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Realistic or Modern Petty Little Criminals(2015 reboot)



The masked man clumsily fell from the chain linked fence he was climbing over. The duffle bags containing an obscene amount of unmarked bills were swiped up in his wake as he kept up on foot.

'Get to the car, get to the car, GET TO THE CAR!' He screamed himself as the able bodied cops kept up in pursuit. There was no way he could get caught. This would be his third strike. He had a mother back home to take care of, not to mention the infamous title of being a big time thief before him. The man turned the corner, tossing one of the bags in a random direction. The car was just in reach, on the corner of James and Second. Timmy wouldn't be washing any cars anymore, not without part of his skull. That's what you get for not making sure your partner was legit.


The masked man looked down in shock--blood welling up on his grey sweatshirt. He dropped to his knees before getting shot a second time, right in the neck.

Davin stared in bewilderment as he witnessed the guy drop down, dead. With his pupils big as quarters, he looked down as the men in blue ran past him and toward their culprit. He stepped over the black duffle, as he popped in a stick of Doublemint, and pranced up the stairs leading to his walk up apartment. "Damn, I need to move." he sighed, opening the door just as a set of red and blues began to flash behind him.

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Well that was interesting...

Letting out a small sigh, Evelisse slowly put her pistol down, relaxing a bit as the chase came to an end. The barrel was smoking only slightly from the bullets that had just killed the culprit. Once the man was confirmed dead, she felt a pat on her back and instantly tensed up. "Don't touch me," she mumbled under her breath as she put the gun back into its holster.

Four people dead from her gun in the two years she had been on the force. She wouldn't admit it, but it wasn't necessary to kill three of them-- one of them being the dead man only feet in front of her. But hey, what could she say? She got a sick enjoyment out of the sight of a dead man. The soft murmur of voices told Eve that there were indeed witnesses, and as she made her way back to her patrol car, she stopped, catching sight of a man stepping over the bag that was tossed away.

Without a word, the brunette walked over, picking up the bag, and threw it at one of her coworkers before leaving for her car despite the calls for her to come back. "45 more minutes and I'm done," she murmured as she started the car with a small smirk and pulled off, heading back to the station in order to write a statement as someone always had to do when a culprit was killed.
Silence wasn't an uncommon occurrence, no, it happened more often than not. Save for the faint, muffled noises of the sound outside in the streets and city below behind the glass to his right. Brown eyes traced the words on the paper he held, one of the many in the stack that he was currently holding- dropped off if not only five minutes prior. He'd already read through some, a small pile of three maybe four papers already stacked on his desk. Shipment tracking, as he'd asked for, telling him what was where and when it was planned to arrive. If he was lucky, it'd be there on the said date, if not, it'd be a few days late- of course, that didn't happen often and as such he didn't much expect it to either. None the less he was pleased with what he'd already looked over. Everything was in order, as it should have been, and as it needed to be. For the moment at least, as little did he knew in about exactly six minutes he'd be getting a call and that lovely balance that he had would be thrown right out the window. It wouldn't have been the first time, and it wouldn't have been the last, but he would've liked to think that things ran smoother than they did. A common misconception. People always thought that they had things planned out, that they knew what they were doing- they usually didn't. Life liked to throw different things at you when you were least expecting it, and the man would've known. For a moment, he glanced at his left hand, flexing the fingers. They moved smoothly, but, it'd never be the same as if it'd still been his own.

He'd made it through another four, finishing up on the fifth paper before he decided that he'd taken a small, brief break. At least he assumed he'd be getting one, or would've liked to think he was. Even if he enjoy them while he had them work was a reigning topic. Getting side tracked wasn't an option, either you were on top of it or you weren't. Course, then again, who was he to be talking? He'd only just jinxed himself.

He raised his head, set the rest of the papers down and to the side on the assumption that everything else in there was in perfect order and could've waited until later. Whether it was or not, it still would've had to wait until later. A sudden ringing to his left made the man's head turn in one, quick, sharp movement before his eyes narrowed on it. It wasn't his personal, no, so for a moment he didn't think much of it, and answered anyway. He blinked when a stream of cursing and shouting came through, he tilted his wrist and held the phone away from his head until it seemed to die down. Leaning back he pressed the phone against his ear "Yes?" His voice ran smoothly, to smoothly for the other's liking just as he started to ramble aggressively again. Teivel knew the voice, and he knew it well, then again he'd heard it not too long ago. It was a buyer of his, though last time he'd checked there was two of them, and from what he was hearing, there was now only one. This wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't for the fact that he hadn't gotten his money yet, course that was always easily taken care of "Is that so? Sounds rather unfortunate." A roused list of unhappy names was spat his way before the man started describing who's supposedly taken his partner. Up until then, it'd been of little concern, funny how things changed. He reached for his cell, fingers on it when it'd vibrated. He set the other phone down with the man still talking and examined his new message. His eyebrows went up before he glanced from the phone to his cell. Had the message been from anyone else it might not have been as interest worthy. He opened it up, changing screens and flipping through his contacts before he held his phone to his ear, drumming his fingers as he waited for the man in question to pick up, ignoring the noise from his other phone. More shouting was given- but it was oddly cheerful. He sighed, though this time it was amusing and humored by a smirk that play ed across his lips as he shook his head lightly. Despite this however, he got right to the point "You know, just a second ago I had the weirdest call. It was a guy, buyer of mine I made a deal with- Angry sounding fellow, sounded like, asking about his partner who'd seemingly been taken by a guy who, funny thing it is, sounded a lot like you. Would you care to explain that to me?" It was a genuine question, and his tone never changed to express any sort of emotion, less it be curiosity.
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"Please. Please I'm beggin' man, I didn't take yer money...I-I've got a wife, kids - mmmphhht!!"

