Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

Peony sharing the love!

@Captain Spooks

Perhaps the only person crazy enough to venture out in these "reckless and irresponsible" adventures with William would be Peony. Their personalities are bound to clash from time to time since they're both stubborn and will do anything in order to get what they want. If they have their eyes set on the same goal there might be some friendly competition going on. However when these two are together they should be a force to be reckoned with. As long as they're getting along and their opinions don't clash, these two would be a good duo.


Syra's caring nature is something Peony would both hate and learn to love. Since the girl has a tendency for getting in and out of trouble, having someone constantly play the mother card on her would be a drag. However when times get tough and things get quite a bit unsettling, she's sure to trust Syra's warm heart to cheer them all back up. She might be like the older sister Peony wished for. They fight and argue about 80% of the time, but when things get rough they have each other's back!


His love for research and improving his techniques is something Peony highly admires! Although their drive to obtain new knowledge may be different, Jason for improvement and Peony just out of curiosity, both of these kids have the same determination to know everything there is to know about the Pokemon world. Peony would be one of the few to constantly motivate Jason's strive for improvement. She wants to be the best and won't settle if Jason is beating her to the punch. Peony and Jason have quite a bit in common, but the only thing that might send their friendship to the ground is Jason's self criticism and Peony's bluntness. Though he doesn't show it and the girl certainly doesn't mean for it to hurt him as much, she'll be the first to rub any mistake on Jason's face unaware of how deeply he takes failure. Her end game isn't to see him hurt himself or even to mock him. She just needs the proof that A) She is better than him and B) Her mom was wrong and she is strong enough to become a Pokemon Gym Leader.


Emilia brigs conflicting emotions to Peony. The girl's snobiness and undermining attitude leaves a sour taste in Peony's mouth. She picks unnecessary fights with the girl pointing out any and all the flaws she possibly can so Emilia won't be as superior as she sets herself up to be. However this isn't out of malice. Just like with Jason, Peony just wants to prove that she is better. There's a certain need for approval when it comes to Peony and Emilia. If Peony can be better than one of the Nova elites, there's nothing standing in the girls way. So while Peony hates the girl's stuck up guts, she constantly seeks her out trying to battle her and prove that she's better!

(I only reference this because I just saw it last night, but I see their friendship sort of like Sasuke and Naruto. Mind you I haven't seen Shipuden yet so I'm going off by the first few seasons! )

@Duke Atreides13

While Peony and Niklaus might not have much in common, him being on the calmer side of the personality chart, Peony does frequently pick on the kid. She takes advantage of his innocence, but just to play jokes of him; never to hurt him. If she ever goes too far however she's ready to admit her mistake and apologize. He seems like a sweet kid that she wouldn't want to have as an enemy. Perhaps her hyperactiveness and curiosity are too much for him to handle, but if he ever gets left behind by the rest of the crowd she'll drag him along even if he gets annoyed of her. To be honest Peony might get irritate of Niklaus at times if he's too quiet or too calm at times. She'll be sure to smack him in the head for that though. She won't be putting up with walls people build around themselves.
Let me know what you all think! =)
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NessieAlways said:
(I only reference this because I just saw it last night, but I see their friendship sort of like Sasuke and Naruto. Mind you I haven't seen Shipuden yet so I'm going off by the first few seasons! )
So a relationship "like Sasuke and Naruto"... Uh, I don't think Emi's into other girls.
So I did a thing!


To Syra, Peony is quite an adorable girl. Peony often reminds Syra of one of her little sisters whom she can't help but to love and also want to annoy and hug at the same time. Syra is well aware that Peony hates when she cares for her too much or can be overbearing but Syra knows she means well. She tends to keep an extra eye out for her because of how reckless she can be. Due to Peony's curiosity, the two can usually be found arguing about safety and things of that sort. No matter how many petty arguments the two get into, Syra always has Peony's back and is one step behind her when she falls.

@Captain Spooks

Syra loves to read William's latest articles and even learning how to write from him. She absolutely loves to go off with him when he goes to write and likes to know how he gets such inspiration for his writing. Sometimes she just goes with him because it gives her a chance to get some piece and quiet. One of the things she absolutely can't stand is how he can tend to throw others aside as if they don't matter. This not only ticks her off, but literally upsets her. Because of how close her family is and how much she cares for others, when William just pushes others aside and even not care about how he did it, Syra tends to get upset (not on the outside but the inside which isn't good either).


Syra absolutely loves and adores Jae. She feels like she can honestly talk to him about things on a personal level. She feels like they could be kindered spirits and she thoroughly talks to and can sometimes be found asking him questions about his parents. She also likes to know she can unload some things on him and encourages him to do the same with her. Even though she can see his inner struggle when he fails, she feels bad for him. But no matter what, Syra always wants to be there for him (as well as the rest of her friends).


