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Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Always accepting!)

He jumped onto his own ship as he fired at the docks while the raised head of a high ranked Naval Officer stood on his flag-pole, then speeding away.
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He sailed off, circling a few smaller ships and looting them. These actions got him in the town papers the next day, under the alias of The Reaper.
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(What da hell are you guys going on about, Skipping days makes it fuckin ridicoulusly complicated to keep up with anything, we need a Post that starts the day and a post that ends the day)
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"Don't know what her problem is but any who, I'm going to go find some gold" Jake went to the edge of the dock and sat down. He thought of a little check list in his head "Number one get a new hammock, Number two Get gold, Number three" Well he did not really have a number three so he decided that he would need to make one. Jake sat there and thought, He bit at his lip for the passing time After about 30 minutes he got it he would make Underwater lung refresher UWLR for short. Jake told Nerdia his plan, this gear would be used for searching rekt ships, and find gold and other valuables. "But in the meantime, we need to find another way to make money and another hammock have any idea?"

As the HMS Honor sailed it passed by a port city with a few ships but one caught David's eyes. It appeared to be atleast the size of a brig and it seemed to be armed with 12-Pounder cannons yet flew no flag as of now. David looked up and saw the Legendary HMS Honor flag still flying proudly overhead, and the color scheme would surely be a giveaway but those 12-pounders would not do a thing to the Ship's hull especially because of the thick Oak-wood with a layer of metal underneath, really it would be like trying to crack a can open with a pebble. His ship was armed with 48-pounder cannons, enough to rip through 8 brick buildings and still take out a line of soldiers and cavalry. So he didn;t worry about the ship, but people sure did look in both awe and intimidation at the HMS Honor. One local said not too far away from a nearby pirate, "My god the British King has gotten desperate to keep his trade."

@Mr jake @Ballerina @Nenma Takashi
"Yeah she seemed angry..." She said following Jake to the edge of the dock. "Gold?" She says trying not to laugh, gold was common underwater. " Well I'm not going to judge you for that, but it's pretty much everywhere underwater." Nerida liked listening to him talk about his plan about a UWLR. "People have tried to make those in the past.... Us mermaids destroy those things, we can't have anyone stealing our loot.... As long as you don't tell others about the device, I'll let you be an exception..." Nerida said with a faint smile. "As for making more money... I have no idea....I'm broke too." she confesses.
Jake looked at Nerida "But can't you just take some of the loot from your people" Jake thought about what he just said "No that would be too easy, I don't know about you but I like to work for my money or at least steal it from the rich and from the sounds of it your people Has a lot of money but I don't think you would like the idea from stealing from them so maybe I should think of another way." Jake glanced at her with a smile "Well there are some Rich in a different port that has tons of money and I might have the plan to get in there" Jake started to stare out into the ocean, almost as in a trance. This happened a lot with Jake He would Zone out, Thinking. One time It took Him a huge storm to get him out of his last one. @Ballerina
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Eventually Arlias docked the ship, stopping at an old abandoned port about 10 nautical miles from the town center. "So beautiful, the old decollate docks. Oh well, back to work." A few skeletons lifted him off the dock and into a sort of throne on top of a hill.
Kimberly just wanted this whole day to be over though it was only mid afternoon. She walks along the shoreline as her snow white hair blows in the breeze.

The port was visible from where Kimberly was standing, in fact, it was within about 20 minutes of swimming. Meanwhile, he was seeing over the sort of skeleton slave camps he had running, of which they were searching for gold or otherwise.
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"No." She stated bluntly. "They're my people!" She told him. " We're kind of rich, but are goverment works differently than yours, it's tough to explain...." Nerida said to him. " I do like te idea of raiding a port though..." A grin crept upon her face. She stared at him, confused for a moment. "Earth to Jake..... Are you ok?..."
"Jake Heard what she said but he didn't"

(every guy would understand this)
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Emile had no luck finding a pirate crew to join, mainly because he was too busy keeping a low profile with the HMS Honor around...and there it was again. The overly proud ship with its unyielding track record...many a ship had fallen to that thing. Emile knew all about it, back when he was a marine he would dream of being a crew member aboard that ship...now it was a nuisance that he had to avoid. He didn't know what his bounty was, but he was sure that he had one...and if he had one THAT ship's crew would know about it.

"Honestly doesn't it have better things to do?"

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