• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Isaac Clarke

As Isaac approached the group, he noticed something similar between the two broad-shouldered individuals. One was openly robotic, but the other had a closed helmet. Both had weird mechanical floating devices (Some sort of helper drone?), similar armor, and seemed well acquainted. He decided to keep his distance, finding them too similar to EarthGov soldiers. He gave the both of them a nod, same for the guy in normal clothes (again, too soldierly for his liking. They hadn't gone crazy yet, but Isaac didn't trust them not to).
However, an all-too-familiar smell wafted over to him, through his RIG's ventilation systems. It was nauseating, sure, but then again, Isaac had dealt with Necromorphs before.

He followed it to the site of a downed aircraft of sorts, and then cracked a small smile under his helmet. He enjoyed his job, at least, he did before all of the madness of Aegis VII and the Ishimura. He clipped his plasma cutter to his belt, and then approached the wreck, waving to the pilot, and letting his helmet come off of his head, folding itself into his armor.

"Hey! Need a hand?"

He asked, coming to a stop at a fairly respectable distance. This girl didn't seem like the soldierly types back there, so Isaac's battered mind automatically instilled a bit more trust into her than he normally assigned. He gestured to the engine, and her toolbox.

"My name's Isaac. I'm an engineer, so I know my way around this sort of thing."

He held off on actually helping her until she let him. People were unpredictable, and the last thing he needed was another screwdriver being jammed into his helmet, or another standoff like on Tau Volantis.

Nanome ( P PopcornPie ), Max and Festung-17 ( GearBlade654 GearBlade654 ), Chance-28 ( Corrosion Corrosion )​

"Thank you" John Freeman said with smiles and proud to friend Yang Xiao Long. "I built this morotcycle with my own to hands and it is mine"

John Freeman pat side of motorcycle that he had built with love and he liked it becase it could do many backflips and go fast like the speed of sound.

John Freeman herd Yang Xiao Long wanted to look for sister and he wanted to help too becos he wanted to avenge his brother. "Dont worry friend" He say. "I will help you find your sister because I also want to venge brohter Gordon Freeman so that he will be happy soul again!"
After everyone finished talking, Bertram would peek his head out of the left hallway again, motioning for you all to come
Right this way everyone....the shuttle is ready.
As you all and Bertram walked into the hall, you all would see a large, cylindrical glass pod, with a terminal attached to it that said “READY!” In green letters.
I wish you all all the best of luck...not many people are willing to risk their lives for a planet like Colonium...but it means a lot,
Bertram would say seriously as he opened the doors to the pod, letting you all walk in and get comfortable.
I will be watching your journey on Coloniums many outpost cameras, and will intercom you from time to time....but from this point on you are mainly in Crence’s care...good luck.” Bertram said as he saluted you all before the pod would shoot straight down towards the planets surface

The ride down would actually rather calm, like a fast-paced elevator ride.
As they got closer to the atmosphere and beyond, the room would get darker and darker...becoming almost pitch-black before the overhead lights turned on, now if anyone looked through the glass they wouldn’t be able to see anything, even ODESSAS NIGHTVISION wouldn’t work, just a dark, empty void.

After a long while, the elevator would finally stop, and the doors would open, thanks to the overhead lights you could see everything in the elevator, but not outside....this is where your lights would come in handy. The lights would only illuminate a few feet in front of and around you, and all around you there were noises of chaos, blaster shots, and a loud, obnoxious, rhythmic buzzing, hundreds of the same buzzing sound all in unison....plus the screams.
As you all got used to your surroundings you all would notice you were in some type of old station, benches and clocks were everywhere, and another clerk station that was sadly abandoned...but that doesn’t mean no one was there. There were about a few dozen people in black and red armor with glowing red eyes frantically running around the station.....and in the center of it, Crence. He was a tall man, in his about early thirties, short white hair, and a scar along his left eye, which both of them were navy blue, he would also be wearing the same armor as the others. Crence would notice you, the newcomers, and would wave for you to follow him as walked somewhere else.
I apologize for throwing you all into something like this but, we weren’t expecting buzzers, it was supposed to be-“ he would say before stopping and picking up another light, this one far bigger and heavier than the others, placing it on a windowsill and speaking again as he tinkered with it,
This was supposed to be a simple pick up...but officer Cleveland set off a FUCKING FLASH GRENADE thinking it was a flashlight, and now....these!” He would yell angrily as he switched on the light, only to reveal what can only be described as a true horror. Directly in front of the light was a giant, grasshopper-like creature, about eight feet tall and six legs, with two large glowing red eyes and jaws that gave it the appearance of a huge rictus grin, the creature sat there, smiling and twitching for a split second before letting out a screech, covering its eyes and flying away. Crence would fall back on the ground before yelling
Gah! Man I tell you, I’ve seen about everything on this planet but those things still give me the creeps...anyways we need to get out of here. More buzzers are coming and word came in they took the entirety of Beta team AND they’re surrounding the building. I’m going to need one team to get out there and get rid of them, create a path, just something to where we all can get out of here unharmed. I also need another team to go fetch Beta team with me...no one on my planet gets left behind, not while I’m in charge.“ Crence would say as he grabbed his gun and put on his helmet. You all now had a choice, help the team escape safely or fetch Beta team with Crence
jigglesworth jigglesworth
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
marc122 marc122
StaidFoal StaidFoal
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Jezza Jezza
darkred darkred
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
Noveran - At Colonium, off the drop pod

