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Fandom Persona 5 OOC CLOSED

Hey just a reminder my fellow thieves were about to hit a heavy conflict section once Imato, and Masami catch up./
Hey peeps if their is any confusion of placement or what is going on in my last post please let me know. Regardless these fight have no clear set ending so it is what you all choose to make of it enjoy, and fight so that we... may run away XD I REGRET NOTHING OF THE MOVIE REFERENCES MADE

TreasureSniper TreasureSniper What's the plan? Looks like you're planning for Crow and the evolved Phoenix to get away for now,so maybe Heartbreak can press the attack and get burnt for her trouble to give them that chance. Or she can go to help Swan over attacking Phoenix.

Otherwise,let me know if you're aiming for something different to happen.
Sweetie Swans been koed Oracle removed her from the scene and phone to her that she would get Mona in to help Shiro fight Phoenix. Nellancholy Nellancholy
TreasureSniper TreasureSniper What's the plan? Looks like you're planning for Crow and the evolved Phoenix to get away for now,so maybe Heartbreak can press the attack and get burnt for her trouble to give them that chance. Or she can go to help Swan over attacking Phoenix.

Otherwise,let me know if you're aiming for something different to happen.
I am fine with anything, it really depends on what azure has planned.
As far as the distraction team is concerned ya I would say they are there at the end. For the gate team, their still going. I would say go with Nell's thinking let her go for the hit get burned for her trouble and have Phoenix either lose sight or have adjustment issues to where he is distracted temporarily since technically what you have created is a pseudo-force trigger awakening so I imagine there would be temporary adjustment issues. That should give Maeve, and Anthem enough time to play the COuntess/Tragedy Tango, and allow Syren her Prophet questioning time plus Panthers save fight against Arachnee.

The biggest countdown sequence is Syren's questioning of Prophet, and COuntess killing some certain shadows so we're about their overall I would say maybe three/four rounds max left for this acts action sequence.

Given that Phoenix does go that route a good spread of the situation could be to have Mona join Panther against Arachnee, and have Heartbreak join the Countess fight. I can have Oracle pickup Heartbreak on her roundabout way back to the gate.
In my personal opinion, I think it would be best for Heartbreak to do one last attack before moving on such as retreat, getting KO'ed as well, leaving room for Oracle to help as well, or potentially help Tragedy fight off Countess. I can make sure to have Countess cause enough of a scene for Heartbreak to notice from afar if you would like to go with that last option Nell.

As it stands, there is nothing that any of the Phantom Thieves can do against Phoenix offensively. Which brings me to my next point. It has come to my attention that we all need to have a serious discussion about how power-levels should be perceived. From my point of view, in this fight Phoenix comes off as being stronger than Slayer and on par with Veno when he is supposed to be the lowest leveled merc out of all 21 mercs and this is before he awoke in this last post. I admit, I probably should have blew the whistle at some point before now, but it was manageable in my mind because I thought he was given a blessing by the All-Father earlier than anticipated to be able to do all the powerful things he's done. With his "upgrade" now, I feel that it must be addressed because now I'm realizing that this is the blessing. Meaning now he is going to become even more stronger which is why I need to step in as acting GM.

Essentially, what I want to know now is what is Phoenix's threat level now? And what was Phoenix' real threat level before? Because if you look at the 10 mercs that are above him, they aren't doing anything to the degree that Phoenix has been pulling off. And if you are sticking with the fact that he is level 45 that means that the rest of us need to buff up what EVERYONE is capable of doing. He's been throwing out some heavy stuff and it doesn't even look like he's been losing any SP (his own energy) from using these attacks. Not gonna lie, when Jester created a crater at level 60, I was a bit skeptical, but that set a precedent in my mind that at level 60 everyone should be able to do something like that. TreasureSniper TreasureSniper

Again, this is all just how I have been viewing the threat levels as of late.What are your thoughts on the threat level system and how it has been treated? Do you feel that the fight so far has been fair? Nellancholy Nellancholy I also would like to know the rest of your guys' opinions as well and whether we should buff everyone up or keep the progression we all have been going on. Anthem Anthem That Weird girl That Weird girl Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Cause my concern is that if we buff everyone up, we will reach a limit of what can be considered powerful attacks much earlier than anticipated. And forgive me for quoting Syndrome but, if everyone is super powerful, then no one is. It would just end up being one GodMod arena and I really would not enjoy that.
If this is the time for this discussion,I'm going to reiterate my point that I've generally avoided viewing the characters in this RP in strict game-related terms,but obviously it's sensible for the mercs that have shown up to face the Thieves in person (like Roadkill,Phoenix,or Countess) to always be one or two steps ahead such that the Thieves can give them a good fight but have no chance of beating them fully without outnumbering them.

And I assumed that evolving each Thief's persona at opportune times in the plot would signal the leg up we need to put the lower level mercs out of commission and gradually take the fight to the Allfather.

But if there's a majority opinion that something needs to change,I am ready to adjust accordingly.
This type of narrative would make sense if it wasn't for the fact that certain rules have been established to prevent such leeway. The rules are as follows:

With approval from That Weird girl That Weird girl this rule is now in effect.

