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Fandom Pokemon Cruise

Arnold was relieved to finally know the source of that voice. I guess I should have have figured that it came from the psychic pokemon, he thought. Upon seeing the dark room that Mao had revealed, he immediately sent out another pokemon. "Emolga, we need you to use Flash in that room over there." The sky squirrel glowed brightly and flew into the room with Arnold following close behind. "Don't worry, Mao. We got this." He began to sift through a couple boxes and finally found some blue bottles. He took a couple seconds to read the label, and tossed a bottle at Pidgeot. "Catch! Quickly, take this back to the boy up on the decks." The Pidgeot flew off the ground and snatched the bottle with his feet, and then darted out of the room.

Pinkie patted eddie's back, the boy still somehow managing to vomit. He'd been doing this for ten minutes now, and she was pretty sure he was flashing in and out of consciousness. Yeller and susan stared at the weird spectacle while blockz looked down at the ocean confused. Why wasn't the green stuff coming out of HIS mouth? Maybe he just needed to tilt forward a little?
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@Lunachan @SansLovesPugs

"Look!" Lu suddenly stopped short and let Luna bump into him. "Hi, I'm Lu," he said, approaching someone who was prancing around. "This is Luna, and my partner Sanyi," he smiled as he gestured towards the girl and the rather large ariados next to him.
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Mao had followed the group into the supply room where she noted a peculiar, yet familiar brand logo on one of the boxes. She opened it up and searched it, discovering an odd jar of fluorescent ointment. Her eyes widened. Voyan, check this out. Could this be...?

There was a sudden swoosh of opening doors accompanied by the sound of the Pokécenter humming to life. "Who's there!?!?" A woman's voice questioned, "Show yourself!"

"Uh-oh!" Voyan exclaimed as he shut the door to the supply room and locked it, sealing them inside. He peeked out the small window in the door in order to see who had entered the Pokécenter. It was Nurse Joy. Voyan quickly closed the blinds.

"Hello? Is there someone in here?" The voice continued. The sound of a pokéball opening could be heard from outside. "Wigglytuff, help me search the room!"

Voyan let out a deep breath, sliding down to the ground. "Just my luck," he uttered. Turning to face the others, he whispered, "Okay, slight problem. We aren't technically allowed to be here, and I doubt Nurse Joy will appreciate it if she catches us. We can either distract her somehow and escape when she isn't looking or go out and confront her now."

I can make a racket on the other side of the room from here, that will get her attention, Mao pitched in.
Arnold found himself trapped in a closet with his Emolga, Voyan, and Mao. He shut his eyes and combed his fingers through his hair while trying to reason through his options. How did I get myself into a situation like this? I was just trying help a guy out, he thought to himself. He opened his eyes and turned toward Voyan, then spoke softly. "Look, my reputation as a Gym Leader is at stake, so I'd rather not get caught here. On the other hand, she probably saw my Pidgeot zipping out of this center, so it wouldn't take long for her figure out I was here, anyway." He pressed his hand against the door. "Thanks for the offer, Mao, but I'll go confront her about this and take full responsibility, while you two sneak out."

Arnold unlocked the door and exited the supply room. "Umm... sorry to intrude, Nurse Joy. But you see, I was trying to-" Nurse Joy turned to see the young man standing with his Emolga by his side. "Hey, what do you think you're doing here? You can't just go breaking into a Pokemon Center. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call Officer Jenny right now?" She stepped toward the telephone, threatening to make the call. Arnold rushed to stand between her and the phone. "Wait, let me explain, there was this kid on board and ... ..." (psst, now's your chance).

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"Wait!" Voyan called as Arnold exited the door. Of course, it was no use. Voyan slumped against the wall, trying to make sense of the situation. "Didn't you say that Nurse Joy wasn't on the ship?" he asked Mao.

I did. Something's throwing off tons of psychic disruptions, so I can't sense anyone properly. I can't even sense you sometimes, she replied.

Voyan rested his head against the wall, gazing up to the ceiling. He chuckled, his face displaying a wide grin. "We're doing it again, aren't we?"

Mao wore a puzzled expression for a moment. Ah, Mao responded, a smile of her own spreading across her face, I guess old habits are hard to break.

