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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Junko Enoshima (1).png
Torikago -> Outskirts - Interacting with Topless Topless P PopcornPie DapperDogman DapperDogman CapRock CapRock


When everybody finished introducing themselves, the girl took note of everybody's personality. The more she knew about people, the better she can come up a strategy for taking over the city. Besides, it was natural for her to look and know things within a flash, it's her talent after all. Junko can easily know what makes you tick, the teen can break your mind if you're not careful around her. While she was busy taking mental notes, a sudden flash appears. It was some kind of oddly-dressed girl doing an announcement on some kind of device. Suddenly, a light bulb appeared above her head. Junko was almost happy that she could smile, but she didn't to maintain her current personality. All she could say was just a deadpan 'wow' to make it fit with her stoicness.

As they were walking towards the outskirts, Lloyd asked a question. Good for him, he was letting her have access to some more information about them. Junko would repay his kindness, but not today. The main thing she took note of is that they were all students from a single school in some small town. Well, that wasn't as much information as she hoped it would be, since it was only one person answering it. The girl did hope that more would respond, but it was good enough for now. It seems that Dorothea is the one person that connected them together, she thought. If something despairingly awful happened to each and one of her friends, that would be quite sad for her. With that in mind, the girl grinned in her mind.

After that one boy's response to Lloyd's question, no one seemed to talk afterwards. The blonde girl cleared her throat and took a deep breath, slowly blinking and looking at the group with half-opened eyes. Junko looked at Ken, still maintaining her eerie stoic personality.

"I see. I know I'm being odd, but how old are you?"

A normal person would follow up their question with an apology, but Junko proceeded to silently wait. The teen girl had a serious aura after she asked, any person would feel intimidated around her and would do whatever she says. Her eyes could cut you within a flash. Heck, you wouldn't even know what her true intent with you is, she could be planning your murder while she silently stares at you.
Benedict would look at Christian Brutal Sniper before handing him three cinnamon buns.
Ah....for some reason.....I see great things coming from you....ah! Yes, you’ll invest in the coffee bean industry....here’s my card...if you need anything else, say my name....ciao!
Benedict would say before vanishing.

Benedict would then give John Freemen his tea and card before spookily disappearing...ooooo....oh wait, hold on, they left Josh behind....ok they came back to get him! Then they vanished ooooo!
Corrosion Corrosion
Chungchangching Chungchangching

"Buzzers? What the hell are Buzzers?" She felt a tinge of anticapation as she listened to the words and of course, took the light and equipped it to her waist. Not that she needed it of course, she did have night-vision after all, but they didn't know that. As far as everyone was concerned, she was just a normal solider with a hammer, blue armour, and a blaster rifle. Best to keep it that way. She kept a weary eye on the Baker family but so far all their antics only came through to each other, which was fine by her. Nevertheless, they were still clearly Physcopathical maniacs. Then there was Roman Torchick, not nearly as dangerous as teh Baker Family , but still steeming with slimniess that even she could detect from a mile away. Then there was Captian Rex, the paragon of goodness, if his white armour isn't decietful. There were others here too, a pink girl, a stickman figure who walked as if it were very old, and a couple of other individuals that so far has escaped her notice.

"So apparently we have to deal with these Buzzers? Whatever the hell they are! And we're expected to make a game plan? How.... we don't even know what it is that we're facing....."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
darkred darkred
marc122 marc122
jigglesworth jigglesworth
@colonalium gang




The man stared over at the others he was now stuck with in a forced war against Buzzers, who seemingly were only defeated with light. Of course, that was the only things Bentrum left them with to figure out.

"Not sure yet, stranger. But they only seem to be defeated with light." He looked over at Oddessa with a mix of strange calm and frowning.

Yet another joined their group, a stick figure with a robotic arm that said "FR."

The Baker family who was talking about a lab to test.. on something, he didn't want to know about."

He looked at the light.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
darkred darkred
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
marc122 marc122
jigglesworth jigglesworth
Jezza Jezza
StaidFoal StaidFoal
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Giffany quietly rose to her feet, folding her hands. "Thank you?" She spoke quietly. "She really wanted help, though."

Topless Topless
[div class=tabs][div class=tab]Ruby[/div][div class=tab]Yang[/div][div class=tab]Roman[/div][div class=tab]Details[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent r"][div class=rBg]
[div class=rText]Ruby Rose

Temperate Strip, Neon Haven

[div class=rText]"Th—Th—Thank you..."

Ruby grabbed the tea she had ordered and drank from it, still in the self-imposed time crunch. As she did so, something was off about where she had gone; the walls were suddenly out of her view, she could see the crowds surrounding the building more clearly, and she felt the sun illuminating its rays unto her. Then it hit her; she had ventured out of the room. While the seemingly minor epiphany came at a shock at first, finally, she started to realize something was off about what she thought of the warriors; they were not the shady, hostile beings that she had presumed they are; rather, they were more like the students back at Beacon, who happened to have weapons.

Admittedly cool-looking ones at that.

[div class=rText]"Wait... You mean y—you're all not going to kill us?"[/div]

Ruby raised her own hand...then directly smacked her hand across her face. Stumbling across the ground, she then turned to face more of the crowds that were waiting for the gang outside. Finally, it hit her: Those were not the hostiles who were out to get her.