Generally, a 5 level gap is considered fairly big. 4 to 3 is somewhat manageable. 2 to 1 are about on par with only slight advantages in stats. That said on later levels, once it reaches 75+ even small gaps in levels can be considered deadly as stat gains a much bigger compared to previous levels. In other words, the level gap between 90 to 85 is considered much heavier compared to say 15 to 10.

As your cogm, moving forward, I will strive to send similar level foes to the thieves. With few exceptions here and there for story beats, your enemies for the most part will be scaled to your levels. In short, this means this, Big gap = Decisive victory, Small gap (Less than 5) = Possible win.

In the future, any enemies presented on the field should have their threat levels posted here so that we may all know who is and isn't capable of a win. With that, I open the floor back up to you guys.
I do agree that the constant power fueling over just managing with what you have is potentially entering a zone of out of control. As if always expecting to be forced into a corner is not fun to fight against constantly. I do agree with Nell that I think the game-level logic is not working and feels a bit disadvantageous as far as growth gauging goes i think it is good for keeping track of what spells the character can lob out but not for physical stats persay.

In combination with Nell, I am okay with the mercs always having that minor leg up, but they should scale to how they started. Case and point Phoenix has heavily gone a little wacky on the scale during the kamoshido fight he was a dangerous hitting machine flying around the scene causing hell for multiple people, but then in the Frostbite fight he was extremely played down unable to handle two combatants with Tragedy's interrupting stab taking him completely out as if to play up Frostbite without reason I would say. Now before the power-up he is mach punching/area destroying blitzing and this is before his pseudo awaken power up the scale doesn't exist is what I am saying. I feel that when we up are peeps the villains are upping way too much in response the set ones make sense but anything prior set to a certain level shouldn't be moving back and forth like that level.

Like, let me put it this way people like Hardshell, Aureus Rex, Syren, and Countess should still be a bit above them creating that level of "oh shit" this is going to be hell solo, and still heavy in numbers. People like Phoenix, Arachnee, and Roadkill the Pts should be nearing par with the exception their added abilities do still make it more suggestible for a group fight, but a one-on-one isn't out of the question or plausible. People like Frostbite, Crow, Abyss, War Song, Slayer, and Tanuki are without a doubt insanely without a doubt unlikely to solo with a minor gleam of a chance and more should always be a group fight. The Elites are still way out of reach as they were built that way, to begin with, the PTS is nowhere close yet.

Every single Act/Arc should be even if minorly closing the gap but not obliterating at the same time there should always be that concept that they will catch up but not exactly overtake or they lose their edge as a meta-merc. I notice the problem is that the concept has always set the bar way too high when introducing a new element rather than showcasing why the bar is high. What I mean is it's always an Oh fear them for strength not fear them for what they know and have learned to do. Honestly, the edge of the Meta-mercs is a bit lost and dulling cause for me when I see a power upgrade or this isn't my final form tactic mentality in this rp I sigh and rub my scalp cause it is not needed this much so haphazardly. Like that sword that upgraded Phoenix that should have been saved for what's planned in the next act cause now in the next act that's going to feel meh over "OH SHIT" because it was played early to protect an image its worth is now worthless to where its strength of surprise could have been way better in sequence. The edge was lazily sacrificed to avoid a proper fight with the weird concept being to protect the Meta merc's household name rather than show why they are a household name level really shouldn't mean this much is what I am saying as a concentration.

This is going to be mean but let me put it this way I don't care for any of the villains because of their power levels, and my character is not going to care or feel for them just because they're stronger by a thousandfold. What makes me like them or fear them is their reasoning and nature behind them revenge, obsession, and personality those are elements that make my characters react not how many walls can they plow my boy through.

Honestly, my point is this scaling system/level system is starting to harm characters in a panic to keep them on scale overall over what should be concentrated on in my opinion.

Also in amendum to what Maeve Valor Maeve Valor just pointed out and now really reading it for the first time, I realize this rule should be overturned, and or obliterated. Cause I don't know about everyone else but reading it now with what I have experienced with the lead writing I don't want to know what rabbit hole of problems this is going to create after this arc is done.

It's not to say I am not against my peep losing hell Prophets at 1 win, 3 loses now so clearly I am fine with losing but we're sacrificing a lot of creative freedom over villains looking good which is not the problem but it is a problem when it does weigh in on our character opinions which this rule does effect or is trying to pseudo force how you should react... like with what i say i like about the listed villains do you really believe you can still feel and get those expressions if in the back of your head, you know yours in a lock out of precautionary control meant to be against you? Why can't we be trusted to just let our character be themselves and gauge the enemies respectfully themselves? This is a tight RP group that is willing to discuss everything with each other and respect each other as long as they are respected in turn.

We love fueling each other's ideas as long as we have gotten to know each other about them aloud if there are issues with how things are needed to be handled or some desire to see things go a certain way vocalize it in advance and i think we all would be willing to help see it through or get it as close as possible.
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Not to sound like a broken record, but keeping track of strength of certain members has been our hell and one of the biggest argumentative points. If we want to make this fair, we just need to make sure the battlegrounds are even especially right now at these levels before post 50. While I agree getting rid of the level system idea may help, it has indeed helped as a baseline, though that time has seemingly run dry so we need to keep each other in check via achievement based checks considering where a character is in their growth and what region they are fighting in.

