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Realistic or Modern Pirates !

@S N O W B I R D Welcome. If you want to make a character, consider the Marines if you want as they're in the minority and of course you can also make a second character.
I'm smacking myself for staying up late last night, because I only managed to get five hours of sleep before being woken by flies buzzing against my window that I proceeded to spend half an hour trying to destroy. Then my dog decided it was a great time to start whining and scratching on the door just as I was getting comfy again. T^T So, I'm super tired. What about you?
I had an exhausting day at work, but what you went through sounds like hell. In the summer I usually end up with mosquitoes in my ear, whch through trying to squash them, end up pushing them further into my ear, so I stay up an hour waiting for a bug in my ear to finally bleed out.
Oh man, that sounds gross. Why your ear? The thought gives me the shivers. We don't have mosquitos here, thank god.
I don't know, I just know that when it happens its frustrating as all hell. Your lucky to not have to live with the fuckers, where you from?
The weather is awful though. This summer has been atrocious. You could mistake it for winter with all of the rain and storms, save for slightly higher temperatures. -_-
Galway. It's my favourite county along with Mayo.

Yeah, tourists always say that. It's such a huge change going to the continent (France, etc.) where everybody just sort of brushes you off and are very to the point. If you ask someone a question on the street over here, you could be talking for an insane amount of time. xD
I found that out first hand, an awfully chatty group, and I adore the Irish accent.

Galway is actually where my family comes from, before we were shipped out to the land down under. Last I was there it was so green I swore that a nuclear plant had a meltdown.

I disagree, while in France the people were very businesslike and cold, in Germany the people were very much like the Irish, albeit they were more to the point.
I have only been to Spain and France up to now, so I'm really only referring to those two. The Spanish are much nicer than the French though. I'd really like to visit Germany in the future.

That's another thing - when I was in Spain during the summer, I couldn't believe how not green everything was. The grass was DEAD. D8
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Germany is interesting, just one thing I've noticed, when you get into a protracted conversation with a German it will lead to one of two places, the cold war and the nazis, and when its the later it gets incredibly awkward.

You haven't seen dead until you've been to Queensland in the midst of a drought.
Hahaha, I'll keep that in mind. I actually have some Germans in my family now through marriage. They're pretty cool, but I've only spent a day with them so far.

I've never been to the US at all, but there's a slight chance I could be visiting Texas next year since I've got some family there as well. Not sure whether I want to or not though, 25 Celsius plus is absolute torture for me.
Oh god, I can't believe I made that mix up. /ultimate facepalm.

I have to admit I'm not too familiar with Australia and New Zealand, haha. xD
Okay before I mess up (or if I already had, anymore than I already have) in the navy what exactly are the order of the ranks?Because while both pirates and navy have Quartermasters, first mates, second mates, etc. Only navy has lieutenant, general, etc
EvilNoisyBirb said:
Okay before I mess up (or if I already had, anymore than I already have) in the navy what exactly are the order of the ranks?Because while both pirates and navy have Quartermasters, first mates, second mates, etc. Only navy has lieutenant, general, etc
I decided to just leave that behind and use the ranks of the pirates as well since they are similar.
Then... @Bullet Tooth Tony is the lieutenant you're referring to an OC? @A@ Because I'm....lost.

Oh and did Eve sound too snarky? *worries*

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