In her own frustration, young Little Red palmed her forehead, dropping her Earl Grey and spilling the rest of its contents in the process.

[div class=rText]"...Uuuugh, how could I be so stupid?! I thought you were out to get us, for crying out loud!"[/div]

Still trembling, albeit only slightly now, Ruby then let out an exasperated sigh of relief, letting her hands droop, as she then turned to those speaking to the Eds. Then, she looked away in embarrassment, folding her arms.

[div class=rText]What was I thinking?![/div] Ruby pondered. [div class=rText]Now I look like some stupid fool who worries too much...[/div]

Then she remembered: Yang was still not here.

[div class=rText]...But still, where is my sister?! I can't, and don't want to even imagine wanting to go a mile without Yang![/div]

Just then, a troublesome white-haired man showed up, who reminded her all too much about Weiss from the past, but worse. There was no doubt that she would again shrink away and step away from him, which she did, possibly bumping into people in the process. The suspicious being spoke of inferiors fighting over what's left, dying over the few, worthless things they demanded as he and his little faction are busy studying magic.

Wait, magic?!

Ridiculous, Ruby had never heard of such a thing! The things she knew were Dust, Semblances, and Aura, neither of which she would call "magic" under what she presumed was their circumstances for such a thing. The only reason to call something "magic" would be if someone with not much knowledge were to see a Huntsman in action with his Semblance being used to stop his opponents' progress. Even then, she had never even heard of "magic" in her life, maybe except in those fairytales her sister had read out to her when she was young. There was nothing magic about not knowing what theres was, after all.

Anyhow, she did not like that whatever he spoke of was being used for whatever nefarious reason she could think of. Anything she would've liked that gets used for ill was not something she wouldn't mind. She gulped, then turned towards Richard, proceeding to whisper.

[div class=rText]"I don't like him..."[/div]

CapRock CapRock (GM, Richard), Nightwisher Nightwisher (Persephone), P PopcornPie (Caramel and Entrapta), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Unregistered Hypercam 2), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Ed, Edd, n Eddy), darkred darkred (Bardock), Yamperzzz Yamperzzz (Emperor Gargan), Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent b" style="display: none;"][div class=yBg]
[div class=yText]Yang Xiao Long

Tropic Strip, Neon Haven

Yang observed as she watched Cassie answer various strangers' quesions.

Apparently, those freaks who weren't even Grimm, nor any other familiar animal from the home world she hailed from, were indeed Imps. Those same Imps she swore had killed her sister whe she had first met with them. The Chaser Army sounded promising for a thrill-seeker like Yang...that was, if she wasn't that focused on finding Ruby at the time being.

[div class=yText]"Yeah, I don't know if I want to join right now. Besides, I'm looking for my sister, or rather what's left of her remains."

Her worst nightmare, meanwhile, had been confirmed, if it wasn't already; she and the others around her were no longer on their home planets. The concept of her being somewhere else on another place than Remnant was straight-up alien; space travel hadn't even been invented yet. If anything, Grimm was a much bigger worry, especially since they had been around for as long as humanity could remember. The more she thought about this, the less she thought she could get back to Remnant and back to Beacon, where she was to study and become a professional Huntress. For all practical purposes, she may as well be a new wanderer, exploring the place for as long as she's here.

She did have something to say, though.

[div class=yText]"One question. If I were to go out and look for my sister in this...Neon Haven, what should I expect, other than just Imps?"[/div]

As she waited for Cass1e to answer, she went up to Mao Mao's motorcycle and got on top of its passenger seat. However, she did signal her to wait at least until the red-haired woman answers her. One sight, however, came up later that came off to her as odd, namely John Freeman's "motorcycle". She tried to understand what was going on: It was...a bathtub? With two big wheels at the bottom, attached by rope, that...

Okay, you gotta be kidding me.

AHEM! Anyways, she didn't want to be mean to John Freeman, owner of this peculiar motorcycle. [div class=yText]I mean,[/div] Yang thought, [div class=yText]I don't know, I really have no idea how he put that thing together, to be honest. How it manages to even stay together despite the construction is well beyond me.[/div]

And then all the bike talk made her miss Bumblebee. Damn cats and troll-fiction protagonists and their motorcycles.

[div class=yText]"Nice bikes. Wish I'd brought my own."[/div]

CapRock CapRock (GM, Cass1e), @Jeef_jones (Robert), P PopcornPie (Mao Mao), GearBlade654 GearBlade654 (Smokestack), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Lucario), @BoltBeam (Gretel), Chungchangching Chungchangching (Christian Brutal Sniper), @Hahli Nuva (Scorpion), Corrosion Corrosion (John Freeman)
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent y" style="display: none;"]
Roman Torchwick


The moment it was finally spelled out to Roman that he was not going to be able to return, he was shocked. He had expected this "Colonium" to be another place on Remnant that also went unnoticed by almost everyone else, but never something else completely different. He was relieved at first; he no longer had to deal with the puppetmasters reigning at the top of the Remnant chain, which meant he could explore a brand new world for himself. One that could potentially be more free-willed than back there, where he wold be disbarred from doing the things he loved.