"Well, it's not too late to start now," Voyan said, picking up Mao. She climbed onto his neck as they walked out the door together to join the others. "Sorry Nurse Joy," Voyan explained, "It was my fault that we were in here. I didn't think you were here and we really needed medicine to help a passenger on deck."
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Gengar sat in the kitchens refrigerator knawing on a frozen magikarp while scratching the door to make a noise.

Once the cook come to see what the noise is I'll shove him in heh heh heh.

Gengar loved playing pranks on the humans they were so easily frightened

Heh heh heh

Sentret stood on it's tail, a camera strap around it's neck, enthusiastically scouting out the area as it looks left to right. It was Max's first time being on a cruise, and her Pokemon were well excited as well. Skarmory flew high above the boat, enjoying the high winds that traveled high into the sky in such an open area out at sea, gliding as if it were a plane. The rest of Max's Pokemon were with her, because who knows where they would go if she let them all out. Breathing in the ocean air, Max stood up against the railing, her hand up above her eyes as if to shield herself from the sunlight, if her hat wasn't already enough.

"Province must be far from here, do you smell the ocean brine, Chihiro?"

Without answering, Sentret brought the camera around it's neck up, taking a picture of the ocean as waves receded and rose, the sky serving as the beautiful gradient. Looking back down, Max knelt down and took back her camera, pouting down at the small normal type.

"Thanks, but aren't you a little diminutive for that?"

Sentret hopped of of it's tail, and jabbed Max in the face with it. Chuckling as she nodded her head, she held out her hand, and Sentret climbed up onto it and up her arm, sitting on her shoulder. It was almost as if they were in a video game! Perhaps she should explore the area to get a better taste in her own environment. Placing the camera back around her neck, she started to walk of...

... before she felt Sentret hop off of her shoulder, running away.

"Oi, wait!"

Following after, Max stopped in her tracks. There was a familiar face that appeared like an
idol to her. Max could never play far from outside of her own home when she was a child, so isolating herself among the forest Pokemon, and the internet. And this, right her role model, suffering near the railing of a deck with a Milktank patting his back. And this was her time to s h i n e!

"Eddie? Eddie Simmons?! No doubt it's you!!"

Her eyes lit up, and despite being a fair bit older than the child, the whole ordeal of meeting someone she deemed as a celebrity seemed impossible! On the other hand, Sentret appeared to realize the problem at hand. With a starting dash, Sentret jumped up, and it rammed it's tail hard into Eddie's back. Seasickness was anything far from a blessing.

Eddie felt something slam into his back, causing him to cough up one last green fluid from his mouth before backing away from the railing. Dizzy, he stumbled around, his pokemon (all except the porygon, who was still looking down into the ocean.) crowding around him to try and catch him in case he fell. Though when he heard his name, he shook his head and quickly looked at the girl, being the first one in the group who actually knew she was a girl, who called his name. She was about his height, yet didn't really know who was shorter than who. "Yep, that's me!" Eddie began. "Nice to meet ya!" He greeted.

Susan wobbled near eddie's leg, observing the boy and his sentret. This was pretty rare. Usually eddie was the one who would run up to people with as much excitement as a kid in a candy store. Yeller laughed arrogantly, knowing that if someone knew eddie, they'd surely know him! Miltank, being the second one who actually recognized the person as a girl, looked at the girl with a smile, happy for her trainer that someone seemed to know him without eddie practically shoving himself into an introduction...


"How do you know my name?" Eddie asked with a head-tilt, his pokemon doing the same.

@Entarriance (I swear to god, you just love making characters that make gender-identification hard, don't you?)

"How do I know your name! Everyone knows you!!"

Sentret shook it's head back and forth, seeing the confusion with the young blonde boy and his Pokemon. Climbing up Max's leg, into Max's jacket, there appeared to be a little bit of shuffling underneath, before Sentret would walk down, a tablet in it's mouth. Walking up to Pinkie, considering Sentret's short size, she stood up on her tail, tablet now held between it's two stubby hands. It appeared to struggle a little, but managing to open it, it was pretty obvious after that that Max was a fan of his. Not excessive stalker-like fan, there seemed to be a lot of scientific research on her tablet otherwise, but opening the main browser showed a playlist of his vlogs and videos.