"Don't lie to me, dear, It wastes time," William hummed, watching the man scream after he had pointedly cut off an eyelid for the fib - well try to scream, anyway - and writhe in front of him on the plastic covered table. "I know everything about you, and I don't appreciate false information...Now... Are we clear? No? Ah, perhaps I'll provide you with a proper incentive before we continue with your questioning," he sighed, and promptly raised the other man's wrist, flicked up the hand, and bit off a finger, chewing thoughtfully before making a face, paying no mind to the gagged moans or horror and pain, though he did spit the bloody mess out on the floor. He wiped his mouth with a napkin from his pocket before leaning over to take a swig of the coffee by his side, letting the comforting caramel macchiato brew wash the nasty taste away. "Hmph. I should have known - liars never taste good...perhaps I'll warn the crows."

William had strapped him down in a warehouse at the edge of the city, down at the docks to be exact. The warehouse wasn't abandoned, no that would be much too cliche - In fact, there were still people inside, most coming in to retrieve items before leaving again, completely oblivious to his actions down below. The man didn't need a mask, however, even if he was indeed caught. His own face was a mystery once looked upon, features hidden by what appeared to be layers of face paint giving a rather unsettling image of a walking skeleton - and that was all he'd needed. Even if someone was able to recognize what he looked like underneath it, it wouldn't be their first reaction. And because William would have been about to kill you anyway - he was never fond of those who he doesn't trust seeing him in the flesh whatsoever unless necessary - that split second hesitation would be the window of time for one of those blades of his to slip through your heart.

Currently, however, the mentioned silver blades were not aiming to kill, but rather to torture as they moved over and under the skin. The blood seeped at first, as he was careful not to cut any major arteries as he carved the word 'Liar' in cursive into the skin. He didn't mind much when the blood began to spew a little faster as the silver donned with it cut through the chest, looping and swirling as he went, as everything that made it out of the body he was manipulating was caught by absorbent sheet and plastic - even the thick straps that he'd roped around his soon-to-be victim were unaffected by the clear protective coat around them. The man didn't mind a messy kill - but certainly didn't condone or exhibit messy exits. He had his fun, but also his time frames, and in order to enjoy freedom he had to be as clean as he was careful upon departure. He'd done this many many times...In fact...it had been done to him too, and he knew all too well how the process worked. His process, however, was interrupted by his phone buzzing in his left pocket. Furiously so, so it was a call rather than a text, and he snorted, already knowing who it was from, though not at all pleased to be receiving it. After all, he'd sent the first text - containing one smiley face and another dinner platter emoji - expecting a reaction from the man in some kind. He took his time, the grin spreading over his face as he thunked the knife down on the table upright through the forearm of the man he was torturing, murmuring at the screams. "Now now, darling, I wouldn't just leave you alone for a call - but so it turns, this one is for you - Oh Tay, darling, how can I help you!" he chuckled, before answering the phone with a loud sort of glee after assuring his formerly intended meal what was going on. He listened to the question on the other line, and the smile did well not to disappear. "Explain? Well, now, I do not actually. But my backstabbing friend here does...and don't you worry, I stabbed him plenty other places jusssst so we have an understanding," he said pointedly, his grey-green eyes flashing as his cold gaze struck home on the gagged man's sweaty face. He walked over, putting the call on speaker, and making sure his own voice was heard clearly as he enunciated, taking the cloth out of the captured's mouth, turning his own nose up at the wheezing and whimpering. "So, how would you like to explain your involvement here? I've found several...offenses. Conspiring with the Feds, side profit off of restricted dealers, attempted sabotage of our own production line - "

"That wasn't me! That was - that was all Brett, you can find his name on the papers and stuff! Man I don't deal with this shi-"

"-No, because you're only the muscle - the enforcer, that much is very clear. But, you have just given me what I needed to work with...and you'd have sold out your partner too, if I hadn't already known. However, I only needed one of you to be recorded in your pathetic display, and your treachery will do well for my cause to discourage idiots like you, who think they can get away with double crossing. I'm very much finished with you-" the brunette was cut off by the sounds of begging, the table rattling as the man even made his wounds worse trying to get away, and yet William ignored him still in favor of returning his phone to it's regular call setting.

" -Teivel? Give me a moment please," he snarled, before placing the phone down and yanking the knife back out of the arm, no regard for damaged vessels now, as he then simply sliced the weapon over the man's throat, a strangled cry ending abruptly in the process. He raised the blade, slowly, very slowly, before licking up and down both sides - blood never could taste too bad - and returned it to it's sheath in his coat pocket. Then, and only then he picked up the phone once more, already having replaced the knife with a saw in his hand as he made for separating the body, preparing for his leave - and inevitable disposal.

