Persona: The return of Tartarus [Inactive]

Sai looked at the sword point that rested on his chest. He looked at each person that surrounded him. "I'm not friends with any Shadow. And if I had tried to have them kill you, then I wouldn't have just made you defenseless, though that wasn't my intent in the first place. I have never fed on a single human in my entire life. And I am not a Shadow. I am not that low of a person." He wrapped his hand around the blade of the sword, and squeezed. He felt blood drip down and out of his hands and onto his lap. He raised the point of the sword to his heart. "I understand if you don't trust me. I understand if you hate me. I understand if you think I'm one of those damn monsters. But I would lay down my life for justice for my father. Justice for the lost souls that are a host for those Shades. Justice for the innocent people who have died because of them. Justice for everything that is unjust in this fucked up world. And I would sacrifice myself to take down the son of a bitch who has made everything I held dear suffer." He pressed the sword point harder against his chest. "I'll give my own god damn flesh and blood to see that bastard burn for what he's done." He tightened his grip on the sword more, cutting deeper into his palm and fingers. He felt power in his own words. He wasn't trying to be the Sai that failed his math test, or the Sai that provoked unwanted fights. This was the Sai that wanted revenge for the people that had been lost.
Cyrus just stood over them listening, Quite a peculiar item him being what is called a shade? Cyrus didn't really want to bug with the questions since Kaede was pointing her sword at him. Still Sai was quite peculiar not responding to callings of devouring human flesh. he decided to stay silent for now...
Toru stood silent for a moment, keeping a blank look and crossing his arms. He was unsure on how to react to the information, Sai had but up a good counter argument to his Shade issue that almost convinced him. However he didn't know if he should voice his support, did he trust Sai or himself to stick his neck out like that? Did Toru have the right to if he was leaving soon.

"Is not like we haven't used shadows before."He said in a matter of fact way as if just correcting Kaede rather then voicing support. "Didn't someone say once a persona is like a tamed shadow? Just saying."
Sai nodded at Toru's comment, but he kept his gaze on Kaede. He hadn't loosened his grip on the blade, and he noticed the blood beginning to pool where it was dripping. He had hoped this was enough to convince everybody that he was serious. He didn't want to move, because he was in a dangerous place. He had basically given Kaede permission to end his life. He had to earn Kaede's trust first. She had almost as much dislike for him as Ayomide, which of course her reasons were justified. Sai had left her defenseless, and he had revealed that he was partly a Shadow, which was their common enemy. He stared right into Kaede's eyes. "If you really don't trust me, then push the sword forward as far as you can. If you can't stand to look at me, and think I'm just some monster that should be put down, then kill me. I never feared death before. Today will not be the day I start." He was starting to feel slightly dizzy, most likely from the fact he was losing some blood. "If she doesn't end this soon, I'll just pass out on the spot..." He though this, then realized that Ayomide wasn't standing in the small group. "Where could she have gone? I thought she would stick around for a bit..."
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"I don't advice you do that." Haru's voice told the struggling man. He had been hiding in a nearby alley and began to approach the man that was laying on the ground in front of him. "I also hated my first time, you know? My body wasn't used to such dramatic changes and I basically collapsed!" Haru said with a smile.

While he was in the lobby and the Dark Hour had begun Haru began to concentrate as hard as he could to see if he could be able to sense the presence of any persona-users. He was able to do so. Apparently there were four persona-users (Apart from the others), two inside the dorm and some other two away from the dorm. These last two were the hardest to sense, but they were there. Seeing how there was some kind of commotion going on upstairs Haru decided he would search for them by himself. While walking down the streets of the island Haru used one of his Persona's skills that allowed him to see if there were any Shadows nearby. By doing this Haru easily avoided any unnecessary confrontations and made his way through the streets much quicker. The first persona-user he sensed was inside a house. Seeing how this user wasn't moving or saying anything Haru could hear Haru thought he might be asleep. But then again, maybe he wasn't. Not wanting to take any risks Haru wrote down the address of the house. He decided he would later try to question this user, when the Dark Hour was over. The second user he sensed was definitely awake and was also running through the streets. Haru began to search for him and as soon as he found him it looked like he was causing some mayor destructions in the area. Seeing how hostile this user was acting Haru came to the conclusion that this was his first time experiencing the Dark Hour. Not wanting to take any risks Haru decided he would wait until the Dark Hour came to an end to talk to the user. Haru was happy to see that when the Dark Hour ended the user was exhausted and could barely move.