"Back home and now I've always been a huge fan!! I kept up with your videos, I-"

Starting to rant, Sentret seemed exasperated with her trainer, rubbing her face (well, attempted to) with short arms. The thing with Max and her Pokemon was that many trainers deemed her as weak or incapable, solely on the fact it was mainly her Sentret that present as her partner. A lot of her Pokemon didn't come out otherwise, and upon first impression, she'd always seem like a beginning trainer, which was odd usually around her age. Never define a book by it's cover, it seems.

Sentret was curious on this boy's Pokemon as well. It primarily appeared to be of Normal types, except the Porygon that was by the railing. Was their a reason it was mainly normal types? Or perhaps they were easier to encounter and catch, otherwise. Like a lot of trainers, Eddie didn't seem to start off right away with a normal starter, and started his adventure a little differently than typical trainers. With the happily laughing Loudred, Yeller, Sentret immediately thought this was either a challenge, or Yeller was making fun of her trainer otherwise. Max was often made fun of for a, odd, personality, at most, and her Pokemon were awfully defensive of her and her usually daydreaming personality. Opening it's mouth, Sentret wouldn't be a Pokemon with a very loud voice.

Unless it used Hyper Voice.

A loud, echoing shout would come from Sentret, blue rings released from it's mouth in Yeller's direction. While Sentret surely didn't mean any harm, it was a bit of a debatable idea that Yeller was seen as a threat to the small normal type.

"H-hey," Max started, her rant cutting off after hearing the nearby screech of her Sentret. "Chihiro, it's fine! Don't you remember the vlogs?! This is Yeller!!"

"Wow! You watch my videos?!" Eddie said excitedly, looking at the tablet in awe. Was the girl really a fan?! He'd never met an actual fan before! "There's the one where I ate a pokepuff once! And there's my gym battle vlog!" Susan still had a hard time believing blockz recorded all of this. He didn't even have any arms or hands! Meanwhile, pinkie was wondering what her trainer and this girl would look like as a couple. She looked eddie's age, and they both loved his videos, but did eddie even know what love was? He treated everyone basically the same, so it was hard to actually see him in a real relationship. But who knows. Maybe all that could change on the cruise? "This is so-!" He stopped, suddenly regaining his green complexion. "This so..." Quickly running to the railing, eddie was soon reduced to a barfing mess, causing pinkie to sweatdrop. Eddie certainly was every girl's dream, wasn't he?

With all four preoccupied, yeller was left staring at the sentret, blinking as it gave him a hostile look. Despite his egotistical nature, yeller was a much more friendlier pokemon than he was in his wild days. So, he was naturally confused as to why to sentret didn't like him. The sentret opened its mouth, causing the loudred to raise an eyebrow, before it freaking sent a hyper voice straight at him! It was then yeller was glad he had soundproof, because without it, he would've been done for. Yeller grunted. It wanted a fight?! He'd give it one! He charged at her, only to be held back by pinkie. Susan, noticing the commotion, wobbled up to the sentret, trying to tell it to calm down in her own warble language. Blockz, finally looking up from the railing, turned to the scene, floating around around the girl excitedly, not knowing exactly why.

"The gym battle one is my favourite!! Blockz looked super cool- oh, there he is!"

Clapping and bringing both of her hands in front of her mouth as the Porygon, Blockz, floated around excitedly around the girls head, she was meeting someone she viewed as a celebrity, and it was one of the greatest experienced to her. Max waited for Eddie to continue speaking, before he seemed to hesitate, before running back over the railing dissolving into a green mess. But oddly enough (and fortunately), Max had a lot of weird facts up her jacket.

"Oh, seasickness? There are acupressure points for relief of that! Try abdominal sorrow, below the edge of the rib cage in line with the earlobe. The Three Mile Point is about four finger widths below the knee cap, one outside the shin point. That should cause a muscle flex if you move your foot up and down, and the inner gate is the middle of the inner side of the forearm two and a half finger widths above the wrist crease, which should relieve nausea! Oh, uh, are you okay?"

Finally remembering the very relevant question to ask, Max patted his back awkwardly, unsure of what to do in the situation. Shouldn't there be medicine somewhere out in the back?

"Chihiro, can you go and find something?"