"Don't bother about the payment...what he promised you was to be given by the Agents - tsk tsk, you know they never pay up. So...Are you going to deliver my thank you now or later, hmm?"
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Collin leans over the sink, crushing the pain killer with the bottom of his switch blade. Once the pill is turned into a neat line of powder, he inhales sharply, filling both his nostrils. A blond haired woman, clothes only from the waist down, approaches him from behind and hugs him tightly. He looks at her in the mirror smiling. "You're up early." She says, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Gotta go see a man about some drugs. You think I could stash a few things in here? Just for a day or two." She leans back not loosening her to however. "What things?" Collin turns around smiling. He holds her face with both hands. "Better you don't know love" He kisses her on the forehead, gently pushing past her towards the door. He grabs a bandana and a black hoodie off the coat rack. The blonde woman comes behind him, sliding a m1911 in his waist line. "Please make it home safe...." The worry in her voice evident and genuine. "Right." He heads for O'Shaughnessy's pub up the road. He goes settings around back, nodding to the door man. "Wassup Mac, da boys are inside gettin ready now" He opens the for for him. Collin nods and heads inside, up the stairs.

A round table with six Irish men and two Latinos. The older liking one, greying hair and glasses, stand up with open arms. "Oi! Murphy the fuckin Mouse! You made it in one piece yeah?" The man kisses Collin on the cheek. Collin embraces the man. "Uncle Jack. It's been what like ten years?......" Collin motions to the table "Money first, feeling later" Jack sits back down. "Right -motions to the Latinos- our friends from the south side here let us know about dinner serious coke coming our way in a few hours. Martin." The shorter Latino man with a fade begins to speak. "One of our plugs decided to say fuck us and distribute the bulk of his pure Columbian coke to the Chinese, and leave is with the stepped on shit and left over heron. The meet is in an apartment in the south Bronx. The space is to tight for this to go easy, so your guys are going to have to step in guns blazing." Collin pulls on his chin hair, "How much coke, how much money?" The taller Latino with the ponytail pushed up his shades. "Thirty keys, the Chinese ate paying $350,00 for it. You take the cash and five kilos." One of the Irish guys at the table whistles. Collin leans forward on the table, finding his hands together. "Nah. We'll take ten kilos. One of my guys gets wet in there we gotta funeral to pay for." The Latino guys look at each other. The shorter one nods to Collin. Hands one of the Irishmen a piece of paper. All together they stand up. Jack shakes the Latinos hands add the rest of the men suit up. Collin extends his arms and a man comes and straps a Kevlar vest to his torso. Collin pulls a hoodie over his head. As he looks up to see his uncle Jack shoving an fury 2 shotgun in his hand


Jack kisses him on the forehead, shoving a ski mask in his front pocket. "Get back safe Mousey boy." Collin grins "Right, back in one piece."
Grey blue eyes looked out over the dock, calculating for a moment, as he took a deep breath of the air. He had always loved the smell of water, something about it was calming. It always gave him the feeling he was on a vacation, far from home. And technically speaking he was far from home. His lips curled up as so far his information seemed to be right, there was indeed a warehouse. Then again, docks without warehouses was a rare sight. With a light step he moved forward, his fancy suit quite a contrast to the clothes of the workers around him. "Careful Sir, wouldn't want to get you dirty, right?" One of the workers holding him up as a crane unloaded some goods of the ship, oil dripping down. He looked at the containers, wondering how much of the contents would be what the logbook said it was, but he wasn't there for that kind of stuff today. "Thank you for your warning, it would indeed a be a shame if these clothes ended up defiled" His tone was light as he played with the words. If the other only knew why he was at the docks, what he was searching for and how much more then just clothes he could lose.

"What is that warehouse used for?" Now that he had the attention of a worker, he might as well ask a few questions. The other turned around, before shrugging. "Just to stash away some goods, nothing interesting" Perfect, it fitted so well in the little bit he knew about the other that he was chasing. Just rumors he had followed to get to this place, but he was glad he did. The longer he was here the more those rumors seemed to be real. Then again, it could be that he would be faced with some other guy all together. Oh well, it would be interesting none the less. He didn't say anything as his feet carried him towards the warehouse, watching how the people worked for a moment, before his eyes tried to find something else. A sign that there was more going on than just the stashing of goods, but he knew the other was careful. So careful it would almost be disappointing if he indeed found such a sign. Some workers looked up as he walked into the warehouse, surprised to see a male like him walk in here as he did not at all fit into the picture.

Yes, he probably should have told the police and have them figure this out, but this was his very own case. Not even a case, not yet. It wasn't even part of his work, yet his job helped him a lot with getting the information he needed to get this far. He walked all the way to the back, seemingly relaxed, but he knew he was on a tight shedule. It wasn't until he was almost completely at the back that his ears picked up on something. His hand reaching out to the nearest worker. "Did you hear that?" He had no idea why he even cared to verify as the other seemed to look at him dumbfound. It caused the dirty blond male to roll his eyes for a moment. "Screams?" He clearified, yet the other shook his head. He had released the other again as his grey blue gaze went over every little detail. "Probably just the sailor outside or the ra-" He held his hand up to hush the other, that of course now had found its tongue again as the vague sound came to him again. "Where does this lead?" He asked, rather demanding as he pointed towards something that looked like a ventilation shaft. The worker just shrugged, causing the lawyer to become only more frustrated. He didn't have the time for this bullshit. "Probably down, but that is not being used... they closed it down ages ago..." His smile grew more to a triomph, these details had really been good. "Yeah.. through that door there is a stair down... but you will only find the sewers and rats" He looked back at the worker next to him that seemed to be rather confused, but he didn't feel like clarifying himself. What was there to explain? He was chasing a ghost, almost literally. "Any other way in?" The worker shook his head. "Not that I know of" He nodded slowly as his mind worked on high speed, contecting all the information. "Well rats can't open doors, can they?" It was just a mutter, more to himself than towards the worker he now simply left behind as he opened the said door, only to be greeted with darkness. However that was no problem as he waited for his eyes to adjust, before grabbing on to the steel 'stair' it was more a ladder.

