• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Polaria - Group 2 (Jack and Dexter)

darkred darkred

With Dark Jak and the hooded figure both leaping onto the last frost Troll, it was finally reduced to shreds and taken down, leaving only the three sentient beings amongst the sea of ice and snow. The young man took a moment to check if he had any wounds, huffing and puffing a white icy breath, then turned his attention towards his saviors. Despite being in the clear, his expression still seemed flustered and worried.
"Thank you for the help, stranger. I - we got attacked inside that building right there. Can you see it?" He pointed into a direction at the blizzard; squinting enough, one could see the grey silhouette of a building sticking out from the white abyss surrounding it. "My friend's still there, stuck behind a wall of ice. I tried everything I could, but I could not get them out of it for the life of me, since my ice magic is useless against ice... But you're much stronger than me. Could you try freeing them? I need to make a run for it and call for help, in case they're having hypothermia." He explained.

Polaria - Group 1 (Everyone else)

P PopcornPie SheepKing SheepKing BoltBeam BoltBeam Jeef_jones Jeef_jones thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Veradana Veradana

Those who scrambled to find help all ended up in the same place: The circle in the main hall. Sitting in the middle of said circle, they found none other than Hazor1010 himself. He was wrapped in blaket after blanket, his nose a waterfall and his entire body shivering. Between violent sessions of coughs and sneezing, he was still doing his best to lead the base, asking updates for each area and giving out orders to produce and mantain fires and tend for those who couldn't handle the temperature drop. He glanced at the newcomers and a satisfied shine took over his eyes for a brief second.
"Oh, the new arrivals... I'm happy to see you're ok." His voice was as coarse and weak as ever, barely more than a whisper. "You say you want to help... We are desperately needing someone to check the maintenance room. There's a good chance that this situation was caused by something going wrong there and we may even be able to fix it. I'm sorry for asking something this important from you, of all people, but the others are so busy taking care of the sick... I'd go myself if I could stand. Please be careful, and think well before you act. A wrong decision could cost us all a lot."

Temperate - Group 1 (heading to Newerth)

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz darkred darkred P PopcornPie

"Why, yes, yes to everyone!" Replied the white-haired boy. "Follow us back to Newerth, and I'll reply to all your questions and then some along the way." He stopped at Bardock, the only one who inquired him in an aggresive way. "We have a bit for everyone, oh Saiyan sir, but you'll have to come along if you really thirst for answers. Otherwise, I'm sure your friends over there have perfectly comfortable patched cloths to warm yourself at night. Choose wisely."
The three mages awaited for the interested visitors to come close and then headed towards the big shining tower in the distance, floating a bit closer to the ground. They passed through more peaceful ruins, some with the occasional Blobba or Imp peering around the premises; They dared not come close to them. After a reasonable distance had been opened between themselves and the NCR patrollers, the young man began speaking again:
"Before we start, allow me to introduce to you: I'm Thomas G. I run the market place of our glorious city. Since you've asked, we at Newerth are not those 'Saiyans' you speak of; We are still humans, for the most part. What allows us to achieve flight and other miraculous feats is magic. Yes, it is through magic that we can achieve it all, even fix your strange condition! Magic is a craft that anyone can learn... In theory. That's what I mean when I say 'different cloth'. Only those with dedication, intellect and grace can actually perform magic well, and if you lack these qualities, then Newerth is not indeed the place for you. If that's the case, though, then fret not; I'm sure our friends at Platinum or Ironworks will be glad to give you a home, and perhaps even an use. "

Temperate - Group 2 (NCR group)

Nightwisher Nightwisher Jezza Jezza marc122 marc122

As Matthew saw the mages leaving, he pointed his empty bow at their backs and pretended to fire an arrow at then, smirking in satisfaction at the mental image it formed in his head. The soldiers all climbed back on the jeep and the engine was started back up. The expedition's leader looked at those that remained; He noticed they weren't quite as vocal about their positions as the others with the Newerth mages than the others. Likely they were still lost and confused about their entire situation as well, which was hardly something he could blame them for.
"Hop on, if you will. We'll get you some shelter until you can get back on your feet for the steep price of free. The man was right; We don't have all that much, but what we do have, we are happy to share."