At least in theory.

One of the biggest downsides was that it appeared to be all the same, despite the fighting going on to rid Colonium of those puppetmasters up there. He still stood by his own plan to leverage the war to gain power, but he was beginning to understand more and more that the war was not to be taken lightly.

Another thing was Neo.

Neo was one of his most-trusted partners in crime, and to lose her was not just another shock, but also his biggest loss. Because of this, all he had now was a bunch of so-called "good guys", and the only ones he could manipulate, at least in theory, was a deranged family.

Then he watched as more people poured in.

Just when he thought Penny was strange, now came Mina, who was literally pink, and then a green-ish yellow stick figure whose features he couldn't make out. The only other "normal"-looking people who came in were John Connor and Noveran. Now this was starting to look like a huge gamble. If he could somehow wrangle his way around being caught red-handed, even without being detected, he could theoretically get away with his real plan, but it was starting to look harder and harder.

He gave a chuckle. However, what was supposed to be a menacing inflection came out instead as genuine worry and nervousness on his part.

"Well, what'da'ya know."

Regardless, he wasn't about to give up so easily as to bow out. He was going to soldier on and stick to the plan.

Soon after, there was no more time for talking. Captain Crene, or rather they possibly called him, spoke for Bertram to send them down to the pickup station, and he obliged, taking them down to a room as he went on to explain the details. Along the way, he was given a light -- apparently one that was the only way to reliably see in Colonium's darkness and, according to Connor, fight back the Buzzers. Now things are starting to look real; he had to show himself capable, like he did back in Remnant, else he may as well look like dead weight.

"So, before we get started, I thought we'd properly introduce ourselves first. Well, I'm Roman Torchwick."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (GM, Bertram), jigglesworth jigglesworth (Captain Rex), PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Odessa), StaidFoal StaidFoal (Jack, Marguerite, Lucas, and Eveline), darkred darkred (John Connor), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Mina), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Alfa), Jezza Jezza (Noveran)
[/div] [div class="tabsContent rt" style="display: none;"]

[div class=rText]Ruby Rose[/div]
[div class=rBox]Status

[div class=rBox]Inventory
Crescent Rose
[div class=wText]Weiss Schnee[/div]
[div class=wBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
Talking over things.
[div class=wBox]Inventory
[div class=bText]Blake Belladonna[/div]
[div class=bBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
[div class=bBox]Inventory
Gambol Shroud
[div class=yText]Yang Xiao Long[/div]
[div class=yBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
[div class=yBox]Inventory
Ember Celica
[/div] [class name=rBg] background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/W1KexJH.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=yBg] background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/yykUQZ5.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=wbBg] background-image: url('https://i.postimg.cc/xTPTqxPm/rwby-bg-transparent.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=rText]display: inline; color: rgb(226, 80, 65);[/class] [class name=wText]display: inline; color: rgb(196, 230, 255);[/class] [class name=bText]display: inline; color: rgb(147, 101, 184);[/class] [class name=yText]display: inline; color: rgb(250, 197, 28);[/class] [class=tabs] background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(255,255,255); font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; min-width: 300px; text-align: center; width: 100%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 25%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4); [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Ruby) (show r) if (eq ${currentTab} WB) (show w) if (eq ${currentTab} Yang) (show b) if (eq ${currentTab} Roman) (show y) if (eq ${currentTab} Details) (show rt) [/script] [class name=rBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(226, 80, 65); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=wBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(196, 230, 255); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=bBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(147, 101, 184); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=yBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(250, 197, 28); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class]
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"Odessa. You can just call me Odessa." She said, looking at this Roman Torchwick. She smirked, "I assume you are the de facto leader of this group?" She tried not to put quotations around the word "leader" and she felt as if she largely succeeded. She looked around and listened to the rest of the people around here. Keeping silent. She already knew Captian Rex, but she didn't know the rest.

interacting: marc122 marc122
Noveran - at Colonium

"The name is Noveran, humble sorcerer and mercenary" Noveran said while bowing, most certainly lying about the humble part of his introduction.
Noveran scoffs when Odessa points to Roman as being the groups ""leader"". Noveran could see Roman was nothing more than a con artist. Still, someone like him could still prove useful...
"If we're electing leaders I suggest we put forward someone who actually looks like they have experience leading troops, not a mafia. These two seem like good candidates" Noveran says while pointing his cane in the direction of Rex and John Connor.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss marc122 marc122 jigglesworth jigglesworth StaidFoal StaidFoal CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Amanda Mossby - at New Haven Temperate Strip North

When Ruby turned towards Richard she accidentally stepped on Amanda's foot, and Amanda lets out a strange hissing noise in response. The pain was enough to snap Amanda out of her panicked trance of trying to get away and she turns around and actually tries to understand her situation for once. She sees the two parties arguing over where the new comers should go, one flying in the air somehow without wings which made no sense to Amanda, and the other looking more like the people she saw back on earth. She noticed on one side the people from The NCR seemed much more open and accepting of the strange people here while on the other side, not only did the person from Newerth talk as if they were inherently better than everyone else, the terrifying Eds also seemed to be going that way. Not seeing another way out, Amanda started moving towards the people from the NCR, they seemed like they'd be the most accepting of her anyway.