Smile still on his face Haru offered the exhausted user a hand. "Your body is reacting surprisingly well actually. Most people I know just want to lay down and rest after their first time, but you are different...keep it up like that 'cause I don't think I would be able to carry you." He said politely, finishing with a chuckle. "I should probably try to contact the to the others as soon as possible..." Haru thought.
Kaede looked down at the blood and felt her stomach begin to heave.

"No need to cut yourself," Kaede lifted the sword away, ignoring the red handprint that stained the blade, and slid it into his sheath. "You've made your point."

She took a step back and tore her eyes away from the red pool collecting beside Sai.

"I'll go find you a bandage."

She kept her head down as she brushed passed the others. A part of her felt guilty that she'd provoked the issue, that she'd pulled a sword on Sai. The other half- the more practical half- knew that it had to have been done.

"Sai had to be tested, and best it was done by someone who didn't have any friends in S.E.E.S, someone like me. They'll judge me for it, but at least I can rest easy knowing I haven't hurt an friendships. I have none in this dorm to loose.

Kaede took the bandages Ayomide had left on the table earlier, and turned to make her way back upstairs.

I'll give him these, and then I'm going back to my room. If he can use a persona, Haru will insist that he stays in the dorm, whatever arguements I put against him. After tonight, its probably best if I just avoid Sai. I've got those new books- I can hole up in my room for a while if I need to. Like Toru did.

Kaede reached the landing and strode down the corridor, wanting to get things over with quickly so she could leave.

Crouching down beside Sai, Kaede began unfurling a length of bandages.

"Give me your hand," Kaede asked.

Toru was surprised and more a little impressed by Kaede's restraint, he expected more of fight from her to have Sai removed one way or another. It made quite an impression making him see her somewhat differently then before.

"Well...Glad that's done. Damsel in distress, shadow killing and a big revelation, a lot of things to cram in..."He said jokingly with a hint of nervousness making a gesture as if looking at his watch."Boy, five minutes, felt like an hour. Cant say it wasnt fun hanging out with you guys again but i am going to bed."

He made his way to go back to his room.
Sai stretched his hand out to Kaede. That was not his wisest moment, but he had made his point. He watched Kaede start to wrap the bandage around his hand. "Listen..." He made is voice as low and quiet as possible, so no one else could hear him. "I need to talk to you privately. It's important. And I'd rather talk about it sooner rather than later." He waited for an answer from her. She would probably refuse to speak with him, but he had to try. He had to tell tell her what he knew, and he felt it should just be Kaede to hear it. "Is there anywhere privately we can talk? It won't take long..." He thought of Aida. He wondered if she had heard the whole thing. Well, most likely since they had been so close to her room. He wanted to continue their conversation from before. He enjoyed speaking with her. He decided once he was doe with his talk with Kaede, he would check if Aida had fallen asleep.
For the whole time whilst everyone else had been conversing, Aida had been trying to think of some explanation on what had happened but her mind would roam to other parts of the day too. Like bidding Oakley goodbye, and the weight on how she may never see him again, the kindness a couple of the heroes here have already shown her, the wonderful story about the blind old man, and the odd gesture that dealt with her hair that she just still couldn't grasp the concept of. This was all so new to Aida, never had her thoughts been so disorganized like this, and she just wasn't quite sure what to make of it all. This whole 'taste of reality' thing had already proved to be new and a challenge, and frankly it had worked the sickly young girl and she had already grown exhausted. Exhausted from all the talking, worry, and thinking. Before she knew it and when she could resist it no longer, she unconsciously slumped down onto her bed- in a gentle sleep.

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"I don't advice you do that."

Shido looked up to notice the man with a bright red armband standing above him. “The hell do you want?” He started to prop himself up with his arms but they shook violently from the stress the Dark Hour had done to his body.

"I also hated my first time, you know? My body wasn't used to such dramatic changes and I basically collapsed!" The man smiled. Smartass. He’s been watching me, hasn’t he? Shido gently placed his head on the ground, his arms still propping him up and took a deep breath. I can’t just sit here and talk about some bullshit green sky, gotta get to the hospital. Now, get up! As Shido raised his head back up, he saw a hand extended out. It shocked him. What reason could someone ever want to help him?