(waiting on posts from Smokestack, Sniper and John Freeman. We'll get to travelling soon!)


Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind P PopcornPie GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Nightwisher Nightwisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow RedLight RedLight Corrosion Corrosion Jeef_jones Jeef_jones

By the time the arrivals regained their footing and launched their counterattack on the wurm, most of its protective scales had been long gone from its attack. Bullets, explosives and bolts of Arc energy tore at its inner mechanisms, causing sprockets, valves and axles to fly off and litter the sand as the metallic chinging grew louder and louder. Khara's mushroom sneaked in through one of the gaping holes, a quiet shadow slipping past the hellfire raining down on it to asettle deep within the quickly disassembling body; The question that remained was not whether the creature could be controlled from the spell's effects, but if there would be anything left to control soon enough.
As a final nail in the coffin, the sand beneath the Mincer Wurm caved in, crashing down with the hunk of metal into an oversized valley amongst the dunes, sand rushing into the middle from the accentuated slope. The monster had all but completely been encased by the tomb dug up for it and it finally seemed to have given up fighting. As it did, the metallic noise settled into a defeated whir, the remains of the body withering into a curl. The threat had finally been defeated by the team's joined efforts! Surely he'd have another opportunity soon enough. Still, it begged the question...
What now?


P PopcornPie Topless Topless thefinalgirl thefinalgirl DapperDogman DapperDogman

Reaching at the outskirts of Torikago, the refurbished buildings give place to barren, dirty ruins, cracked asphalt and bits of plant life growing wherever it can. At a distance, 7 Imps can be seen flocking around something, fluttering or hopping around it and screeching with curiosity. They have yet noticed the presence of any onlookers and likely can be surprise attacked if approached silently enough, but with all the holes and crevices on the region, it's hard to tell if these are the only creatures in the region.

Junko Enoshima (1).png

Outskirts - Interacting with DapperDogman DapperDogman Topless Topless CapRock CapRock P PopcornPie


"Oh, that's cool. I'm older than you. I'm 19, by the way. And yeah, I'm from Japan. Education system is still normal."

The girl casually says to the group, before hearing Lloyd's words about its fate in his world. To think that there are multiple worlds that exist outside her own world gives Junko a thought to think about, something to pass the time whenever she's bored. But, about the announcement from earlier, Junko couldn't just ignore it. It was just a simple flash for other people, but for Junko, it was a potential tool in brainwashing other people. If she can manage to record another video that induces the most despair to everyone and plays it on whatever device that announcement was recorded on, the blonde girl could have a whole group of insane people that could follow whatever she says. But for now, she just has to finish the mission that she assigned herself to.

The group was walking as normal, until suddenly,

"Everyone, zip it. There are 7 imps here."

The girl stopped on her tracks and looked at the group, pointing to the imps using her thumb. There were 7 imps doing something that Junko couldn't take a proper look of what it is. The only thing weapon in Junko's purse is an ice pick and two grenades that were supposed to be a present for her sister, Mukuro.

"Dorothea, I have two grenades. I can throw one to damage them a bit. You and your group can sweep in and finish the job."

She grabbed the two grenades from her purse, showing them to the woman as she held an ice pick in another hand. Junko had some decent fighting skills, the girl did manage to knock out the 'Ultimate Boxer' in her world with a single fist to his kidney. She did master some other martial arts and soldier tactics by observing her sister whenever she practiced fighting with her fitness trainer.
Lloyd was surprised but glad to hear Ken ask about what 'salting' was "It's a chemical weapon, toxic crystals that absorb nutrients from the environment. Leaves the landscape completely worthless, even if you can dispose of the salt itself, the earth can't grow any plants" he crosses his arms as the group comes to a halt, spotting the imps. One of his hands reaches into his pouch, pulling out a steel ball and clutching it in his right hand, while his left draws his knife from the holster on his lower back "I can take out one quickly, but it'll take time to prepare another shot" he smirks slightly beneath his helmet "If they get close, I can do a little more damage, but we should thin the herd before they get that close"

thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Topless Topless CapRock CapRock