CapRock CapRock Nightwisher Nightwisher P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred Yamperzzz Yamperzzz marc122 marc122
Jack, Marguerite, Lucas, and Eveline
Location: Colonium

Lucas would roll his eyes at Bertram, wordlessly walking away. He took to leaning against a wall while the rest of his family wandered in a small circle close to one another until the voice on the intercom came up. "The hell's a buzzer?" Jack grumbled, taking one of the lights. Lucas then snatches it from his father's hands, almost getting punched in the process and started tinkering with it.

Jack rested his axe over his shoulder, smirking at the new abundance of newcomers to wherever they were. "I 'spose I should introduce ourselves." Motioning to each family member (except the old woman), he said, "Jack, Marguerite, and Lucas." Marguerite looked up from what she was doing, being the removal of the upper half of the corpse's head.

Lucas gave up on trying to dissect the light, and looked towards Roman. "Say, you look... second-most ordinary 'round here. How 'bout you do a little think for me, like... stealing that guy's gun," he said, pointing at Rex, "and I'll tell my family to not bother you?"

Jack and Marguerite didn't seem to care who was elected leader, and starting bickering to each other. As always, the old woman in the corner was still watching, barely moving at all.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch marc122 marc122 jigglesworth jigglesworth @Colonium_crew​
Noveran - at Colonium

"The name is Noveran, humble sorcerer and mercenary" Noveran said while bowing, most certainly lying about the humble part of his introduction.
Noveran scoffs when Odessa points to Roman as being the groups ""leader"". Noveran could see Roman was nothing more than a con artist. Still, someone like him could still prove useful...
"If we're electing leaders I suggest we put forward someone who actually looks like they have experience leading troops, not a mafia. These two seem like good candidates" Noveran says while pointing his cane in the direction of Rex and John Connor.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss marc122 marc122 jigglesworth jigglesworth StaidFoal StaidFoal CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Odessa smiles a bit at Noveran, "by all means. Someone leading an army definitely has more experience than someone leading a mafia. The question is: which one should lead us? Both seem to know their shit." She was pissing out words now, she didn't know shit about the scarred general or the white clad solider. They just looked like they meant business. She didn't include herself in that mix, command wasn't her strong suit, she was a loner by nature, only teaming up out of nessecity. She then turned toward the Baker family as they introduced themselves and immediately wanted the crook Roman, to quote steal Captian Rex's gun, out loud for everyone to hear. She rolled her eyes as her cop instincts screamed at her to interfere. But she decided to ignore the physco family. For now. She turned to Rex and John Connor. "Which one of you should lead us?" She also hated the fact that no one considered her "normal" was her blue armour really that abnormal? Whatever!

darkred darkred jigglesworth jigglesworth @Colonium_crew
Mao Mao-Tropical Strip
"You lost a sister, huh?...I got two of those." Mao Mao sighed. His sisters would probably be laughing at him right now, for his reckless aero-cycle piloting. "I'll recover from this. I'll get stronger here in one claw, than THEY do in their whole bodies!" He puffed up his chest, determined. "Anyway, welcome aboard. You said you were Yang, right?" He smiled at his blonde passenger, and immediately started to rev his engine, only to receive Yang's signal to stay there.

marc122 marc122


Connor frowned and listened to the captain's orders of Colonium.

He looked to the others around the room, eying who he could work with and who wasn't trustworthy. Either him or Captain Rex would have to craft a mini army and they were going into a forced war with little idea what they were going into except having a light to somehow "defeat" the Buzzers.

This mini-group needed leadership and one of them would have to take the role. He had little idea what Captain Rex was capable on the field but what he heard from stories was that he was a clone of some kind who worked on various planets. He on the other had was a man born to lead the Human Resistance against victory, having to prepare every day for a war that was coming no matter what.

"In terms of title, I outrank Captain Rex, In terms of experience. I can't speak for Captain Rex."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (GM, Bertram), jigglesworth jigglesworth (Captain Rex), PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Odessa), StaidFoal StaidFoal (Jack, Marguerite, Lucas, and Eveline), darkred darkred (John Connor), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Mina), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Alfa), Jezza Jezza (Noveran)
[div class=tabs][div class=tab]Ruby[/div][div class=tab]Yang[/div][div class=tab]Roman[/div][div class=tab]Details[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent r"][div class=rBg]
[div class=rText]Ruby Rose

Temperate Strip, Neon Haven

Just as Ruby was continuing to try to step away from the situation, she happened to trample someone's toes on accident. Gasping, she realized where she was stepping, and turned to face the poor girl. She covered her mouth in shame, turning her eyes towards the white-haired man briefly to see if he saw her, before looking back to her. Trying to whisper loud enough for Amanda to hear, but not loud enough for the suspicious man, she said,

[div class=rText]"I'm sorry, I didn't know where I was stepping!"

Unlike Amanda, though, Ruby was already starting to grasp the situation. She had already understood that whoever was waiting for her was curious about what she had on hand. Now she was beginning to understand that they're giving the gang a chance to go to Home Bunker, where she could learn about Neon Haven. However, she now understood who to side with, and that was the Neon Community Republic. Richard gave a more reassuring aura in comparison to the other faction's coldness. As with Amanda, she inched closer towards the NCR.