"Captain, can you tell us a little more about what we're up against? You said a flash grenade is what attracted them here, right? Do you know anything more about what attracts them? The last thing we want is one of our abilities drawing even more in." Noveran inquires. His time as a mercenary has taught hime to always get as much upfront information as possible.

"I'll volunteer myself to go with you to get beta team, unless anyone has an objection to that. While we're going I want you to tell me as much as you can about what we're up against." he states.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch jigglesworth jigglesworth PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss marc122 marc122 StaidFoal StaidFoal thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
Nanome-Equator Strip
When nobody else's voice came over the radio, Nanome simply reveled in the silence. Perhaps she had attacked the wurm too late, and cost them their lives. "Wouldn't be the first time." She sighed, shaking her head. If only she had done a pre-flight check before she ran way, then she wouldn't have wasted time getting her engine to work.

As she stewed in remorse, a new voice came up behind her, but, this time, it was clearly not coming to her from the radio. Rather, it was coming from right behind her!

"Yikes!" Nanome jumped around, pointing her blaster straight at Isaac. "Easy...easy...I'm trained! Yeah, I'm trained..." She reassured herself as she backed into her cockpit. "Don't shoot...just look at me...and keep looking, up until I...GET AWAY, YOU SUCKER! HAHAHA!" She hastily closed the canopy, then turned the ignition, leaving Isaac in a cloud of exhaust.

It...wasn't a very successful escape.

"Phew! Good thing I distanced myself from the others. Bought myself time!" Nanome wiped some sweat off her brow, then resumed giggling. She wouldn't be a prisoner, not her! She would break the planet's atmosphere, and then space would be hers to explore again! Freedom, SWEET-

Clunkclunk. Whine. Rattle. Cough, cough.

Without warning, all of her thrusters died, and her engine stopped producing smoke. As she hung in the stratosphere, she stared down at her dashboard to see...

Yep, out of fuel.

She had left the mothership with only a little over a half a tank. If she'd known that she would get sucked into this mess, she would've gotten herself a full tank.

"YAAAAAAAAAAA!" She simply plummeted back to the ground, creating a big poof of sand upon impact. Overall, she had landed only a couple yards, four yards at most, away from Isaac and the others.

Sleek Sleek
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-The Fellowship-

"Volkhov"=Shujinko Kanou
"Squada One"=Ken Akatsuki
"Sriracha"=Taro Saito
"Righteous"=Piko Rockwell
"Acme"=Genpachi Go

"Volkhov"=Dorothea Ivonne
"Lacquer"=Ragna Rockwell
"Tomorrow"=Yuri Yakumo
"Pacifico"=Mitsuri Saionji
"Permanent Marker"=Eun-Jin Soo
>Eun-Jin watched the depiction of Weirdmageddon and was stunned.

"I see...but do you think this Bill guy is in this world? Do you think he night be plotting on something?"

Odessa should have known that the darkness was true darkness, not the type even her night vision could penetrate, so much for her hubris. She cradled the flashlight tightly as this Commander Crence spoke.

"So the options are to go out there in the dark to fight insects? Or go with you to find this beta team? Also presumably fighting insects? And if Light attracts them well, then our flashlights might as well be homing beacons!"

Odessa gritted her teeth, with her night-vision all but compromised, she had to rely on the flashlight and her normal sight and senses. She could still fly of course but the buzzers could too, and if worst comes to worst she could use her plasma sword. It would provide light at least.


There were, of course, many people who were handling the frozen gale far worse than her. Even with the evacuation orders, many of them were stuck behind, either because they, like Hazor, needed to keep everything orderly, or because the proverbial life-boats were already packed like sardines. If it came down to it, Takemi shuddered, they’d probably have to crush people into the trains like they did during Tokyo rush-hour.