-The Fellowship-

"Volkhov"=Shujinko Kanou
"Squada One"=Ken Akatsuki
"Sriracha"=Taro Saito
"Righteous"=Piko Rockwell
"Acme"=Genpachi Go

"Volkhov"=Dorothea Ivonne
"Lacquer"=Ragna Rockwell
"Tomorrow"=Yuri Yakumo
"Pacifico"=Mitsuri Saionji
"Permanent Marker"=Eun-Jin Soo
>Eun-Jin jumped in surprise. She didn't expect Giffany to have that kind of ability.

"Holy shit, Giffany! I didn't know you can do that! Alright, "Bill Cypher" huh? Sounds like a villain to me."

>Eun-Jin types in the name of the person in question on the search box and the results instantly showed.

"Is that a yellow Dorito with one eye and a top hat?"

>There are seven imps right in front of you, gathered around something you can hardly see. Junko and Lloyd are ready to battle.

"So those are the imps huh? They don't seem to be very tough. Might as well consider this my training them."

>Ken lets out a smirk as he tightens his gauntlets and pulling out a few practice punches in the air. Taro takes out his spear, Ragna draws her pistol (Glock 17), and Yuri drops her daggers from her sleeves and into her hands.

"So, Shujinko, what do you think we should do? Whatever these imps are looking, we'll need to find out."

>Sneak Attack

"I know we want to take them on, but let's do that in a silent and efficient way. You never know that they might not be the only ones around this place. Hell, they might call back up."

>"I don't care if they bring in any reinforcements. As long as I can punch their heads, I can still fight."

>"Me too. I needed some shooting practice anyway. It really turns me on when I shoot someone in the head."

>"I don't really like the sound of that. But hey, I agree. I may not be much of a fighter, but I can still give my all."

>"That's the spirit. Now, I'll be providing you support from here. If ever I sense anything coming, I'll let all of you know. Good luck."

>You and the others nodded in agreement as you slowly approach the imps. Be careful not to make a noise and look around your surroundings. You never know there is another one or two hiding.

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Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch CapRock CapRock
Tropic Strip

"I appreciate the worry, swordsman, but this just seems to be a man of refined tastes."

"Yeah! What she said!"

I marveled at the sword's look, grabbing it in one hand and somehow carried the blade without looking like I broke a sweat. For a scrawny looking guy, you'd expect me to struggle even if it's just a little bit, right? I thought so too but in my world, there is a Medic with a huge head living inside a sewer system that can let out a hypersonic scream strong enough to turn people into cream so I don't care about logic anymore but enough about the weird laws of my world that nobody back home questions, it's time to admire this beauty. I was feeling the blade for a while, giggling as I look at it until I saw a food stand. I decided to toss the claymore towards its owner so I can make room on my hands to get some food, hopefully, she'll mess up in her attempts to catch it and kill her so I can get to keep the weapon after I finish eating food. Oh, how I wish that would happen.

"Heads up!" I exclaimed after tossing it to her.

Aha! These buns are mine. . . That sounded more wrong than I expected but moving on. Once I got the honeybuns in my hands. The dapper fellow started speaking to me, telling me that great things will come my way though I already knew that, but the coffee bean industry part? Not so much. He even gave me a card. I pocketed the card for safekeeping before using my rapier as a stick, poking through the honeybuns before eating it like a Shish Kebab. I later heard voices in my head which is pretty standard for serial killers like me so I dismissed them and kept on eating. I later finished my meal and pocketed my rapier.​
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Nanome-Equator Strip
Right as Nanome got her closest with the wurm, it gave out. Little mechanical bits pelted her, obscuring her vision, making her lose control. As the wurm sank, it inadvertently smacked her ship away like a housefly, sending her spinning away from it.