The Sentret seemed a bit preoccupied at the moment, glaring with hostility towards Yeller, it's eyebrows creased in frustration as the Ditto, Susan, tried to calm her down. Her Hyper Voice appeared ineffective, and if Yeller wanted to fight with her, she'd give him one! Before she could charge forward, ignoring the pleas of Susan, a white light came out and under from Max's jacket. The flash was blinding, and the large light took shape of a figure that stood at a tall 6'11, towering over all of them. Pangoro bursted from the light, a low growl coming from it's mouth, but not enough to be considered a snarl. Chewing on the end of the sprig in it's mouth, prominent lower fangs made him appear more threatening than he is. He heard that a fight was bound to take place, and sure enough, there he was. As threatening and intimidating as he looks, he cannot even
tolerate bullying, which often gave Max a bad reputation with Pangoro beating up everyone in sight that threatened her safety. Looking down on the group, Sentret had more problems to worry about other than Yeller now, fleeing to find medicine in the storage room (@SpicyLickiTounge
Eddie, not noticing the situation behind him, managed to stop. Holding onto the railing, still green. Laughing as if nothing happened, eddie turned to the girl. "Yep! HRK! Blockz sure was-HRK-something out there!" Eddie commented, holding in his sickness. Eddie didn't battle people much, and most people usually took that because he either didn't really have the heart to battle anyone or was too preoccupied in doing his videos and being...well, eddie. He honestly just went for the gym because the badge looked cool! Hearing the commotion stop, he looked to see all his pokemon stare at the pangoro, who were afraid (Yeller wouldn't admit that, though) of the giant. Eddie's eyes sparkled. "WHOA!"

Running up to him, eddie looked around the pangoro in awe. "He's so-HRK!-big! What's he eating? Does it taste good? Does he have anymore?" His pokemon looked at their trainer and made little gestures to try and tell him to get away. The pokemon looked like it would punch eddie across the deck! "Wow! You have some-HRK!-Cool pokemon..." Eyes widening, he turned to the girl. "Wait. What's your-HRK!-name?" Eddie asked confusedly. All that barfing and talking about his channel made him forget to ask for her name!

"Cool? Naah, not really, they're all super lame."

Pangoro responded by a low snarl, though Max puffed out her chest assured, without a fear for the large creature. Stars seemed to shine around her, as Pangoro attempted to ram it's fist down at her. But even with the threatening danger of that, Max jumped out of the way in the nick of time, causing a bit of a shake among the floor that they stood on. Climbing up Pangoro's arm as it remained on the ground from the smash, Max stood up on Pangoro's shoulders, a proud look on her face as she breathed out a sigh of victory.

"Feel no apprehension, Omi! Anywho, I'm Ludwith the Uncharacteristic! Or, Max."

She seemed satisfied with her introduction, sitting on Pangoro's shoulders as he folded his arms over his chest, averting his darkened gaze off to the ocean. They were on a cruise? He didn't seem to acknowledge that fact earlier, but other than that, he bore a callous and cold expression as he faced away from the group.

"The little thingy he's chewing on helps detect the movements of it's enemies! Quite the team tank! Next to Grover, though."

Pangoro nodded it's head as if in agreement. Abomasnow was the largest out of all of them, and both him and Pangoro got along as sparring buddies. But on a ship, Max made sure that the neither of them decided to spar against each other for safety measures, despite how Pangoro nearly smashed a holy in the flooring earlier. Bringing her hand horizontally across her forehead in a salute, a prominent grin across her face, Max spoke sternly but forthrightly.

"It's an honour to meet you Eddie! We should totally spar one day if you have the chance, I'd love to be in one of your videos!!"

It'd be a good reminder back home, too.

Luna shook her head after bumping into Lu. She looked at the little thing he was talking to, it was cute. But that wasn't her thing, noticing that Lu wasn't pay attention. She carefully took her hand away from his grip and started sneaking away, hoping she could get some rest before trainers started asking for battles.

((Because @SkullRoss isn't feeling well, I'll move things along.))

"What? How did you get into the supply closet? Was it unlocked?" Nurse Joy interrogated.

"No, you didn't forget to lock it. But Nurse Joy, I..."

"Doors are locked for a reason you know!" Nurse Joy exclaimed, becoming more and more flustered.

"Nurse Joy," Voyan pleaded, "We didn't know you were on board and we thought our plight to be quite urgent. Even so, we shouldn't have taken anything without your permission, that was wrong to do. I am sorry and it won't happen again."