Down into the unknown and jugding by the screetching noises there were indeed rats. He looked around the small room he had ended up in now. Only one other way, besides the way he had come from and he stepped forward to the safety door. If he had been right, behind it would be a serial killer, a cannibal, a terrorist and he was just a simple lawyer, yet did plan on surviving this. That was if that man would be the one, he was suppose to be. Otherwise he might have a little problem. One thing was certain, his body would never be found. It should probably frighten him, that knowlegde that he could very well take his last few breaths and yet it did not. It excited him to be honest, his life has never been easy and a constant fight for survival. And losing your life was just a risk you had to be willing to take for solving mysteries like these. He could have known the door didn't gave way as he pushed down the bar. Too easy, too obvious and if anything, this criminal was not one to make it easy. At all. Just as he wanted to use more force, idly hoping the door would give way then, his phone rang. His fingers quickly slipped into the pocket of his black Armani pants to take the call, before the device would make a sound. "Quinton" The station, there had been a kill, well what was new with that. The problem was however the one who had killed. "Again? Can't someone else take it... I am busy at the moment" No there was no one else, of course not. Why had he even asked? "Give me 15" With that he hung up and put the phone away again. His fingers playing with the business cards he also had in there, before placing one in a creak the rats would not be able to reach. Either it would still be there and he would have his answer to the question if there was another way in, or the other would find his way to him. His hands grabbed the cold steel again as he made his way back into the light, blinking his eyes for a moment. "Indeed only rats" He said as the worker he had spoken with before looked at him questioningly.

He had been so close, and yet... so far at the same time. He would find the other, somehow, some day, but that day was not gonna be today as he drove back to the station. He pushed the unsatisfied feeling and the feeling of failure away as he gotten out of the vehicle 13 minutes later. A new smile playing on his face as he grabbed some coffee, before making his way over to the brunette. "Heard you killed another one again?" The lawyer said as he took a chair opposite of her desk, exactly 15 minutes since the phone call. He had not taken the time to find out more information. "Seems there are witnesses, so tell me what happened?" He knew there was more than just duty that drove the female, yet it was not up to him to call that out yet. For now he would only be responsible for her defense, and so he would, unless of course the other would spill just that bit more.

Conner spinned in his swivel chair at the police station while using two wooden number two pencils as drum sticks while he played the drum solo to one of his favorite songs. He continued doing so until he spotted Eve walk back inside the police station. He smiled and jumped out his seat running over to her. He dodged a few officers and detectives while getting to her, once he arrived he quickly stopped and smiled. "Hey Evie! How did the case go?" He asked her as he stole a sucker from an officers jar of candies. He gave the officer a look while he took the wrapper off the candy and slowly licked it. Smirking when the officer blushed and went back to his work, Conner turned back around and looked at Eve. "So am I gonna be needed for the number of people you have probably shot today?" He continued sucking on his sucker then sat down on the officer that he took the sweet treat from desk. "Also...wanna join me for a nice cup of coffee at the local cafe?"

As he waited for her to answer he took out his cellphone and saw that he had a few text messages from some people. He was glad his shift was almost over. He had some...things to do when he got home and he wanted to get this coffee with Evei then get the hell home. Yes he had a booty call but it's only for this one night. The man was practically begging to come by Conner's place to have some fun but Conner purposely put it off with the excuses of either work or hanging out with his friends and his favorite one looking at a dead body to probe. He put his phone back after he sent the guy a message then continued looking at Evie.​

Oh god not this again...

Evelisse clenched her jaw in annoyance as she slowly walked through the precinct, trying her best to ignore the one nickname she couldn't stand. "Don't call me that, Conner. You know good and damn well I hate being called Evie. Call me Evelisse and we won't have a problem and I won't have to kick your ass," the brunette said simply, not looking at him once as she finally arrived at the desk. "I need to fill out a statement," she told the officer and took it as she sat down on a stool, beginning fill it out quietly. I only shot one person. It's only number four in two years. It's not like I shoot someone everytime I go out," she said as she slowly finished and gave it back. "I'm not in the mood for coffee and I'd rather just go home so I can relax," Eve added as she stood up and took her hair down, running her hands through it as she walked back to her desk and sitting down.

Evelisse knew what Conner was doing: putting of going home. She rolled her eyes a bit and sighed softly as she turned her attention to the folder on her desk. She couldn't say she wasn't proud of herself, having succumb to pressure only once but she didn't like to be used to get out of things like that. She sighed softly, nodding slightly at the case file: another druggie. She moved it away and looked at the computer screen without a word, trying her best to picture herself alone.

