• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Robert Belonar
Location: Tropic strip

After the last of the imps had fallen, it seemed that one of the others had a question as to where they were, then another would ask. The lancer would just sigh and shake his head to himself, he wishes he knew the answer himself. and then a woman appeared, giving them directions to either someplace to walk to or a ride to another place that since it had the word "lab" to it, he assumed it would probably be more closed in, better to keep Sarika safe. He would ask out the woman seemingly in charge "Excuse me, not to be a bother but could you please tell us where we are? I don't believe most of us are used to being dropped in a place at random so it would be appreciated if we could get an explanation" While he waited for an answer, he moved more closer to Sarika as he then looked to the others "You can call me Lancer"
Interacting: GearBlade654 GearBlade654 CapRock CapRock Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow BoltBeam BoltBeam P PopcornPie Chungchangching Chungchangching marc122 marc122
Evelyn Lucina
Location: Neon Haven Polar Cap

She looked at all of the people huddled around the...what was that thing? it was most certainly very big and strange to the girl, she has never seen anything like it! then again, where were the torches to keep this underground place lit, as she looked up it seemed whatever was keeping this place lit was trapped behind some strange sort of glass. Then the doll-like person would introduce themselves, of which she would respond "It's very nice to meet you then, Tani. Although I think the situation here is more than handled, so why don't we go explore this place and find something interesting to do?" And with that, she would walk away from the situation with her new doll companion and deeper into the bunker, looking around for something like that of a job board, or maybe a person who looked to be in some sort of trouble that she could help with! that's how adventurers usually started quests, right?
Interacting: CapRock CapRock BoltBeam BoltBeam

"Far be it from me to loathe help" Lloyd murmurs, thoughtfully observing 'the fellowship' "But if you folks can't keep a lid on your egos, you're going to get killed" he crosses his arms as he looks at those that had been chosen to attend the imp hunt. Part of him wondered what powers they might have that would prove useful. Lloyd had confidence in his own power, there'd never been a time when he couldn't find a way out of a sticky spot. He'd trained long enough with his ability to know it's limitations and its uses.

But everyone else here? They might be totally powerless for all he knew. They might be walking into a massacre if these people didn't understand how to fight as well as he hoped. The last thing he needed was to be wildly outnumbered by what sounded like demons. But he'd accepted the mission now. In for a penny, as they say.
"If you're all from different places like the girl said she was, then I doubt whatever status you think you hold counts here" he smirks beneath his helmet slightly "In other words, you'd better be prepared to work your way back to wherever you were on the social ladder"

'Let's see if we can't figure out exactly what these folks are made of, shall we?'

P PopcornPie RedLight RedLight CapRock CapRock thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Topless Topless

General John Connor
Status: Alright
Location: Colonium

0900 hrs=0:9:00 am

John watched the final preparations of the soldiers he prepped to fight to the death against a rouge AI named Skynet. Colorado Unit was already on its mission of taking down Skynet Central Core, and the Los Angeles Division was prepping the secret "backup" plan. But that secret plan was already discussing with John Connor on the final plans. His name was Kyle Reese: Connor's second in command.

But something went completely wrong with the picture, not only did he disappear through a portal, he arrived in a strange location named Colonium.


The General of the Human Resistance gritted his teeth as he walked forward.

It didn't take the man long before he stood before a group of various people. Someone was discussing a "war" for freedom.


"Against Who, I may ask?"

The General sighed, one war to another, except this war wasn't against Skynet, he had hoped anyway.

marc122 marc122
jigglesworth jigglesworth
StaidFoal StaidFoal
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
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Benedict would smile as he saw Fancypants approach his shop, he hasn't seen someone as cartoony and featureless as himself in a while now. This made him very glad, which Benedict showed by waving an index finger at the sketch-man.
"Ahhhhhhhh yes! Greetings dear Sir! Todays menu consists of pretzels, honeybuns, and Earl Grey! And the best part, it is all free!"
Benedict would then look at fancypants carefully.
"Ah, wait a minute...you can't drink Earl Grey...you'll melt!" Benedict would state as he raised an eyebrow in thought.
"Won't you!"

Upon Rubys request, Benedict would pour her a hot cup of Earl grey and hand it and the card to her,
"Pleasure doing business with you Madam, if you want more snacks at any time, just say my name on that card!"

"Ah, of course! One pretzel and a cup of Earl Grey....here's my card...say my name and I shall arrive to serve your hunger-related needs...so long Madam!"
Benedict would say to Blake after handing her the two items,

Benedict would nod his head to Giffany
"Ah, I'm afraid not today Madam, but the menu does change every so often, maybe next time I'll have your peaches, as for now we only have the pretzels, cinnamon buns, and tea!" Benedict would say with a twinkle in his eye, for some reason Josh did not appreciate that...Benedicts eye twinkles were always rather bright.

