Pokemon: A Bridge Between Two Worlds

Sorry for disappearing, had some health issues take over and I couldn't log on most of July. I'm assuming the roles have already been chosen?
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Usopp said:
Sorry for disappearing, had some health issues take over and I couldn't log on most of July. I'm assuming the roles have already been chosen?
I'm sorry to hear that.

Unfortunately roles were chosen already.
i want to see fireworks, canons going off when the kids step out of Prof. Maple's lab, I mean go big or go home! We have that in the budget, right?

Jk but how are they all going to decide to travel together? I imagine them all cringing and groaning and asking why they have to travel with others when they could travel alone. And Syra will be bummed that she couldn't choose Manoon but she'll be alright with having Volchick (that's it's name, right?)
lonecoyote said:
Jk but how are they all going to decide to travel together? I imagine them all cringing and groaning and asking why they have to travel with others when they could travel alone.
Good question.
lonecoyote said:
i want to see fireworks, canons going off when the kids step out of Prof. Maple's lab, I mean go big or go home! We have that in the budget, right?
Jk but how are they all going to decide to travel together? I imagine them all cringing and groaning and asking why they have to travel with others when they could travel alone. And Syra will be bummed that she couldn't choose Manoon but she'll be alright with having Volchick (that's it's name, right?)
Fire work session coming up! xD

Well maybe the professor sends them all together?

I'm sure there'll be some awkwardness at first as they get to know each other better, but it'd be up to the characters to stick together and not wonder off on their own
Until then.

I'll busy myself thinking up an appropriately stupid name to go with this stupid worm's stupid face.


But seriously, that's a face that's seen some shit. And it just grins.

Like a cold-blooded psychopath.

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Test test 123.

Holy hell finding where this thing got buried was a pain.
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It's quite the adventure, digging out something that has been lost so deep  in a mountain of "oh god".
I can't bring myself to find and look for it.

I don't think my mind could handle the rage at such destruction of hard work and beauty.
I think that's why I've been stalling on moving over the thread xD

Don't worry I'm working on something to make everything just as simple to read and organized! 
They say most of the bbcode will be restored in the next few weeks, but in this particular case I wouldn't count on it coming back the same as it was.  A real shame too, you could tell there was a lot of work put into each and every page of this RP.
It's okay Magi! 

In the end, it's about the content and the people bringing the rp to life, not the code. 

I'm almost done with my little project, so hopefully I'll have the thread up for you guys soon! 
Images huh.  Or rather gifs I suppose.  Now that is fun.

How did you manage to make those?
Images huh.  Or rather gifs I suppose.  Now that is fun.

How did you manage to make those?

Yeah I have to fix this one since it's glitchy =S 

It was a pain in the butt to make though xD  

Mostly cus of sizing and getting everything to fit =P 

I used Gimp (free cheap version of photoshop =P) 
Hey guys! 

Can you all do me a favor? 

Please take your characters from the Character Sign-up and post them as topics under characters just like i did with mine! 

I need some sort of legible character sheet before we begin so we can keep referencing when needed. 

If for some reason it doesn't let you post just let me know and I'll do it for you guys. 

Thank you very much !


Talk to you all tomorrow! 
Posted a legible CS for Emilia.  I'm still holding out for the big code update to fix her old CS though.  One can hope.

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