Then she remembered the question. Looking up at the blonde across from her, she shrugged. "For all I knew he had a dangerous weapon and it was the only way to stop him from running. To be honest, I wasn't the only one pulling my gun out, but I was the only one brave enough to pull the trigger. Nothing more, nothing less," Eve said with a simple shrug as she pushed the folder aside. "They haven't sent me to prison yet and as far as I'm aware, I have nothing to hide considering he wasn't cooperating so I made him cooperate," she sighed before leaning back and crossing her arms.
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Cafes, Coffee, and workdays seemed to be the drive behind most of the resident's of any city, whether it be middle class or upper - although Jasper new very well most of the 'buzz' was around the morning hours before said work started, whatever that may be, hence the reason why he chose to visit at this time. It was a bit of a mental trigger as he'd walked in, though not a negatively concerning one - something to be appreciate of. More...something to savor. His mother, he remembered, had placed a little plaque above the coffeemaker in their kitchen: 'Good Morning...Let the Stress Begin'. A witty little phrase indeed, but despite the negative ways you could take it, it always seemed to put a smile on her face in the morning. The crinkles in the corners of her bright blue eyes and the wide grin on her face manages to light up the whole room in one go, and he could practically hear the footsteps of his father from down the winding staircase as he came to greet his lovely wife like he did every morning with love. The man always said that Jasper and his mum looked alike when they'd smiled - yes, now he could remember clearly, he himself with his mother's smile, and his little baby brother William who had her beautiful green eyes, always as stunning as hers when the child gurgled in her arms. They were indeed one big happy family, untouchable even, all those years ago. And their house, it was certainly still stocked full of those warm childhood memories, drawing the emotions from him when he thought about them, the ones that he always seemed to try and hide. And now, at the thought of it, even through all of the hell his family had gone through - some of it, he would admit, was even his own fault - the soft warm touches of that very same smile graced his lips, though it was skillfully hidden behind the screen of his laptop. He thought of her at the same time every day, at four thirty to be exact, and he always was. Why? Well...that was another memory for another day, but the clock of course moved on, and as a result so did he.

He stretched his legs out under the small tabletop, straightening once more in the chair and smoothing out the lapels of his navy blue blazer before crossing those very same limbs at the ankle. He was in the back corner of the establishment at a table for two - if you could call it that. The shop seemed to have simply let customers add and subtract chairs from tables as they pleased, he'd just chosen this one for the size and location, honestly not giving too much thought to anything else, purchasing his drink of choice and setting out for it the moment he'd walked in. He himself enjoyed tea much more than coffee - some would argue it was due to his adopted country of origin, and though he would admit the tea there tasted better than any other, he had always liked the taste on his own. It was calming for him, helped him focus, and focus was exactly what his sharp blue eyes did as they narrowed in on the screen, specifically on a flashing alert that had appeared there.

When he had walked in, he'd immediately found it appropriate to hack into the cafe's security cameras. He of course went with a rudimentary accelerated Hydra syntax, noting too fancy - and after making sure his 'footsteps' were untraceable, he maneuvered the tech until he was in a blind spot. The way he'd done it had given him about an hour and a half, just in case, and the motion looked only like a malfunction, creating a blind spot in two other places in the building rather than only himself to avert suspicion even if they did look beyond the simple 'error'. Prior to all of this, his computer was currently running another little program, giving him both an eye and ear into police activities, scanners, and radio channels as well as a view of all new reports filed. All of the radios or walkies were open both ways pertaining to his end of the line - even if one of them switched their devices off, the Agent would still be able to listen in unless the object itself was destroyed or manually disconnected. He was indeed a peeping tom at this point if you could call it that, due to both motive and method. He wasn't looking for any specific criminal activity per say, or even a specific occurrence in either the law or it's perpetrators. He was, however, trying to catch the police with their pants down.

Jasper was not at all stupid when it came to how successful crime organizations thrived. They didn't fear the law, usually because they were the law. Corrupted cops were not a strange occurrence in Winstrom, but that was the very same reason the transactions being carried out involving them had become easier and easier for those involved and benefiting to hide. This could very well be a disaster for the heads of law enforcement in the city if they'd noticed - which, of course, they were much too caught up in mistreating those they caught to do. He, on the other hand, saw two sides to this coin. There was the less pleasant side, that not only would the corruption be hidden easier, but possibly even brutally enforced for those who got close to figuring anything about the process, and depending on how nasty the people he was dealing with, the usual blacklisting or blackmailing, could very well be replaced or added to with unplanned or forced interrogations, some he even had seen leading to assassination. And then there was the pleasant side to all of this, that those involved would get a little too arrogant on the subject - police were, sadly, usually the ones with the smug thoughts and behaviors having to do with whatever illegal benefits they made on the side - and make a mistake. And Jasper wasn't going to miss a single one of those mistakes, which is why his eyebrow shot up as the alert had shown itself on the screen - cop cars, making their way rather rapidly to a location. The ear-buds went in as his fingers flew over the keyboard, directing his hearing and attention to the area in which the alert had signified, and he did well to pick out every useful bit of information...though that wasn't very much at first. However, that changed when the gunshot had sounded, cracking even over the sirens, and a voice confirmed seconds after that the target was indeed deceased. It was jarring, a death always was, but Jasper let the air huff out of his mouth in disappointment. A death was not a mistake, it was simply quick thinking, and he could not assume until he could get a recounting of the seen events and exact position of the man who had been shot, and with Winstrom cops, it was far too ordinary to incline him to do so.

No, what finally made that other brow raise to the other before another, more knowing, and unfailingly shit-eating grin graced his features - the game was on, it was. Certainly after that he had heard. Not only had his unknowing informant provided evidence of a bribery - he recorded everything, of course, it was in his training - but had also triggered a new plan in his mind for another name mentioned. A name he hadn't heard since the day he left New York City...a friend. The only issue was, the excitement on his face, it was graced with just a tad of worry - but then, he trusted himself. Yes, the name wouldn't be an issue...he only had to play his cards right. And of course, avoid the jokers.

