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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Raika looked at mitsuko and forced a smile " yeah..." she said as she took her phone back. She deleted hanks number and took out his card from her pocket and threw it away. Now she just hoped she doesn't bump into him at the park.


Chirpy sighed as he walked around. " I am so lost..." he muttered as he looked for raika, mitsuko, kotori and Yukari. " where are they??"

((soo sorry I thought I replied))
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Still walking blindly did Hank end up running into a certain somebody (*cough* chirpy) perhaps it was the inevitable but accourding to Hank it was all just shear shitty luck. Hank was about to mutter an apology when the blue hair caught his eye and he froze.
Chirpy sighed again as he walked. She looked at the sky as he walked not looking, where he was going. He then bumped into someone. He looked down hoping it was either raika, Yukaze, mitsuko and kotori. When he saw hank he face lit up and he gave him a hug " I am sooo glad to see you!! I was with raika and her friends then we got separated and I have been looking for them everywhere!! And can't find them!!! And and... I am so happy to see a familiar face!!!"
Damn...was all Mitsuko could think as she casted her eyes away from Raika, feeling guilty. She just wanted to have some fun and get them to like her so she tried her best. Well, it looks like her 'trying' crossed the line. Sighing she pulled out some money and handed it to her. "Here you treat yourself to something. It's my allowance." with that she took a step away from them. "Hope you guys have fun~! Remember that boy with the puppy dog eyes I mentioned earlier? Yeah I better find him~" she said before spinning around and ready to leave. "But yeah, have fun the both of you!"
Hank froze when Chirpy hugged him and every time he try to muster some words out of his mouth, he couldn't. Finally he grabbed Chirpy by both shoulders and gently pulled him away from the hug. Running away would be a pansy thing to do and frankly Hank was just too damn tired for it. So he looked at Chirpy in the eyes. He was being genuine, or he was just a hell of a good actor. Oakley was better with reading people than Hank, that was for certain.

Yet with all of that innocence and relief that was read in Chirpy's eyes, Hank still couldn't say anything to him.
Raika Bali ked and looked at the money, then at mitsuko and can tell she feels guilty and is covering it up. She grabbed mitsuko's hand " look it's not your fault and I don't hate you so there is no need to leave.." she smiled and her " it was my idea in the first place.. And I dragged you into it so there is no need to feel guilty... Plus the problem is fixed.. So yeah... "


Chirpy looked at him as hank pulled him away " what's wrong??" he asked worriedly "...You seem tired..."
Well...im sure it was no puzzle to figure that one out. But Hank didn't care to admit it either, though it wasn't like he was exactly trying to hide it. Hank just slowly shrugged his shoulders and looked away from Chirpy. Letting go of his shoulders his hands retreated to inside his pockets. Even though Hank practically had a day off today he was still in his uniform, thanks to staying up all night and not going home as he struggled to figure out Oakley's problem.
Mitsuko watched Raika carefully as she grabbed her hand and reassured her with kindness. It was still awkward between them but by hell it was a start. Cheeks slightly flushed over and red now, Mitsuko smiled a small and hearty smile- truly touched by Raika's choice of words. "You're still keeping the money~" she said kindly and softly.
Chirpy stared at him " what happened? Why are you so tired?? We're you up all night working on a case or something???"


Raika smiled " I have a huge allowance... So you should keep the money... " she looked at kotori who was watching them " have you decided what to get yet??" she asked as if nothing had happened.
Kotori was staring at the sign and thinking hard about what she wanted, she hadn't even noticed the awkwardness that was going on right in front of her. When Raika asked what she wanted she nodded, "yes I want a strawberry cone" here she handed the money to Raika.
Raika smiled " okie!" she said happily. She took kotori's money bought her the food and then got herself vanilla ice cream. She handed kotori her strawberry ice-cream looked at mitsuko " have you decided what you want??"
"well now you have more. I have an anti take back gifts policy!" she said as she pulled her hand away from Raika's and tossed her hair back, seemingly back to normal again and suddenly no longer anxious to find Daisuke. She smiled at the two girls as they began to order their desserts.
Just as soon as the midnight channel flickered off, it suddenly flickered back on. The scene however, was very different. It has gone from the pounding rock music to a room that was draped in black, the floor was a blue marble that seemed sapphire. A chandelier hung from the ceiling. All throughout the room there were tables to the sides and what looked to be a dance floor in the center, completely cleared of tables. In the back of the room there was a stage that sat a solitary piano. There was a figure at the piano as the slowly camera zoomed in on the figure before cutting to static when still halfway across the room, only to have it clear once again and suddenly the figure in the center of the room, it's face uncomfortably close to the camera. The figure looked like John, yet at the same time there was something... unsettling about him. He wore a pinstripe suit with a deep blue undershirt and a black tie. He clapped his hands and the lights grew just a little brighter. The room however, was still dim and it was hard to make out anything aside from the tables, the piano, and "John".