As for the rest of @PopcornPies characters, Benedict and his cart would vanish, leaving no trace behind but his card where the shop once sat
P PopcornPie
marc122 marc122
Jeef_jones Jeef_jones

    • Rex kept watch on the crazy family as they continued being crazy. They got into an argument about the war, whether or not they should join it. They kept talking about serving Eveline, who Rex assumes is the "little girl" Jack spoke of. He placed his hand on his second gun, his first still out of its holster. He won't draw them both yet, only until he's absolutely certain he has to shoot these people. Eventually, they decided they will join the war, apparently to collect people for their family? Further reinforced by Jack's terms, "But we get to keep everyone we collect, no questions asked!" Which did not bode well with Rex. Though, since the clone already decided to opt out of the war, he didn't have much say in those terms. He felt sorry for anyone who had to work with them, especially that old lady in the corner, who is just staring at everyone for uncomfortable amounts of time. Rex looked directly at her once she turned to him, but he turned away to address the rest of the situation.

      Bertram spoke up about the comms tower, confirming there is one. However, the path is dangerous, likely too dangerous for one clone to get across on his own. Well, looks like he's stuck with the group.

      Rex looked to the woman as she complemented his armor, though he watched the crazy family in his peripherals. "Us clones were bred in a facility on Kamino, an aquatic world. Surprised you've never seen the armor before, our image is all over the galaxy at this point. Though," he looked to Bertram, then back to her, "I guess that's going around a lot."

      At that, Rex conceded. He doesn't plan on fighting any war for Colonium, but he does need to get to that comms tower. For that, he'll follow Roman, get to the tower, contact the Republic, then get the hell out of dodge. The further away he is from this weird family, the better. Though, it seems like for now, he'll have to deal with their presence, too. Another man walked in, wondering who Colonium is fighting, which is a very good question, really. Rex looks to Roman, "Alright, Torchwick, I'll tag along, help out. Just until we get to that comms tower." He holstered his blaster and nods to them. "Captain Rex."

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Nanome-Equator Strip
In the heat of battle, Nanome almost immediately forgot that she'd contacted the other pilot. So when his voice crackled back to her, she was briefly rattled. "Oh! Oh, hi! I had a feeling you'd come out okay. As I said before, I'm Fighter O-7. But since we're not squadmates, you can call me-YIPE!" The engine choked on its exhaust again, forcing her to quickly repeat the process. "-Nanome. Sorry for that scare, my fighter isn't what it used to be."

Corrosion Corrosion

Caramel + Entrapta
"I should just need a sample, just a sparkle." Entrapta kept trying to beckon Benedict over. She would figure out the secrets of teleportation yet!

"Almost...Got it..." Her ponytails surrounded Benedict, like a child's hands surrounded a perching butterfly, and snapped just as fast. "Hahahaha! Prepare to be-Oh..." Benedict had used the opportunity to teleport away, leaving her disappointed. "Aw..." Once more, she whipped out her tape recorder. "I have just encountered a teleporting provider of food! He got away, but I think I'll see him again real soon!" Her ever observant pink eyes caught on the card Benedict left behind, and pounced it with a laugh. "Oh, yeah...real soon..."

"See you later, dear." Caramel waved goodbye to Benedict as he vanished, stashing the card beneath her neck ribbon. Then she turned back to Ruby. "See? Now you can at least say that you won't starve."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch marc122 marc122

Mao Mao-Tropical Strip
Suddenly, Benedict and his cart would vanish, leaving nothing but a card floating in the air. "Good." He took the card and stashed it in his pocket, then turned his attention back to Yang. "I'm going, I'd better see what kind of civilization I'm staying with. Want to ride along?" He patted the passenger's seat of his Aero-cycle.
marc122 marc122

Samus-Polar Cap
As if Samus couldn't trust Benedict any less, he disappeared right before her eyes. "Some kind of wizard..." She theorized to herself, waving the last of the cinnamon smell away. "This won't be the only time I smell this, will it?" Her sharp eyes spotted the forlorn card, and scooped it up, studying it thoroughly.

"Aww..." Giffany muttered, looking at Benedict's menu. "Well, cinnamon rolls are a close second! May I have one, please?" She noticed the way his eyes twinkled, and made hers twinkle in response. "Maybe he's virtual, too! Oh, I hope he is. We would have so much to talk about!"

Then she overheard Lloyd talking, and called over, "Oh, yeah, I'm from a totally different place. Have any of you ever been to Gravity Falls? In Oregon?"

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch DapperDogman DapperDogman
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General John Connor
Status: Alright
Location: Colonium

The General of the Human Resistance eyes the room, rather cautious. He looks around, seeing the crazy look in the family nearby. Something felt off about them. But if all of them had to fight in a forced war, something didn't seem right.

Instead General Connor was more interested in the solider in the white hard armor

The man called himself
"Captain Rex."

John Connor blinked, holding out a hand "Captain Rex, am I right?"

"General Connor."

"I was pulled out of a war where we were fighting Skynet."

jigglesworth jigglesworth
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (GM, Bertram) marc122 marc122 (Roman) PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Odessa) StaidFoal StaidFoal (Bakers) darkred darkred (Connor )

As John entered the station, asking who Colonium was fighting, Bertram would look up,
Welcome to Colonium....and if you insist on knowing....you will find out soon if you wish to join the cause.... but I can’t tell you here I’m afraid.
darkred darkred



General John Connor
Status: Alright
Location: Colonium

"Colonium? .. Right.