TLDR: it was kinda weird that Phoenix could cause this mass spread destruction of a battlefield at level 45 and Heartbreak probably can't do anything similar. They were close to the same level pre-awakening.
I agree with what has been spoken. This isn't Dragon Ball Z, it is not fair for the villains to be like fuck you this is not my final form! I think that the level system is bullshit because we never keep track of it. Like, I am tired of always having to fight to death just to complete a palace and the fact that we are rushing to get to the fight. The fun mechanics of Persona 5 are not always combat and I find that I enjoy the characters more than the actual fighting and plot. Not gonna lie, this makes me worried about the All father fight because I feel like its going to be that "Only Baron can fight him because of some dumb leveling." Baron does get beat yes, but he is able to fight off the Mercs better than the thieves which is funny because Sougo wants them to be separate from him, like why are you expecting us to win when the mercs are getting upgrades and shit when we are weak.

Im sorry but I am a little pissed off, should have said something sooner about this but I justified it because I like Treasure. So, maybe we do need to balance shit out a lot now.


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Well, seems like this has blown up. Alright time to cook.

From what I can tell here, most people are concerned why Phoenix seems a lot stronger compared to his earlier appearances.

From an IC stand point compared to his Kamoshidas appearances, he just hold not holding back anymore. In the previous appearances, he was stuck indoors where he couldn't use the full extent of his air superiority without bumping into things every few seconds. Same with the potency of his spells since using such things indoors and with close proximity to his allies with create all sorts of problems. But now in this scene, he simply has a lot less restrictions placed onto him. He doesn't care much about this palace nor does he care about the shadows there so of course he's just gonna let loose.

And the reason why he doesn't tired at all after all this...well thats tied to his innate ability of a Phoenix. Unlike his peers he constantly regenerates HP & SP.

Phoenix is still the same level, just with boosted stats after the awakening. And strength of said awakening is tied to his innate ability rather than his other stuff. Well I might just reveal that later.

And to be honest, despite how much havoc Phoenix has cause throughout this entire ordeal, it doesn't seem to faze the people much.

In this instance, I was mostly biding my time with Phoenix since I don't really know how much longer AZ wanted this to go on.

And Nell is right The metamercs are for most part always gonna have one leg up in most situations. They are better trained, better equipped and more experienced or have more varied abilities.

That Weird girl That Weird girl . I think you should know that by the time they reach the All Father the thieves are technically stronger than Baron 😉. Honestly, my biggest issue with this right is because it's not my stage to control so I can't really gauge a lot of things, how much longer things should last etc hence I just keep having Phoenix pull himself back together until I reach the end point (that rebirth thing was suppose to be saved for later).

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

You seem really eager to get rid of that level rule.

The last time I let you do free-form without any rules we got into all sort arguments about how the Frostbite fight should have went. And despite my protest I relented and let you do most of your stuff.

Without these rules in place, who is to say something like this won't happen again?

I'm not being sarcastic here. I need reassurance. Cause I don't want to be in a situation where I'm telling you that something wouldn't work from an IC perspective and for you to just move forward as if it does.

If you can promise me that, I will agree to overturn the rule.
One of my concerns,while not necessarily the most prominent,is that we've admittedly been at this for a while in terms of real world time while in-universe,the party's supposed to be around the level 40 range as you have said.

In terms of this issue specifically,I wouldn't say I have a notable suggestion just yet. But considering how there are up to 21 meta mercs and we've only decisively beaten like two of them,I do have my concerns about pacing. Even if we're not gonna fight all of them,we do still have to juggle that alongside the progression of fighting the palace masters and building up to whoever the final villain is going to be.

Plus whether Shiro and Ann,being the starting characters,should have their personae evolve within the next arc or so,or if we're going to draw that out more (and that's not taking into account if we're going to have Golden/Royal style third forms).

Like,this isn't directly connected,but the matter of power level (and therefore whether the Thieves have major victories to mark their progress) does tie into the matter of how this story is going to be paced going forward. Just putting that on the table as well.
I don't really control the pacing anymore. I'll leave that to Azure to sort out for this arc. That said, if you feel like there is an opportune time for your characters to have an awakening please do reach out and we'll see what we can do about the timing and whether it can be matched with a specific encounter in the rp. And don't worry, the road ahead will have plenty of victories for them to celebrate.

Though I think I'll take this opportunity to further clarify the source of destructive power.

Within each persona users exists their capacity to cause a certain amount of environmental destruction through the use of their persona spells. This can be seen demonstrated by Tragedy, in the Kamoshida palace where he repeatedly took down multiple walls, to get to his teammates as well as Prophet when he crumbled a train car against Frostbite. This is is usually limited by the destructive nature of the spell being casted and the size of the SP pool of the user.

I'd say at level 45 most persona users can reasonably empty their sp bar and destroy a townhouse. Some perhaps more some perhaps less. Though in most cases they could probably achieve more destruction if they choose to destroy certain supporting structures.