"Good evening, I am so sorry to interrupt the... Obnoxious broadcast that came before but I rather have some quite important matters to discuss." The other John began swaying his hips slightly and began swinging in place as the piano started to play on its own. "The first order of business is you. Yes, you there, I can see you through the T.V. Oh don't look so shocked, come on, you know exactly what my kind is so why not cut the crap and get right to the good part, yes?"

The other John was pointing at the TV screen, almost as if he was pointing directly at Dan and the rest of the investigation team that might have been watching. "The bottom line is, no, he's not in here. Strange isn't it? He's not in here yet here I am talking and dancing. I could do some singing too, but that is unnecessary at the moment. She is in here though, there is no doubt about it. Though, please wake my other half up... The lazy boy has dozed off again. Oh how confusing it must be for the other audience members who this isn't directed to." John's face slowly rose in a smile as it spread, and spread, and spread. It kept spreading until the ends of his mouth met his ears, his teeth now suddenly becoming noticeably more pointed.

Yes, very confusing I know. How delightful. But wake him up, we have an important meeting you see. Definitely don't want to miss it. See this room has been empty for a while, all the other guests have left. So what say we bring a party back here? A classy formal one, I hope you stay tuned audience members, and once again." The camera zoomed in on "John's" eyes as his voice suddenly had two tones to it, one his normal tone, another a hushed whisper of a much deeper voice. Deeper than any human should be able to produce without the use of a tuning system. "Bring him here. I want him alive. I want him now." With the last disturbing image the TV flickered off the midnight channel's second go.

"Augh! Dammit not again!" Adara groaned as she fell back onto the bed. Her dog dancing around her head as she done so. "All I wanted was the one who seduced a succubus title.." she groaned. "What am I doing wrong??" She had been playing her game all day (her only break being when Cyrus randomly showed up) and now she ended up with both a headache and slightly blurred vision. And then there was her back that hurt like a total bitch...

She lied there for a bit but finally sat up when she heard something that wasn't her game.

What she saw started in rock music and ended in a rather inhuman and most disturbing smile.

"Shit.." she mumbled as she bored her eyes into nothing but a blank TV screen now. Even more people stuck in the midnight channel, there lives at risk. But like the last time she didn't even know these two. So...should she even enter the TV, she couldn't help but to wonder.

Remembering her new little gift- she decided to try and give Cyrus a call but cut herself short. She was sure they saw it. It's not like they would take a break from it.

So, sighing she turned her attention back over on her game. They had this, she wasn't going in there and risking her life. Right...so she was just going to play her game and focus on getting that damn title!

..but suddenly she couldn't focus so well.


"Working on a case..." Hank started slowly, the words processing in his head longer than they really should of. "Yeah...I guess you could say that. Something like that, at least..." he said- his words stretched out and the whole sentence slow.​
"Well I guess I didn't eat anything.." she mumbled as she skimmed over the menu. "Soooo~" something caught her eye. "Ah man! Does that say hamburger? Isn't that like American fatty food!?" she smiled. "No way...I want to try that! Totally order it for me please~!"
Dan was walking through the TV looking for Grace. While walking around shadows appeared and so the fight began. "Persona! Ziodyne!" Dan kept on fighting the v shadows thinking the more he gets closer the more appear.
Cyrus looked at what happened though the T.V. in his Garage, "Time to move." He walked through the T.V. and ended up near Dan who was fighting an army of shadows, "Don't think your going to get all the fun now. Persona! Maragi!"
Chirpy frowned " you should go home and get some sleep..."


Raika laughed and ordered the hamburger for mitsuko and gave it to her. " there ya go" she said as she gave it to her and paid the worker. " now let get back to Yukaze" she said with a smile as she started walking with kotori and mitsuko to the ride call the spinning teacups where they last saw him.
"Should I?" Hank asked slowly. Though the more he thought about it, whether he liked it or not, he knew right now it really wasn't an option. "I probably need to go find my boss.."

" you can't find you boss if you are exhausted... Get some rest and then look for you boss...." he said to him with a that says 'please go and get some rest'.
"Yes! Oh my god thank you!" Mitsuko cheered as she began to chow down on the burger like a complete glutton. "Mm~ so good! No wonder those Americans are fat!" she continues between mouthfuls. She follows the two girls, already forgetting about the upsetting event that just previously happened.
Raika giggled and gave both mitsuko and kotori and hug. She smiled a little and was happy the two girls were smiling again. ' now I need think about to make up to yulaze about leaving him alone on the line...' 'yup' shadow said to her 'you really like him don't you' raika mentally nodded ' yeah...'

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