CapRock CapRock (GM, Richard), Nightwisher Nightwisher (Persephone), P PopcornPie (Caramel and Entrapta), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Unregistered Hypercam 2), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Ed, Edd, n Eddy), darkred darkred (Bardock), Yamperzzz Yamperzzz (Emperor Gargan), Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent b" style="display: none;"][div class=yBg]
[div class=yText]Yang Xiao Long

Tropic Strip, Neon Haven

[div class=yText]"..."

It was obvious Yang did not want to talk about sisters with Mao Mao. It was still up in the air whether or not Ruby was still walking, and she did not want to subject herself to pained emotion and potential self-isolation. So, she ignored her comment and just focused on what else he had to say.

Mao Mao, meanwhile, was starting to remind her of Blake, but with large dashes of herself. Like Yang, he had a sort of a "rowdy" edge to him, and had a short temper, as displayed when he seemed to scorn Benedict and his little penguins. He also had a hovering motorcycle, or rather an "Aero-Cycle" as he would call it. It was a different-looking one, though; she did have hovering 'cycles, but those were different from the one Mao Mao drove. She even swore it did not run on Dust at all.

Anyhow, she did not smile back towards the cat, only focusing on the task at hand: finding Ruby.

[div class=yText]"Yeah."[/div]

CapRock CapRock (GM, Cass1e), @Jeef_jones (Robert), P PopcornPie (Mao Mao), GearBlade654 GearBlade654 (Smokestack), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Lucario), @BoltBeam (Gretel), Chungchangching Chungchangching (Christian Brutal Sniper), @Hahli Nuva (Scorpion), Corrosion Corrosion (John Freeman)
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent y" style="display: none;"]
Roman Torchwick


"Nice to meet you, Odessa. And Noveran. I can only hope our strengths and goals can work together to win the war!"

After Roman greeted Odessa and Noveran, one of the Bakers, specifically Lucas, asked him to rob from one of the people he had just met earlier. Roman didn't like Rex too much, yes, but the idea of him stealing something just to benefit a selfish desire when it would come at a cost of the entire team's chances was simply too much. Moreover, they didn't seem the kind of people to have learned gun safety; if anything, he thought they would kill each other, intentionally or not, just because they have some so-called "toy".

Might as well use the power of "no". He shook his head, and tried to maintain a gentlemanly tone, and succeeded at that, though a slight undertone of genuine scorn — something only keen observers would pick up on — was present.

"I apologize, Lucas, but as much as I want to...say, give you something to really work with, I'm afraid I'll have to say 'no'. What if the weapon serves especially important to the game plan, y'know? Sometimes, you just have to leave people be."

The irony was not lost to Roman, however. He knew what he said about leaving people be was a piece of wisdom he had already betrayed from the start.

It didn't occur to him before, but now the message the people around him were trying to send was now apparent: They were onto him. Odessa had subtly called him out as someone leading a mafia. Now he had to be extra careful with his words, lest he be caught red-handed before the real plan could actually take off. His appearance did very little to make people think highly of him; if anything, just his look alone could be what made him suspicious among the others.

I can't just rest on my laurels, Roman thought, I have to push myself to earn their trust. Even then, I don't know if I can really do that...do I?

The discussion of leaders, however, was something he could easily take part in. Right now, it was between whether Captain Rex or General Connor gets the position of leader. Roman was especially wary of Connor; he was fighting a freedom war as well, just like Bertram and his own kind against what he presumed were the Buzzers. He was not some useful idiot like Captain Rex was. Originally, he was going to take a bid in becoming a leader as well, but the fact that all those goody-two-shoes were gonna watch him and immediately bat him the moment he does anything remotely suspicious meant the strain would be too much. So, he decided not to take his chances and bow out, so as to lay lower than he originally was going to.

What about experience, though? Rex was merely a Captain, but Connor was a General. A General, in theory, has more experience in leadership than a Captain, and thus could potentially lead the others better than a Captain could. The fact that he was fighting for freedom came up again. Now, it was apparent that the people were to choose Connor.

"Okay, Connor, I see you have more experience than the Captain. Fair enough...how about you lead us, then?"

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (GM, Bertram), jigglesworth jigglesworth (Captain Rex), PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Odessa), StaidFoal StaidFoal (Jack, Marguerite, Lucas, and Eveline), darkred darkred (John Connor), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Mina), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Alfa), Jezza Jezza (Noveran)
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[div class=rText]Ruby Rose[/div]
[div class=rBox]Status