"Your body is reacting surprisingly well actually. Most people I know just want to lay down and rest after their first time, but you are different...keep it up like that 'cause I don't think I would be able to carry you." The man chuckled at his own words and Shido snapped. He reached his hand out and slapped the stranger’s hand out of the way. He was weak, but he would never rely on some random passerby to get him on his feet. “Piss off!” He shouted. But that was a mistake because he was knocked off guard and fell on the ground again. DAMN IT. MOVE. I don’t have time for this! “I don’t need… a handout from some stranger,” Shido’s breath was heavier than before and his eyes were heavy. He could feel it; he would pass out if he didn’t get up. But the only thing on his mind was to get to the hospital as fast as he could. Mom… He repeated it in his head. The image of his mom smiling was the only form of strength he had.

“I… don’t care… about how you handle that bullshit green sky… Just get… away… from… me…” Shido gasped and started digging his hands into the concrete ground and pulled as hard as he could, dragging his limp body the best he could.
"Is there anywhere privately we can talk? It won't take long..."

Kaede held a straight face, not replying immediately, considering Sai's question. She finished wraping the bandage and tied it off with a neat bow before replying.

"Roof," Kaede murmured under her breath, "If you want to talk, we talk there. Don't try anything."

With that she stood and considered her handiwork.

"Take that bandage off every evening, and show the cut to either Ayomide or myself. We don't need the hassle of it getting infected." Kaede tried to keep her tone curt and calm, to give nothing away, but inside her mind was churning.

In private? After all this he trusts me not to rip him apart the first chance I get? He'd better be explaining himself, or apologizing. Another one of his stunts and I swear he won't be able to walk for a while.

Turning to the others, Kaede considered them for a moment, before stepping past them without a word.

I'm not explaining myself to you. Kaede thought as she strode up the corridor without a glance back. And I don't need your little barbed comments or false sympathies. Keep your distance as normal, and we'll all be fine.

Kaede climbed the stairs to the top and stepped out onto the roof. The Dark Hour was over, and now the night was only black. She wandered over to the railing, and looked out at the street, admiring how the orange glow of windows and street lamps lit up the night. She felt a gust of wind disturb her hair and shivered as it touched her bare arms. Listening to the distant drone of cars, she wondered about Sai. She already had an idea about what was on his mind, but speculated nonetheless.

Does he want to share more about Shades, try to convince me he's safe to be around? Or is he going to ask for help- if he is, he won't get it from me. Or maybe... maybe this is about us. Maybe he recognises me, in the same way I recognise him.
Sai smiled. The roof was a perfect place. He flexed his hand and winced. He used his unharmed hand to push himself to his feet. He used his hand to steady himself on the wall, moving towards the staircase that led up to the roof. He walked up towards the roof, wondering how he was going to explain everything to Kaede. She probably was just going to cut his hand clean off once he was done explaining, but she had taken the Shade news extremely well. Though Sai didn't have his brightest moment there. He walked onto the roof and up towards the railing. He stood next to Kaede. He stood there in silence for a few moments, then climbed up onto the railing, standing precariously on the edge. "I don't know if you even want to listen to what I have to say. But it's important, so I'l share with you." He leaned back and forth on the railing, which he knew was dangerous, but he didn't care. "As I said before, Shades only feed on humans during the Dark Hour. But they can get powerful other ways as well. Through absorbing negative emotions from other sources, their Shadow Forms increase in strength. This also increases the power and ability of their Persona. The other six Shades, not including myself, have done this alongside feeding on normal humans. But I'm getting a bit of the topic I need to talk to you about." Sai inhaled a deep breath. "Each Shade is given a human to use as sustenance when they are first created. They are more so brought in as close to the age as the Shade as possible."
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"Boy, five minutes, felt like an hour. Cant say it wasn't fun hanging out with you guys again but i am going to bed." Cyrus chuckled, "Likewise." He made his way to his dorm and sat on his bed and just stared down at the floor going over everything that happened today. It was a little disappointing that he wasn't able to go to Tartarus but then again a new soldier might do the S.E.E.S some good. Cyrus looked back up and lied down on his bed and he just kept thinking eventually drifting off into sleep.....
Haru looked down at the man that was trying to crawl away, and strangely enough he felt sorry him. Sighing Haru took out his phone and called the dorm, but seeing how nobody was answering it he simply left a message. "Hey guys, it's me, Haru. Sorry for disappearing all of a sudden...I will try to avoid doing that again. Anyway, the reason why I left is because I was able to sense two new persona-users and I just had to search for them as soon as possible. I couldn't reach the first one since he was probably sleeping, but I am here with the second one. I am not sure if I will be able to convince him to follow me back to the dorm, but I will try. The guy looks exhausted and I am not sure how much time he will be conscious. So, yeah, that is that. See you later I guess." And with that he finished the message.