Now then, I am sure most of you are wondering why Phoenix seems like he has a much high destruction threshold. As stated he has the unique ability to regenerate both HP & SP, thus allowing him to prolong his bouts of destruction and shrug off otherwise deadly damage. Essentially, he is able to stack and spam his spells because he has more SP to throw around. Coupled that with his flying, he is a veritable bomber.

I admit I could have did a better job at communicating this, or at perhaps just be blatant about his abilities but I didn't do so. For that, I apologize.

This ability however, is not without its limits, as you can see, he goes down twice during the short period, which does leave him vulnerable for follow up attacks. I'd even go as far as to say that if it wasn't for Maestro's meddling, Phoenix would likely not survive this fight at all.

If the phantom thieve members were of similar level and had a massive disposal of SP items to eat through, they could probably achieve the same level of destruction. But the question is why would they? Phoenix's whole stunt puts his comrades as well as the Palace ruler at risk. Its dangerous for him to cause wanton destruction while being in someone's mind.

Level 45 is still on the lower side to be a palace buster, but even individuals of such caliber can bring reasonable damage towards palace rulers psyche if they damage enough of the palace's internal structure. As for why Phoenix seems stronger compared to Slayer or even Veno...is because is really hard to gauge these two since they havent been seen fighting with their full strength. In this instance, the bird is clearly not holding back, but for slayer and veno especially whenever they go into lower level palaces they need to be mindful of their power and only use what they can afford lest they want to cause an accidental black out on the ruler.

Is that a satisfactory explanation?

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Nellancholy Nellancholy That Weird girl That Weird girl Anthem Anthem Maeve Valor Maeve Valor
Let it be put on record these are the blunt versions of what everyone is trying to say as broken down by me and EDITED AND CONFIRMED WITH THEM as they confirmed this is what they mean. After a night of rest to mull this over this is what I am understanding we may need to be more vocal about what we are all saying Treasure per person's concerns.


What Maeve Valor Maeve Valor is saying: The problem is that the Phoenix fight is forcing a disdain effect of experience rping wise. This is being caused by you jumping way too fast as if you're trying to not even participate, but get out as quickly as you can. This has caused Maeve to jump out of the fight with no desire to be a part of it. It also caused Nell to do that as well cause she sees no reason to stay, and wants to opt into another fight.

Maeve is also telling you that if it's okay for Phoenix to do all this stuff you no longer have a defense when we want to do crazy shit which we have all halted doing since that rule was made even before the frostbite fight mind you. You're now also agreeing the train thing was not insane meaning that argument also now falls apart if you stand this ground so really how dare you demand me reassure you when I behave when you can't even hold to those rules and standards as well, but now that we're pointing it out on you you're saying its okay cause you're doing it which stats that rule was made for you, and just you to make sure we don't have fun making grandiose moments like you do almost every single Baron fight post... you know your MC. Also, no him being who he is will never be a valid argument point in an RP setting it's a point out to what you say and then do if anything.

Your level cap rule seems to be nothing to you right now is what she's pointing out.


Nellancholy Nellancholy is telling you she legit does not think about that level rule as it is a nuance to storytelling, and nothing more. It doesn't affect her since she doesn't care about it nor does it do anything for her as a player over being more so well ya the villains should "START" out ahead. She's pointing out that her opinion is the rule doesn't matter after the second awakenings in the cast start triggering cause at that point we should be at our creativity peak to what we can do with them in turning the tables around.

Also, you are misunderstanding Nells not talking about the pacing of the palace she's talking about the pacing of a good chunk of Meta-Merc villain's.

Nell is saying It's very evident you are not pacing your villains out at all, and they feel like fodder to be fodder at this time. You have dozens of villains with no directional course. Phoenix is so bad you are just axing him cause you can't think of something for him which is what? You did the same with Fixer he was turned into a fodder kill to create tension which looking back at it now feels so cheap cause it was just to create a noose on Prophet, and nothing more to fuel "Oh this is why you're way of thinking PTs is wrong". Fixer could have been built up way better since you know he was one of the trio to party wipe the entire cast rather significant a player. Phoenix would have been perfect as a Mona antagonist or you know HEARTBREAK ANTAGONIST which I think is where Nell thought that was going but now realizes she was mistaken and is done with him.

Out of all your villain roster literally, only two have legit courses which are Hardshell, and Road Kill. To hell guessing how anyone else is going at the moment like Slayer, Aureus Rex, or Veno. However, if you then turn to Countess, Syren, Tanuki, Crow, War Song, you can see a roadmap of sorts and don't have to worry about it. Notice I am only mentioning people shown legitly in debut right now.

Going forward you need to start building up your current and soon-to-be-introduced villains with a clear mind of where they're going that can be seen and planned for.

Also in addition to Nell's other piece yet again she not talking about the pacing of this palace she now talking about the pacing of character upgrades, and again the lack of handling take down, or planning of the villains, I can confirm Abyss, Yankii, Bruja, Countess, Syren(Taken Out), War Song, Arachnee, Tanuki, Road Kill, Hardshell and Crow are properly being taken down with the next three palaces in proper pacing Nell.

