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Fandom PokeHigh

NightCasterZ said:
Ask questions and chat here. Please do not post OOC stuff elsewhere.
Hey, kinda new here and I REALLY want to do this. Just a couple questions.

1. How do you make font a different color?

2. I don't know how to post sooooooo.
TheOnlyCatbug said:
Hey, kinda new here and I REALLY want to do this. Just a couple questions.
1. How do you make font a different color?

2. I don't know how to post sooooooo.
So, to change colour is rather simple. Just highlight the word or phrase you want to change, and then click the circle at the top with half of it black and half of it not. Then, select your colour and poof, you're done!

Posting is also rather simple. But, it changes depending on the style you rp as. If you want me to show you, I can always do it over pm.
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]So, to change colour is rather simple. Just highlight the word or phrase you want to change, and then click the circle at the top with half of it black and half of it not. Then, select your colour and poof, you're done!
Posting is also rather simple. But, it changes depending on the style you rp as. If you want me to show you, I can always do it over pm.

Oh no, I dont know what pm is, private message im guessing. Also thank you for helping. This community is so nice. My name is Ethan too. But yeah sure we can do that.
Hhh frig I didn't realize it had already started oh no oh no idk how I'm gonna try and join in now ;-; hhhhhh I should have checked earlier I should have checked oh no
[QUOTE="Crusso Fang]Hhh frig I didn't realize it had already started oh no oh no idk how I'm gonna try and join in now ;-; hhhhhh I should have checked earlier I should have checked oh no


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