What can Syra say about this one? Of course she cares for the girl because even though Emilia can tend to be cold to others, Syra knows that she just like everyone else needs warmth. Even though Emilia can be cold to her, especially since Syra tends to care too much, Syra likes to try and help Emilia learn about things she is not aware of. It's one of the cute little attributes that Syra adores from Emilia. Syra tends to not get in Emilia's way since she would rather support her friend and learn more about pokemon than winning gym battles.

@Duke Atreides13

Syra thinks of Niklaus as one of her innocent little brothers. She finds it amazing how much he knows about pokemon but at the same time endearing how easily and little he knows about everything else. Because of how she was raised and was forced to grow up so fast, she has learned more about life than most thirteen year olds do. So, with that being said, she likes to help him out when she can or when she sees that he needs it even he doesn't say anything.

Despite all of this, Syra treats all her friends with respect and love. She acts very mature for her age and often like a mother Kangaskhan to her young.

Let me know what you guys think and we can further discuss this!
Typing it all up right now, so unless I get pulled away for a game I should have it done soon.
Okay, fresh from the new tab in Emi's character sheet. Just a fair warning, Emilia's uncensored opinions of people might come off as a bit harsh. Sorry.

【Peony Landau】

Though she'd never go as far as admitting it, Emilia is truly grateful to have someone like Peony around. Peony's curiosity makes her willing to ask a lot of the questions that Emilia also wants to know the answers to but is to proud to ask. She doesn't want to look like she doesn't know anything, but Peony doesn't seem to have any problem asking anything and everything she wants to know. Of course, relying on someone else to figure out things leaves the blind spot of whenever Peony already knows something Emilia is usually left in the awkward situation of having to pretend she knows what the other girl is talking about when she really has no clue at all and just refuses to admit it.

【Syra Rue】

Why is this girl being so nice? What does she want? Emilia is still uncertain how to deal with Syra. She's always a little uncomfortable around the other girl. How can someone be so caring towards everyone else? What's her deal really? Doesn't she have any drive to be better than others at all? From Emilia's point of view, Syra is like a paper cutout, flat and empty, lacking any real vision or desire to make her a real person. It's creepy. So despite her never doing any wrongs towards Emilia, she always seems to act just a little bit colder towards Syra. It's like Emilia is trying to provoke her.

【William Fox】

A person who has a goal they've set for themselves and doesn't let others slow him down as he chases it. Emilia respects that resolve, and so she seems just a tad less chilly towards William. After all, he's got a strong goal just like she does, but unlike Jason William's goal doesn't intersect with her own. If she's able to and in the mood, she might be willing to help William work towards his goal, maybe, if it happens to come up. Emilia thinks its entertaining whenever William leaves one of his friends out to dry, but he'd better not try it with her. She doesn't take kindly to people who inconvenience her.

【Niklaus Velstrom】

Niklaus, Emilia could feel her energy levels dropping just wasting a moment thinking about the boy. He's got even less substance to him than Syra does. For someone that's supposed to be smart, he seems to have quite the difficulty thinking for himself. Like a puppet, but no, he's smart, so more like a calculator. It might be helpful when you need to solve a problem, but unless you give it the numbers it just sits there useless. That's what Niklaus is; useful but useless as a person. And unlike with Syra, Emilia feels no motivation at all to poke and prod him to see if there's really anything better in there.

【Jason Daniels】

Emilia's eyes narrowed slightly, hardly noticeable unless one was looking for it. Jason, someone else after her throne. She sees him as someone she can use to get stronger, but not as a real threat. Sure if he gets strong enough he might be a minor inconvenience, but she's confident that nothing will stand in her way if she constantly gets stronger and stronger. After all, this boy doesn't have what it takes to climb to the top. His resolve isn't hard enough to crush whatever stands before him. Instead of emerging as a brilliant diamond untouchable by anyone, the pressure will crush him. Emilia almost pities him, almost, if not for his goal being the same as her own she might pity him a little more. So a friendly rival for now, she supposes, but that's all he is. Eventually he'll be held back by his own limitations, and she'll continue to rise ever higher.

Peony is useful question asker, Syra is creepy, William is okay, Niklaus is a calculator, and Jason is a minor stepping stone.

Well, three out of five is better than I would have guessed. Then again, her having a favorable opinion of someone and them having a favorable opinion of her are two very different things.
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[QUOTE="Captain Spooks]I'll get to work on mine, but as a fair warning I'm terrible at stuff like this.

