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Fandom PokeHigh


Badass Fighter
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Sorry, not into "Fantasy Highschool" roleplays. Especially those without a plot and restrictions.
Wandering Hollow] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17277-nightcasterz/ said:
@NightCasterZ[/URL] Just a question.... Will there be a main storyline or... are we doing this Nichijou style? (Random.)
For the start, it will be more random but, after we're all settled in, I'll start a storyline that I'll be working on until it comes in.
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]I guess I'm joining in ~(-3-)~
(Since there isn't anything else to do)


IT"S OVER 90- No.

I meant to say it's one of Meowth's quotes. ^-^
Holleh shez I've been blown over by notifs... I'd join but I am absolutely referred when it comes to pokemon. That, and I have to leave for a while. Wellp, Catch ya later!

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