The fighter slammed nosefirst into a dune, where its engine gave out for good. It timidly slid back down to the ground, relatively undamaged, but now with some new dents and a crapton of sand inside the smouldering hood. Then its pilot crawled out, coughing, gagging, and falling limp. "Mission accomplished...At the cost of my dinner..." She groaned, strugging to hold down the terrible taste of food that wasn't exactly gourmet to begin with.

CapRock CapRock Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

Samus-Polar Cap
Samus was taken aback by the state of Hazor1010, seeing the once lively individual instantaneously becoming so sick confirmed for her that she had nary a moment to spare. "Understood. Just don't stress yourself out." She activated her Scan Visor, then departed from him to find the Maintenance Room.

It was harder than it should have been. The broken visor picked up on all the wrong things, glitched out consistently, and struggled to load information on what it could find. The bounty hunter kept accidentally bowling people over while she focused on just keeping the damn thing working. Between that and having to constantly pound on her helmet, she looked like an idiot.

She was bordering on hopeless when her visor finally picked up on the door to the Maintenance Room. "I've got this." A confident smile graced her frigid face as she invited herself inside.

CapRock CapRock

Caramel + Entrapta-Temperate Strip
Having saved herself from a terrific drop by grabbing a vine, Caramel strained herself as she returned to the room, just in time to watch the mages leave. "Wait for me, please!" She raced after them. Thankfully, being a rabbit, catching up was little trouble for her.

Meanwhile, someone probably should have been watching Entrapta. She serpentined across the path, stopping to sift through the ruins or try (and fail miserably) to study the creatures. Despite lacking grace, she was still confident in, and very excited about, learning magic. Hey, everyone back home was always asking her why she didn't know magic, she might as well put that curiosity to rest!

CapRock CapRock

"A villain, indeed." Giffany snarled, as she hobbled across the search results. "And he's not nearly as goofy as he looks. He came from another world, too, called...Um, its name was...Something with...Oh! The Nightmare Realm! That's it!" She snapped her fingers. "Anyway, he was trying to bring his world into ours, and almost destroyed it! I'm wondering if maybe that big portal thing I went through was created by him."

As she spoke, she took the liberty of summoning pixel animations depicting Weirdmageddon. She hastily drew up images of him unraveling order in the town as easily as an infant destroying a model town, him summoning flying eyeballs to turn civilians to stone, and him cackling as fire surrounded him.

Topless Topless
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Isaac Clarke
Location: Equator

For a split second, Isaac's life flashed before his eyes. As the brethren moons descended upon earth, and upon the 200 year old space craft he and Carver had managed to fly back to Earth, Isaac saw the events that had led him there. From the last transmission Nicole had sent him from the USG Ishimura, to the Sprawl, to the frigid wastes of Tau Volantis, every second and horrific encounter crawled through his skull. With every second, the eldritch horror grew closer, and closer, until he saw a flash....

With a grunt, Isaac sprawled onto the ground, and slowly got to his knees. He felt every hastily tended wound, every bruise, flare up with pain, and he winced as he looked around. What he saw defied everything he had known to that point. Not only was he confronted with a mechanical worm, but he was confronted with a motley crew, of whom none were familiar to him. He slowly grabbed his plasma cutter off of the sand it rested upon, and gave a tenative wave to the crowd arrayed before him. Isaac would approach, but he would do so slowly, looking all around him. With stuff like this, he wasn't sure that this wasn't just some perverted vision, to taunt him one last time.

"Hey! What the hell's going on!?"

He would shout as he approached, his helmet folding up onto his face, shaking the sand from itself as it did so. He would then check his inventory. He was down to his last couple of small medkits, and was nearly out of plasma cutter ammo. Though, as he looked over the mechanical monstrosity, he saw a few components he could scavenge and turn into viable weapons.