"Alright," Nurse Joy replied, calming down, "But who are you and what did you take?"

"I'm Voyan, the captain's son, and this," Voyan gestured to Arnold, "is Arnold, the Winston City Gym leader. All we took was a bottle of SeaCure. The Pidgeot you saw outside should've delivered it by now."

"So that Pidgeot was yours," Nurse Joy said, resting a hand on her head, "It looked like the Pokémon Center was being robbed."


Meanwhile, Mao had jumped off Voyan's neck and was presently distracted by a Sentret that was scurrying past the hall. She step outside and called to it, "Meow? Meowstic?" [Hello? Are you lost?] ((Only Pokémon understand what is said in []s))
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"I wonder if this is the right place. I hope we aren't late."

Lissa mumbled, her face shoved in a pamphlet. "It says here that its called....Th..The Splendor?", she called towards her Masquerain, who was too busy enjoying the gentle sea breeze to pay and mind to what her trainer was saying."Hey, are you even listening to me?" Lissa groaned, looking up from her pamphlet. She didn't particularly blame Masquerain for being distracted; it had been a long time since she'd seen the ocean.

"It brings back memories, huh girl?"
She smiled, watching her beloved Pokemon affectionately.


Lissa jumped, surprised by the noise she heard coming from the nearby ship. "Sounds like somebody isn't happy." She muttered. "I guess we should go check it out."

Lissa started along the dock, her small feet gently plodding against the wooden panels. As she approached the ship, she suddenly stopped.
"Masquerain, if... if what I read is true," She started, clutching her seashell necklace to her chest. "There will be real gym leaders on this ship." Lissa looked up at the sky, her anxiety welling inside of her. Suddenly, Masquerain landed gently on Lissa's shoulder, as if to say "It will be alright." Lissa nodded; her Pokemon believe in her, and she should too.

Eagerly, the two started up the deck, taking notice of the scene playing out before them. In front of them stood two trainers- a boy with bright blonde hair hunched over the railing, as well as a small girl standing on top of a frighteningly large Pangoro.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Lissa called out towards the two, using her arm as a visor from the sun.


The rather large ariados nudged her partner's back. "Huh, Sanyi?" Lu turned to look at her with a tilt of his head. With one of her legs, Sanyi pointed to the hand that had previously been occupied by another's. Lu pulled his hand up and looked at it for a moment, wondering why it was suddenly important. He looked back down at Sanyi, an eyebrow raised in confusion. "Wait..." he mumbled, looking around. "Where's Luna? Sweetheart, Luna went missing!" With a roll of her eyes, Lu's partner turned around and walked away. To anyone else, the ariados always seems so exasperated with her partner's airheadedness, but that was only somewhat true. Sanyi wouldn't constantly put up with Lu if everything he did annoyed her, she was actually quite fond of his ditziness, it amused her.

"Darling, where are you going?" he asked as he stood still, watching her walk away. "Wait up!" he called before dashing to catch up with her. "Are we going to find Luna? I don't really think she likes being around me."

Sanyi didn't respond, she simply kept walking on throughout the cruise ship. Lu sat down on her back with his legs crossed as she kept moving. Being a strong pokemon, and also rather large for her species, the ariados was able to carry her partner on her back with ease though she was only capable of carrying one person at a time. "I wonder who else is here on the ship. I hope the others are cute," he giggled. "Oh! aren't there going to be gym leaders! How wonderful, I wonder what gym leaders are like, I can't wait to meet one!"

Lu continued to ramble on as his friend carried him around the cruise ship, every now a then getting distracted by his surroundings. Sooner or later, Sanyi and Lu approached a group of people. "Oh, look darling! More people! Let's go say hi," he said eagerly as Sanyi crawled closer to the scene. There was a girl standing on a pangoro's shoulders, a boy who looked rather seasick, all of their pokemon surrounding them, and a girl with a masquerain. Quietly, though not of their own accord, Sanyi and Lu approached Lissa from behind. It was almost as if he had been sneaking up on her, despite being in plain sight, due to how quietly the ariados walked. "Hi!" he beamed once he was almost beside her, though maybe he should've waited until he was in eyesight as not to startle anyone.

