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Fandom Persona a new investigation team

Raika mentally sighed as shadow started to yell at her in her head about leaving Yukaze ' please be quiet... I need to fix this mess with hank before something worse than my relationship problem with Yukaze pops up...' she mentally sighed. When they got to the food stand she said to kotori with a smile "pick anything you like" she took out her phone and took a deep breath feeling a little nervous and typed in hanks number and called him. She looked at the menu on the stand to distract herself.

Mitsuko looked around as she kept herself close to the two girls. She eyed over at Raika, whom seemed to be fumbling at her phone and relatively stressed making Mitsuko bite at her lower lip gently, a little worried that she did something to cause such anxiety upon her. However, she couldn't let any of that get to her- especially since she just met her. She looked around her and was satisfied that she didn't spot Daisuke anywhere.
Hank was still on his way towards the amusement park and he never ceased his quick pace there. It was times like this when he was greatful he didn't slack off of his daily training like Oakley did.

His phone began to ring from his pocket and he was quick to yank it from his pocket and answer it, not even bothering to look at the caller ID. In between weary huffs and pants for air, he began to talk. "Hank Anderson! Yes!?"
Hank realized who it was quickly from the voice and let out a harsh sigh. "Raika! I don't have time for your little games right now! Later alright!?" he snapped.
Raina flinched at being yelled " but this is important!!" she said to him " the phone call you got a couple minutes ago was a mistake!! It wasn't real!!" she said to him.
"What are you talking about!?" he snapped back. He was growing closer towards the amusement park and his mind was currently muddled in a mess of unhinged emotions and lack of breath from running so quickly. Plus the fatigue was certainly not helping.
By this time Hank had made his way to the amusement park and was hunched over trying to regain both breath and some kind of functioning thought process. ...He probably wasn't going to get both ways.

"Wh-wha?" he gasped as he struggled for breath, making sure to keep his phone pressed into his ear.
Raika sighed " I am sorry... I just wanted to get you to the amusement park somehow... And we'll asked a friend to make you come here... And well it worked..."


Chirpy was looking around for Raika and the others 'where really they??' he thought.
"S-so..." he breathed as he straightened himself up again. "What you're telling me is that you put on something major in hopes of getting my ass over here!?" he accused, Raika's words finally sinking in and turning some gears in his weary dysfunctional sorry excuse for a mind.
" pretty much..." she sighed again feeling upset " I just wanted you to come over and hang with chirpy... Who seemed to have gotten lost in the amusement park..."
The more Raika talked the more she dug a grave for herself. The more she tried to well up her sick little excuse, the more it surged anger within him. Maybe it was just the crankiness and lack of sleep and too much legit worry getting to him. Or maybe it was also because he had a legit reason to be pissed. And Hank was never the type to hold back his emotions so nicely and sugar coat his opinions like that tool Oakley was.

"What kind of sick little fuckery are you trying to play Raika!?" he spat a hostile venom through the phone. "You think this is all cute? You think you can pull some shit like this so I can have a little play date with your sick homo friend!?" he growled beneath his breath. He was fuming- he wasn't even thinking about anything he said he just let it out. If Oakley was here then perhaps Hank wouldn't be standing here, stepping over these boundaries. But this just wasn't the case. Oakley was gone. Oakley was gone because Cyrus had to pull some shit for Adara in hopes she would fall for him. And now basically the same thing was happening with Hank and he was NOT going to go down because of some soft spot he may grow for any of these little twerps.
Raika put the volume on her phone down when hank started yelling 'a small price to pay to fix this...' she sighed a little " no it wasn't a game and yes I was wrong to trick you like this but you two seemed to have fun when you guys were following Adara, so I thought why not? And plus your chirpy's only friend and you guys seemed to get along..." she explained calmly.
How much of a childish and innocent mindset could somebody like this girl have. "Do you know how much TROUBLE you could be in for this!?"
Raina sighed " you know what report me or whatever... I don't care. I am gonna throw your card away and delete your phone number. You won't ever hear from me again... " she said as she was about to end the call.
Mitsuko, deciding to just go for it, reached over and delicately held one end of the phone. "Raika darling if you don't mind..." she said, her voice apologetic. "Let me see it please?"
Raisa looked at mitsuko " was it that loud??" she asked mitsuko quietly as she put her over the phone to talk to her and hoped koto didn't hear any of the yelling.
(Time for the midnight channel everyone.) Dan saw the clock turn to twelve and prepared to see who was on the screen. And the person who appeared on the screen was Grace. Dan wondered how and thought she was with John. Can just dived straight into the TV.
Grace woke to the loud pounding of rock music assaulting her ears. Disoriented from the intense beats, it took her several moments before she could bring herself to sit up and open her eyes. Bright neon lights flashed across the pitch black floor and made her eyes ache. She lifted her glasses for a moment to rub her eyes in an attempt to help them adjust to the sporadic colors before looking around. A microphone stood proudly near the edge of where the floor dropped, revealing that this place must be some sort of concert stage. Multicolored fog curled around the edges of the platform, hiding where the audience would normally be seen.

“Well well, look who’s finally awake!”

Grace froze. Despite the near deafening tones of the music, those words cut through it like a knife. That voice had sounded exactly like…hers, except it had sounded much edgier and harsh. The pieces of the puzzle clicked into place as she slowly, ever so slowly, turned her head to look at the other side of the stage.

And there her Shadow stood, just like she had feared.

The Shadow’s face and body were no doubt identical to Grace’s own, but there were several major changes that set her apart significantly. Showy makeup and dark eyeliner framed its face instead of glasses. The daringly low cut top that clung to its torso, precariously short skirt, and ripped fishnet tights left little to the imagination. Streaks of red and black marred otherwise bland brown hair.

“Not gonna speak to our audience?” The Shadow questioned, its arm gesturing out toward the fog. A tongue piercing gleamed on its tongue as it talked. “No surprise there. Guess I’ll just have to do it for you.”

Grace watched in utter disbelief and fear as it walked across the stage and to the microphone. That flashy attire and attitude just looked so wrong on her body that it left her mind reeling.

“How’s it going viewers? I hope you’re all excited for Grace’s final performance! Or as I like to call it, The Attention Wh*re’s Last Concert!” The Shadow laughed uproariously, overwhelming even the still pounding music.
Mitsuko pressed the phone into her ear and gave a nervous smile. "Hey there officer~ do you remember my pretty little voice? Anyways listen...don't blame Raika cuz that was totally not her voice. All mine, obviously."
Hank growled beneath his breath. He just needed to cool it. "Don't even call back." he growled before slamming his phone shut and throwing it onto the ground (he seemed to have a habit of this). He stomped forward into the amusement park, furious and not sure what to do at this point.
Mitsuko blinked at how sudden the call ended and after closing it she let out a little laugh of reassurance. "See? Problem solved~ piece of cake.." she said as she turned around and quickly handed teh phone over to Raika.

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