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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"Ah..." Even so Mitsuko was surprised about the hug. "There there..." she said giving Raika a light pat before taking a light step back. "Now lets go find the boys, right?"
Hank furrowed his brow. Sleep would bring him justice but even when he tried at Cyrus's home he was just plagued with unwelcoming dreams full of Marie. How the hell could he sleep knowing that would possibly happen again. Sighing, Hank shook his head. "I'll live..."
Raika smiled " let's go and get yukaze first... And then look for chirpy and your friend Daisuke...Okie??" she asked with a smile.


Chirpy sighed " if you day so..."
Hank, already dead from the mixture of emotions he's been through today, didn't have the energy to get mad at Chirpy and instead consoled him for his efforts as he reached down to pet his blue hair gently.
Mitsuko blinked. Raika had also taken thought of Daisuke, whom Mitsuko had planned to neglect since Raika decided to keep her. Flattered by the careful thought Raika seemed to put in everything she offered a warm smile. "Ok~"
Chirpy blinked a d looked at hank and smiled at him. He wanted to help him but didn't know how.


Raika smiled they were almost to the spinning teacups " by the way... What does Daisuke look like??" she asked curiously.
"He's not hard to miss!" Mitsuko said with a smile. "Short and thin- dark clothes- light purple hair and eyes that look like a lost puppy~!"
"Its good that your here Cyrus. I need all the help I can get. We've got to keep pushing forward. Ultimate first!" Dan started running in the direction he thought Grace was in.
"And somehow..." Hank started as he looked around. "I ended up here for the second day in a row. I don't like this place THAT much.."
Chirpy tilted his head "how come? This place is amazing!!" he said childishly with a smile.


Raika laughed "alright I'll keep a look out for him for you"



She had to ask. If she was going to ask anybody then this was the guy. She always tended to act like a baby around him and sought for his advice...even if she already knew the answer to things. It was just one of her many cries for help. To be noticed. And with that thought in mind she began to type away.

"I...kinda...got mixed up in some things. and well...my friends and well..some strangers...are counting on me to be there for them."

well she didn't know if they were really expecting her but oh well...

"But anyways..I'm scared. Like, really scared. So I don't know what to do. Do you have any advice on this?"

There- she was done. Now she just had to sit back and hope for a reply. As she did though- her body wasn't being patient in the least as her stomach began to churn and her palms began to quiver in anxiety. Great, now he probably thinks I'm some kind of druggie or something...dammit. I should've thought this out better.

"Paranoia keeps you safe. You made a mess- don't be the pansy and let everybody else take the fall. Also...eat some bacon."

Aha...now she got it. He probably thinks she's bluffing.. "Do I seem like THAT much of a goody goody?" she had to ask herself as she smirked at the screen. But, whether he took it seriously or not it did help and probably because it was coming from him. "Well..I do have my persona..." she mumbled. "And nothing bad has ever happened thus far. So I should be fine...right?" And with that thought in mind she got prepared quickly, took a deep breath and fell inside the TV before she could change her mind.


"Well yeah...it is." Hank admitted with a slightly raised brow. "But too much of anything can become a pain. Trust me."
"Alright but don't let him become a top priority~ he'll turn up sometime or another. It's his specialty~" she said in assurance. "Just have your fun. It's why you came here after all."
"I guess... But I don't think having fun can never be annoying..."


Raika grinned " okie" she finished her ice-cream and giggled " that was delicious..." they arrived at the spinning teacups and raika started to look for yukaze.
Cyrus was following Dan taking out shadows along the way, "Torrent Strike!" His persona used the knife attachment on his Arm and dove into a wave of shadows, stabbing them at rapid speeds.

"Well you gotta be spontaneous about it..." Hank said softly.


Adara grimaced as she observed around. "Damn this place is foggy..." she mumbled as she began to walk, shivers already fleeting down her spine. "C-creepy as hell too."

"Torrent Strike!" she could hear the echo of...was that move? A persona user perhaps? Adara began to run forward in the direction of the voice. "HEY!!" she yelled.​
Cyrus heard someone yelling, which stopped him cold. Whoever this person was she was in the opposite direction of where they were going, "Dan you move on ahead, There is something I have to check." Cyrus made his way to where he heard the noise, but he forgot to put his glasses on as well. "Hello?!" he yelled.
There the voice was again. "Hey! Where the hell are you!?" she asked, a bit panicy. Being paranoid never helped matters- especially when she couldn't see shit. Hell, this was just as bad as walking out blindly in the dark, which she could never do. "Ugh...this is why I could never play silent hill.." she mumbled.
"I have no idea! But don't worry I got this!" He yelled back. Cyrus was trying to remember that was an easier way to see everything but he couldn't put his finger on it, "Just keep moving forward! worst case scenario you'll just bump into me."
Before Dan stood John. Well, not quite John. It was the John in the suit, the large, twisted smile still on his face. "Woahh fearless leader slow down" John's shadow said as it swung its hips from left to right in odd rythmic fashion as some smooth jazz started to play. "Adventuring on your own is dangerous , you might hurt yourself. I hope you saw my little message. Now where is my other half?" John's shadow said dancing in place.
Adara scoffed. "Worse case scenario? Please...I think that's one of the better ones than what I can think of.." she said as she began to walk in a fast pace- the paranoia really getting to her. "Do you think Marco Polo would work here?"
Cyrus was a bit confused, "What the hell is Marco polo?!" He kept moving further, then he heard footsteps, "I hear footsteps you must be nearby."
"What? You seriously don't know Marco Polo!?" she called back, frustrated. "Even I know what that is and I don't swim!" well..more like she couldn't but no sense in mentioning that part in.
Cyrus walked up a little further, "No I don't because I.. Nevermind let's just hurry up before.." too late, Cyrus bumped into whoever he was trying to find and fell over because it surprised him.
When Adara bumped into the person she jumped back and watched as he crashed to the ground. "Ah!? ....Cyrus? Really?" she blinked, yet really happy she found somebody. "Well hi. How's the weather down there." she was so happy corny not so funny jokes WERE necessary.

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