The general turned and looked between Captain Rex and Betram "I see, a war you are fighting much like ours, I'm assuming."

"Right, where shall we speak, stranger. Bear was on the prowl and he was cautious."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Sarika Drora


Interacting with: Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Jeef_jones Jeef_jones
Region: Tropic Strip (w/ tropic gang)

"Cinnamon..." Sarika replied slowly. How quaint, a pastry made with cinnamon, of all things. "My most sincere thanks, kind sir. May the Virtues bless your path."
Benedict would vanish soon after, startling the young lady and leaving her alone with her acquisition. It was quite timely as well, as Robert had returned to her side just recently as he got acquainted with the others. She hesitated for a moment, but then put herself between Robert and the others and looked up to him, a rare determined look upon her face. She spoke up:
"R-robert, if I'm not interrupting too much, I have something to say. Albeit it's only been a short time, it already feels as though it was a lifetime ago that I was first thrust into the terrifying unknown of these outer worlds. There are many things I have yet to learn about this new life, but one thing I hold sure to my heart is that, if it were not for your earnest, dilligent care, I'd be long off the deep end. And yet, I have shown little gratitude besides empty words. This isn't much - I didn't even have to pay for it, as I first thought I would - but it would mean a lot to me if you could accept it. If anything, I hope it is a omen of grander gifts still to come."
Then Sarika held up the Cinnamon Bun to him.

Polaria - Jak & Dexter

darkred darkred

The hooded stranger reacted to Jak and Dexter's suddent appearance with a quick gasp of surprise, barely enough time between dodges to even account for his actions. When the bolt hit the Forst Troll, it exploded into a bright light and lifted smoke; the mosnter's skin was left charred and sooty from the torso up, startling the vicious creature. The figure instantly leapt at the troll and swung at it, his attacks suddenly seeming to damage it much more than they did before; A few moments later, it was already downed an out of combat.
"I don't know what you just did, but it's working." Said the man, his coarse voice always sounding like a loud whisper. "Keep at it."
The Trolls began to surround the two new fighters, feinting charges and howling at them, but hesitating to move in. They stared at his fuming weapon, worrying it could fire again. It was only after a moment that the bravest amongst them broke formation and charged at Jak, claws at the ready and swinging with superhuman force.
Noveran - at Colonium

The undead sorcerer was wandering down a beach, hunting down a bounty that had a significant sum as a reward, when he noticed a glint of light coming from the water.
"Hmm...what could that be... the only think I know of that could make a light like that while deep underwater are rare magical artifacts" the sorcerer wondered.
Perplexed and intrigued at the thought of what potential power this mysterious object had Noveran decided to take a brief detour to inspect it, walking straight into the water as if he was wearing a metal diving suit, he didn't need to breath after all so drowning wasn't an issue for him. He finds the source of the glimmering is coming from inside a strange metal wreckage. using an acid spell to melt open an entrance for him he steps inside only to discover the light isn't an artifact at all but rather a portal. Noveran tries to turn and run but at the most inopportune time a large eel lurches out from the wreckage and latches on to Noveran. That eel was all the delay it took for escape to become impossible as Noveran is warped into Colonium with a big splash of water, the pesky eel still clinging to his leg. Noveran grunts and he hears a few of his bones pop as he starts to stand up again, trying to figure out where he was warped to. This doesn't look like any place he's been before but he's been to many strange places in the past so he was little more than annoyed at his new change in scenery. Noveran sees Bertram talking about some sort of "cause" and decides that they likely know the most about where Noveran is now, also because wars mean mercenaries, and mercenaries usually means easy gold.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch darkred darkred jigglesworth jigglesworth StaidFoal StaidFoal marc122 marc122 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
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Jak and Daxter
Status: Cold
Place: Polar Cap


Daxter held his hand up, covering his face. "SHOOT THEM, JAK!"

Jak followed up with continuous blaster shots at the group of creatures.

As the creatures surrounding Jak was there, before he roared and turned into Dark Jak.


CapRock CapRock


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Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Tropic Strip

I am not a tea person. So I decided to take get some honeybuns to see what they taste like, I mostly eat sandviches to keep me going so this will be a brand new experience for me since there are not that many types of foods in my universe. I rubbed my hands together in excitement as I licked my lips. This is all free, right? Whatever, if I don't pay I'll simply just run off somewhere or threaten to cut this dapper man's neck open so I can get it for free. What's a tiny person like this gonna do? Wack his cane at me? Oh please, I've faced more dangerous threats than this runt.

"Give me three of these!" I exclaimed, pointing at the honeybuns.​

Takemi bristled back at him. She was halfway to spitting out an equally curse-filled retort when the man at the bar cut the two of them off, and she was stuck looking blankly between them as the argued around her. The two of them managed to settle it by adding to what she could only assume was an ever-growing tab of Hazor’s, but it was obvious how unsatisfying it was for Jack to have to rely on this. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t pay at all. Well, she had no idea how far her money would go even if it did convert over cleanly. Still, she would need to make some Credits somehow if she planned on getting by here.

Still, this matter was settled one way or another. Takemi sighed. Jack probably didn’t want anything more to do with her, but she still bowed and apologised for the inconvenience before folding the clothes over her arm and carrying the boots by the laces. Then she walked over to the bar and took a seat. She probably should have gotten a bag to put this stuff in, but she was already pushing her luck really hard.