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"That would be-HRK!-fun!" Eddie said, turning a little greener. "Its super cool to meet you-HRK!-Max!" All his pokemon stared at the pangoro in fear. He wasn't going to make them actually FIGHT that thing...right? Pinkie was practically shaking thinking of that, yeller, although trying to hide it, was sweating a river, susan 'melted' at the thought, and blockz...he was wondering if the little thing in the pangoro's mouth actually tasted good. Hearing someone address the both of them, he turned to see another girl staring at them. "Yep! Everything is-HRK!-a-okay!" Eddie cheered giving her a thumbs up. A gurgling sound from his stomach caused him to quiver though. "I-I'm just gonna-HRK! J-Just...g-gonna-HRK!" And with that, eddie ran to the railing once again, yet his pokemon didn't follow him, still paralyzed with fear. They didn't even seem to notice the boy that suddenly appeared behind the new girl.

@tinygrassisdreaming @Flannels @Entarriance
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Hearing the voices of newcomers, both Pangoro and Max turned their heads towards the girl, a Masquerain fluttering by her side.

"Howdy! Everything's fine and dandy, thank you!"

Beaming with a smile, Pangoro grunted as if in annoyance. Unlike Max, who had her puff chested out and her eyes shut in pride as she stood on top of Pangoro, the large bear took notice of a tanned figure approaching the girl from behind. Believing that he was a threat, despite his bright and beaming smile in broad daylight, Pangoro grabbed Max by her feet and swung her towards the ranger.

"W-woah! Okay! Sure!"

As if this was a normal occasion, she braced herself and slammed head-first into the ranger's chest, most likely knocking him to the ground. Before Pangoro could charge, there was a loud, metallic
screech in the sky. Skarmory was still high above the boat, soaring like a plane as it's shadow was cast into the ocean. Seeing the chaos happening below, Skarmory tried to deal with the situation, especially knowing the personality of Pangoro. Skarmory dove down at an incredible speed, and before it could ram into anyone at it's dangerously close elevation to the boat, it's metallic talons gripped into Pangoro's shoulders, before the air gained while plumeting down helped serve as momentum to propel back upwards, and Skarmory took a struggling Pangoro with it.

"... thanks Zoku!"

Max was still on top of the ranger, but either way, she gave a thumbs up to the sky as Skarmory screeched back. Guess you should never judge a person who has a Sentret as a partner?

@tinygrassisdreaming @SpicyLickiTounge
Luna was quickly walking, looking back every few feet. Its not like she couldn't stand the boy, she just wasn't use to the upbeat energy he gave off. She stopped and looked around, making sure Lu wasn't behind her. Then she started walking, and heard a loud sound coming from the area in front of her. Sighing she walked to the sound and saw Lu, a blond hair boy, and a girl. She saw that Lu was on the ground, but was too nervous to ask if he needed help. So she ended standing there, looking a little creepy, but it was accident.

@tinygrassisdreaming @SpicyLickiTounge @Entarriance
Lissa gave the two standing before her a slight smile, trying to politely mask the disgust on her face, before turning towards the other boy who stood towering behind her. "Hello," Lissa replied, looking the stranger up and down. (He's pretty cute,) she thought to herself. She quickly turned her attention towards the Ariados next to him. "Is this your Ariados?" She asked. "Her markings are absolutely beautiful.". Masquerain seemed interested in the Ariados as well, and shyly fluttered closer the the Pokemon- perhaps in hopes of making a new friend.

Before the boy could reply, the girl in a heavy coat suddenly slammed face-first into the boy's chest, knocking them both onto the ground.
"Oh my gosh are you-" Lissa started, before being interrupted by a heavy metallic SCREECH. Lissa as well as her Masquerain turned their attentions upward, only to see a Skarmory impressively lifting a Pokemon about twice its own size. "What a lively bunch.." Lissa laughed nervously.

Luna took a deep breath, "um.... L.... Lu?... Are..... Are you okay?...." She leaned over to extend a shaky hand, and from the wrist a bracelet fell out of the sleeve. On the bracelet was a small symbol showing that she was a gym leader and the Mega Stone her father gave her years ago

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Lissa's eyes widened at the sight of the exposed bracelet. The girl who had previously gone unnoticed by Lissa now had captured her full attention. "Y-you.." She started, her eyes intently meeting with the girl's. "Are you a gym leader, ma'am?"


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