For the exact 90 minutes his enter and exit had taken, he had simply looked like a man possibly enjoying an amusing video on his laptop, a relaxing routine after his day of work had been done. There were no suspicions, no traces, and cover after cover to make sure the possibility was indeed nonexistent. He hadn't even paid with a card, of course with cash, bills too worn and used to get anything solid on. Jasper made his way down the street after recycling his cup as the day began to run out, content with his new findings...the game, was indeed, on. And the determinedly debonair Agent intended to have every single piece in place before his hidden opponent.
Davin frowned at his cell phone. This dude wouldn't leave him alone, as usual. It wasn't like Dav was in love or anything--He only messed around with the guy once, when he was stone sober and bored. It just so happened that he knew things and Dav was smart enough to keep him around.

He unlocked the door to his apartment to find his 42 year old mother dancing around the house in her negligee.

"Ma, could you not? For once?" He groaned, throwing his leather jacket on the couch. October had just began and it was already getting a little too breezy for his liking.

"Mi bella, gruesa hijo de cabeza," the dark haired woman replied, "You stress too much. You're too German for your own good." She sashayed toward him, undoing her curlers and letting her true beauty shine. She kissed her child on his cheek and motioned him to sit down.

"I got rid of that kilo." He said, picking up the remote from its place on the coffee table. He didn't expect the book to bit him in the back of his own head. "What did I do now?!" He asked, turning the music off.

"I told you to lay off of that shit!" His mother yelled, uncorking the bottle of cognac she'd gotten him for his last birthday. "And don't even lie to me about it. Your eyes look like plates."

"Fine." Davin mumbled to himself, picking up his phone. He texted The guy telling him he'd be over soon. He didn't want to hear the wrath of Roslyn Hernandez tonight--it was wrecking his high as is. He grabbed his backpack, always loaded with "essentials" and his hoodie. Before walking to the door, he left a big wad of cash on the table, just in case.

"Dios mio..." Roslyn sighed, only to be answered by a loud slam of the apartment door.

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Since it was afternoon, Street Racer and Mechanic Megumi Tanji, also known as 'Mimi', was just spending her time in her Garage, putting performance parts into her Toyota Supra, the latest edition to her fleet of Performance Vehicles, which included a Chevrolet Chevelle, Mazda RX-7, Nissan Skyline GT-R R34, Nissan 350Z, the Honda Civic Type-R and a fairly new Dodge Viper GTS. However, she had recently discovered the Supra in a junkyard and decided to buy it for cheap. Sadly, she had to invest a lot of money into the car, as it had been totaled by the previous owner. However, it was worth it in the end, especially after she added the finishing touches, as she had been working on the car during the day, while street racing by night. As she closed the hood of the car, she smiled, admiring the project car that she had been working on for the past couple of days. On her own. Those overnight parts from Japan did cost her a bit too. Hopefully there was a Race tonight, because she really could use the money. Between the Nissan Skyline and the new Supra, she didn't know which to take. However, because it was her new car, she wanted to test it out, as she had raced all the other cars at least once. She had gotten the Skyline as a gift from her Uncle, who gave it to her before moving back to Japan. As for the Viper, she got it off of racing someone for Pink Slips. Every other Car, she bought and restored. Seeing that the Supra was finally finished and ready to drive, she decided that she was gonna take her new car out for a Test Drive.

As she got into the Car, Mimi put the keys into the Ignition and started the car. As the Engine roared to life, she could not help but smile. Revving the engine a few times, she shifted it into gear before leaving pulling out of her garage and speeding down the street.
Quinton shook his head at the little conversation that had been going on before he had arrived. It was amusing to see how hard Conner tried and Evelisse just shot him down practically. He took a sip from the cup of coffee he had, frowning slightly at the poor quality of it. He nodded at the answer that came from the female at the other side of the desk. She didn't seem to be too impressed by her own action. Not that a dead person was something new, but she had just ended someones life and she was unfazed by it. The only people he knew that were not moved by a life they just ended were murderers or torturers, and she, she was a police officer. "Of course, just a necessary action" he finally spoke, his lips twitching up as the word prison came up. "Well if they do, you know where to find me" And with those words he got back up. This was a waste of time, like always. "Grace, Reese" The names spoken as some kind of greeting as he nodded at them. His fingers curling around the hot cup again, before letting it drop down in the bin next to the door.

This truly had been a waste of a perfect oppertunity. He checked the time, no he wouldn't make it back to the docks in time. The other would be long gone and laughing his ass of if he arrived now. As he walked into his own office he noticed a new file being dropped on his desk, seriously they didn't even have the decency to ask him now? He didn't even look through the file, his mind was not in the right place at the moment. He tossed it on the pile of other files that he would still need to take a look at, some day. Most of them ended up being rejected anyway, because they were not interesting enough. So how was he gonna spend his free evening? He took his keys to open the drawer with his current cases, taking out one of them, before pushing it shut again. That would be his court hearing tomorrow morning, nothing big, just one of the smaller dealers in the outskirts of the town. He had to admit he admired the male for not yet snitching. He locked the drawer again as he carefully put the files into his bag, checking if he had everything, before leaving his office again.