Something else Nell wanted to add was her biggest concern is she does feel the Meta-Mercs eat up to much of the scene in the metaverse especially during the palaces not allowing the palaces to fully fledge out their stories. Direction in prior palaces was a heavy concern of her cause it just felt like fighting setting up the next fight she feels they need to start having real-world scenarios so the Phantom Thieves can investigate them rather than just fight them. Starting to build up their own case on them is a needed plot situation as such.


What I Azurian Dream Azurian Dream am saying is yes you are power creeping constantly when something doesn't go how you like it which shouldn't matter on the scale of our storytelling reactions. Baron has been used as a "fuck you here's my course-correct" answer with Haze, Frostbite, Veno, and your attempt to directly course-correct Tragedy. I don't know if you have noticed but it has failed you and earned animosity writing-wise towards you for your actions doing so. When it hasn't, you blow up cause instead we use it to fuel our ideas. You have mentioned numerous times in reactions why we keep getting our characters back up, and I point back to you where is the fun or joy of being down just as many times? Dude they are our characters, not yours you won't get a say in how they react stop trying to over-powerplay for a petty regain of glory points that isn't needed in the first place. These aren't weakly-willed feeble-minded followers characters... these are people who even before the metaverse have experienced the overwhelming harshness of the world seeing someone overpower another is not new to them that's why they don't respond to such stunts if anything it's off-putting to them.

Anthem Anthem is like he said standing with everything already stated above, and below. The current level system is hell and a pain in the ass. Yes, it does make sense but it insults the baseline of trust that we all have other than me and you at this time. It has only had one issue which is with me and no one else during Prohpet vs Frostbite. Though that time has seemingly run dry we need to keep each other in check via our trust and achievement-based checks considering where a character is in their growth and what region they are fighting in. He makes a very valid point maybe it's not the rule but instead the current version of the rule that no longer works creating a hundred percent a problem but we can put something in its place for the better like consistency law.


so That Weird girl That Weird girl who you misunderstood the most is bluntly telling you she doesn't want the next arc to start with you trying to steer things right back into your battle mentality. She is concerned about your one-on-one obsession. Along with how intensely you handle all your fights making them feel the exact same. This has nothing to do with my fights or my palace shes concerned with your future palace setups. You just want to fight, everyone else wants to do fighting and other things. The other half of her problem is she doesn't want scale raising just because the character do their best that so weirdly punishing for good writing to downgrade everything they did to make the opposing element look better there are numerous other options. In this palace, since you love to point so much at it is incorporating everything mechanic-wise from the games she wants to see more of that in the future. Investigation, real-world conflict, puzzles mechanics, sleuthing, and acting stuff. It is also bizarre, but I don't think to bizarre that Maestro keeps handing out upgrades for the meta mercs, but Baron doesn't do the same in regards to the Phantom Thieves to keep up yet this seems to be replaced by "here I come to save the day" which is more slapping of the MC's than something taken in a positive light.

She wants more group fights, and tag team scenarios like right how it's being done in this palace, and where she says she has been holding this back because she respected you, you have instead twisted, and fully ignored it as if a positive bullet to shoot at us saying all this stuff is in your defense.

Now let's discuss what you're saying to us. If what you're saying is true then Phoenix holding back in the Kamoshido palace means you have him labeled under level to his actual potential, and that's where you're now receiving this backlash. What he is doing versus what you pointed out and laid labels on us for doing is now being labeled the reverse as having should have been okay if that's the case.

You are contradicting your original problems with Prophet, and Tragedy saying it's fine cause it was the plan of what he could do at all times meaning my getting in trouble for the Frostbite scenario is now a null and void topic as is pointing out the Tragedy example. If you're saying that is valid reasoning your stance can no longer stand with your original problems meaning you're now filling your rule with holes, and false reasons for me in particular to have even been punished.

Onto Phoenix's attack SP situation the ability clearly in question means Phoenix either has Invigorate 3 & Regenerate 3 the passive sp & Hp rechargeability which at max gives 10 sp and about 50 hp points per turn since you're going off game logic this means it's invalid for these skills to keep Phoenix going like this and is either at the hand of his ability which from my understanding combined with his ability to FLY doesn't that now mean he has two abilities, or are we now confirming that each meta merc has an ability and suit ability to which means now me and Maeve have access to more arsenal options we were not properly informed of?

Now your point out of me not liking a rule is fine, and my counter is people are allowed to not like rules when the one making them is now trying to bend them and ignore all other arguments not directed at them for them. I give you a chance to maybe take a realizing step back that the punishment laid out was I was to place all my posts through Maeve which I have done to the letter. So how dare you demand reassurance from me when I following the rules and punishment put forward to the letter, and you never offering to remove it after so much time of following it so ya no. It only happened once cause you didn't follow what you said you would do, and when you failed to get what you wanted I got punished and you forced a baron "to save you"? Ya about that.

Maeve has countlessly apologized for how many times she has asked me to edit what I want to do, and with anthem as well because she knows how you will react to a lot of things she would actually be okay with. She still delegates to benefit and help you. She has gone above, and beyond for everyone something which you should be doing. Hell, she tells us down peacefully while offering things to make up for it to benefit everyone unless it's something understandably out of control. That is why she is the GM If you have notice which I know you have we go to her over you cause our experiences with pushing ideas to you primarily end up as arguments, negative thoughts towards our ideas, or you demanding payment for our ideas.

