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Fandom Pirates at Sea! (Always accepting!)

One of Arlias's crew ships sail near Emile, stopping and letting him on board, not getting the attention of the Navy ship.
Eliza was sitting on the edge of the docks, staring into the water beneath her. She was so bored, what with the arrival of the navy ship and more officers. That made things a lot harder in her line of work, she'd have to be more careful for the time being. For now, though, she was just sitting and trying to enjoy herself, as much as she could when the place was crawling with officials. She was checking her surroundings constantly to see if there was anyone who looked suspicious in her eyes. "What to do. What to do..." Eliza mumbled under her breath.

Jake suddenly came back to earth, "What!" He said loudly. Jake finally noticed that he was on the port. He saw his friend Nerida right be side him "Hello, how long have I been out?" Jake pondered on his question " actually no time for that, I might need a third person for this next job. Im pretty good with stealth and stealing but I need someone small for the idea that I had" Jake looked around the little port. "Ok watch this , O well looks like we need a theif , But were we going to find one?" He said this rather loud to attract anyone near by. (Please excuse any spelling errors Im on my phone) @Ballerina @M2627
Arlias's largest bone-ship stopped at the port Jake was on. "Hm, you say you need the thief eh?" The skeleton said.
Libra259 said:
Kimberly just wanted this whole day to be over though it was only mid afternoon. She walks along the shoreline as her snow white hair blows in the breeze.
"Dummy!" A girl yelled out from a little ways down the beach as a woman hit a man in the head hard. "You said town was right over that last peninusla!" She yelled at one of her crew members as she looked at a map. Her shit sat in the water about 500 ft out int the water anchored there while isabella and a small crew had come to shore
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Dummy!" A girl yelled out from a little ways down the beach as a woman hit a man in the head hard. "You said town was right over that last peninusla!" She yelled at one of her crew members as she looked at a map. Her shit sat in the water about 500 ft out int the water anchored there while isabella and a small crew had come to shore

Kimberly chuckles, obviously those people don't know Tortuga very well. "Aye! Need any help there?" She asks with a chuckle. This crew must of randomly gave directions since the town is pretty damn close.
Libra259 said:
Kimberly chuckles, obviously those people don't know Tortuga very well. "Aye! Need any help there?" She asks with a chuckle. This crew must of randomly gave directions since the town is pretty damn close.
"Finaly some one thats not a complete idiot." Isabella growled at the crew after she saw the woman that had asked then if they needed help. "Yes please!" Isabella called as she rested her right hand relaxingly on her sword which was straped to her right side as she walked down the beach twoards the woman
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Finaly some one thats not a complete idiot." Isabella growled at the crew after she saw the woman that had asked then if they needed help. "Yes please!" Isabella called as she rested her right hand relaxingly on her sword which was straped to her right side as she walked down the beach twoards the woman

Kimberly laughs as the wind picked up. "Looks like there might be a storm coming. Sounds like your not very happy with your crew? It'll get better." She looks at the water as the wind whips her hair around.
The mighty ship finally arrived at the fort. After it was anchored and the walking board was set up David got off the ship and walked into the fort where he was greeted by 4 other British Generals. "Good to see you David, it's been a time since Gibraltar yes?" he was greeted by a British captain who had served on one of the Frigates that David had led in the Gibraltar operation. "But of course Charles, it's seems you been gathering gray hair since we last met." he joked as he accompanied the 4 commanders into a building which had a map that showed areas from the colonies all the way down to the Caribbean, set up on large pine wood table in the middle of a finely decorated room. Charles started first, "Alright Gents now that we are all gathered round for the most parts of the Caribbean, there are pirates of course but there are several that are our most wanted, alive will get you 10,000 shillings, dead would get you 2 ship loads of shillings. But enough about money, these pirates have been hounding our trade and the King is not happy, so David we are going to give you 1 first rate ship, which should already be enough to kill a pirate but why not give you more to increase these scoundrels terrors, then you shall receive 2 frigates and 4 brigs. The Rest of us shall keep a close eye on our ports and tradeways to make sure nothing illegal is happening. Now lads lets get to it." Charles ended. David simply unsheathed his sword and brought it close to him, "Tuum est." Charles knew exactly what David was doing, he was using his latin Proverbs again. David then sheathed his sword, went out and back aboard his ship. In which atleast 20 more marines accompanied him to add to the 40 he already had aboard. They had brought more supplies as well which still did not take up enough space in the ship. The Ship then headed out to patrol the waters for pirate vessels, accompanied by a large 1st rate ship, 2 frigates, and 4 brigs. The first town he would come to and search would be Tortuga. They soon arrived at the town and the mighty 1st rate ship blocked the port and anchored due to an oncoming storm, the other ships simply anchored at port along with HMS Honor. Than atleast 180-200 Marines got off the ships and formed lines behind David, than they began to march through the un-paved streets, going into homes looking for illegal weapons or jolly rodger flags.
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Libra259 said:
Kimberly laughs as the wind picked up. "Looks like there might be a storm coming. Sounds like your not very happy with your crew? It'll get better." She looks at the water as the wind whips her hair around.
"There a good crew just not good with maps." She said to her before she gave her a wary and cold smiled. "Names isabella lavenza. Yours?" She said her as she looked over the other girl finding her rather attractive but she had a feeling this girl might be a pirate
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"There a good crew just not good with maps." She said to her before she gave her a wary and cold smiled. "Names isabella lavenza. Yours?" She said her as she looked over the other girl finding her rather attractive

