gaze passed upon the passenger from before. He still seemed sick. Had he not received his medicine yet? Where did Pidgeot go? She wondered.
Luna laid on the ground, her hands covering her ears. Even though the pokemon finished using its move, the feeling of it's energy was still going through her. She didn't move an inch, "it's..... It's... Over..for now..." She mumbled, "I.... I just need a few...... Few moments." Her Absol laid beside her, refusing to fight if his master wasn't okay.
Due to reflex, when Lu felt the psychic hold on him fading he quickly pulled Max into his arms as they fell, breaking her fall once more. Sanyi stood up and crawled over to the two, she got in his fave to see if he was okay. The young ranger could only take so many thuds to the ground before getting something knocked loose. He wasn't invinveable after all, and was too eagar to risk himself for the safety of others. Though, this was a fault of his extensive ranger training and experience. "Ariados," she said to him, getting only a smile as a response.
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Lissa stood awestruck at the scene that had unfolded before her. Though she thought it rude that the girl- or, Max, if she had heard her name correctly- had interrupted her and robbed her of her chance to speak with the gym leader, she intently watched the battle without a word.

"Now is my chance to watch how a gym leader fights, I could learn something." She thought to herself. Suddenly, she felt the energy of a psychic Pokemon come over her, and quickly turned her attention towards her Masquerain to see if she had felt it too. The battle was to be moved to the arena, which was understandable considering the fact that this was a cruise, and people would surely be trying to relax.

When Lissa turned her attention towards the gym leader again, she was shocked to see the woman who had puffed out her chest and talked such a big talk, curled up on the floor. The woman appeared to be cowering, her Absol obviously concerned.

"Ma'am," Lissa started, a look of concern flashing over her green eyes. "Are you okay?"

@Lunachan @Entarriance
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Luna sat up, a hand on her head. "Y-yes. I'm fine, thank you. I just... Don't like the feeling Psychic Pokemon give me when they use their moves...." She trailed off, pulling her knees up to her chest. Although she felt strong when she battled, seeing a psychic Pokemon makes her coward back into herself. She wasn't over what happened to her father nine months ago. That's the only reason she had the gym, was her father passing away. But it wasn't of normal causes, like a sickness. No, it was a henchman of some team she never heard of. Shaking her head, she stood up weakly. "If any of you need me..... I'll... Be in my room..." She said quietly as she started walking away
Eddie's pokemon watched everything take place, but they felt as If they were forgetting sonething. Turning, Susan noticed Eddie passed out over the railing. Where was that medicine?
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Lissa extended a hand outward as if she was going to follow her, but stopped in her tracks. Perhaps it was for the best that she didn't say anything towards the woman. "Shoot...I didn't catch her name." She whispered, clicking her teeth in dissapointment.

She then turned towards the blonde boy that everyone seemed to have forgotten.
"Are you feeling any better?" She asked. "I don't think I've properly introduced myself," she started, turning towards the rest of the group. "My name is Lissa Calloway. It's a pleasure to meet you all." Lissa's face suddenly flushed red, it was out of character for her to so boldly introduce herself to so many people. Taking notice of the blood rushing to her cheeks, she promptly looked downward, her mop of blonde curls covering her eyes.

Suddenly, Lissa felt a pang of shock come over her. Not only had she introduced herself so boldly, but she also let her last name slip.
"No...," she thought, "They're definitely going to find out. There's no way a gym leader wouldn't know." Lissa had originally left her home of Mossdeep City in hopes of stepping out of the shadow cast by her older brother, who happened to be the Champion of Hoenn, but stepped down from his position to travel the world. His name was James Calloway.

@SpicyLickiTounge @tinygrassisdreaming
Luna walked around the area below deck, looking for her room. After finally finding it, she opened the door and walked into her room then closed the door. After closing it, Luna leaned on the door and slid down to the floor. Pulling her knees to her chest, she broke down. It was hard, being a gym leader at the age of 16. But that wasn't why she was in tears, feeling that pokemon's move brought back bad memories. The day the gym was attacked, nine months ago. The day her father died saving her.

@SpicyLickiTounge @tinygrassisdreaming @Flannels
"Mr. Ranger you sure like hugging people."

Seemingly unaware of her own danger in this situation, she pushed herself off of Lu. Instead of the typical holding our her hand to help the man get up, she gripped his collar and rather half-forcefully pulled him up. In a way, it was nice to see that she cared? Surprisingly for someone of her stature, she was strong, and well capable to dodge the move of a burly bear at that. In a way, she was kind of ticked that the girl seemed so confident in herself, boasting about her own strengths, probably viewing her as immaterialistic and incapable simply because she was a trainer. But something seemed to bother her about the way she left, her face pale and uncertain. But before she could ask her or analyze the problem, she had already left downstairs.

"Fooooooeey. Didn't even get her name. Oh, oh! My name is Ludwith! er, Max. Pleasure to meet you, Mr.Ranger, and..."