CapRock CapRock @Equatorgroupi'mtoolazy to ping
Location: Equator Strip
Interacting: @Equator on foot people, CapRock CapRock (GM)
Mentions: @spaceship people

As he watched the wurm crash to the ground, a wild smirk grew across his face as he would pump his fist in the air "Right on Target! As per usual, I'm a crack shot at this kind of stuff" He would then both run and sort of slide down the dune as to meet up with the others that were fighting the wurm, moving past them and to the beast itself, looking for the spot where the shell had made direct contact and yes! there it was! he stood there admiring his work for a bit, before glancing at the others "Wow! you guys must be a pretty good team if you took down this wurm, although I would like to think that my bomb helped a little bit sooo" With that said, he took a few small chunks of the scales of the wurm, probably not being able to fit much of them in the bag he carried with him, although he only took a few good pieces! after all, this wasn't really his kill. He then looked back to the others with a wide grin as he looked among them "So then! are you all in the same party, or are you guys just separate people that decided to band together to take down this big hunk of metal?"​
Sam - Reocopia, Pryden start location

Another portal opens and another newcomer lands on to the platform, wearing bloodstained clothes and carrying a doctor's bag. They look around confused for a moment about where they are, until they see the party forming around Wray at which point they seem even more confused. They check their bag as if looking to see if something's gone missing, but don't find anything amiss. They turn their head when they hear the announcement played over the loudspeaker and realise what they're seeing is actually real. Not wanting to cause a fuss they go over to the registration booth and register their pistol and get an ID with the name Sam Dogwood before heading back out and joining the group with the excitable teenager. A tour doesn't sound half bad about now...

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Nightwisher Nightwisher jigglesworth jigglesworth BoltBeam BoltBeam Jeef_jones Jeef_jones Veradana Veradana marc122 marc122



The votes were tallied in Connor's mind as he turned to look at the others in the room. Even his competition deferred.

There was a majority vote in the room and he sighed, pulling on a straight face, showing no emotions for the time being.

Connor looked for the front of the room and cleared his throat

"Before we leave, let's get things straight: We are going into a war with our various abilities and talents.

"Therefore I need to know what everyone's skillsets are and abilities.

Therefore, I call out the two Captains for my second in command: Captain Rex ( jigglesworth jigglesworth ) and Captain Cruele ( Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch )

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss marc122 marc122 jigglesworth jigglesworth StaidFoal StaidFoal CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

"I should introduce myself and my skillset, My name? Connor. My skillset: I led the Human Resistance against Skynet which included worldwide cells all over my earth."

"Introduce yourself soldiers, one at a time."

Location: Colonium Check in station

The great duelist found himself...Somewhere. Yusei picked himself off the floor to find himself amongst a shambling rag tag group of...people? This was strange. Perhaps he crashed his duel runner, died, and went to whatever hell this is. Speaking of duel runner his was now missing...Ah shit. Fortunately Yusei was good at standing duels as well as turbo duels and has never really lost one in his whole life. Also he still had his deck. They didn't look like the sort to attack anyone but there was always a possibility. Cautiously Yusei activated his duel disk and slid one card into one of the monster zones on the disk but didn't summon it yet. Some weird guy was asking about powers and appeared to be the guy in charge or at least knows what the hell is going on.

"I don't really know how I got here but it's safe to say you lot are in the same situation as myself. As for my name...I'm Yusei Fudo and my ability is being the best dualist alive"

darkred darkred @open to interaction​
Bertram, overhearing the conversation, would peek his head out from the hallway,
Calibration for the shuttle is almost done everyone....ah, I see General Connor is your...head of the group...congratulations General.
Bertram would then clear his throat before continuing
My name is Bertram and my skill set is...clerking.....welcome to Colonium.
He would say, the last part pertaining to Yusei before ducking back into the hallway.
darkred darkred
jigglesworth jigglesworth
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
marc122 marc122
StaidFoal StaidFoal
Jezza Jezza
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
Noveran - at Colonium

"As I have already mentioned, I'm the renowned sorcerer Noveran, though I doubt my renown is of much worth here. I assure you I'm good for much more than petty party tricks though, the blood of many a powerful ancestor fills me and grants me mastery of the elemental magicks. Thunder, fire, acidic, and ice powers are at my fingertips. I share an ancestry with dragons, their power and their fury are mine to command." Noveran proudly explains.