“Thank you,” she said, “I appreciate the help, but I would like to pay my own way somehow.”

He’d mentioned his and Jack’s mutual arrival, and Takemi wondered if a hole had opened up beneath their feet as well, and how long the two of them had been here, but she left those wonderings in her thoughts.

“I’m sure you’ve heard a million stories just like this, but my friends and I got separated when that weird portal thing opened up,” she forced away any thoughts that they might still be freezing to death outside in the tundra, “so I need to go looking for them, as soon as possible, so I need to make enough money so that I can manage on my own. Can you recommend anything to me? Like, how do people normally make money around here?”

CapRock CapRock
Jack, Marguerite, Lucas, and Eveline
Location: Colonium

"Oh, hush,"
Marguerite said to Roman in a calm, loving tone, "there's no need to concern yourself with our family matters." Her sweet facade dropped in that second, revealing a nasty grin and reddened, wide eyes. "If this makes her happy, then I'll take part in every second! And It's damn sad that she don't want you in her family! Else I'd have made the leftovers of your body a nesting ground!" She turned away cackling as though it were a joke. Jack joined in on the laughing as well, throwing his arm around his wife's neck.

The elderly woman in the corner rolled her head the other way. In that time, Lucas slammed his hands on the counter between him and Bertram, despite the fact that Jack slashed them off just minutes ago. "Psst! Ey, tin man!" Lucas shouted a whisper to Bertram, "Any chance I can get some resources to get myself a sorta test room? Like one of them labs and shit? I dunno where or what the fuck kinda shithole I'm in, but I need ta know if the people around 'ere are much different from the idiots in where I came from! "

marc122 marc122 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @Colonium_people​
Emperor Gargan
Temperate Strip, Neon Haven

Gargan had separated himself from the rest of the strangers in the room. Though, at this point, Gargan no longer sees them as much of a threat. He continues to tune in their conversations with his super-hearing in case any of them plan on being hostile. More specifically, hostile to him. Gargan could care less about what happens to everyone else. The metal antennas sticking from the sides of his head perk up to hone in their discussion, as well as any other suspicious sounds in the general area.

The Emperor had already spent several minutes behind a large mound of rubble beside the building that the strangers were collected in. There, he quietly sat on the concrete debris and drew on the dirt with a large branch he harvested from one of the many trees in this new realm. He was constructing a plan to either get back to Haydn or somehow exploiting this world's resources to create a new spaceship and leave. Perhaps, if he manages to get his lava situation under control, he could even conquer this planet. As Gargan drew, magma dripped from his body and landed onto the scorched concrete. Some droplets landed on some weeds that grew in-between the cracks of the debris, igniting them.

On the course soil, numerous doodles of Emperor Gargan's ship were made. His ship was resemblant to an asteroid, but it was covered in many large spikes and had indentations all across the surface of the machine where a spike wasn't placed. These indentations produced a diamond pattern. It was unfathomably huge, but the Battle of Melodia left the original ship in shambles on Haydn CVII. It would've taken him years upon years to repair his ship since he is currently unable to create minions to help him. But now that he's stuck here, it would literally take Gargan a decade or two to fabricate a new ship from scratch all by himself. Either he has to find a way to return to his internal body temperature's homeostasis or somehow find another spaceship he could operate.

Other than his ship, many miscellaneous drawings populated the dirt in front of him. Most of them represented his step-by-step plans, featuring simple drawings of himself. Those Gargan didn't think were plausible were scribbled out in the earth, however, they were still somewhat visible. A good number of them featured Tempo, the young child squire that defeated him in Melodia, suffering gruesome deaths. Tempo burning, Tempo exploding, Tempo being ripped in half by the Emperor himself with his own bare hands... Gargan dispised Tempo after his failure in the capture of Melodia. He felt embarrassed that his impeccable record was ruined by a child, of all things. When he finally returns to Melodia, Gargan is going to make sure that Tempo pay with his life for what he did to him. Gargan scratched out one of his drawings of Tempo in frustration.

So far, the best ploy he had concocted during the several minutes he had spent sitting and pouting was somehow stealing a ship and returning to Haydn CVII to resume the restoration of his original ship. He wasn't planning on following the path to civilization at first, but unless he finds some abandoned spaceship out in the middle of nowhere, Gargan won't be coming across a ship anytime soon. He probably would need to steal a ship, which could make the owner furiously chase him down if they wished. The Emperor sighed heavily as he rested his head on his right hand and continued to scribble mindlessly with the other. He was beginning to feel hopeless. At this point, Gargan's attention towards his surroundings had already slipped away as he was focused on his schemes. If someone was quiet enough, they could sneak up on the foolish Emperor...

Nightwisher Nightwisher P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch CapRock CapRock marc122 marc122 @AnyoneElseInTheArea
(Open for Interaction)​

  • Ed, Edd, and Eddy - Neon Haven - Temperate Strip


    Eddy would glare at the woman... girl... floaty-thing as she walked over to him and began to speak while examining his skin, his brows furrowing together in response. When she rose her hand and asked for a sample of his skin, Eddy merely slapped her hand away. "No! You can't have a sample of my skin!" He shouted angrily, before backing up towards Double D and Ed... mainly for safety reasons. "Guys, if she pulls out any freaky knives, I suggest we start running..." He gulped as he broke out into a nervous sweat, not really fond of this girl's sudden interest in his skin.