He still couldn't believe he had to come back for this. Yet he knew very well that he could not complain about this. He might be a man of the law, he knew how to move through it. He wasn't corrupted, like some of the cops were, at least he didn't think of himself as being corrupted. He was merely curious, okay maybe in his latest game it was more personal. He chuckled to himself as he made his way over to his car, that damn thing had now truly changed into a cat and mouse game. And he couldn't say whom was the cat and whom was the mouse.

Emerald green eyes were watching the busy streets below as she sat crouched down on the roof of the tattoo shop. More or less, since the shop itself was a few stories below her. She had been able to close early, due to having now appointments anymore and she had felt restless. She didn't understand why, but it felt like something was coming for her. She rolled her eyes at her own thoughts, she had never been someone for superstition. Yet still she felt as if she was being watched and couldn't surpress the feeling over looking over her shoulder. See, no one was there, who would be as idiotic as her to come up here anyway? She stood up straight again, she better got herself ready for the fight tonight. Just as she wanted to turn her back on the street were people crawled like ants, there was a loud bang. She could see someone falling to the ground, blood spreading out of his body. Another dead body, what was new in this city?

She sighed as she turned her back for real on the sight below before sprinting forward. Her hands hardly coming into contact with the railing as she launched herself forward, rolling over the ground to catch her own momentum and getting back upon her feet. It had not really been necessary, since she could have just taken the stairs but she likes running around the city, or rather said on top of the city. Lightly she skipped down onto the lid of containers with a loud thud, before her feet touched the ground again and she entered the building through the back exit. Her appartement was attached to the shop, and just like now used as storage place as she shoved some inkt out of the way in order to get to her bathroom. Personal hygiene and her health was very important for her and despite being offer numerous times, she still knew to keep her body clean of any kind of drugs. However she didn't judge those who did use, it was their own choice to fuck up their bodies like that.

With her copper red hair still damp from the hot shower, she was out on the streets again. With a light jog she traveled quickly, before pulling herself up and climbing the building again. It was just so much easier to reach your destination over the roofs than having to adjust your path to the building. And not much later she had reached her destination, the fighting cages, north of the city. She reduced her speed to a normal walking as her eyes skimmed the people that had already arrived. Most she knew, and most knew her, but there was always at least one idiot from out of town. "Oh my, dangerous place for a pretty body like that. You might break a nail" And her assumption had been right as she let out a giggle, before looking up to the taller man. However before she could answer, an arm wrapped itself around her waist, pulling her close to a familiar body. "El, is he causing you trouble?" Her fingers played over the muscles on the others chest as her eyes took in the male that had first directed his words to him. "Neh, not really, I could easily handle him if he dared to set foot in my cage" And with those words she wiggled herself out of the grip of the other again, leaving both males behind. Even though she had proven her worth in many fights, the boys here still felt the need to protect her. It frustrated her that she was still being underestimated, but they meant it well. "The only cage you will be in is one to show off that body of yours. Come on, girl, take of some clothes" Okay that was it. Even though anger was flaring up within her, she slowly reached up to the zipper of her hoodie. Teasingly she started to pull it down as she stepped backwards, her eyes only for a slight moment flickering over to Nick, who nodded quickly. "Come here than, pretty boy, and see if you can get some..."

They did have fighting schedules, but somehow they hardly kept up to them. Mainly because of events like this and she liked having the opening fight. Though so far the crowd was not that impressive, but then again it was still early. The newcomer didn't waste any time to indeed follow her, males, such easy prey. "You made a big mistake, baby boy" Her lips curled up as she threw her hoodie in the corner. Normally she was one to wait for the other, but not now that rage was fuelling through her veins. She could vaguely hear Nick announce the first fight of the night as she already moved forward, her fist connecting harshly with the males nose. The crunching sound making her smile a bit more as she swiftly moved her leg up. "And I almost thought you were gonna be a challenge." There was a tone of loathing in her voice. She hated people that could not live up to their words. She took a few steps back, giving the other the time to collect himself again and make this at least a bit more interesting than it had been so far. Making a point of checking out her nails, before looking at the pathetic pile of human that was still were she had left it. She slowly crouched down beside him, muscles tensed to react if it was all just an act. "See, they are all still in perfect condition" She spread her fingers, showing off the hot pink painted nails. The other suddenly moving, grabbing her arm and twisting it up her back. She could feel her muscles protest against the movement, but she didn't let out a sound. "Bitch, you broke my nose" She just chuckled as she hooked her leg around the other, her free hand catching the fist that was suppose to do the same to her. She ignored the screaming pain in her arm as she twisted herself free. Hoping to bring the other to the ground, aiming to at least have him off balance. She was not disappointed in that last prediction as she moved her knee up to the abdomen with force. Enough force to have him spill out the last bit of food he had eaten. "Next time you gonna insult a girl, make sure you can handle her" She spit down on the whimpering male as she picked up her hoodie from the ground. "Get me a worthy opponent, Nick, this one was... such a dissappointment" Her feet taking her out of the cage without a look back on the male that had started the harrassement as she took the drink that was offered to her.
"Quinton," Evelisse said in the same monotone voice as she gave a simple nod. She looked back down at the folder and its contents, letting out a small sigh as she began reviewing the information about the dealer. "Davin Adalric Blumen.... I'm sure it'll be a pleasure meeting you," she mumbled softly as she glanced at the clock. "Still got half an hour," she observed and got up, sliding her gun in its holster and putting her hair up, tucking it underneath her hat. "I'll be back, Conner. If anyone is looking for me, I'm gonna be out, looking for someone. That's all they need to know," she said before grabbing her keys and the folder, walking out of the precinct and to her cruiser.

