Ok I have a suggestion. The PT would probably get forcefully evicted. And from there they go back to their student life for awhile. And we can go from there. Maybe focus on recruitment.
sorry for not really being active, but i'm still intrested !
i've actually just been kinda watching, because my character
doesn't really seem to fit yet, which is totally fine ! i don't mind
waiting for whenever is the best time to get her more involved .
Oh ok that’s fair. She should be able to get involved once the thieves get back to the real world. Maybe I’ll have Ann bump into her and realize that she never really talked to her at school. Maybe Ann will try to be friendly towards her and invite her out
Not really.
My best idea is probably having my character bump into them if they're ever in a rush to get somewhere, and have him follow the thieves because of curiosity.
I am work right so I can't give any long detailed replies. But if you guys want we can quickly resolve this fight so that you can start the PT recruitment arc.
Alright. Go ahead and escape. From there you can rp your way back to the school week and insert yourselves there. Sougo will pop in where it is relevant
uh sorry if this is intrusive I'm gonna work on a character sheet if that's ok, sorta feel weird just popping in out of nowhere, not unlike this.. - be distracted by the ningen, this is my research, deep character lore moment