    "Eddy, please, have you any shred of sense left after that tumble we took earlier?" Double D inquired, before being addressed by the newer man they'd encountered not too long ago. "No no, it's perfectly fine!" He iterated as he frantically waved his hands around. "I assure you, despite what my friend here will say, we are much more concerned with our own survival than making cheap cash! Isn't that right, Eddy?" He asked, which caused Eddy to cross his arms and grumble in response.

    "Yeah, whatever... I guess..." He said, knowing deep down that he wouldn't survive a night alone without at least Double D and Ed. It was then that Benedict had shown up with his cart and goods. "Hey, if we can't make money here, then what the heck is that guy's deal!?" He shouted as Benedict made transactions with a few people nearby. Eddy watched, his anger growing that the man was stealing potential customers from him, though a hand on his shoulder from Double D was about the only thing keeping him from giving the top hat wearing man a piece of his mind.

    "Now, Eddy, I'm sure that he is just a traveling merchant! And quite possibly a scam artist as well!" He explained.

    "Yeah, and that traveling scam artist merchant is stealing all of MY potential revenue, Sock-Head!" Eddy complained, though by the time he had turned back around, Benedict had vanished out of thin air, which left shocked expressions on Ed's and Double D's faces. "W-W-Where'd that guy go!?" He shouted. "This ain't a cartoon or an online roleplay or somethin'... people don't just disappear like that!"

    "I think that it's best that we... don't dwell on it, Eddy," Double D replied, clearly a bit nervous himself, as he turned back to face Richard once more. "Sir, if it's not much trouble, I think that I would prefer it if you took us back to your home base now." Double D said, while Eddy had already hopped into the jeep. Ed, meanwhile, still continued to munch on the cheese, completely ignoring everything that was going on around him. Such a blissful creature, he is.

    CapRock CapRock CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Nightwisher Nightwisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz darkred darkred P PopcornPie marc122 marc122 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Mina Ashido - Colonium


So, there I was, right? I'd just woken up in this weird, Victorian-era place and I didn't know WHAT to do. My first instinct was that this was some sort of training course, right? I mean, who WOULDN'T think that when you're training in one of the world's most prestigious Hero Academies. But it's not like U.A. to just kidnap random students and throw them in courses without any prior knowledge, right? Plus, not a single one of my classmates were in sight!

So my next logical course of thought was that I'd been kidnapped by some sort of villain, right? I mean... it would make sense. They kidnapped Bakugo before! But this couldn't have been the League of Villains either.. they usually have like, SO much more stage presence! Plus, there seemed to be other people around me who looked like, just as confused as I did. I listened in on everything, staying out or sight for the most part. There was some cool looking soldier, a suspicious yet suave looking redhead, and a creepy family. Normally, I would have taken down the creepy family right then and there, but I know like, NOTHING about this place yet, and for all I know, that dead body that man was holding was fake, right? There was also a blonde girl, who could probably pass for a hero of some sort. But I'd never heard of her, so I dunno if that's the case.

Anyways, so here I am, still listening in on everything, trying to get a projection on what to do and where I am. That Bennie robot also seemed to scream a lot. He was... weird, definitely. But that Bertram guy was such a big help in finding out more about this place! Apparently, they were in the middle of some kind of war for freedom and fighting against oppression. And, to me, that sounds like hero work! And that's when I decided to make myself known to the crowd!

From the back of the room, a pink-skinned, almost alien looking girl would suddenly beam happily, her smile alone brightening the entire room. The girl had been there for quite a while, though she had kept to herself mostly while the others conversed. It was hard to tell if anyone had even noticed her before this point, but she didn't exactly make it a point to make herself known to anybody. She would walk over to Bertram with complete and utter confidence, strolling past (though not shoving) Roman and Captain Rex as she walked over to the robot.


"Hey, you said that you needed help fighting a war for peace, right? Well, you can count me in!" She exclaimed happily, seemingly not even giving the matter a second thought, despite how young she appeared to be. She gave the robot a cheerful wink and brought a peace sign up to the winking eye, while her other hand was place firmly on the adjacent hip. "Mina Ashido, at your service! But, you can just call me Pinky! That's my Hero Name, after all!" She said, deciding not to disclose the fact that she was still technically "in-training." Besides, being a hero meant helping others in need when they needed it most, especially with a smile, right? Not what some dumb license said!

jigglesworth jigglesworth PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch marc122 marc122 StaidFoal StaidFoal
Noveran - at Colonium

Noveran couldn't help but sigh discontentedly as the cheerful Mina hurried to get to Bertram first.
"more self righteous do-gooders... this never goes well..." The sorcerer mumbled to himself recalling past troublesome experiences he's had.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @colonium people who might be listening in
It was good day in Naon hEaven because the sky was nice and the birds and the sun was at the top of the sky. It was a good day to do what had tobe done. Suddenly a bright light came in the sky. A shiny thing like the Combies came from opened in the sky and a guy came out falled down fast and landed in a bush.