Haru placed himself in front of the user and sat down so that they were on the same level. "Look, I am not sure why you are in such a hurry but it must be something important because you barely seem to care about what you just experienced. I don't want to force you to come with me, so at least let me call a cab for you. Don't think of this as charity, I just want to help you reach your destination. I don't have much money with me now, but it may be enough." Taking out his cellphone Haru dialed the number of the cab service, but he didn't call them. "How about it? Should I call them or not?" Haru said while looking at the man that was laying down infront of him
Shido looked at the stranger’s phone intensely. What purpose would this man want with helping a guy like Shido? No matter how hard he tried, Shido would pass out if he crawled back to the hospital. His body was just too worn out to be any good. He hated to swallow his pride but if he didn't accept this man’s offer, he’d regret it for the rest of his life.

Facing away from the stranger and holding back his emotions, Shido whispered, “Do it.” It felt like ages since the last time he ever asked for help from anybody and Shido didn’t know how to handle it. Scratch my back and I scratch yours… “Name,” Shido said weakly, returning his eyes to the stranger. He noticed the Gekkou uniform and knew he was a student, he’d seen his face when Shido felt like attending classes. “Ongaku,” Shido said pointing his thumb at himself then pointed his index finger to the stranger. He didn't know when, but Shido was in his debt and if this guy had something to say to him, he would listen. He owed him that much.
"Each Shade is given a human to use as sustenance when they are first created. They are more so brought in as close to the age as the Shade as possible."

Kaede turned to Sai, eyebrow raised.

Why's he telling me this?

Sai seemed to be searching for words. Kaede continued to watch him, curiously. He swayed dangerously in a gust of wind.

"Get off the railing Sai." She snapped. "After tonight, if you fall I'm sure as hell not going to catch you."

Kaede looked back over the street, studying the streetlamps. Then, taking a long, steadying breath, she glanced over at Sai, resisting the urge to pull a sword on the... thing, again.

"You fed on defenceless humans?" Kaede searched for words. "That's despicable. So what, some other baby was just, offered up to you?"

Kaede walked away from the railing to stand in the centre of the rooftop.

"I mean, cute baby story and all but, why exactly do I need to know that? I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to give me more reasons to rid S.E.E.S of you."
Sai laughed. "I told you before, I never fed on a single human in my life." He leaned a little more forward on the railing. "They gave me a girl to feed on. It was a girl who seemed about my age, with long, black hair and a pale face. She seemed a little out of it, like she was on some sort of unawareness drug. "Where's my mommy?", "Where am I?", and that stuff. They placed her on the ground in front of me, and I looked at her. She was defenseless, eyes watering. She was looking around slowly, scared out of her mind. I walked over to her, and another Shade-I called him Gluttony, because he was a fatass-instructed me on how to feed. I had to push my two index fingers against the temple, and push until my fingers went through the skin and bone, and then I would absorb every memory, emotion, and life that was inside. I reluctantly put my hands on the girl's temples, but I couldn't do it. I tried, but I felt guilt, because I would be taking the life of an innocent little girl. So instead, I used an ability of a Shade, which was I was able to create a certain field that would make everyone in the vicinity confused. I did this, confusing the scientists and Gluttony, and I managed to pick up the girl and escape. I had managed to at least enter the girl's mind for a short time, and I had heard a name." He turned around, still standing on the railing. He smiled weakly. He was one careless step from going off the edge. He was three stories off the ground, which meant if he fell, he would not survive. He looked directly into her eyes.

Kaede laughed hollowly, turning away.

"Surely you don't think that's me? Kaede isn't an uncommon name..."

But even as she spoke, tried to devise some way to convince Sai it had been some other girl, she knew the girl had been her. She let her words trail off, raising a hand to feel brush her temple.