She had to strain to hear Hazor’s whispered request over the wind. Somehow, this didn’t seem like something like a simple malfunction. Considering how many safeguards there must be for such a vital system, like even if the heater broke, it shouldn’t have gotten so cold so fast. For the vents that circulated the air from inside to outside to suddenly reverse-course like this wasn’t just a mechanical error, it was in the software for sure. Of course, that was all assuming that it was something as simple as one of their machines breaking, and not something like an invading demon like a Jack Frost or a Snow-Woman. At least that was something she could handle.

Takemi glanced over as an armoured woman turned away. Right, now was the time for action. If they didn’t hurry, then everyone here would die. Takemi followed after her, since the woman seemed to at least have an idea of where she was going, despite what looked like a concussion compounded by damaged armour. Still, they reached the maintenance room without interruption.

“Are you going to be okay?” she looked up at the woman, “if it comes to a fight, don’t push yourself too hard. I’ll watch your back.” It was only after she said this that her lack of weapon became apparent. Well, she’d fought without one before, so it would probably be alright.

P PopcornPie (Samus Aran) CapRock CapRock @Maintenance_Crew_Time
Samus-Polar Cap
It was dark and forboding enough inside the room that Samus felt reminded of the Wrecked Ship back on Zebes. Instead of dread, it was actually somewhat comforting to her. As though she was reliving her adventures, going through locations familiar to her. For a moment, Samus felt as though she was home. She'd forgotten about being stranded in another land.

Unfortunately, another girl approached her, which shattered that fantasy. Samus stared down at Takemi with melancholic, resentful eyes, then took a deep breath. "This shouldn't be much of a hassle." She answered calmly. "It's probably just a leaking pipe or something."

Verdana Verdana

"Maybe. I mean, randomly teleporting people into another world just sounds like something he would do." Giffany answered worriedly, trying to remember what she was told about Bill's powers.

Topless Topless
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  • Ed, Edd, and Eddy - Neon Haven - Temperate Strip

    The three Eds would follow closely behind Thomas and the three mages, listening to him as he began to speak. Well, Edd and Eddy appeared to be listening, while Ed mindlessly continued chewing his torn jacket, saliva falling onto his chest like a waterfall.

    "Magic, huh?" Eddy asked as he shoved a pinkie into his right ear, twisting it around a bit before plucking it back out. "Sounds cool..." He said quietly, nodding a bit. Though, after a few seconds of silence, Eddy eagerly sprung upwards, outright running in mid-air as he leaped up to grip Thomas by his shirt. Smiling crazily with drool pouring out the corner of his mouth, he bonked his forehead against his and said, "But what about jawbreakers, huh? Do you have any of those up there? Huh? HUH!?" He screamed, though Double D quickly intervened by reaching up and grabbing Eddy by the back of his shirt, lifting him up by his collar and dropping him onto the ground.

    "Goodness, Eddy! Try and show some class, for Pete's sake!" Double D exclaimed, embarrassed to no end by Eddy's antics. His head then tilted upwards so he could meet eyes with Thomas, still slightly suspicious of the man. "Back to the previous topic of conversation, Sir.... what does learning 'magic' entail, exactly? Are there any books we need to study, or classes we should take?" He inquired curiously.

    CapRock CapRock darkred darkred P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @whoeverelseislearningmagiclol
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Jack, Marguerite, Lucas, and Eveline
Location: Colonium

"God damn, what kinda shit did this place go through to get this dark?" Jack would exclaim, trying to squint through a window. After the second of total blackness inside the elevator, the old woman was seated in the corner. Marguerite held her lantern against the window, but its flame was put out by a snickering Lucas. He shrugged off the incoming yells and thrashings when Jack had to pick up his wife by her shoulders to stop the fighting. "It was just a fuckin' light, Marguerite!" he said in an annoyed tone.

When the doors opened and the sounds of warfare entered, the Baker family froze, looking oddly attracted. Lucas spun one of the flashlights around his finger, shining it into the darkness. For once, they were quiet as Crence told everyone the situation. Marguerite went to the front when he revealed a buzzer, a loving gaze in her eyes. "Oh, aren't they just lovely?" she muttered.

"Mm, if ya really think they're like your shitty ass bugs," Lucas remarked, repulsing at the sight of the buzzer. Before the two could go at each other again, Jack stepped between them. Crencer told her orders just a moment earlier, and Jack made sure the rest of his family knew what he wanted. "Boy, you go with the others and get those trapped shitheads while your ma and pa clear the way!" He shoved his son away, then dragging Marguerite in one hand and the axe in the other. She yelled dozens of obscenities at him, but quieted at the prospect of trying to bring these giant bugs in her control.