John Freeman moved body real fast up and was confised because he did'nt know where he was. "where is this place?" John Freeman asked because he had remambered fighting combines to save son Henry Freeman and humens from combines and save people from combines and exploded the big tower that was big unto the sun.

John Freeman looked at hands and said "I sacrifice self to save Henry Freeman and humens... i have now faced full life consequences" He said sad and closed eyes. "I am now in heven and I will see brother Gordon Freeman again"

But then John Freeman herd sound in bush and he seed ugly vampire monster come out and jump fast at him. John Freeman got to feet quick and punched vampiire in face with fists. Vampire went fly and dead.

After vampire monster was killed John Freeman looked at blood on hands. "No" he say with angry eyes. "there are still aliens and monsters here. I must still do what has to be done by me and face FULL LIFE CONSEQUENCES"

He turnd and see more smaller monsters and other people too. John Freeman took out wepons and fired fast at monsters and they all died and other people helped too.

Then big flying ship came down and a girl came out.

"Am John Freeman" John Freeman said loud to cass1e "And I must do what has to be done to venge my brother Gordon Freeman and face full life consequences"

John Freeman took coffee from man in nice suit but was real careful because he didnt want to spill coffe on his normal people close because he didn't have office lab coat.

John Freeman got on motorcycle and saw Mao Mao who also had motorcycle and went fast to him. "You have nice motorcycle" Say John Freeman with smiles.
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Polaria group 3

darkred darkred

The volley of blasts flew over the Trolls, opening them up for the hooded figure to slash them down quickly and swiftly; Before long, only the biggest and strongest of the trolls remained, and it was mad, thumping on his chest like a gorilla. It chased down the figure a bit, raising pillars of snow that shook the ground as it did, its target narrowly escaping each blow. As he darted around, he left some sort of trail - a purple line on the snow, connecting into itself to slowly form a polygonal shape around the circle. Just as he was finished, a backhand sweep tossed the man away, landing with force on a heap of snow. A short moment of tense silence followed. Then, a shout:
"Activate Hex!"
When he did that, the cirlce pattern below the Troll began to shine cyan and ice sprouted from it, envelopping the creature's legs in a thcik layer of ice. Tried as he might, it wasn't able to shake off its effects, leaving it stranded in place.
"Come on, finish him off!" The hooded man yelled to Jak and Dexter as he helped himself up from his rough landing.

Polaria group 2

Veradana Veradana

The barman nodded as Takemi began explaining her story, setting up some more mugs beside the first; he was hopeful that more newcomers would join as well, and that they were as talkative as this young lady. It really went a long way towards giving his job a sense of importance. Once she finished, he began explaining:
"You're welcome! And don't fret over a few hundred credits, Polaria takes pride in its hospitality. You may call me Tequilla, by the by." His voice lowered a bit as he went on the next topic. "All of us here left something important behind when they arrived here. I can't guarantee you that your friends came along, I'm afraid. No one can. But I understand the urge to search for them. They don't tend give jobs to visitors in Polaria, but maybe we can ge-"
Suddenly, something caught the Barman's attention, blood rushing out of his face fast as thought.
"...The hell?"

(Keep reading)

Polaria groups 1 and 2

P PopcornPie SheepKing SheepKing BoltBeam BoltBeam Jeef_jones Jeef_jones thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

It began subtly.
Even though it hit the entirety of Polaria's underground complex, it took a few seconds before even the keen observers picked up the slight discrepancy from the status quo; A sparse breath of white vapor, the faint screech of glass cracking, a thin layer of ice taking shape on the waters of the no longer aptly named hot springs. Next, came the sudden spike in chills brought in by drafts of glacial air. Some didn't even realize what was the meaning of it until they saw panic in the eyes of their fellow veterans; This was not normal, not in any shape or form. This was the very opposite of it, a calamity with consequences of the most dire fashion that would only grow, the collective anxiety and desperation building up into a cathartic release as the first person shouted the naked truth:
"The air conditioning is down!"
Following the release, the entirety of Polaria was put into motion. Every man in deck dropped what they were doing and began organizing their "doomsday procedure". Even Jack was seeing bursting open his cupboard and spreading around the clothes to either clothe or serve as fuel for fire pits. Coffs, sneezes and shivers were abound, even from the hardiest around there; This wasn't just your average air conditioning failure, as the temperature was dropping at far too quick of a rate for that. It was almost as if the vents were purposefully freezing the air even further as it cycled, transforming their little bubble of heat into a frigid death trap.
In a matter of instants, evaciatuon process began and the train station's lines were already getting egregious with tourists and priorities alone. A belt of frantic helpers formed around a specific spot in the entry hall. Though it was hard to listen what was going on from the outside, every few moments a member of the circle would run off to perform a task, and a new one would join, asking for more orders. That was the nexus of the first response task force. Tequilla himself excused from Takemi, suggesting her to "follow her heart and take care" before joining up the circle - at such a moment of crisis, each and every able hand would be nothing short of vital for survival.

