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Fandom PokeHigh

Crusso Fang]Oh hey I just though I should mention that if I'm not on at a certain time it's usually because your guys most active time seems to be between 2-5 am in my time zone(I'm central US) lol [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21680-jessbeth/ said:
oh, thank for telling us. Now I know
The RP I created now has more slots. Join if you want. Also, @NightCasterZ I made a drawing of X, my pokemon awaiting approval.

How many classes are there? I want to be all the teachers! Anywhere from 3-6 should be fine. If there's more than 3, I will only be 3 teachers.

And can you look at my applification for X, please? I want it approved, he's my 2nd favorite pokemon.

Here is an updated appearance. This may change.
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His signature is also here. If you notice, every color that isn't neon blue represents a pokemon type.
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In pretty sure I accepted. If I miss clicked or something, accepted

TheOnlyCatbug said:

His signature is also here. If you notice, every color that isn't neon blue represents a pokemon type.
NightCasterZ said:
In pretty sure I accepted. If I miss clicked or something, accepted
Be sure to check out my other character in the sign up. (Sorry if I seem too annoying, I just like this SO much!)
Remember what he looks like. You can compliment it.

The X is his signature, the circles that aren't neon blue are all of the pokemon types.
Either way I kind of want quagsire.... He's so derpy and loveable yet at the same time can be useful.

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