[div class=rBox]Inventory
Crescent Rose
[div class=wText]Weiss Schnee[/div]
[div class=wBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
Talking over things.
[div class=wBox]Inventory
[div class=bText]Blake Belladonna[/div]
[div class=bBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
[div class=bBox]Inventory
Gambol Shroud
[div class=yText]Yang Xiao Long[/div]
[div class=yBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
[div class=yBox]Inventory
Ember Celica
[/div] [class name=rBg] background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/W1KexJH.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=yBg] background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/yykUQZ5.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=wbBg] background-image: url('https://i.postimg.cc/xTPTqxPm/rwby-bg-transparent.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=rText]display: inline; color: rgb(226, 80, 65);[/class] [class name=wText]display: inline; color: rgb(196, 230, 255);[/class] [class name=bText]display: inline; color: rgb(147, 101, 184);[/class] [class name=yText]display: inline; color: rgb(250, 197, 28);[/class] [class=tabs] background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(255,255,255); font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; min-width: 300px; text-align: center; width: 100%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 25%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4); [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Ruby) (show r) if (eq ${currentTab} WB) (show w) if (eq ${currentTab} Yang) (show b) if (eq ${currentTab} Roman) (show y) if (eq ${currentTab} Details) (show rt) [/script] [class name=rBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(226, 80, 65); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=wBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(196, 230, 255); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=bBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(147, 101, 184); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=yBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(250, 197, 28); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class]
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So it was possible that they’d been left behind, and the portal only took her? It hadn’t seemed that way at the time. She sipped idly at her hot-chocolate, and watched the marshmallows bob up and down, listening to his introduction and explanation.

Takemi startled a moment after Tequilla, the tiniest bit of fog rising from her breaths. The next moment, the blast of cold air sent her back to violent shivering, as everything around her burst into action. ‘The air-conditioner was broken’, and at this rate fixing it was off the table.

“Follow you heart,” Tequilla said, running off to join the response force, “and take care!”

Takemi tried to chuckle despite the frozen air and disparate situation.

“A-as if I’ve ever d-ddone anything else.”

She pulled on her warm clothes, exchanging her shoes for the boots, and charged headlong after Tequilla, calling to the group her offer of any help she could give.

CapRock CapRock @Anyone_Takemi_Passes_By_IDK_Who's_In_The_Way

-The Fellowship-

"Volkhov"=Shujinko Kanou
"Squada One"=Ken Akatsuki
"Sriracha"=Taro Saito
"Righteous"=Piko Rockwell
"Acme"=Genpachi Go

"Volkhov"=Dorothea Ivonne
"Lacquer"=Ragna Rockwell
"Tomorrow"=Yuri Yakumo
"Pacifico"=Mitsuri Saionji
"Permanent Marker"=Eun-Jin Soo
>"I understand you want to help, but you need to be very careful of the people around you. If you help the wrong person, you'll end up being a slave to someone who can and will hurt anyone. Hell, you might also help that person hurt the other. Please, be vigilant, okay? You know the saying; the devil was once an angel. Anyway, you wanna go to my room?"

>"Just to save you the trouble of each of us telling our ages, we are all seniors, or 10th graders depending on your educational system."

>"Um...Ken, you do realize that Junko is Japanese, and therefore she is under the same educational system as us."

>"Well you never know if she is under that system or not considering we are from different worlds."

"You folks are all Japanese? Wasn't that place left uninhabitable?" Lloyd asks pensively, he could have sworn he'd heard about that in school, back when he was young "I thought they salted the whole place to end the war" he shrugs slightly "Ugly business that. Must be a different world if there are schools around there where you're from"
He was starting to get a vague picture of what might be going on, but he couldn't be too certain. It was starting to sound like everyone not from this planet had been pulled from a completely different place. That meant these highschool kids might not even be like him. They may be completely powerless.

Such a thought never occurred to him, humans with only pure, old-school double-helix DNA, unaffected by the virus that gave people the power to perform miraculous feats.
He'd envy how equal they all were physically, but he knew that inbalance wasn't caused by the genetic lottery. Wealth has always played a role in determining the worth of man. That stuck up snob who stayed behind sure sounded like she'd won the earliest form of the lottery.

thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Topless Topless CapRock CapRock
Giffany kicked at the ground shamefully. "Just helping..." She muttered gently. Mitsuri was happy, so she was happy. There wasn't any issue in her mind. Mitsuri was gonna let her leave eventually, right?

"...And the monster was once a muse!" Giffany tacked on, as she straightened out her hair. Actually, the idea of Bill Cipher bring behind all of this hadn't even crossed her mind until now. But he was petrified in stone! And even she was smarter than shaking his hand again! But suppose it was an unknowing tourist...

"We should probably do some research about this place. Do you have a computer in your room?"

Topless Topless

-The Fellowship-

"Volkhov"=Shujinko Kanou
"Squada One"=Ken Akatsuki
"Sriracha"=Taro Saito
"Righteous"=Piko Rockwell
"Acme"=Genpachi Go

"Volkhov"=Dorothea Ivonne
"Lacquer"=Ragna Rockwell
"Tomorrow"=Yuri Yakumo
"Pacifico"=Mitsuri Saionji
"Permanent Marker"=Eun-Jin Soo
>"I do have a laptop in my room. I guess we can do a little research. Let's go."

>Eun-Jin takes Giffany to her dorm room. Upon entering, the room is laden with posters of various K-Pop groups, such as BTS, TWICE, etc.

"What you think, Giffany? I know, typical fan, but their music is so cool to listen. Anyway, I'll go turn on my laptop. Hopefully I should remember the wifi password."

>Eun-Jin walks over to her study desk where her laptop is laying. She turns it on and gets it to connect to the internet.

"Alright, we are good to go. So, what should we research about?"