Tropic Strip

Jeef_jones Jeef_jones P PopcornPie GearBlade654 GearBlade654 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow BoltBeam BoltBeam Chungchangching Chungchangching Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva marc122 marc122 Corrosion Corrosion

Attention amongst the group was split between Cass1e and the mysterious sudden stall, but the woman in armor didn't seem to mind, offering little more than a glance at Benedict; He'd earn her attention when he arrived with something that had chocolate or lemon in it. When the confusion between Sniper and MaoMao began, she offered an amused snicker, then unsheathed her sword again and held it up for Sniper.
"Nice to meet all of you." Her next words were directed at the two who fought over her: "I appreciate the worry, swordsman, but this just seems to be a man of refined tastes." The claymore was much heavier than your average sword, weigthing a full 15 kilograms. It just didn't seem like it because of the ease with which Cass1e handled it. As she spoke of the sword, the satisfaction and pride bled through both her words and her smile. "I was pretty impressed myself when I first saw Pride's Edge. It can absorb air around it and release it in shockwaves. Saved my hide more than times that I can count."
Up next was Smokestack's question:
"Those are Imps. Mobs like those are all around this region. Some are small like these, others can be pretty massive and dangerous. You don't know who we are? Shoot, I guess we really need to work on our PR... Well, the Chaser Army is a task force. Whenever one of those big monsters I mentioned becomes an issue, we track them down and exterminate them to protect the nations. if you got a weapon and a penchant for trouble, signs-up are always open! Right boys?"
The soldiers behind Cass1e cheered a bit. Up next was Robert's question, which made Cass1e stop for a moment.
"...Oh. You really aren't from around here, then. I should've known. Well, if I'm being completely honest here, no one knows what is 'here'. We're all in the same boat, it seems, tossed out here with a clean slate. It just so happens that we arrived a little earlier. We decided to try and make this place our home. We call it... Neon Haven."
Finally, John Freeman's reply got quite the chuckle from Cassie.
"This one's got spirit! I hope you find what you're looking for."

Temperate Strip

Nightwisher Nightwisher P PopcornPie Jezza Jezza CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz darkred darkred marc122 marc122

"Alright, will do." Richard replied to Double D. By that point, the other men had already gotten their goods from Benedicts' stall and had set their weapons aside for an impromptu brunch. Cheerful and relaxed, they were starting to look less like soldiers and more like civilians who happened to carry weapons. "Now, if no one else will take the ride, we should get going."
"Well, well, well, look what the garbageman forgot to pick up."

The voice came from about a block furhter down the road. A young white-haired was floating in the air, sided by two other men with robes. Richard's men instantly dropped their snacks and got up to arms to point at them; This time, there was no command to back down. The leader of the jeep squad did the very opposite, in fact, and reached out for a bow in his back, ready to take aim at any provocation. The reaction only seemed to amuse the young man, who glanced at all the intriguing figures in the region with a glint on his eyes.
"Oh, am I interrupting your precious little moment of bonding?" Despite being far away, this new arrival's voice seemed to be supernatrually enhanced in volume, being audible even to the most distant in the region. "Tell me, then, what brings a filthy Republican patrol so close to our faction's territories?"
"It's none of your business." He replied dryly. "C'mon, boys, let's take our leave."
"Smart decision." The white-haired man replied. "And as for all of you, new arrivals, if you wish to meet a real city, I suggest following us back to Newerth. While these neanderthals fight over crumbs, we take the skies, powered by the gift of magic, no less! We can teach you our ways and secrets... Provided you're cut from the right cloth, of course."


P PopcornPie Topless Topless thefinalgirl thefinalgirl DapperDogman DapperDogman

During the convrsation at the dormitories, the room's televisor suddenly turned on without any imput. On it, the words "Daily stream update #2" showed up alongside a countdown of 10 seconds. Looking outside the window, one could see that a very similar phenomenon was happening all throughout the city; electronic outdoors, screens, clocks and even cellphones were all displaying the exact same message. Following that, the bustling city life of Torikago came to a screetching halt. The immense majority of people had sat down cross-legged wherever they were in solemn, excited silence to stare at the nearest screen. Those who didn't comply were getting mean looks for it. The countdown reached 0 and a live feed began displaying.
"What's poppin', gamerz!?"

The feed was being filmed on the front camera of a cellphone, shaky and close up. In the forefront, a girl with green hair, unique eye colors and an orange hoodie greeted the camera with an exagerated smile.
"It's your H0meB1rd speaking, as always! Are you having a fun day there? Well, lucky you! I'm about to board the transport for a Pioneer session and lemme tell you, it's gonna be sooooooo boring there!" She passed her finger across her neck and let her head fall limp, eyes closed and tongue sticking out for a brief second before she snapped back upright with a determined expression: "But I gotta do it, or else those asshole guildmasters are going to be mean to all of you. So give me aaall your energy, I'm gonna need it for the next few days. Stay sexy, my gamers, and listen to the Pantheon, will you? H0meb1rd loves you all."
After the girl said that, several names bagan scrolling through the screen, attached to numbers - ranging from 500 to 10,000,000 - the biggest number belonging to the name 'Itsugoi'.
"Special thanks to all my Patrons, and special special thanks to Itsugoi, my Archbishop. You're all amazing! See you soon!"
And then the transmission ended. Those that were sitting down bowed their heads in a gesture of silent respect. Then, they opened up what seemed to be a holographic screen and pressed a few buttons, the screen flashing green as some confirmation was sent. Before long, the screens had shutted off and life resumed as if nothing had happened.

