Persona Ø [ OOC | Not Accepting ]

Damn, I just tried your method Veradana but it didn't work. Definitely a conflict between imgur and RPN.
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It looks RPN has issues with all images site since I had to edit all of the images in Hideyoshi's CS and all of them weren't from imgur

Okay, I got my post up.  Also, is it cool if I change one of my character's weaknesses to something else?  I recently realised that it's kinda weird for Samigina to be weak to water because he's supposed to command the souls of people who've drowned.  
Some rules for this upcoming battle in case you didn't know:

1. All the shadow students are at half health.

2. They can only attack with their weapons.

3. They have no resistances/weaknesses.
Some rules for this upcoming battle in case you didn't know:

1. All the shadow students are at half health.

2. They can only attack with their weapons.

3. They have no resistances/weaknesses.

Do you want us to post as our shadow selves, saying shadowy stuff and making feeble attacks and all that?
@Tarquin Yeah that's the plan. You're controlling both your shadow and continuing to explore your mind dungeon if you want.
@Tarquin Yes. Look at the "Battles & Dungeon Crawling" spoiler on the first page of the OOC. It'll explain how the mechanics work.
social links n stuff after the persona things, and stuff end. I am so not looking for the horrible nightmare.
@Tarquin Yes. Look at the "Battles & Dungeon Crawling" spoiler on the first page of the OOC. It'll explain how the mechanics work.

Yeah, I know. I was just wondering; is it actually possible for the shadows to win this fight? Of course, I'm expecting even if it were technically possible that you would have some fail safe.
@Tarquin It may be possible but highly unlikely I think. As soon as a shadow is defeated, the character gets their Persona and joins the fight on the protag's side. They'll be at full health. Even if Hibiki is defeated, the shadows would have to defeat the others too. So actually, it should be impossible.

@TheForgottenDoll What gave you the impression that you have to involve your character in any sort of romance or whatever? You don't even need to involve yourself in Cooperation but it's there if you want to improve your character's abilities. Plus, the Cooperation stories are up to the players so don't make your characters fall in love if that's your big issue. Persona 4 is not the only Persona game to have existed.
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@Tarquin It may be possible but highly unlikely I think. As soon as a shadow is defeated, the character gets their Persona and joins the fight on the protag's side. They'll be at full health. Even if Hibiki is defeated, the shadows would have to defeat the others too. So actually, it should be impossible.

That's what I figured. Just thought it would be amusing if evil managed to triumph in the first fight. First roleplay I ever did with dice rolls ended with everyone getting butchered in the first fight.
I'm glad I didn't miss my roll. That would've ended up bad for Hibiki...
how do we roll dice here?  I know there's a special forum specifically for Dice-Based RPs, but I can't find a specific function for it here. 

EDIT: Wait I found the link
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