Lucas rolled his eyes again, hopping in with the bandwagon of rescuers. He laid eyes on the first person who volunteered for this mission, being the pink acid lady from before. Arms crossed, he walked up to her and asked, "So, how'd ya get so pink?"

The old woman stayed back on the elevator.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Colonium_crew​

  • Mehrio ~ a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away

    "Linguini! Pass the ketchup!" the familiar Italian plumber exclaimed with a decidedly Northeastern American accent. When the plump Bostonian looked over, he noticed that his good cousin Linguini had left for... tea, probably. How interesting. Mehrio stood up from the table, grumbling about good cousin etiquette, walking to the other side of the egregiously long table to retrieve the ketchup for himself. He then leaned back into his seat and popped the ketchup bottle open, dousing his meal in the sauce of gods. Delicious. He finished his meal within seconds, swallowing the bowl, utensils, and ketchup bottle for good measure. What a fulfilling meal! Yum, yum yum.

    The mocking parody of an iconic personage persona stood up, and left the apartment long behind. He had an adventure to embark upon. First order of business, the cutting caricature of a classical character carefully cantered across the cool civil city street. He would perhaps find something truly captivating to do today. Like hiding from the trees, or counting the rain. And thus, he embarked on his wackiest adventure he's seen yet. Perhaps he'll see exotic creatures from the ends of the galaxy. Maybe he'll meet some lovely folk simply after his living skin. Possibly the things he'll see are just waiting for him out there. Only he knew! Well, let's not get to there quite yet.

    Mehrio stopped in front of a cathedral, and knocked on the door. He stepped back to allow the occupants to let him in, though no response came. The infantile imitation stepped inside, but found the structure to be empty and- surprisingly- hypethral. The entire roof had collapsed, and Mehrio had somehow not noticed! How strange! All of the religious symbolism had been removed or horribly defaced. How rude! He went to work restoring the shameless idolatry religious artifacts to their former glory. After several minutes of back-breaking work, he stepped back and admired the sheer beauty of the renovated structure.

    An entire church, worshipping him! He smiled, and clapped his hands together. In the blink of an eye- think and you'll miss it- the structure was transformed entirely into a maze of impossibly long hallways, lined with exotic bookshelves housing foreign knowledge. The missing roof was replaced with a low ceiling, the natural sun lighting replaced with ominous torches placed too far apart for comfort. This was immensely better. Mehrio entered The Library and immersed himself in the scriptures. He learned everything. There was nothing that he did not know, now. He looked over his shoulder, towards you, and chuckled softly. Then everything snapped back. We sincerely apologize for the interruption.

    Well, that was over with. Mehrio left the church better than when he entered, for sure. He looked to the sky, to the setting sun, and realized he had spent more than just a few minutes in there. He had spent all day renovating the structure! Perhaps it was time for bed, then. Perhaps Linguini returned and saw the consumed meal, and think that Mehrio had already gone to bed! He leapt back to his apartment and slipped into the building. The lights were off, knowledge was sacred, and there were no people to be found. The mustachioed impostor of a magnificent identity chuckled briefly and headed to bed.

    ...and scene! What a wonderful cut. Did we get everything? Are we all properly entertained? Wonderful, splendid, marvelous. That is what I like to hear. Oh, but am I missing something? Why, of course I haven't forgotten the very reason I am here. In fact, that is the very beginning of act two, my friends! Please, sit back and enjoy the show. I beg of you. Now, let us flip a five-sided coin. This shall help remove any trace of inherent bias. Heads, we move into the polar strip of Neon Haven. Arms, we stop by the temperate strip of the same planet. Bodies, we sight-see the tropical strip. Legs, we investigate Reocopia. Tails, we visit Colonium.


    Oh, wonderful. Yes, that doesn't look like I weighted the coin at all. No, really, things are fine! It revealed the heads. Perhaps we should take a look into Polaria.

    Mehrio ~ Polar Cap

    "Hahah, a funny man over here!" the rotund plumber slapped his knee, "This sounds like a job for a humble plumber like myself! I'll have that AC fixed before you can say 'what an amazing plumber! He saved the city!' Because I know, I know. I'm amazing! So just point me in the right direction, and I'll have it fixed. Now, heh, where is it?"

    CapRock CapRock @polaria group 2 whoever they are
Samus-Polar Cap
As she studied the pipework, a familiar voice rang in Samus's ears. Suddenly, there was a new delight on her face, and she whirled around. "Mario!?" She yelled out. "Mario, I knew you'd be all right! It's me, Samus! Banjo and Isabelle are okay, too!" With her trusted friend and leader around, she immediately knew that things would be all right again very soon! She pranced out into the hallway, only to see..."Mario...?"