It's fine xD

Doesn't need to be completely extravagant.

As long as you have something so first encounters won't be so awkward

Welp here I go.

>Peony Landau<

"Captain Curious"

William doesn't see much in Peony, while her curiosity and his recklessness and irresponsibility might draw them together, their stubborn sides will defensively separate them. As stated before William doesn't see much in Peony, her goals and personality. He'll probably only add her into his book during his little dangerous adventure as some sort of sidekick.


>Syra Rue<

"The Giant"

William has mixed opinions about Syra. due to William losing his mother as her mini-mother personality brings back bad memories for him. Usually if Syra were to act caring twords him then William would downright deny it, he's not trying to be rude, but he feels like she's not the one to act like that twords him. On the other hand Syra's hardheadedness and strong will comes off as inspiring to William.


>Jason Daniels<

"The Champion"

Out of everyone who plans on being the Oldooz Champion William is rooting for Jason. Most likely because his writing about him is more appealing than Emilia. This might lead William to be more friendly twords Jason, and always root for him during battles. William doesn't really care about how hard he is on himself, but no matter what William will be there to root him on.


>Emilia Emory<

"Miss. Rich"

While Emilia thinks that William is okay, on the other side the opinions aren't mutual. Since William comes from a rather poorer family he has always disliked people who flaunt how rich they are, and Emilia is one prime example. To be honest William is actually jealous of her wealth, as a child he always wanted to be rich, but his family just couldn't afford it. Overall William probably won't act so friendly twords her.

>Niklaus Velstrom<


William Doesn't think that much of Niklaus, sure It's pretty neat that he knows a lot about Pokemon, but who would write a book about basically another book. It would be downright boring. Though it is nice to have someone who knows a lot about a certain subject, just in case you forget something.

@Duke Atreides13

._. wow, I am making William seem like a jerk.

I thought having nicknames would be fun, I'm not sure if there going to be used in the roleplay though.
Niklaus Relationships

William Fox

Niklaus admires Williams determination but he often times finds himself bothered by the lengths at which he is willing to go achieve his goals. This results in Niklaus trying his best to stay out of his way. He is always glad though to share whatever he knows with William to help him write his stories.

Peony Landau

Niklaus envies her ability to be act so free and follow her feelings. He has trouble at times to keep up with peony with her hyperactive personality. He gets frustrated at times when she picks on him but he realizes its all in good nature. He worries that her recklessness will get her in trouble someday.

Emilia Emory

Niklaus finds Emilia standoffish and he has a lot of trouble approaching her. He is often upset by the way she tends to ignore him and wholly underestimate him. He feels it would be futile to try and prove himself to her though so he usually doesn’t bother. Niklaus tries to be careful around Emilia in case he happens to upset her.

Syra Rue

Niklaus appreciates syra for looking out for him and he tends to turn to her whenever he needs advice. He perhaps relies on her caring nature too much instead of being more independent. He admires how much she cares about everyone and protective she can be.

Jason Daniels

Niklaus highly respects Jason as scholar and a friend. They share much in common and he appreciates his strong desire to help people. He feels that Jason is too hard on himself and he is careful not to interrupt him when he is deep in thought or hard at work.


Thank you guys for putting these up!

So the next matter of business will be starters!

As you all know in the anime Ash was given a choice of three starters, but since he as late he didn't get any of the three. To his luck however there was pikachu!

For this rp there will also be a first come first serve basis regarding starters.

So good luck and hope you all get the starter you want!

Peony will have the Pandoo!

@Exanis is out at the moment but he let me know Jason would be taking Manoon.

Which starters will your characters have?
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Hello! I got back early, so I'll be around in case we do anything major, but yeah, I hold the preference towards Manoon.
So I think that sets everyone's starter, since only buzzbird is left.

Do all these fakemon have moves and pokedex entries and all that stuff?
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OverconfidentMagi said:
So I think that sets everyone's starter, since only buzzbird is left.
Do all these fakemon have moves and pokedex entries and all that stuff?

I'll be adding them to the Mechanics once the rp starts!

As Pokemon appear I'll be adding a more detailed pokedex entry =D
Well I just saw this and I really loved Manoon but I'll be happy to take whatever starter is left! Also I realize it's the electric type and I'm late just like Ash was
lonecoyote said:
Well I just saw this and I really loved Manoon but I'll be happy to take whatever starter is left! Also I realize it's the electric type and I'm late just like Ash was
Emi's first post is going to just be a giant wall of internal baby rage about missing out on Aguade. Her own fault for snoozing through three alarms. (Though the dumb grin silkworm fits her more accurately anyway.)
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I only follow one captain, but carry on second-in-command captain.

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