"I thought I recognised you," Kaede said slowly, "I couldn't place from where, or from when, but I knew that I'd met you before."

She turned to look at the boy, balancing on the rail.

"Please, Sai, please get down from there." Kaede spoke quietly, her voice quavering slightly.

I never knew... how could I not have known? How could I not remember?

Kaede's eyes watered, but she brushed them with her sleeve.

"So, A shadow and a kid." Kaede gave a small, weary shrug. "Where did you-" Kaede caught herself, her voice cracking. "Where did we go? I remember nothing at all, only your face."

I can't cry. I mustn't cry. Not in front of him- I'm stronger than that. Kaede turned away to hide her face, the only thing in her mind; Where were Mum and Dad?
Sai kept standing on the railing. "I don't know. We just ran." He looked down at his hands. "I remember we stopped in the middle of a forest. I put you down against a tree, and you were scared. I sat in front of you, and I tried to reassure you that it was okay. I don't know why, but I had put my arm around you, and tried to sing a lullaby my mom had taught me. When you fell asleep, I had stood guard over you until morning, when police found us. I never let go of you, even when they put us in the police car. We were so young, but I felt like I had endured a thousand years through that night. Even in the police station, when they were treating you, making sure you were okay, I stayed. I felt a sense of responsibility. When I had fallen asleep, and woke up, the doctors said you had been taken home, and I was a hero. A monster made hero. But I felt like I had given up. By falling asleep, I lost you." He made his hands into fists. "I felt useless, like I had one purpose. Every day since then, I would stand on the roof of my house, and take in the view, hoping that it wouldn't be my last before I fell from the sky." His eyes were watering. He leaned a bit out and off the roof. It was his fault. It was always his fault. His pain was created by him. He looked up at Kaede. "I'm a monster..." He felt tears fall. He had always been a monster. He had just never wanted to accept the fact. He is, and always would be, a freak.
A faint smile formed on Haru's face. "Nice to meet you Ongaku. My name is Haru, Haru Rijito." Haru stood up and finally called the cab service. A female voice answered him. "Hello? How may I be of service?" The female voice asked. Haru then proceeded to introduce himself and told her the location where he would wait for the cab. "Understood sir. Please remain on your current location, a cab should arrive soon enough." Haru nodded and finished their conversation by thanking her and then simply hanging up.

Soon after Haru was done talking with the cab service lady he sat back down in front of Ongaku and began to look at their surroundings. Around them the coldness of the night began to become an annoyance to Haru. He detested cold weathers and always preferred the warmer and sunnier weathers. Haru remembered how Ongaku was still laying on the floor. "I can't just leave him like that, now can I?..." There was a bench nearby and as soon as he spotted it Haru said out loud. "I don't think it will be good for you to just lay down on the cold concrete while we wait for the cab. If I helped you, do you think you would be able to walk over to that bench and sit down?" He asked while turning his head towards Ongaku.
Kaede gritted her teeth, fighting back her own tears.

I will not cry. Its happened now, its over. I cannot cry in front of him, I'm stronger than that.

Kaede tried to choose her words carefully. She couldn't lie to him, not after all he'd done for her.

He protected me, saved my life. And all this time I never knew. I pulled a sword on the boy who I owe my life to.

"Maybe you are a monster Sai, but that's not your fault, and it doesn't make you a bad person. Hell, if it weren't for you..."

Kaede left the rest to the imagination.

"And you do have a purpose, a higher purpose than almost anyone else in this world. To fight and kill Shadows." Kaede turned back to look at him, and her mind was already made up. "Stay with us, stay with S.E.E.S."

Kaede shrugged with resignation.

"As far as I can see, we're fighting a war, and in this war, we're loosing. Whatever you are, whatever you've done- and I don't want to even know what you've done- we need the help. At the very least, I need the help.

Kaede wiped her eyes and crossed the roof to Sai, standing beside him, hand on his shoulder.