Well, any joy on her face melted into pure fear.

It looked like Mario!...If Mario had his DNA spliced with Mr. Potato Head. Where was his neck?! His shoulders?! His hips?! His eye sockets?!

She couldn't stress it enough.

"...What the fuck."

Nanome-Equator Strip
As usual, Nanome had managed to fall without being scathed. She just...sat there. Clutching her controls. Staring defeatedly at the sky. Well, now she was officially stranded here, wasn't she? And she had nobody to blame but herself. Why didn't she give herself time to fuel up?! She was doomed, a prisoner to be held until the IDS showed up to reclaim her!

Suddenly, someone popped up over her, making her scream.
"I shouldn't be giving my name to strange aliens!" She tried to work up a growl, while her last few brain cells hastily reminded her that she did just that with the two pilots. "Other downed pilots? Fine, as long as they're unaffiliated. But not strange aliens!" For extra defense, she flattened in her seat like a badger.

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Robert Belonar
Location: Tropic strip
Interacting: CapRock CapRock (GM, Sarika) Chungchangching Chungchangching (CBS)
Mentions: @Forest gang

As he was about to ask about going with them to this Genesis lab, it seemed the sword the lady let the man in shades inspect was thrown with no warning at her! and from how he reacted it seemed like he even did it on purpose, what an asshole! he quickly leaped into action, moving quickly and catching the sword in mid-air faster then anyone could see, holding it with ease in one hand with his spear in the other, turning to the man who threw it in question and giving him an intense glare "I believe it's better to Not try and injure the people giving us a ride and also directions to a city, right? please refrain from trying something like that again" He held out the sword to the lady, hilt side closer to her "I would certainly appreciate a ride to the Genesis Labs, unless Sarika you would rather go to the city? I feel like a ride might be safer then treaking through these lands though"​


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Isaac Clarke
Equatorial Strait

Isaac sighed as he saw the craft fly up and then come right back down, though he tensed as he saw someone use some sort of otherworldly power, and then used it to land on the plane. It obviously freaked the pilot out, which prompted Isaac to jog over, helmet still off.

"Hey, let's all settle down and take a step back, alright? I don't think we can do a whole lot with your name, and I already gave you mine-"

He quickly glanced at Khara

"-I'm Isaac, by the way-"

He said before looking at Nanome

"We obviously aren't interested in hurting you. And that offer's still open for me to help. From the looks of it we just better ourselves a bunch of spare parts, and even if we need fuel we can probably just jury rig the power source to your ship. So whaddya say?"

Isaac decided to tell her what he knew, hoping that telling her a bit of his practical knowledge would help her believe he was an actual engineer. The other woman would have to wait, though Isaac hoped she didn't exacerbate the issue.

P PopcornPie Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Nanome-Equator Strip

The man she'd tried to run away from barely needed to lift an ankle to catch up to her. She breathed sharply, her eyes darting between Isaac and Khara. This was bad. She didn't even try to be stealthy. Not that her intergalactic jalopy could possibly lay low in the first place, but an effort probably should have been made.

"Um...ummm..." She was reduced to shuddering. Her finger hung over her communicator button, and her jaw wavered. "C...comma..." She wheezed out softly. "...nder..." Her Commander would rescue her, right?

No, no. She was running away from her commander. But she couldn't trust these people, either...

"You'll sabotage my ship..." The silverette's tiny pupils focused on Isaac. "Commander says we can't ever trust strangers to assist us in repairs." Even though this person wasn't glaring at her like he knew she was a deserter, she had been kidnapped by enemy armies enough times to recognize a spy in ally's clothing. "She once told us a story about one of her old soldiers...He let a stranger fix a broken head gasket, but the stranger just mounted a bomb in the engine block, which blew up as the soldier passed a sun...His body wasn't ever recovered..." Commander had told her a horror story for everything she could possibly do in this situation. All either of them had to do was ask.

Sleek Sleek Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Sarika Drora


Jeef_jones Jeef_jones P PopcornPie GearBlade654 GearBlade654 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow BoltBeam BoltBeam Chungchangching Chungchangching Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva marc122 marc122 Corrosion Corrosion

"Oh." Sarika seemed surprised to even be considered into the decision process. Two decisions in a row was enough to leave her restless, but this time, there was little to fret over. "I trust your judgement." Shortly after that, something clicked in the young lady's mind, and she turned to the others to speak: "Of course, where are my manners! I'm Sarika Drora, pleased to meet you all. It seems that some of us are already missing dear ones from back home. I hope this situation we've been thrust into can be solved soon."

