Persona Ø [ OOC | Not Accepting ]

@Tarquin Ahh crap, you're right. I thought Junko has 90 HP which would make her shadow have 45 HP.... ROLL CRITICAL

EDIT: You can definitely one shot either Kumiko or Kazuma with Bash. But it may prove a better plan to weaken Junko. Your call.
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Seiji doesn't have time for bullshit

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EDIT: Still not as bad as how Hideyoshi went out. RIP The Boy Hide, 2016 - Too Soon
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So many Criticals I can't tell if this good or bad luck X~X

I'm debating if i should make a post now or wait till after the fight?
Finally fixed the images. You just have to reupload them with whatever image host you're using. I suggest you guys do the same if you can spare the time.
^ Don't see why you couldn't. Still have six more to go before we go to the next turn cycle. Was trying to wait for Junko to awaken to her Persona, but I suppose there's no real reason for that.
Oh yeah you're right! But my point still stands. Me and Doll with fight fate and lose and an elegantly marvelous way~ Our willingness to fight the RnG gods chosen ones will make the RnG gods rethink their cruelty to the common folk by balancing out the dice rolls~ Or I die salty, which ever one happens first~
We believe in you two!

*Turns to the others* Ok, so we need new teammates...

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