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Misty and Caden (Closed)


Four Thousand Club
An auction to sell Neko's to anyone who wanted a slave. Were they to be sold to an evil cruel master, or would the human take care of them. One Neko finds out exactly what he is in for when his new master wins him.

Caden growled to himself as he rattled his chains with every move. He sat pinned to the wall of his cell as he listened to the hustle and bustle of the growing crowd outside. The Auctioneers voice range clearly over the cheering crowd as another Neko slave was sold to the highest bidder. He should be used to this by now. He was at a new auction every few years or so it felt like. He watched as humans gathered around his cage, calling out to him as they decided which Neko they were going to buy. He knew he was a handsome Neko. His Midnight blue hair and his keen blue eyes always drew attention at these things and he hated it. It caused him nothing but pain in his life as he was passed from one set of hands to another, used for whatever purpose pleased his 'master'.
Misty had been walking through looking for the next Neko to save. No one knew what she did with them, but there were rumors that spread about her. Every few months she would come to an auction not to sell but to buy, and every few months she would do it again. Some people thought she was ruthless and killed off her slaves when she was done. Others thought they ran and that is why she needed a new one. She happened upon a Neko with dark hair and beautiful eyes. She looked at him from afar and came to the side making sure people didn't notice her. "Tell me your name." She whispered so only a neko could hear her. "What would you do if you were free?" She asked hoping he would answer.
Camden's ears pricked as he heard a soft voice amongst the crowd.

"Tell me your name. What would you do if you were free?"

He sneered at the voice as his tail flicked against the ground, rattling the chains that held him captive vigorously.

"Freedom is a dream lost." he growled. "I know no such thing. No one wants to hear my name. They only wish to use me and throw me aside once satisfied." he looked away as a female voice called out to him.

"Don't worry baby, I'll take you home and give you what you want... and get a little something in return."

Similar jeers rang out as he waited his turn.
Misty frowned. 'Freedom is a dream lost.' His voice rang through her head as he was put on the stand to be sold. "We will start the bidding at 500. Do I hear 500?" The auctioneer called out as he started the round. Misty stood with her paddle held high. "One million." She said and everyone turned to her. Whispers started to spread that this neko would be her next victim. She didn't care though. She just hoped he recognized her voice.
Caden looked up as he heard the bidding.

"One million." a calm voice called. Why would someone bid so high for such a low slave? He thought as he tried to find the voice in the crowd. It was the same voice that spoke to him earlier about freedom.As his eyes scanned the crowd he felt the guard jerk the chain around his neck roughly.

"Eyes down slave!" the guard hissed through clenched teeth as he tightened his grip on the chain.

"My lady, are you sure you want to spend so much on one Neko?" A man asked as he looked at her. "Sure he is a trained slave and all but he is also been rumored to be a seductive Neko that is hard to keep."
Misty smirked. "That just means he is worth more then you ever will be." She said getting a few gasps from the crowd. She handed the man a check and ordered the guards to open the cage and unchain him. She walked in as they opened the cage and held out her hand. "Shall we go get you that freedom." She asked softly so only he would hear. She may have rumors told about her, but the last thing she needed was for them to be right about her. She liked to keep what she did not a secret but to herself. She liked to know that those she has helped will gladly defend her, but also that they will respect her wish to tell no one about it. After all she couldn't take everyone in at the same time (haha).
((she says that now lol))

Caden narrowed his eyes at her hand. He had had a hand held out to him before and trusted it only to be stabbed in the back and burned. He sniffed her hand suspiciously but knew he had no choice at this point. She had bought him fairly and he couldn't deny her. Slowly he placed his hand in hers and drew it to his lips to kiss it gently. "As you wish my lady." he murmured as he glimpsed the angry looks she received from the crowd.
Misty blushed slightly never been given this treatment before. 'This is different. But I could get use to it, if that is how he is.' She thought as she lead him out to the carriage that awaited for her. She opened the door and motioned for him to get in. "After you." She said smiling, she would not want him to feel like an outsider, and she did promise him freedom, so if she chose to run now she would not stop him.
Caden looked at the carriage then back down at her. This was strange. No one had ever been as kind to him and he didn't trust it. He stepped up into the carriage before sitting on the seat farthest from the door, his tail swishing nervously against the seat as he rubbed his raw wrists. He wondered if thi was all a facade for the public. The rumors had spread not only among the humans but among the Nekos as well about this girl. He smirked to himself as he thought about it. Whatever she did to her Nekos, he was going to find out soon enough.
Misty climbed in and closed the door. The carriage started to move as the scenery changed. "I am Misty, Misty May. What is your name?" She asked trying to get the simplest of questions out of the way. She knew what his name was. The papers had said so, but she wanted to hear it from him. She wanted to know that he was willing to speak for himself. All she wanted is to show that she was there not as his new master, but as a friend.
He looked at her as the carriage lurched forward, making him fall forward. He caught himself before he hit the floor and steadied himself, a light blush covering his cheeks at his clumsiness. He wasn't used to carriages, at least not riding in the front.