Polaria group 1

(Post tomorrow! One last chance for the stragglers to catch up)

Tropic Strip

Jeef_jones Jeef_jones P PopcornPie GearBlade654 GearBlade654 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow BoltBeam BoltBeam Chungchangching Chungchangching Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva marc122 marc122 Corrosion Corrosion

Cass1e didn't bother hiding her satisfaction at all the reactions she was getting. "You have spirit, rookies! I don't remember the last time I saw this much spunk just laying around in the forests. We can definitely use your aid, especially with our current mission. But I'll get to that once we're nice and settled back in base. i'm sure you could all use a little bit settling in from this dynamic entry of yours." Next up, a blonde spoke up about the search for her lost sister. She had lost count how many people had organized desperate searches for relatives in the first few months following the Great Arrival. She could only hope her searches had better results than those did. "What to expect, other than imps... Did you ever play a video game? You know, those with a big, sprawling world and monsters ranging from tiny and cute to the massive and deadly. This is it, really, down to the literal part. I'd try the towns first. Even if she's not in it, you can gear yourself up or find some companions to help you out in the search. Venturing alone outside of the cities is... Risky business, to say the least. Especially if you're not used to here yet."

Her gaze landed finally at Lucario. Like some of the others there, it looked like a mob, yet their actions - especially his - clearly said otherwise... Quite the puzzle it was shaping up to be. "We'll gladly take your service. And regarding the world out there..." She looked up. In her expression, one could spot quite the paradoxical reaction: Her eyes held a glimmer of hope, but her teeth were gritting in frustration. "We don't know all that much what's out there. Most of us have gotten so worried about down here that they completeley forgot there may be other planets, entire other civilizations out there, just waiting for contact. I hope we can do something to fix that, some day."
Distracted as she was, Cass1e did not notice the sword throw until Robert caught it for her. She raised an impressed eyebrow, took the sword back and offered a nod to him, saying:
"Thank you, Lancer. You seem to be the dependable kind, and those are always on short supply. That being said... Shall we get going? If anyone is heading to Laurelia, I wish you good luck."

Temperate Strip - NCR group

(Waiting on Bardock)

Temperate Strip - Newerth group

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz darkred darkred P PopcornPie

"Of course not!" Replied Thomas to Emperor Gargan, his tone growing a bit aggressive over the condescending comment. "Newerth is the oldest, biggest city in all of Neon Haven. We have nothing but the best wares, the most exquisite architeture, and the most civilized and advanced politics, of the likes you won't find anything else in the world. There's also candy alright, even maybe some jawbreakers. But don't take my words for it, you'll get to see it for yourself soon. Regarding the ruins, those are not our own. Some other civilization lived in Neon Haven long ago. We don't know much about it, but it seems to have largely reormed the entire planet to suit its needs, so they must have been quite advanced... And yet, a bacterian infection wiped them all. No technology will safe you from Divine Recknoning, it seems. It's something those who forfeit magic simply cannot grasp. And speaking of such, magic studies are equal parts study and practice. You'll have to attend classes, but I assure you our teacher isn't like those you're used to."

It wasn't too long after that that the group led by Thomas arrived at Newerth. It was a clear break from the city ruins; the buildings here had a much rounder shape, made a singular piece of smooth rock sculpted into complex and intriguing patterns. They were placed in concentrical circles around the main tower, whose shine seemed to pour into the streets in the form of vague fogs that shined like ice dust. There was a parliment building with greek architecture just next to the tower, a school made of gothic granite just around the corner, a larger plaza standing between them and the tower with a variety of stores and a notification board that read "Click me!" on it and a stern-looking short and long building with glass windows and the letters "NBI" sculpted into a golden badge a few blocks to the side. In that latter one, a crowd seemed to be just forming around the entrance.

"Welcome to Newerth, gentlmen." Said Thomas, not afraid to sport a proud smile. "Where would you like to head first?"

Equator Strip:

(Free roam! Event coming next post round)

Torikago - City Outskirts Group:

Topless Topless thefinalgirl thefinalgirl DapperDogman DapperDogman

Closing into the Imps, the subject of their interest begins to close into view. It is a metallic device, bolted haphazardly into the concrete, with red tanks of some liquid substance, a mess of wires of different colors and a signal antenna pointed into the sky. In its center, a green visor screen shows the words "ARMED - HANDLE CAREFULLY" bright and clear. At the very least, the Imps had been smart enough to not actually attack it; If they were to do it, the consequences would definitely have been dire.
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-The Fellowship-

"Volkhov"=Shujinko Kanou
"Squada One"=Ken Akatsuki
"Sriracha"=Taro Saito
"Righteous"=Piko Rockwell
"Acme"=Genpachi Go

"Volkhov"=Dorothea Ivonne
"Lacquer"=Ragna Rockwell
"Tomorrow"=Yuri Yakumo
"Pacifico"=Mitsuri Saionji
"Permanent Marker"=Eun-Jin Soo
>"Alright. I'll inform Dorothea about him. Is there anything else we can research about? If not, wanna watch some Netflix? I'm on free trial though."