Equator Strip

(Sorry, no post for you until someone deals with the giant wurm situation)

-The Fellowship-

"Volkhov"=Shujinko Kanou
"Squada One"=Ken Akatsuki
"Sriracha"=Taro Saito
"Righteous"=Piko Rockwell
"Acme"=Genpachi Go

"Volkhov"=Dorothea Ivonne
"Lacquer"=Ragna Rockwell
"Tomorrow"=Yuri Yakumo
"Pacifico"=Mitsuri Saionji
"Permanent Marker"=Eun-Jin Soo
"Bold Text"=Action Dialogue
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice
>While you were prepping up for the imp hunt, you watched a live feed, but you don't seem to care about it. After the live feed is over, you went back at the group and all of them are as ready as you are.

"So, is everyone ready? If so, then let us move, post haste."

>You begin to wonder what dangers will you face up ahead. It all boils down to the decisions you will make.

"Giffany, we'll be on our way now. Be a good girl to the tenants here while we're gone, okay? Let's move everyone."

Status: Alive, and Healthy
Location: Temperate Strip


Bardock's scouter picked up three flying humans trying to imitate the people they met especially the white haired human "Tch, you don't scare me."

The Saiyan stared at the flying humans and frowned "What can you possibly offer a Saiyan that these people can't offer."

CapRock CapRock


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Samus-Polar Cap
"Though I do need my rest, I am telling the truth." Samus responded adamantly. There was no way those puppet fighters were a hallucination; she'd even been pitted against clones of herself. There had to be a way to make that clear...

On their way to the Hot Springs, disaster struck. First, there was a shout about air conditioning. Then Samus's body became laced with frost, immediately making her double over shivering. Thinking on her feet, she reactivated her Power Suit; Despite the damage it had taken, it could still provide insulation. Unfortunately, this didn't provide as much relief as she hoped.

"Does anyone need a hand?" She called out, overseeing the survival efforts. Her busted Arm Cannon proved useful in starting fires, and she struggled to keep paths clear for others.

CapRock CapRock thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore SheepKing SheepKing

"Huh?! Did somebody freeze time?" Giffany was struck by fear as everything stopped around her, like the city was collectively playing "red light, green light". The countdown didn't help her anxiety, either. Was she just in time for a terrorist attack? Should she have taken cover? Was it time for some kind of big census, or purge?

"What's poppin', gamerz?"

Oh, it was just a live stream! "Hi!" Giffany waved at the broadcaster. She listened to H0meb1rd's words with confusion. "Pioneer? Pantheon? Guildmasters?" She parroted, only recognizing the word "Patrons". This sounded like a big job H0meb1rd had on her plate, so of course Giffany would transfer her energy! "Here, I have lots!" She yapped cheerfully, zapping the screen.

When the broadcast ended, Giffany's attention snapped back to Dorothea. "Okay, Dorothea!" The pinkette bowed her head. "Good luck! Bye!" She made Oswald wave to them as well.

CapRock CapRock Topless Topless

Caramel + Entrapta-Temperate Strip
Caramel bristled a bit at the newcomers, before raising her voice a little. "Now, now. Nobody could control where we arrived, and they were simply coming to see if we were all right." She relaxed when an assault didn't happen, and approached the white-haired stranger sleekly. "If you believe I will be safer there, then I will follow you. I am quite interested in that flying. I used to dream about flight all the ti-"

Entrapta made Caramel's dream come true without the slightest hint of a warning, ramming her off the platform, in one of those rare times when anyone could hear the rabbit scream. "You can fly, too?! Are you Saiyans?" She snaked all around them. "If I go with you, can you tell me everything?"

CapRock CapRock

Mao Mao-Tropical Strip
"Pride's Edge sounds like a true legend!" Mao Mao whistled. The ability to emit shockwaves? Now there was something he wished Geraldine could do.

As he listened to the lore behind this world, a smile formed across his lips. This place, however oddball, really wasn't that far off from what he had to deal with in Pure Heart Valley. It made him wonder how Badgerclops and Adorabat were doing. "So you really don't know how we can leave this place? But my best friend and deputy could be in danger right now! If there is any research into how we can get home, then I'm gonna help you speed it up, for their sake alone! Right-Eh?" Suddenly appearing in his peripheral was somebody else on a motorcycle, who rode right up to him and complemented his. "Thanks, I know!" He trilled.

CapRock CapRock Corrosion Corrosion

Nanome-Equator Strip
"Well? Hello?" Nanome sighed. The stranger had gone quiet again. She kept circling, creating a ring of black smog in the air, waiting impatiently. Then, by sending its scales down to nearly melt her turrets, the wurm reminded her that she couldn't affort to wait any longer. "Hang on, let me take care of that thing, and then we can keep talking!" With a parting backfire, Nanome swiveled back to the wurm, firing at full power at the areas beneath its jaw.

CapRock CapRock Corrosion Corrosion
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