"My name is Caden." he whispered as he looked at her feet. He wasn't sure how she would react to him but he knew he could handle whatever happened.
Misty smiled softly. "Caden. What a lovely name. Do you have a last name?" She asked curious. "What do you want out of this?" She also wanted to know what he wanted. She knew he didn't want to be a slave, who would. So she needed to know exactly what it is that he wanted so she knew what she needed to do to help him. She was willing to help him in any way possible. She smiled softly as she took his hand. "I promise I will get you whatever you want." She said knowing that what she did was not normal for masters.
Caden glanced up at her from under his blue bangs, his eyes capturing hers as the swirling blue gaze went from suspicion to confusion. and back. "I don't remember my last name. I'm lucky to remember my first." He mumbled as she grabbed his hand. He knew better then to pull away from a master, no matter what they did. Thinking it was a set up for him he closed his eyes before taking a deep breath. When he opened them again they were intoxicating swirls of ice as he slide off of his seat, her hand in his grasp. Slowly, he kissed her hand and then her wrist. "What do you wish from me my lady?" he whispered, his voice a rasp as he laid his head on her lap, his ears twitching against her dress.
Misty blushed deep red. She decided to play along a with him. She ran her hand through his hair as she hummed. "I want to be able to make your dreams come true. I know you may not believe me, but ever since I was a girl I knew the horrors of watching nekos be sold. I always thought it would happen to me, so I made it a goal to change that. Even if it meant one neko at a time." She hummed a tune her mother always sang to her as the carriage bounced a bit. "As long as you feel free, my wish will be fulfilled." She said softly.
Caden frowned as he looked at her. Normally his masters would have tried to jump him by Now but all she did was blush and play with his hair. Confusion lined his features. Did he do something wrong? Was she shy? Was she new to this? Questions ran through his mind as he tried to sort though his emotions. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to be free but he would learn in time he guessed. He sighed as she brushed her fingers through his hair. It actually felt nice to be touched without pain but at the same time it felt foreign and be didn't know how to trust it.
She seemed to tell something was up and decided she wanted to know what. "I know this isn't normal. Please tell me of your past. I want to know what you have gone through and what can be done to help you heal." She said softly smiling. "I want to help in anyway I can." She looked down at him and couldn't help but be mesmerized in his eyes. "I wish my eyes were as beautiful as yours." She said before blushing and looking away. "I...I...I mean... never mind." She said stuttering.
Caden looked at her, pulling his head from her lap. He sat on his knees on the carriage floor.

"My lady... have you ever been locked in a room with no windows and only a bed? Have you ever been sold by your master to the highest bidder to break you in... To be trained to please whoever and however otherwise you don't eat....Only allowed to eat off the floor or out of your masters hand if you did a good job... I have. I know everything from pleasure points to painful pleasures " he growled in disgust and as if to prove his point he grabbed her hand gently and slowly licked up the inside of her finger, his eyes a light with blue fire.
Misty stuttered not having the feeling done to her before. It felt weird but good. Like something she never felt. She blushed deeply. "I have not." She tried to say and tried to straighten her face. "But I will not do anything of the sort." She said as she smiled. "I do not own you." She said with confidence. "I did not buy you. I bought your freedom." She said as the carriage rolled to a stop. She didn't realize it and fell forward her face crashing into his.
Caden let out a started hiss as she collided with him. He wrapped his arms around her in surprise as his head bounced off the carriage floor. He felt a small blush form on his face as he felt her pressed against him. He wasn't used to this. He didn't know how to deal with any of this. She didnt want him in her bed and she said she didn't own him. He carefully sat up, her still on his body as the carriage door opened to reveal a man standing there, looking at them with wide eyes.

"My ... Lady?" he questioned.
Misty blushed as she looked to the carriage driver. "Word of this does not get out." She said to him as she just closed the door in understanding. She looked back to Caden and blushed deeper her red eyes staring into his blue ones. "I ummm..." She didn't know what to say. She was trained to think of the fly, but right now she couldn't think of anything. Well almost anything. 'He smells so good. What does his lips taste like?' was all she could think as she stayed perfectly still. "You can choose to do anything." She said softly her breath dancing off his lips. "Just promise me that you will find happiness." She said smiling a bit.
Caden felt her breath in his lips and ran his tongue over his canines. As the door closed he felt a growl in his throat as he reached his hand up to and brushed her hair back from her face. She was beautiful. He paused before he touched her and looked away. He didn't want her to be embarrassed off him and as she said it wouldn't be mentioned he felt shame creep over his face.
Misty looked at him confused. "I'm sorry." She said softly as she backed away. "I did something wrong and made you mad, I can just tell." She said as she looked away. "I apologize for any wrong doing that may have been done. I hope that you can forgive me." She said as she started to move off of him.
Caden shook his head as she apologized.

"Not your fault my lady..." he mumbled as he opened the door to the carriage and offered her his hand to help her down. "It is just me not being used to this..." he motioned around them.
Misty took his hand as she stepped out. "Thank you, and I am sorry you are not use to this." She held his hand a bit longer then she should have smiling. "Please call me Misty, or anything else other the my lady. I am not your lady, I am simply your friend." She said with a wide grin. She motioned to the front door. "Shall we go in?" She asked not even caring if they stayed right there.

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