>When you get close to the imps, you can see why are they gathering. It appears to be some sort of bomb. In this case, you should be very careful with your assault. Would you proceed with the attack?


>You gesture the group to attack. Ken charged in to deliver a swift punch to the head of one of the imps, Taro thrusts his spear at the other, Ragna fires two shots at two imps, and Yuri gets herself close enough to slit one's throat.

Jeef_jones Jeef_jones CapRock CapRock @TropicGang
Tropic Strip

Christian Brutal Sniper.PNG
Oh goddamnit, somebody had to play hero, huh? I want that claymore. I crossed my arms before realizing that the man had the same strength as me. He could be stronger but I don't care enough to check. I let out a curious whistle, wondering if this guy is not to be toyed with. He even shot a glare at me and I winked at him in response, tipping my hat to make myself look more smug. Does this fella think he can scare me? Oh please. He even had the nerve to lecture me and I wave him off in response since I never listen to anybody's advice. Even if it's Christian Pure Spy, I never care enough to listen.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."

And then Cass1e started talking again. He praised us for our dynamic entries and spunkiness. Trust me, I am a master of dynamic entries, in fact, I do the same thing every time I terrorize people. Hang from the sky, play the radio and fall on somebody. Speaking of radio, it ran out of batteries since it was no longer repeating Millionare's Holiday over and over again. I picked it up and pocketed it for my next entry. I can't have an entrance without my favorite song playing or it will just feel wrong. I don't have the same amount of stage presence or confidence when the music isn't playing.

"Can I join you to the lab?" Before anyone could answer. I would cut them off and go "OF COURSE I CAN!"

I chuckled at my own joke before looking at Sarika introducing herself.

"Christian Brutal Sniper. But you can call me 'Christian' or 'Sniper' to make it short!"
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Annotation 2019-11-07 222821.png

"W-why is it still so dark outside? I can't see a thing! It really sucks being a human amongst mortals."

She turned to Odessa who replied to her. She looked like she was onto Remilia but was she really?

" Maybe Mr Connor over there isn't normal then? Have you considered that? Perhaps he has firearms training or is ex military. Me? I just sit at home and watch TV and do other human things like walking my pet fish and watering my tax refund"

At this point she didn't care about concealing herself anymore. Despite still being disguised as an 'average joe' it was clear that she wasn't average.

She now turned to some pink looking thing

"W-w-w-what are you? Why are you a bright pink?"

The Undead Princess laughed at the incompetence of Cleaveland

"I see..This Cleaveland guy is starting to sound like a certain Ice fairy I knew. A-anyway I-i-i think that the least dangerous thing here is to fetch the b-b-b-beta team."

the great vampire stuttered back in character. She was good at this...She thought.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
View attachment 690701

"W-why is it still so dark outside? I can't see a thing! It really sucks being a human amongst mortals."

She turned to Odessa who replied to her. She looked like she was onto Remilia but was she really?

" Maybe Mr Connor over there isn't normal then? Have you considered that? Perhaps he has firearms training or is ex military. Me? I just sit at home and watch TV and do other human things like walking my pet fish and watering my tax refund"

At this point she didn't care about concealing herself anymore. Despite still being disguised as an 'average joe' it was clear that she wasn't average.

She now turned to some pink looking thing

"W-w-w-what are you? Why are you a bright pink?"

The Undead Princess laughed at the incompetence of Cleaveland

"I see..This Cleaveland guy is starting to sound like a certain Ice fairy I knew. A-anyway I-i-i think that the least dangerous thing here is to fetch the b-b-b-beta team."

the great vampire stuttered back in character. She was good at this...She thought.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Yep, definitely NOT Human, Odessa thought.

"Well, if you are so humanly useless, maybe you can just sit this one out. We don't need useless civilians in the crossfire. Espeacially all too human ones. Isn't that right, human?"

She says, grining at the clear nonhuman in disguise.