A smirk dances upon her face, "ive got many names and they dont really matter either. Names are useless once your dead, but anyway call me Cinder. If your looking for Tortuga your pretty damn close. Its right there, you just happen to dock your ship in a place where you cant see it." She chuckles while pointing to her left.
Libra259 said:
A smirk dances upon her face, "ive got many names and they dont really matter either. Names are useless once your dead, but anyway call me Cinder. If your looking for Tortuga your pretty damn close. Its right there, you just happen to dock your ship in a place where you cant see it." She chuckles while pointing to her left.
Isabellas face became angered as she trurned to her crew and yelled at them. "You idiots i told you it was over there go get the ship and dock it at port!!" She yelled at them before groaning and thrning back to cinder. "So what is yoyr buissnes in tortuga?" She asked her curiously as she started oast cinder twoards tortuga figuring she would let her crew take the ship in while she stayed and chated with cinder
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Isabellas face became angered as she trurned to her crew and yelled at them. "You idiots i told you it was over there go get the ship and dock it at port!!" She yelled at them before groaning and thrning back to cinder. "So what is yoyr buissnes in tortuga?" She asked her curiously as she started oast cinder twoards tortuga figuring she would let her crew take the ship in while she stayed and chated with cinder

"I had to drop off some things to one of my clients. Plus i thought I'd maybe get a drink. I know basically everyone here, it comes with a few perks." She says while looking back at her, "what about you? Whats your business here?"
Libra259 said:
"I had to drop off some things to one of my clients. Plus i thought I'd maybe get a drink. I know basically everyone here, it comes with a few perks." She says while looking back at her, "what about you? Whats your business here?"
"Some one thought it was a good idea to rip me off. And there here so ive come to collect what is mine...... And get a drink." She said with a smirk as she gestured for cinder to walk wit her. "Maybe we could get that drink together? Capitan with capitan, share some stories." She said to her as she walked with her hands held together behind her back
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Some one thought it was a good idea to rip me off. And there here so ive come to collect what is mine...... And get a drink." She said with a smirk as she gestured for cinder to walk wit her. "Maybe we could get that drink together? Capitan with capitan, share some stories." She said to her as she walked with her hands held together behind her back

She'd chuckle, "why not? I dont run into many other female captains." She'd begin to walk with her.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Isabellas face became angered as she trurned to her crew and yelled at them. "You idiots i told you it was over there go get the ship and dock it at port!!" She yelled at them before groaning and thrning back to cinder. "So what is yoyr buissnes in tortuga?" She asked her curiously as she started oast cinder twoards tortuga figuring she would let her crew take the ship in while she stayed and chated with cinder

(Sorry for bothering but are you having the crew dock it where you are now or are you having them take it to Tortuga.)
Morbuskid said:
(Sorry for bothering but are you having the crew dock it where you are now or are you having them take it to Tortuga.)
(Tortuga and i found a picture for her ship

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.151b04cedd2e01ea2ff77b1c0e811594.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.151b04cedd2e01ea2ff77b1c0e811594.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Just make it pure black and add masts and sails and all that)

Libra259 said:
She'd chuckle, "why not? I dont run into many other female captains." She'd begin to walk with her.
"Right. There should be more female captains like us. We are clearely better at commanding then those stupid men are." She said as she walker with her. "Know of any good taverns around?" She asked even thought she knew this girl had to know of at least one



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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving](Tortuga and i found a picture for her ship
View attachment 239289

Just make it pure black and add masts and sails and all that)

"Right. There should be more female captains like us. We are clearely better at commanding then those stupid men are." She said as she walker with her. "Know of any good taverns around?" She asked even thought she knew this girl had to know of at least one

"Thats not even a question! I know of several but the best is riiiggghhhttt here." She says while walking into a tavern.


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