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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

"Well hi. How's the weather down there?" it was Adara. Cyrus stood back up towering over her, "it's foggy, why would my height change what the weather is?" leave it to Cyrus to not understand a joke.
Adara shook her head. "Yeah yeah." she said looking around. "Is it always this damn foggy?" she grumbled.
"yeah unless we have the..damn it." Cyrus reached into his jacket and pulled out the glasses he got from chirpy, "I knew I forgot something."
The shadow nodded, "Very perceptive! And great so I forced the midnight channel for nothing then? Tell me boy, what.use are you to me if you can't do so much as follow a simple directive of waking him up? Or perhaps you were that worried about both Graces? " The other John laughed a little, the wide smile that went from ear to ear opening slightly. "I can't say if she's reached my level of self awareness, but she does seem a bit more forward than me or her other half. I really have Raika to thank for my new life, at least I think that's what her name is. "
Adara ponders over this question for a minute before dawning over a thought. "Oh yeah! I did actually!" but then that excitement was quickly taken over by a doleful sigh. "Too bad I didn't bring em though...oh well"
Cyrus handed Adara his pair of glasses, "Here take mine, I already know where we need to go."
"You looking for someone to fight. Ya damn shadow! But this isn't my fight it's John's and I know he can do this himself, but I'm willing to back him up all the way."
Johns shadow pointed at Dan as he swung to the left and right, the music still playing. "Funny. I bet you'd be interested to hear you are going in the wrong direction. Oops, did I say that? Shadows are just supposed to be mindless beasts right? They don't have any kind of thought process right? Well I know at least one person you know who would beg to differ. Honestly my boy, I'm enjoying my sentience much more than you could ever imagine. Or would you rather I put on another ridiculous show yo entertain some madman and hundreds of others? Maybe that would have you wake John up. As it stands now, you are just one person against a massive shadow. Up until this point you've only gotten this far because of help from others. The last one you know you wouldn't be able to defeat on your own so why bother picking a fight?"

"Well if you're sure about that..." she said taking them and putting them on. "Oh whoa! Everything's so clear now!"


Out of the corner of her eye did she finally catch part of the eerie presence that caused her paranoia earlier. "Company huh?" Adara said. "Alright. Let me try to handle this...to make up for what I didn't do last time!" Concentration on summoning her persona, a tarot card materialized into view infront of her face in where she grabbed at it with both hands as if trying to capture a fire-fly, breaking it into particle pieces.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-17_18-31-55.png.391c70e7b68ea6b1d916697e8804708d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-17_18-31-55.png.391c70e7b68ea6b1d916697e8804708d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


And sure enough was Mariposa summoned before her eyes. "Ok..." Adara breathed. "Just did what i did during your shadow fight right?"



  • upload_2014-8-17_18-31-55.png
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"that's all there is too it." Cyrus said chuckling, "Persona!" moreru shaku appeared behind Cyrus, "Maragi!" his persona began to spit orbs of magma at the shadows.
Dan looked at the shadow and put his fist up to the shadow. "Don't underestimate me. You lowlife shadow or I'll have to put you in your place. Persona!" Dan's persona came out and performed ziodyne on the shadow
The shadow opened its mouth, the lightning going in as it burped. "Sorry my dear boy, Zio attacks won't do much to me I am afraid. Though I wonder what would happen if I did this.." Shadow John snapped his fingers "Debilitate." Johns shadow giggled a little bit. "Come on now. You're wandering here just as lost as John. Honestly all you have to do is follow your ears." Shadow John made a face. "Honestly. She may be sexy, but I find her music to be too loud and obnoxious. No class at all, but I suppose that's what I find so... Xeving about her. Anyway call John please and wake him up. We have The Great Debate to settle. "
John spat up water, "Woah what the hell? Who are you?" John looked up at Dan. Wondering what on earth he was doing in his room.
"We're going into the TV to fight your shadow and save Grace from her shadow before it's too late." Dan grabbed John and jumped into the TV with him.
John barely had time to grab his glove before they were drug into his TV. "You know you coulda called me. My cell number is listed as our carryout." He shook himself awake as he saw another him standing there. "Oh hello again Daniel. I see you have brought my other half! Thank you kindly." John shivered, he could hear another voice from the shadow. He wasn't sure he liked it. "Now Now, come along. We aren't too far off from whence we were. Aside from that I believe we have two others who are stragglers." Shadow John said as he walked at a brisk pace and came upon Cyrus and Adara, swinging his hips and dancing oddly as he greeted them. "Hey hey hey, it's the rescue crew, or at least part of it. I wonder where the bird is. Oh well, if you two are done stumbling around Grace is that way." Shadow John said pointing in the direction the music seemed to be coming from. "Its faint to be sure, but you can still hear that loud rock music. If you want to save her I suggest going in that direction"
“Hmph. Those so called friends of yours sure are taking their sweet ass time.” Shadow Grace commented, and then tapped her chin as if thinking. “I wonder if they’ve met this world’s John? He does talk a lot. His properness pisses me off, but he’s still pretty hot.”

She turned away from the microphone and slowly made her way toward her human counterpart, a smirk stretching across her face. “Then again, this is you we’re talking about. Quiet little Grace who is too pathetic to speak up for what she needs. You’re lucky if they even remember who you are, much less care enough to save you.”

Fear trickled down Grace’s mind. The other’s blunt words struck at every mental nerve, each syllable escalating her panic. The fact that the shadow used the word “you” instead of the “us” she had expected created a startling emphasis. She started stepping backward, subconsciously trying to flee the terrifying situation. Suddenly her foot met nothing but air and, her breath catching in her throat, she felt herself falling backward.

A hand grabbed the front of her shirt, abruptly stopping her descent but keeping her teetering on the edge. Shadow Grace sneered down at her.

“What? Still got nothing to say?” The shadow questioned, rolling her eyes. “Come on, you’re so boring. No wonder people don’t like you.”

Grace would have flinched if she hadn’t been afraid of disrupting her already precarious position.

Shadow Grace’s expression darkened in annoyance. “Damn, don’t you get it?” She used her grip to shake Grace, giving the other a clear reminder of who had complete control over the predicament. Grace gasped sharply, tensing and grabbing the shadow’s arm reflexively.

“This is my place.” Shadow Grace continued. “Beyond this stage could be nothing but a one hundred foot drop. The moment I let go you’re dead.” Her grin returned. “Not that it would matter. Nobody would care if you’re gone. I’m a better you anyway. At least I’m not afraid to shout for what I want. You're just a little girl who secretly craves the attention she never got from her family.”

(Ah so this break of ours took a bit longer than expected eh? Time to boot back up. Come on~ we didn't get to 2,544 posts for nothing! we at least gotta do the kings game and/or a beach/bath house scene! //motivation)

Adara breathed and began to think on how she did it the last time. Which wasn't too hard. Afterall when Mariposa entered her body it basically felt like she knew what to do- much like an instict.

"Alright Mariposa hit em with Bufu!" she yelled as her persona began to freeze over the shadows.

Oh wow...way to go Adara for making this sound like Pokemon.


@Leaivar @Evergreen98 @Shiro Okami @TKolord @TheDigiMaster @WhimsicalWriter @Airagog.

*cough* petition for digi trying to take this hard work away from us.
Cyrus chuckled, "Fire and Ice what an interesting combination, But it still works. Maragi!" More fire was spewed from his persona's mouth dropping on the shadows like a carpet bombing. "We need to get moving, follow me and watch your back."

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