Also, this is something that needs to be addressed I feel TreasureSniper TreasureSniper . You are not the GM you are a Co-GM. As such I, and everyone else is allowed to challenge you, and yes you can tell us no. Yet the bigger thing is we have pointed out multiple times issues with you, and if we disagree with you, and you disagree with us then the decision falls on the GM not you. You in particular have not followed any form of punishment. Wg was originally the GM, and she put Maeve in charge for a reason. With everything you're saying and the rules you set, you should be temporarily punished for not only backtracking prior scenarios being now okay to your advantage but for also putting us through it if you're going to punish people and then slide it off as okay.

Also, I did hear about your conversation with Maeve last night she is your boss dude not the other way around. Do you realize you are telling the one person constantly at your side to be fair when she is the one who sided with you the most up to this point she is the fairest person here, outclassing us all when it comes to that. Even while Maeve was informing me about this conversation she still attempted to defend you when you were ignoring what she had to say, and simply dance circles around the issues. What was to be a discussion of GM and CoGm working out the concerns of the entire cast instead turned into a woe is me why am I being called out situation.

Yet again no one is talking about the current story/palace pacing DEAR FREAKING SOULS MAN. I didn't even bring this topic up Maeve started this cause she realizes it's a problem with Phoenix and future concerns in a noticed pattern of yours wanting everyone to bring up problems they may have been holding back on cause we didn't want to be labeled as attacking you cause you constantly flip the victim card on us. Yes, victories are not what we are pointing out it is everything else you're ignoring that we are saying. We are not trying to be rude, but clearly, we have to be blunt cause you think you are painting yourself as the victim when we are the ones being plagued by these concerns that we are only trying to address to help you be a better Co-Gm/rper. You're saying we are calling you out when in fact we are just asking you to do your job correctly.

We need you to start talking about all your ideas to Maeve directly in advance like we do. If it works for us so should it work for you. Abilities need to be passed by her she is the GM that should have been the case to begin with. The problem of Phoenix being able to do these things isn't the issue it's the scaling not being thought all the way through at the beginning being the fault we can let that go up until it is clear the vagueness is being taken advantage of like how it feels here.

Treasure we are not punishing you we are just trying to finally get you to stop deflecting, Skimming, and overall trying to change it into your the-victim approach long enough to see we are being serious and that there are problems with how you want to manage things, and it's making us concerned. Your response here having ignored, directing everything back to me, and digging for what you want it to mean has only made it worse for us.
What Maeve Valor Maeve Valor is saying: The problem is that the Phoenix fight is forcing a disdain effect of experience rping wise. This is being caused by you jumping way too fast as if you're trying to not even participate, but get out as quickly as you can. This has caused Maeve to jump out of the fight with no desire to be a part of it. It also caused Nell to do that as well cause she sees no reason to stay, and wants to opt into another fight.

Maeve is also telling you that if it's okay for Phoenix to do all this stuff you no longer have a defense when we want to do crazy shit which we have all halted doing since that rule was made even before the frostbite fight mind you. You're now also agreeing the train thing was not insane meaning that argument also now falls apart if you stand this ground so really how dare you demand me reassure you when I behave when you can't even hold to those rules and standards as well, but now that we're pointing it out on you you're saying its okay cause you're doing it which stats that rule was made for you, and just you to make sure we don't have fun making grandiose moments like you do almost every single Baron fight post... you know your MC. Also, no him being who he is will never be a valid argument point in an RP setting it's a point out to what you say and then do if anything.

Your level cap rule seems to be nothing to you right now is what she's pointing out.

I am using the train crushing feat as a precedent because despite our initial disputes over it, we eventually agreed that it is an acceptable feat. I didn't agree to it initially because I had plans for the train to be something much more significant but chose to abandon them because it was easier to yes to your request. Having decided that to be an acceptable feat in the past, I thought it would be a valid point.

Nellancholy Nellancholy is telling you she legit does not think about that level rule as it is a nuance to storytelling, and nothing more. It doesn't affect her since she doesn't care about it nor does it do anything for her as a player over being more so well ya the villains should "START" out ahead. She's pointing out that her opinion is the rule doesn't matter after the second awakenings in the cast start triggering cause at that point we should be at our creativity peak to what we can do with them in turning the tables around.

Also, you are misunderstanding Nells not talking about the pacing of the palace she's talking about the pacing of a good chunk of Meta-Merc villain's.

Nell is saying It's very evident you are not pacing your villains out at all, and they feel like fodder to be fodder at this time. You have dozens of villains with no directional course. Phoenix is so bad you are just axing him cause you can't think of something for him which is what? You did the same with Fixer he was turned into a fodder kill to create tension which looking back at it now feels so cheap cause it was just to create a noose on Prophet, and nothing more to fuel "Oh this is why you're way of thinking PTs is wrong". Fixer could have been built up way better since you know he was one of the trio to party wipe the entire cast rather significant a player. Phoenix would have been perfect as a Mona antagonist or you know HEARTBREAK ANTAGONIST which I think is where Nell thought that was going but now realizes she was mistaken and is done with him.