>"What are you talking about? Japan is full of people, unless from your world, it isn't. And what do you mean by "salted"? Is your world...well...?"


    • After he introduced himself, Rex was approached by a man by the name of General Connor, and the clone shook his hand. Well, well, a general, eh? Not like the generals Rex knows, since he's not a Jedi and all. Generals Skywalker, Kenobi, Windu, to name a few, all stand out to Rex as great leaders for the clones. But then, this man's war, against something called Skynet, is likely a much different war than the Captain is fighting. "Might be getting thrown into another one, General," he said. Although being a general doesn't ensure competence, if his face was any indicator, this was a battle hardened, brave man. They're combined experience in different types of war might come in handy, or they might conflict. Let's hope it's the former, but either way, Rex feels inclined to defer to the general's rulings.

      Bertram also replied to the general, saying they can't speak of the war here for fear of prying eyes. Someone else walked in, soaked in water. Odd, but not the oddest of those in the room. The supernatural family takes the cake on that one. The wife was saying something about making Roman's corpse into a nesting ground, and Lucas, whose hands grew back somehow, wanted a lab for the people the family took from the war. Bertram mentioned there was a lab at Beacon Point, their eventual destination. It was then two other people entered the room. The first was a pink child. She marched right over to Bertram, introduced herself as Mina Ashido, and immediately signed up for the war. "Kid, I don't think that this is-" he involuntarily trailed off upon seeing the stick figure in the room, the second person to have just entered. Rex took off his helmet, still there. He lightly rubbed his eyes, still there. He put his helmet back on, shaking his head. Rex is trying to get used to things like that, but even in a galaxy filled with aliens, the Force, and great technology, things like this figure should not exist.

      Before he could continue to speak to the kid, a voice yelled over the intercom to Bertram. One Captain Crence, immediately requesting Bertram to send them down to the pickup station to help with the "Buzzers." Judging by the name, as well as the number of them, they are likely some kind of large insect creature. Somewhat like the Geonosians, perhaps, but more buzzard-like. Bertram made his way to the hallway, before stopping and speaking to the ragtag group of unfortunate souls. The droid warned of Colonium's surface, telling them to follow Crence's commands to a tee, not to trust the light, and to always look behind them. Alright, definitely not the best planet to be stranded on. After returning from the hallway, he gave them 7 flashlights to pierce the intense darkness of Colonium, then left them to get familiar with one another.

      For a moment, Rex is reminded of Umbara, the events that transpired there... He shook his head, focusing back on reality. Can't get distracted by that, he's got tower to get to. He will get to it.

      Rex took one, replacing his usual helmet-mounted flashlight with it. A man inquired as to how to use the lights, to which Rex replied, "Turn it on. It's a flashlight." A woman was confused about what a Buzzer is, Rex being as in the dark as her about it. The General took a guess that the light is for taking down the Buzzers, which Rex wasn't too sure of. "Possibly, but we shouldn't assume anything right now. If I had to take a guess, these Buzzers are some flying bugs. Big, probably, and numerous. Could possibly use fashioned weaponry or have stingers. Either way, dangerous as that reinforcements call suggests."

      Roman suggested introducing ourselves to each other, a fine idea. He went first, then the blue armored woman, Odessa. Noveran was the man who didn't know how to work a flashlight, and called himself a sorcerer. The same merc suggested either Rex or Connor lead the group, probably since they are the only two with military experience in the room, presumably. No one else is suggesting otherwise, at least. The crazy family introduced themselves, but since they didn't give a last name, Rex will just refer to them as "the crazy family" in his thoughts. Maybe not out loud. "Captain Rex," he said again, to those who hadn't heard before.

      The conversation as to who should lead the ragtag group continued. The General mentioned his rank above the Captain's, as well as something about experience, prompting a response from Rex. "In my book, experience outranks everything. Which is why I think we should follow Captain Crence first and foremost. But, should we get separated from Crence, the General would do well to lead us." He gave Connor a nod. Although Rex is experienced, this General Connor looks much more so. He's probably been in his war longer, on the front lines if his face is any indication. That's something Rex respects, and is certainly willing to defer to.

Odessa nods at everyone's introduction, eying the crazies a bit in case they act up.

"I'm glad we got all that out of the way now. Now we just need to go to this Commander Crence fellow and help with his buzzer problem. As Captian Rex implies, they are probably insects, which is fine by me."

It wouldn't be her first time facing massive insectioid species, she may have even trained with one back in her more formative years. As a matter of fact, she's been through so much shit, it's a wonder anything surprised her anymore.

"I have a question though: what exactly are you'all capable of? Better to know now so that General Connor can know how to better utilize you."

Odessa allowed herself to float a bit off the ground for a second, just a second, to see if anyone was paying any attention to her.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch marc122 marc122 darkred darkred jigglesworth jigglesworth thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Jezza Jezza StaidFoal StaidFoal CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
As they entered Eun-Jin's room, Giffany was immediately distracted by the posters. "You're a K-Pop fan? Ooh! Of course, I'm more impartial to the pop from my homeland, but K-Pop is fun, too! But I enjoy country when I can hear it, too. Especially Lady Antebellum!" When she was done yapping, she hopped over to Eun-Jin.