Once she got in, she let out a small sigh and memorized the address on the papers then started the car and typed in the address on the GPS before she pulled out of the parking lot and followed the directions. When she finally pulled up to the sidewalk outside of the building, she shut the vehicle off and began looking around at her surroundings. "Now let's see if we can catch you in the act Mr. Blumen," she murmured to herself as she watched the suspect carefully. Finally seeing an opportunity, she got out of the car and jogged over to him. "Hello Mr. Blumen. What's in the backpack?" She asked straight faced, tilting her head ever so slightly though she already had an idea of what it was.
Conner nodded when Evie told him she will be back "Be careful! And no more killing!" He yelled at her then watched her hop in her squad car and drive off. He continued sucking on the sucker then looked at the officer that he made blush from embarrassment. He smirked and caught his attention by the obvious, throwing something at him. Conner stood up and walked away from the officer...kinda like sashayed or however you spell it. He turned around and winked at the officer and walked to a spot where it was quiet and unseen by others.

Conner waited there for about 5 minutes sucking on his orb of candy on a stick until he spotted the officer come his way. A sly grin on his face he yanked him into the corner and just proceeded to attack him with kisses. These weren't ordinary kisses, these were more like heated and sloppy kisses. Conner didn't care he was in the police station making out with an officer hes done it before multiple times and some of those times he got caught, but was let off with warnings. An hour goes by and Conner has had his fill of making out with officers in the hidden corner. Now he wanted to go home and watch Netflix all night. Fixing his hair up he walked back to his desk upon seeing multiple officers ask him where Evie was. He told them just what she told him and that was that. He packed his things walked out to his bike, hopped on and drove off to the local cafe in the city. Probably the one place that was not corrupted.

Davin stopped in his tracks, sighing at the use of that name. He knew exactly who was behind him, and he knew she wouldn't be taken down easily. She was one of the only officers he'd ever call himself close to respecting. Even though they were on the opposite sides of the spectrum, Officer Eve was a force to be reckoned with. Davin looked to the wet cement ground, littered with trash. The hood fell from his head, revealing his dirty blonde head to the woman.

"So, Ms. Lady Robocop finally got to me, eh?" He took off his backpack and threw it at her feet. The look on his face was not it's usual blank and careless state, but something harder. He stared into her unmoving eyes, ready to snuff out his pride. He wouldn't accomplish anything in a jail cell--or dead. "Take what you want. Money, drugs...I don't care what your fix is. But, I do implore you: Let me go." A brush of footsteps near him made his skin bristle. He looked around on the block where they were. The sun had just began to set on them. That didn't mean they were safe though. On the contrary, They were just two targets that would benefit other more dead than alive. The sound of sliding metal made the man tense up even more.

"Come on, it's not getting any brighter out here." he said, hoping she'd catch on to the setting that was closing around the two.

(@Lexie )
"Haha very funny," the brunette countered coldly to his Robocop joke. Without taking her eyes off his, she bend down and scooped the bag into her hands, taking it upon herself to open it and began searching through the contents. Evelisse rolled her eyes and zipped the bag back up. "None of that shit is 'my fix'. I just do my job," she said as she reached down to grab her cuffs, freezing at his words.

After thinking for only a few moments, she moved her hand down by her side. Catching on easily, she slowly shook her head. "No. You don't tell me what to do....I have no problem blowing someone's brains out," she said, making sure the last sentence was merely a whisper.

"I'm seriously debating letting you go, but I'm not sure just yet and I'm not leaving here until I figure it out."
Collin sits eyes closed in the back of the white van. He wasn't worried about the job, all the men in the van and second car where reliable enough. He knew most of them, Logan little finger, Rodger O'Hara, the Teller twins, all good men willing to bleed for the man next to him. But he knew, felt it in his bones, that something was going to go wrong. Small apartment with one window and one door and six drug dealers on edge. The van pulled to a stop behind the building. The men pulled their skin tight mask over their heads, the sounds of clips being loaded and hammers being racked. Collin leads the charge up the stairs, eight men behind him. The Teller twins took up his left and right, the rest of the men go into the next room. Collin waits a moment, listening to the conversation between what sounds like Cubans, and the Chinese buyers. They where joking, sampling the product. "What was that?" Three taps come from the other room, the sign that the men where in position. Collin kicked in the door, and he and the Teller twins fired a few shells from their shotguns into the room. The men in the other room fired their sub machine guns into the confusion through the east wall. Three Chinese, Three Cubans, lay dead in the room. There was a brown messenger bag on the table, and a black duffel on the floor. The men had already gathered the bags when Logan little finger stopped in his tracks, staring at one of the bodies. "Mouse......*he points at the body of a Chinese man, his sunglasses broken and hanging from his face* "You know who that is?" Collin looked down, confused for a moment, then horrified. He remembered the faces of the so called five kings of China Town "That's mother fucking Johnny Chin the Shogun..... And we just started a war." The men piled into the van and sped off through the streets. Collin sighed, "This was an assassination.....we just got fucked." One of the Teller twins, Thomas, pulled off his mask and lit a cigarette. "We did. At least we made it back in one piece" Sirens blare behind the van "This is the police! Pull over!" Collin reloaded his fury 2, pulling his mask back on. He takes Thomas's cigarette and let's it hang from his mouth. Pulling back the hammer with a loud *click clack* "I'm starting to hate the sound of your voice Tommy....."

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