Planet Aeon RP

Orion looked over to see the 1st General and the others walking out of the bush. "Hello there. i hope you don't mind but we needed to treat Flecker and thought this would be best." He yelled out to them then turned to Flecker. "That should help heal up your burns and stop the pain. If you need anything else just say so." He said to her laying down near the edge of the large blanket.

The 1st General nodded at Orion accepting his decision as he walked toward the camp. He then laid down to the other edge keeping an eye on everyone. Flynt came up to the fire and set some fish to be cooked. "Make yourselves comfy everyone." She smiled happily having more people to talk to.
Flecker nodded her head, "Of course..." As her remaining feathers fluffed up, she nuzzles herself under her bad wing for a second, moving about as her beak worked on removing the small splinters that had brushed into it in the first place. Dropping one in the space in front of her, she grumbled, "I swear, if I ever see that bear again, I'm blinding it. Honestly, soldier I am or not, I'm still a lady and the least he could have done was boil me, gosh." She was, of course joking.
The 3 wolves layed down and closed their eyes for a second. "Cameron?" Rose asked her brother and he nodded. "I... I'm scared." "What should you be scared about?" Cameron smirked a little, but stopped when he saw his sister's serious face. "What is it?" He asked. "What if they're still out there? Looking for us? What if they survived?" Rose blinked back tears. Aleu scooted closer to Rose and fell asleep.
Jicade continued wandering through the leafy area, walking steadily, but beginning to slow down. He realized as he reflected upon his brief encounter that he had just seen fellow animals behaving in a civil fashion on the side of the mountain, and with that realization came the realization that he was probably in Aurora. He shivered, recalling the stories his father had written about this place... This was the place from which his mother had fled to leave him in Raze. He trod more gently now, gripping his staff tightly. He had just seen a bear whose fur was burnt to a crisp lying unconscious on the ground. This place was most likely not safe for an old man such as himself.

Behind the bushes opposite the ones via which the party had entered, there was another, smaller clearing. Here, Jicade had set up camp for the night; hiking was tiring, and while he was eager to move on, these old bones were starting to creak, and Jicade knew he needed a break. He sat on the bare ground by his fire, holding a wooden cup to his mouth to sample the tea he had made from a petal of the beautiful flower he had found awhile ago.

As he sat there sipping tea and warming his stone-cold joints, his gaze traveled to his staff. He rose carefully from the fire, slowly changing his mind about his old bones being tired. Were he attacked, he would need to be ready. He picked the staff up and began to practice with it. He began with simple basics, but abandoned self-restraint, and soon he was doing such things as balancing on top of the staff while twirling about on his shell, just like in the good old days.

Except in the good old days, he had enough dexterity to prevent these techniques from flinging him several feet onto his back.

In the middle of a technique, he lost grip of his staff, and by the power of his own legs in conjunction with the staff's momentum, he was tossed over the bushes and out into the camp, landing with a thud. Noticing the light of a fire, indicating that there was a group of people nearby, he immediately ducked into his shell. Without his staff, which was back inside the bushes, he felt quite helpless. He considered getting up onto his feet and making a run for it to grab his staff, but one must never turn one's back on danger, and besides, he probably couldn't get up fast enough. He opted to remain tucked into his shell; that seemed to be the safest option. These people would most likely ignore him. If they didn't, he doubted that they'd have anything strong enough on them to break his shell.
Lilica was overwhelmed by the hyper (though kind) advances of Aleu. She was not surprised when her quietness turned the young wolf off from her and she sighed softly as they reached the camp. Curling up in one of the corners of the tent, she rested her head on her front paws.

"I haven't been here very long. But it's very different. I don't know if I like it." she whispered quietly to herself, answering the question from before. Flattening her ears over her head she sighed and then closed her eyes, allowing herself to fall asleep.
Orion chuckled at Flecker's comment. "I think its about time to head to sleep for me." He said to Flecker but loud enough for everyone to hear if they wanted. "You take it easy Flecker. If you need me just call." He entred half way into the tent as a turtle shell with a monkey in it came flying out of the bush. He raised his eyebrow to it knowing it from before so he simply walking into the tent and laid down near the right side of the tent.

The first General arose from his spot and walked in between the monkey and the young wolves. He stepped to the front of th shell and put his paw opon his shell lightly. "What is your business here sir." He noticed the finely aged shell. "Im not going to hurt you if you have no bad intentions." He said to him calmly as if it didn't matter if he attacked or not.


The 2nd General came out from the bush and laid the herbs he found by Sadina's tent. He then moved toward his own tent in order to sleep so he wouldn't be drained the next day.
Jicade recognized the voice as fitting a description he had heard many times before in more recent years. He stared out of the opening of his shell and saw before him a familiar ocularly heterochromic black coyote-horse to whom he experienced the immediate impulse to show great respect.