"Oh, I can more than just stand behind you as you look!" Giffany wound up, then leapt high into the air, looking like she would kick the laptop away. A heart attack inducing sight for any tekkie, but she knew what she was doing; in an eye blink, her physical form disintegrated into pixels and sparks, which the laptop swallowed with barely a sound. Her body reassembled right there on Eun-Jin's homepage. "Let's see what we can discover about this place! I've a feeling about how we got here. Search up 'Bill Cipher', please!"

Topless Topless
Status: Surprised, Still Firing
Actions: Responding to Chance-28, Continuing Combat
"Chance?! Oh thank the Light, it's you! Festung! It's Chance-28! I repeat, we've got a friendly Guardian!"
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the great lord of punching everything! Er, right. Sincerely glad to hear you over the comms, Chance. I'm across from you, also with a Tower Barricade up."
Festung's voice had a tone of sincere happiness in it. Always nice to know he had support.
The Exo Titan had finished firing off his second salvo when he realized that his grenade launcher was out of ammo.
"Grrreeeeeeeeaaat. Out of 'nades. Well... Foggy Notions, don't fail me now."
The Titan swapped to his Foggy Notions SMG, before poking his head out from behind his barricade. This time, instead of grenades, bolts of pure Arc energy began flying at the wurm. Not terribly powerful, but there were an awful lot of bolts flying right at the wurm.
Mid firing, however, Festung fully realized that this was Chance.
Chance-28, notorious for punching everything, as well as Festung's mentor.

"...I suddenly pity this poor spaghetti noodle."

( Corrosion Corrosion CapRock CapRock )
Max Wellington, XCOM Commander
Assault Unit 1787, designation Smokestack
Status: Mildly Surprised
Status: Interested
Actions: Firing Null Lance
Actions: Asking Further
"This day just got a helluva lot more interesting."
Max also noticed the two jumpships crashing into the ground, and witnessed... two humanoid machines walk out, conjure some sort of barricade out of thin air, and start shooting the worm with... an incendiary twin barreled LMG and a SMG that fired... blue... tracer rounds? Interesting, very interesting, especially as Max didn't recognize them one bit as ADVENT's machines, nor friendly SPARK units. Max turned to Penelope again, and spoke somberly.
"Listen. I don't know if you understand me, but do me a favor and stay put. There's far too much firepower flying around for it to be safe to go in the open."
By this time, Max had finished charging up his Null Lance.
"On the other hand? I reckon a good Null Lance will hurt it quite a bit. Alright, you damn worm... you wanted a fight, you got one."
With that, Max unleashed a beam of pure Psionic energy right at the Wurm.

Festung-17, noting the Null Lance, sent a second transmission.
"Now, Chance, if I'm not mistaken that was Void energy just now, but not in any form I've seen before. You know anything about... whatever that was?"
( Nightwisher Nightwisher Corrosion Corrosion CapRock CapRock )

Smokestack nodded slowly, taking in all the information. A task force. Imps. Seemed to make sense.
A dangerous place, but it would not deter the pride of Neo Cheanded. An odd man and a cart of penguins drew Smokestack's visual sensors. Interesting-neither were a threat, at least for now.
And quite frankly, Smokestack didn't like the idea of these big monsters running around, causing havoc. No, Smokestack would rather have support in killing these things-better to have cannon fodder rather than NC's own valuable troops fighting them. For now, though...
Well, Smokestack saw no harm in paving the way for the NC's eventual glorious conquest of this land.
"I see no reason why those giant monsters should resume living. I will join your Chaser's Army."
( CapRock CapRock )
(Smokestack is open for interaction)​
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Equator Strip, Neon Haven

CapRock CapRock , GearBlade654 GearBlade654 , P PopcornPie
Chance merely laughed at his fellow Titan's words. "Come on, you know me, kid. There's nothing that a good punch won't fix." He turned to his Ghost. "Where is he?"

"Marking Festung's location now," Zeke replied. A marker appeared a short distance away, where another plume of smoke was rising. The Exo nodded and sprinted towards it. He climbed over a dune, and saw Festung taking cover behind a Towering Barricade along with several others. The younger Guardian's jumpship was a flaming wreckage behind him.

"On my way," Chance said. He fired his Monte Carlo as he ran, sliding to a stop behind Festung's Barricade. "So, how've you been?" He asked, loading a fresh mag into his auto rifle. He cocked his head towards Festung's crashed Echo Zero. "Your drive fried as well?"

He swapped to his Pyroclastic Flow, a rocket launcher that once belonged to the Red Legion, now modified to suit the modest tastes of Guardians. Looking down the scope, he gained a lock on the wurm, and pulled the trigger. A Solar guided missile streaked out the barrel, flying towards the creature and then detonating right in its gaping maw.

A purple beam of energy suddenly shot towards the wurm, and he turned to see that the man with a beret had unleashed it. That was pure Void Light. Supercharged, even, very similar to the signature Super of Attunement of Control Stormcaller Warlocks. Chance rose a brow and turned to the younger Titan. "Reminds me of a Chaos Reach, with Void instead of Arc Light."

"I won't be too sure about that. That energy was similar to Void Light, but different," Zeke stated. "There's something... off about it. More than that, he's brimming with it."

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