"I have no friends here. I don't want to have friends here. At the very least, stay with me." Kaede grappled with the words- sentimentality had never come naturally to her. "I don't want you to be my friend, don't get that impression because I'm fine on my own, but I could at least use the company from time to time."
Sai looked at Kaede, and smiled weakly. He jumped off the railing and beside Kaede. "I never once had someone say they needed me. I was always scared of being pushed away. But I guess even a monster can feel fear." He chuckled. Without thinking, he hugged Kaede lightly. His second hug of the evening. "I'm gonna make it up to myself for losing you. I'll stay. I'll fight. And I'll die if I have to. But I won't run away anymore." He held on a moment longer, then let go, standing there for a moment longer, then walking back into the building and down the stairs. Interestingly enough, he wasn't feeling hungry anymore. He walked into his room and shrugged off his sweatshirt, and climbed into bed. He then quickly got up and pulled out his paper airplane. He wrote something down on it, then folded it back up. He opened his window and threw it. He watched it until it disappeared, then closed the window and got into bed. He faintly heard the sound of the door opening and closing in the lobby before he fell asleep.
The hug startled Kaede, but she took it anyway.

Not exactly the time to just shrug him off.

She watched as he walked away, head held a little higher than before, disappearing back into the dorm. Kaede decided to linger on the roof for a while longer, just thinking, and watching.

Tartarus needs to be closed again. With Sai at least we're one step closer to achieving that, so long as the shadows don't get to us first. We'll need to be on are guard. Those shades; if they're anything like Sai, they're not restricted to the Dark Hour, and we have no way to tell them apart from humans. I'd best be on my guard. If more shades come to the city, we can't depend on them fighting for our side over the Shadows.

Another gust of wind swept the rooftop, whistling eerily. Kaede shivered and turned away from the railing, making her way back down to the dorm. As the fire escape door closed behind her, a figure far below on the pavement continued to gaze intently at where she had stood. The man's coat flapped at his ankles in the wind, but he ignored it. Finally turning away from the dorm, he strode off into the alleyway, vanishing into the swathes of shadows.

Kaede closed the door to her room behind her softly, careful not to disturb the others. She unbuckled her sword and propped it up, still in its scabbard, beside the door. As she took off her shirt and jeans, she gazed longingly at the new books on her table. The alarm clock beeped. 3.00 AM.

Tomorrow, Kaede. She thought. She pulled back the covers and climbed into bed, but Kaede didn't fall asleep for another hour. She just studied the ceiling above her, and wondered what might have happened had Sai not rescued her from the Shades.
It’s like I’m a 10 year old again. I'm completely helpless…

“Rijito. I’ll remember that…” Shido let out an exhausted sigh as Haru called the cab company and turned onto his back to look up at the moon. He felt welcomed by the regular skies as opposed to that nightmare world he just experienced. What could that have possibly been? Did Rijito know? He’d let Rijito explain but Shido hardly felt like he would be able to focus.

He glanced back to Rijito who offered him to take him to a bench on the side of the street. Dammit… Shido groaned and regretfully nodded, propping himself up the best he could from the ground. Why did I fight those Kendo punks? I could’ve been there. I could’ve helped. Amano will never let me live this down the bastard. Maybe the cab could get him to the hospital in time before he let his body give up on him. Doubtful but Shido couldn't give up, not on the one thing he had left in the world.
Haru nodded and ,placing Ongaku's arm over his shoulder to support him, he began to walk towards the bench. Soon after he sat Shido down Haru began to walk back towards the street while talking "You stay there, I will signal the cab so that he knows where we are." And with that said Haru simply stood on the sidewalk, waiting for the cab to arrive.

While he was standing there Haru began to think about the current situation. "The poor guy is exhausted, if I start bombarding him with information he may be too overwhelmed by it and that would make it harder for me to convince him to join us." He looked back at Shido for a couple of seconds before looking back at the street. "I have an idea." Haru thought. He took out a handkerchief and a black pen from his pockets and then began to write something on the handkerchief.

A couple of minutes later the cab finally arrived. Haru walked back to Shido and began to talk. "So, it finally arrived. Here, let me help you out." Haru said as he began to help him walk towards the cab. As soon as Shido was inside of it Haru gave him the money that was inside his pocket. "I am not sure where you are going but I hope this is enough....Oh I almost forgot." Haru pulled out a handkerchief and gave it to Shido. It had an address written on it. "If you ever want to know what happened tonight and wish to properly use your ability then please come here. It's a dorm where I live with others that share the same gift. I hope to see you around. I hope you get better soon." And with that Haru simply walked away and disappeared in the darkness of the night.

(Sorry if it looks like I am trying to rush this, but the others are waiting for a time skip and I don't want to let them down. Hope you don't mind.)

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