Out of all your villain roster literally, only two have legit courses which are Hardshell, and Road Kill. To hell guessing how anyone else is going at the moment like Slayer, Aureus Rex, or Veno. However, if you then turn to Countess, Syren, Tanuki, Crow, War Song, you can see a roadmap of sorts and don't have to worry about it. Notice I am only mentioning people shown legitly in debut right now.

Going forward you need to start building up your current and soon-to-be-introduced villains with a clear mind of where they're going that can be seen and planned for.

Also in addition to Nell's other piece yet again she not talking about the pacing of this palace she now talking about the pacing of character upgrades, and again the lack of handling take down, or planning of the villains, I can confirm Abyss, Yankii, Bruja, Countess, Syren(Taken Out), War Song, Arachnee, Tanuki, Road Kill, Hardshell and Crow are properly being taken down with the next three palaces in proper pacing Nell.

Something else Nell wanted to add was her biggest concern is she does feel the Meta-Mercs eat up to much of the scene in the metaverse especially during the palaces not allowing the palaces to fully fledge out their stories. Direction in prior palaces was a heavy concern of her cause it just felt like fighting setting up the next fight she feels they need to start having real-world scenarios so the Phantom Thieves can investigate them rather than just fight them. Starting to build up their own case on them is a needed plot situation as such.
I agree. I could have done a better job building them up but I do in fact have plans for most the of the mercs if not all of them. I can't really show much of it because I don't control this arc.

What I Azurian Dream Azurian Dream am saying is yes you are power creeping constantly when something doesn't go how you like it which shouldn't matter on the scale of our storytelling reactions. Baron has been used as a "fuck you here's my course-correct" answer with Haze, Frostbite, Veno, and your attempt to directly course-correct Tragedy. I don't know if you have noticed but it has failed you and earned animosity writing-wise towards you for your actions doing so. When it hasn't, you blow up cause instead we use it to fuel our ideas. You have mentioned numerous times in reactions why we keep getting our characters back up, and I point back to you where is the fun or joy of being down just as many times? Dude they are our characters, not yours you won't get a say in how they react stop trying to over-powerplay for a petty regain of glory points that isn't needed in the first place. These aren't weakly-willed feeble-minded followers characters... these are people who even before the metaverse have experienced the overwhelming harshness of the world seeing someone overpower another is not new to them that's why they don't respond to such stunts if anything it's off-putting to them.

The only real course correction I have had with Tragedy was a early with his fight with Baron and even there I already accepted how he was going to be . Every other fight, whether it'd be against Frostbite or Veno I was fine with for the most part.

so That Weird girl That Weird girl who you misunderstood the most is bluntly telling you she doesn't want the next arc to start with you trying to steer things right back into your battle mentality. She is concerned about your one-on-one obsession. Along with how intensely you handle all your fights making them feel the exact same. This has nothing to do with my fights or my palace shes concerned with your future palace setups. You just want to fight, everyone else wants to do fighting and other things. The other half of her problem is she doesn't want scale raising just because the character do their best that so weirdly punishing for good writing to downgrade everything they did to make the opposing element look better there are numerous other options. In this palace, since you love to point so much at it is incorporating everything mechanic-wise from the games she wants to see more of that in the future. Investigation, real-world conflict, puzzles mechanics, sleuthing, and acting stuff. It is also bizarre, but I don't think to bizarre that Maestro keeps handing out upgrades for the meta mercs, but Baron doesn't do the same in regards to the Phantom Thieves to keep up yet this seems to be replaced by "here I come to save the day" which is more slapping of the MC's than something taken in a positive light.

She wants more group fights, and tag team scenarios like right how it's being done in this palace, and where she says she has been holding this back because she respected you, you have instead twisted, and fully ignored it as if a positive bullet to shoot at us saying all this stuff is in your defense.

Her concerns are valid. But I haven't had any chance to control anything plot related since the Kamoshida palace which is well over a year ago. Since then, I have learned what the cast like but I have yet have the chance to do anything plot related. As for upgrades, the last chance Baron had to give anyone an upgrade was during their short meeting with Maruki. Cause IC wise that was the last time they met. Admittedly I should have taken the chance there and then, but as of right now, there isnt a opportune break for him to sit down and hand out upgrades. I can't just have Baron pop in mid fight to give them an upgrade.

More group fights are coming, as well as investigations, but again, I can't really do that when its not my arc. You palace is already content dense enough. I don't really have much more room to add anything else in between.

Anthem Anthem is like he said standing with everything already stated above, and below. The current level system is hell and a pain in the ass. Yes, it does make sense but it insults the baseline of trust that we all have other than me and you at this time. It has only had one issue which is with me and no one else during Prohpet vs Frostbite. Though that time has seemingly run dry we need to keep each other in check via our trust and achievement-based checks considering where a character is in their growth and what region they are fighting in. He makes a very valid point maybe it's not the rule but instead the current version of the rule that no longer works creating a hundred percent a problem but we can put something in its place for the better like consistency law.

Go ahead then. Remove the rule. You have my blessing to do so.