"Do you have any favorite movies? Mine is about an alien trying to impresnate a human but clearly didn't know shit about them to make a convincing human at all, yet still tried anyway. Have to admire their resolve, even if their acting was see-through and horrible. Isn't that right, human? One normal mortal human to another." Her grin was pratically a full blown smirk at this point. This clear nonhuman was either going to keep going with the masquerade, making a bigger fool out of himself, or reveal himself as nonhuman. Also, Odessa wasn't mortal, they had taken the old age gene out of her a long time ago.

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Mao Mao-Tropical Strip
"She's right." Mao Mao tipped his head back towards Yang. "If you just set out without knowing what you're looking for, you're going to get find yourself blindsided very quickly." He turned his attention towards Cass1e, growing a bit worried. "Sounds like everyone is in need of help. How long has this world been split up?" Granted, Pure Heart Valley rarely saw contact from other regions as well, but that was mostly because it was a peaceful community that was under his protection. Who knows what kind of hell awaited him here.

It seemed that the bunch was about to split up and go wherever they wanted to go, and Mao Mao didn't want to drag Yang anywhere she didn't want to go. "To Laurelia?" He asked his passenger.

CapRock CapRock marc122 marc122

Entrapta and Caramel-Temperate Strip
"This is AMAZING!" If Entrapta could get any more excited, she'd have an aneurysm. A new civilization! A whole new land of research! "So you have lost civilizations, too?! Just like the First Ones?" She chirped, scanning for ancient carvings. "Is there anyone studying them? Can I join them? I'm sure that my engineering will be the key to unlocking their mysteries!"

Meanwhile, Caramel was much more practical of thought. "Bacteria? Oh, my..." She muttered, looking at her candy. Chocolate could help a sore throat, but she would need more than that, wouldn't she? "Well, if we need that magic to survive, then I have bo qualms about attending school." In fact, the idea of attending a human school brought an excited gleam to her eyes; She hadn't been taught much in her life besides the bare necessities of rabbit survival. Imagine not only being the only rabbit who could ingest chocolate, but the only rabbit who could study magic!

On the other paw...the former was a lonely enough existence.

Entrapta swung to the notifcations board, running her hairtips up and down its surface.
CapRock CapRock
Giffany tapped her chin. "Um...Maybe Ford put some of his studies online...doesn't sound like something he would do, but he is full of surprises..." Maybe Ford already knew about this place. Maybe Ford already was in this place. Regardless, she couldn't help but wonder how he was reacting to her disappearance. Was he searching? Was he keeping hopes high that she'd be found?

Or was he helping Old Man McGucket program a replacement?

She seemed to shut off with the thought, staring at Eun-Jin's taskbar, until Netflix was brought up. "Netflix? Sometimes, I used to sneak off into people's Netflix app..." She nodded, smiling a little cheekily.

Topless Topless


This ragtag group was not anything like the Tech-com forces he led back home. In that case, the group around him were all humans. Here? He was working with a group who were at most human up to former humans and even up to non-humans. That is until a middle age “human” walked in.

Connor watched her every step, like he watched a terminator move. The stranger seemed to differ from the normal humans he normally worked with until he caught a sense of her transformation at the last second. “Nice try.”

But time for watching for abilities from everyone would have to wait. From the strange family with bug abilities that would freak just about anyone at home out, to the pink woman who had something called a quirk. Nothing normal here.

Connor slipped his “weapon” on his back, keeping the flashlight close by, slipping it on his weapon.

The shuttle was ready and he followed everyone else toward the dropping point. Whatever light there was, it faded fast as Connor eyed the window watching the world pass by.

As the shuttle finally stopped, everyone came out to soldiers with glowing eyes and black and red armor.

The scenery looked eerily similar to what he was used to. Less armor, less light, different creatures.

The Baker family sure had the bug situation under control and if it was anything what Margeritte was capable of, he had hoped the Buzzers would fall quick.

“I’ll go with the Beta team.”

He’d err on the side of caution even with his armor on.

@marc122 @jigglesworth @darkred @Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore StaidFoal StaidFoal PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @Colonium_crew
Odessa turns to General Connor, and smiled a bit.

"I will be going to Beta Team too then."

She was a cop first and foremost, there was always a superior above her and that made her slightly more comfortable than going out killing needlessly. At least with finding Beta team, she can help save them or if not that, avenge them.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch darkred darkred
"Yeesh, you guys sure act co-ordinated for people who never met before today" Lloyd growls, snapping his thumb upward and sending the steel ball roaring through the air. It wasn't quite supersonic, but it was a blur of a projectile as it sped toward one of the imps not currently under attack by the school kids. He then grabs another steel ball, charging it up for a second shot, keeping a firm grip on his knife the whole time in case they came charging at him before it was ready to be used.

Topless Topless CapRock CapRock thefinalgirl thefinalgirl

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