She stopped. Calloway?
The Calloway?

"Calloway?! The Calloway?! The Calloway?!?!?!?!?"

How come everyone on this boat seemed so much more signifigant than her?! There were gym leaders, there were rangers, online celebrities, and now, even descendants of a Champion?!? She couldn't feel any more less important!

"Oh my goodness! It's a pleasureeeeee!!!"


Sentret purred and rubbed it's head against Voyan's hand as it patted her head. Moving down the corridor, the battling from earlier stopped, and Sentret heard the grunt of a familiar Pokemon before silence. Whatever Mao had done, it seemed successful in stopping them in battle, at least. Though she wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing. Battles usually built up Max's morale, but it pretty much hurt her as much as it helped her. There wasn't exactly a net gain from it. But her trainer was, herself, and Sentret had to appreciate that. Not every trainer will be the best and perfect battler, no matter how much they have been influenced in their past.

"Its a pleasure to meet you too," She sighed, giving Max a polite smile. "But I'm just the Champion's little sister. Nothing all that special."

Lissa was all too familiar with the weight her brother's name carried, and somewhat resented the undeserved recognition she claimed from it. She understood that Max meant no harm, however, and reached out to shake Max's hand.
"Your Pokemon are spectacular. I can tell that you train really hard." She said, a warm smile stretching across her face. "I'd like it if we could battle some time." Masquerain cooed in agreement.

Luna stared at the ceiling, and starting thinking about good, happy thoughts to fight off her bad memories. Playing with Moon moon, watching her friends in the gym fight. As she kept thinking those good thoughts something sudden popped into her mind. Lu's smiling face?...

Luna shook her head and felt her face blush. Why was she thinking of him? It's not like hes cute or anything!, 'Besides, Luna. He might not even be into you like that. You'll embarrass yourself again' Luna thought. She stood up and looked at the door, "i shouldn't... But i want to...." She mumbled to herself, after taking a few breaths she walked outside into the deck again
(( fun fact I added Max's backstory you should all praise my writing skills.

im kidding im a cliche trash can)

Max's shoulders would appear to tense up when she mentioned her training hard. Did she really? Did she ever really truly train hard? After a second of consideration, her expression relaxed again, and a confident grin creased over her face as she brought her hand back, slamming her closed fist to her chest proudly, making a thud. She didn't seem as arrogant and self-centered as the Gym Leader, but surely she was a strong, formidable opponent! There was nothing to be afraid of, for sure! Max had to be confident in herself, otherwise, she wouldn't get anywhere!

"Are you kidding me, to have such an exemplar of a brother must've been substantially influentially effacious! It'd be a pleasure to battle you some day! I sure won't back down!"

Dramatically bringing her hand to a fist in front of her, she was beaming with confidence and anticipation for the future. Spinning around, Max also gave her own tributes to the Ranger who, attempted to help her out here. While he was a bit more on the touchy-touchy side for her liking, she never really held an ounce of chagrin with her, as well as being just a little too naive around real world situations. All of it seemed all too real to her, and the whole ordeal of meeting so many important people was fascinating to her.

"I can't call you Mr.Ranger, forever! Thank you for uh, serving our region? Is that it? Is that what they say??"

Looking over towards Pangoro, he was leaning rather defensively against the wall of the area that lead into the hallway and downstairs, glaring at the scene. Pangoro was ready for that trainer to come back and be directly on the offense again. Like many of Max's Pokemon, he did know his proper deal of slightly broken English, but it was obvious to see Max was a bit disgruntled and frustrated. Emotions didn't easily get to her, but there were always certain situations that seemed to hit just a bit too close to home for her liking. And Pangoro was weary of that. When Max turned around, asking Pangoro frantically, he slowly nodded his head in agreement, the end of the sprig in his mouth shifting to the other side. The sprig helped detect little movements among the air around it, enhancing his reflexes. Skarmory soon dove back down towards the boat at an unnaturally high speed. Recorded for Skarmories was nearly 190 miles per hour, but with the love that Max had for having his Pokemon train themselves from time to time and wander free, Skarmory just pushed himself a little above that. Diving down like a hawk, the Pokemon sent it's wings down seconds before it slammed into the deck, causing a quick gust of wind to spread throughout the area, before landing peacefully on the railing. Picking at it's wings, which caused a light metallic sound every time it pecked, Skarmory made sure that his wings were as sharp as they could be.

"I'm taking your word, Omi! And welcome back Zoku! Okay, thanks for your hardwork!! I'm Max!!"

Grabbing the Ranger's hand, she shook it up and down eccentrically. On the other hand, Pangoro felt something uneasy in the area, and the previous Dark type Gym Leader had reappeared in the area, free from her previous expression of distraught and fear. A low growl could be heard through it's gritted teeth, prominent lower fangs seen.


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