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Fandom Pokemon: A New Adventure! OOC


This is his last post on RPNation.
Malkav Malkav explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Theo713 Theo713 Soulmuse Soulmuse

Until such time as Captain Spooks Captain Spooks returns, I will be commandeering this game. I have a couple plot ideas in mind that can and will involve all your characters. Malkav, you are free to join either of the groups that are formed or head out on your own. I'll have npcs to interact with you if need be. I do not intend to lose this game. I've been needing something to play and I like this.
Malkav Malkav explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Theo713 Theo713 Soulmuse Soulmuse

Until such time as Captain Spooks Captain Spooks returns, I will be commandeering this game. I have a couple plot ideas in mind that can and will involve all your characters. Malkav, you are free to join either of the groups that are formed or head out on your own. I'll have npcs to interact with you if need be. I do not intend to lose this game. I've been needing something to play and I like this.
WorkS for me. I'm hungover but I'll work on something by the end of the day.

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