"Well, I'll be..." Jicade chuckled to himself as he continued to stare. "If it isn't the First General." Jicade became less stressed; if the General was here, it was most likely safe to come out.

Jicade peeked his head out, then his limbs. He flipped himself right side up and bowed to the General. "It's an honor to meet you. I mean you no harm, I assure you; I'm merely out on a hike." He dusted his shell off and allowed his gaze to travel out to the wolves, then back to the General. "If you don't mind my asking, what brings you folks here?" It certainly wasn't every day that one happened upon these particular canines, ones of such noble blood. Perhaps, thought Jicade, there was something going on.
Rose put her paws above her head and flinched as the shell almost hit her on the head. Then, the two wolves looked at the turtle shell and they got up. "uh... We're just here. camping out for the night. I'm Cameron, and that's my sister Rose." He smiled and pointed to his sister. "And that one over there, that's Aleu." He pointed to the white wolf who was sleeping... However, she was tossing and turning. Rose ran over to her and nuzzled her, trying to wake her up. "Aleu! Wake up!"
Sedina had woken up, feeling much better. She stretched, and found some herbs by her bedside. She sniffed them and groaned softly with pleasure. They smelled nice. She brought them inside her tent and nibbled on some of them. She then peered her head out of her tent and looked around.
The 1st General bowed to Jicade with a pleased smile. "The pleasure is mine to meet such a fine person. Me and my companions were simply resting for the morning when we will be parting our own ways. Would you care to join us my friend?" He said gesturing to the warm blanket and friends.


As Sadina's head poked out of her tent the Vice General raised his brow and opened his eye to watch her. "Are you feeling any better?" He softly yelled out to her.
Lilica was just starting to fall asleep when there was a thud outside of the tent. Her ears raised on her head and she started to growl, a regular defense mechanism. Poking her nose outside of the tent flap she was surprised to see the general talking to an elderly monkey/turtle hybrid. She listened quietly, not really considering it to be eavesdropping since it seemed likely that the general would also be inviting this traveler to spend the night with them.
Dunes crouched low, coming up on her prey. Her pelt color was perfect for the terrain. She stepped light to avoid being heard, and came up from behind. But something spooked the animal and it took off. Sighing heavily, Dunes broke into a sprint almost immediately. It tried it's hardest to lose her, but it was heavy from gorging on plants. Also, it had hooves that sunk in the sand, while Dunes could spread her toes to stay on the surface. It finally tripped, it's leg broken, and Dunes swiftly latched onto it's neck, refusing to let go. Huffing, she tugged it away into the shade to eat.
Aleu gasped and woke up, jumping to her feet. "Get.. Get away from me.. you evil creeps!" Runs away from them. "Aleu!" Rose cries after her. "OMPH!" Aleu bumped into a tree. "Sorry!" She says, mistaking it for a person. "Wow, the sky looks so much better from in the forest." The wolf lays down and looks up into the sky, the starts twinkling. Soon, she falls asleep.

Rose turned to Cameron and the boy wolf shrugged. "We'll find her in the morning. She needs to learn to survive by herself for once, and cool down and forget about that dream." He lays down and falls asleep, followed by Rose.
((Sweety Dunes is in Sianika. please fix your post. Also im sorry to say but this is a warning to please take note of where other characters are in the RP we are in a nation and will be all over it i wouldn't want you to mistake a place in a critical moment of posts.)) (( Also to everyone i will be skipping the night soon so please finish up and rest your chars. The Generals will be splitting up in the morning so try and think of where you wanna go in the morning wether it be with a general or in Aurora your choice of course. The plot will soon have more battles so take that into account as well.))
Sedina's ears perked to the the voice, then turned to it. "Huh? Oh, yes, much better. I'm just really hungry, that's all. Do you have anything to eat?" She asked, rising up.
(( VDCVJDVC...Twistedclaw, I made one Rising Flames guy. He happens to be my Fursona, despite my being a girl, I'm making him a guy. Would you like me to post his character sheet or...what?))
After a while, Flecker sighed, nodding off to sleep after hoping over to Orion's side and nuzzling up to him. With an invisible blush on her face, she dreamed sweetly of things nearing impossible to happen.


Rhys was packing up her shop back in Arkadia, she was taking the one soldiers advice, and was going to hobble her little fold out cart up near the barracks. She had a feeling things were going to be needed soon.
The first General bowed once more letting his offer stand as he moved back to the blanket. He laid down on the blanket and rested his head on his legs as the Vice General moved over to his side and rested with her back to his side sleeping peacefully as if nothing in the world could harm them.