Onto Phoenix's attack SP situation the ability clearly in question means Phoenix either has Invigorate 3 & Regenerate 3 the passive sp & Hp rechargeability which at max gives 10 sp and about 50 hp points per turn since you're going off game logic this means it's invalid for these skills to keep Phoenix going like this and is either at the hand of his ability which from my understanding combined with his ability to FLY doesn't that now mean he has two abilities, or are we now confirming that each meta merc has an ability and suit ability to which means now me and Maeve have access to more arsenal options we were not properly informed of?

Phoenix flight, and regeneration have always been part of his bread and butter. His flight is more so something tied into suit, an aspect of his metaverse outfit more so than his actual persona. But by all means, you're free to expand on the arsenal of your own mercs if you feel that they are lagging behind in that department because of this.

Now your point out of me not liking a rule is fine, and my counter is people are allowed to not like rules when the one making them is now trying to bend them and ignore all other arguments not directed at them for them. I give you a chance to maybe take a realizing step back that the punishment laid out was I was to place all my posts through Maeve which I have done to the letter. So how dare you demand reassurance from me when I following the rules and punishment put forward to the letter, and you never offering to remove it after so much time of following it so ya no. It only happened once cause you didn't follow what you said you would do, and when you failed to get what you wanted I got punished and you forced a baron "to save you"? Ya about that.

In my defense, I never saw Maeve needing to read through your stuff as punishment, more so a necessary measure that needed to stop us from getting into further fights.

Also, I did hear about your conversation with Maeve last night she is your boss dude not the other way around. Do you realize you are telling the one person constantly at your side to be fair when she is the one who sided with you the most up to this point she is the fairest person here, outclassing us all when it comes to that. Even while Maeve was informing me about this conversation she still attempted to defend you when you were ignoring what she had to say, and simply dance circles around the issues. What was to be a discussion of GM and CoGm working out the concerns of the entire cast instead turned into a woe is me why am I being called out situation.

Yet again no one is talking about the current story/palace pacing DEAR FREAKING SOULS MAN. I didn't even bring this topic up Maeve started this cause she realizes it's a problem with Phoenix and future concerns in a noticed pattern of yours wanting everyone to bring up problems they may have been holding back on cause we didn't want to be labeled as attacking you cause you constantly flip the victim card on us. Yes, victories are not what we are pointing out it is everything else you're ignoring that we are saying. We are not trying to be rude, but clearly, we have to be blunt cause you think you are painting yourself as the victim when we are the ones being plagued by these concerns that we are only trying to address to help you be a better Co-Gm/rper. You're saying we are calling you out when in fact we are just asking you to do your job correctly.

We need you to start talking about all your ideas to Maeve directly in advance like we do. If it works for us so should it work for you. Abilities need to be passed by her she is the GM that should have been the case to begin with. The problem of Phoenix being able to do these things isn't the issue it's the scaling not being thought all the way through at the beginning being the fault we can let that go up until it is clear the vagueness is being taken advantage of like how it feels here.

Treasure we are not punishing you we are just trying to finally get you to stop deflecting, Skimming, and overall trying to change it into your the-victim approach long enough to see we are being serious and that there are problems with how you want to manage things, and it's making us concerned. Your response here having ignored, directing everything back to me, and digging for what you want it to mean has only made it worse for us.

You may have noticed that I didn't go against everything in your post. Because most of what you said is indeed valid. You are right. I could have done a lot of things better, chose paths that were more beneficial to the players as whole, avoided a lot of this pent up resentment, not reacted as strongly towards certain actions or vice versa.

And though I likely have more to say in my defense, I don't think any of that matters right now.

I had a feeling for awhile now, but I can see that this rp has outgrew me for the most part. I may not like the path its headed anymore, but that doesn't mean all of you should suffer for it.

I am sorry Azure. And I am sorry to you all of you as well for not being a better co-gm. All of you deserve better than what you've got.

I concede, I'll follow any instruction given to me by gm team and accept any punishment that comes my way.

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Maeve Valor Maeve Valor That Weird girl That Weird girl Nellancholy Nellancholy Anthem Anthem
After much contemplation, the way we will proceed is as follows:

1. The way the main cast members have been progressing in terms of damage output shall progress at the same rate we have been. In the future we should all keep in mind what our characters should and shouldn't be capable of and stay consistent with it.

2. TreasureSniper TreasureSniper has shown a willingness to revise his last post so that we may move on more peacefully, but with how Azurian Dream Azurian Dream has set up his next post as well as the next few scenes, I see no reason for anything to be revised.

3. As far as a punishment is concerned, I have made a decision although this info is one that will be kept behind the scenes between me and my co-gms and only us. TreasureSniper TreasureSniper That Weird girl That Weird girl

4. I must admit that upon bringing up the initial topic, I had not anticipated for some others to branch out to different issues they had in the rp. Although given the fact that it has become a hot topic, I feel that we must put a vote to the threat level rule and whether we should keep it or not so that we can finally put this debate to rest. I for one am casting my vote to keep it and omitting my reasoning as to why because I don't feel it's necessary to explain. If anyone wants know my opinion behind it, they may dm me. The response is mandatory. You all may vote to agree, disagree, or abstain neutrally from the vote. That Weird girl That Weird girl Nellancholy Nellancholy Anthem Anthem TreasureSniper TreasureSniper Azurian Dream Azurian Dream
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