Sei lifted his head grabbed some meat by his bed side and threw it over to Sadina. "Eat up you will need you energy come morning." He said to her resting back down on his legs till morning came. "Try to get some rest as well." He said with his eyes closed.
Dunes noticed it was getting late. "Better find shelter." She murmured and padded away, scouting for caves. Seeing none, she used her control over sand to make a den in the ground. She sealed the entrance, but she could still breathe due to multiple holes in the sandy walls. She curled up into a ball and fell asleep quickly.
"I much appreciate the offer," Jicade responded, grinning rather widely. For the sake of safety for what it was worth, he had spent days on a sparsely populated route up the mountain until now; he rejoiced internally to see another living soul, especially since that soul was the General and not something that might attack him. He considered his options and decided that it was safer to travel with company than to travel alone, no matter how brief the company may stay, and that it would therefore be best that he take the General up on his offer.

Jicade meandered off into the bushes to retrieve his staff, and with a swift whoosh, he put out the fire and impaled his bag through the hole in the top. He proceeded back to the blanket and found an empty spot upon it. He held his staff beside him and his father's journal open before his face and began to meditate. "Thanks again, sir." He eyed his bag of belongings fondly, considering preparing something in the morning in return for the hospitality of his friends. It was not long before the turtle monkey lost consciousness and drifted to sleep.
TIME SKIP morning dawn.

The next morning Orion was the first to wake just before the sun rose. He gently moved away from Flecker and out of the tent trying not to disturb anyone. He looked over to the first General to see him open his eyes at the breaking dawn. "Good morning General." Orion said with a nodding bow as he walked into the fresh grass and stretched out. "Good morning to you to." He said as he nudged his vice General to wake. Flynt propped up on her butt and rubbed the sleep from her eyes with a large yawn. "Aww i was having such a nice dream." She stretched out and rose to her feet. The General rose as well and spoke out to the party. "Everyone time to rise its morning." He said as the sun was half way from rising.
Emerging from the sand, Dunes shook and stretched to wake up. She removed her daggers to clean them off. Her needles were safely protected in the little bag strapped to her side. She surveyed the area. Desolate as always. She padded away to find something to do.
Cameron woke up and nudged his sister. "Good Morning." He smiled to her as she rose to her feet. "Time to get Aleu." She yawned and rolled her eyes. THe two wolves walked up to the General and bowed. "It was very nice to meet you." Cameron said. Rose turned to Twisted and walked towards him. "I.. I hope I'll be able to see you soon." She smiled and darted into the forest, followed by Cameron.

Aleu woke up and yawned. "Morning already?" She waited for an answer, but none came. the white wolf looked around frantically, but then remembered that she ran away last night. FOOD! A little voice cried from her stomach. "I'm hungry." Aleu looked around and saw a berry bush. "Berries!" She trotted over to the plump, juicy ones and ate them, getting a red stain all over her mouth. "ALEU?! IS THAT YOU?!" Rose ran over to her friend and gasped when she saw the redness on the wolves coat, thinking it was blood. "What happened? Who hurt you?" Cameron asked, and Aleu looked at them as if they were crazy. "What do you mean? I was just eating berries." She licks the redness of her muzzle. "Where's Twisted?" Rose looked to the ground. "I believe we might have to go our separate ways now." Cameron replied. Aleu shook her head and headed towards camp, followed by her two friends. "Twisted?" Aleu cried.
Lilica's ear kinked upwards as the morning commotion began between the young wolves. Sighing softly to herself she rolled on to her side before getting up. Her legs trembled a bit but she quickly shook it off as she stretched. She was close to the Aroma village now and probably had the general's permission and blessing to go though something held her back.

As she cleaned her fur she looked over at the other sleeping bodies and knew that it wasn't a desire to be around people. She still felt on edge being around all of the others who had seemed to show up out of no where the night before. What kept her interested in staying right then was the thirst for adventure which she had thought had ended once she had learned about her growing blindness. shaking her head she laid back down on her paws, resting her head on her front legs as she tried to think.

It would be better for her to go live in the village as a civilian before her blindness got the best of her and she only embarrassed herself trying to live out the old days when she had been stronger. Despite knowing this however she couldn't ignore the familiar itch, the need to be working to be doing anything. Sighing softly she got up and left the tent, quietly looking around for the general.
Once sedina woke up, She sniffed herself to find anything strange. She then cleaned herself and rose up quickly, full of energy. She roamed around the area, then found a place to drink. Feeling more refreshed, she went to a tree, and jumped on the nearest branch, which was rather high for her height.

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