*Noveran pulls off his mask to reveal his decaying draconic face*

"I'm immortal."

"You can destroy my body, but I'll only return angrier."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss marc122 marc122 jigglesworth jigglesworth StaidFoal StaidFoal CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
Annotation 2019-11-07 222821.png


Location: Colonium
Another portal. Yukari must be really pissed with Remilia as the Undead Princess fell flat on her face near a group of humans? There weren't many humans in Gensokyo...Wait where was she again? This was nowhere like Gensokyo. That must also be why she was surrounded by filthy humans. Look at them! Squabbling over who should be top dog. They are close to being animals in fact in Remilia's case humans would be equivalent to ungulates or Holstein. She could barely hold back her urges to slurp down the humans like a Capri Sun on a hot day. There seemed to be a mix of humans and non humans upon closer inspection. As a matter of fact some were even former humans. How repulsive. The Scarlet Devil would change her face and body to match that of an average middle aged man her wings would be folded neatly on her back as to appear human from the front POV.

War. The humans were talking about war. A favourite of human pastimes aside from driving other species to extinction and destroying their own planet. The self destructive nature of humans always intrigued her. As for now it was time to intervene...
" Uhh hi everyone....I don't really know where I am. Could you tell me where I am? What's this talk about your abilities? Are you all.." A shocked look crossed her face. It looked fake to the trained eye of course "K-k-killers? That's horrible! I would never kill someone! Ever! I'm just a normal human! How could I have been dragged into this hellhole?" She flinched and moved back from the Dragonic one and tried to move away slowly from it

darkred darkred Jezza Jezza @open to interaction

Odessa was an expert on faces and the new man's face was so obviously fake, she rolled her eyes at him, and smirked smugly.

"So is General Connor, and he didn't feel the need to put normal in front of his name." She muttered as quietly as possible, at best the new guy was a civilian, in which case he would be a drain on weapons and resources, at worst he was a fake. She suspected he was the latter if that fake tone from earlier.

And no one noticed her floating, good.

"I am Odessa but you already knew that. I am an intergalatic police officer genetically enchanced to fight crime." She winced at her own words. "It. was a way to rid of my normally weak human dispostion but that's beside the point." She left the rest unsaid, eyeing everyone's reactions carefully, especially the new guy.

darkred darkred Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Jezza Jezza StaidFoal StaidFoal marc122 marc122 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B jigglesworth jigglesworth
Emperor Gargan
Temperate Strip, Neon Haven

The young man enthusiastically answered everyone's questions, even overly aggressive ones such as Bardock. Shortly after, they began following the man and the two mages towards a shining tower in the distance he saw earlier. Eventually, they passed some ruins, where Gargan had his first sighting of Imps and Blobbas. He tilted his head in curiosity. It was always intriguing to see the native species of another planet. These creatures seemed very skittish and refused to come near them, opting to hide somewhere in the ruins instead. Whatever Gargan could see, he saw that one was a blob monster (he saw a lot of those during his expeditions) and another which looked disturbing as if its body was decaying.

The Emperor chose to stay in the back of the group, still somewhat skeptical of the young man's intentions. Once their group made some distance from the NCR patrollers, the white-haired man finally introduced himself as Thomas G. Supposedly, he ran a marketplace in Newerth. This is good news to Gargan since that meant that he could perhaps shop for parts for ships or even buy one if he somehow had the money. Surely, Thomas can loan them some money or at least tell them how to make money.

Gargan scoffed and rolled his eyes at the mention of magic. He considered himself to be an alien of science, not magic. He was sure that Thomas was just exaggerating. He supposed that was the reason why those men wore robes. However, the Emperor arched an eyebrow when Thomas claimed he could cure his condition. Whatever they were using, Gargan just wanted to get back into tip-top shape ASAP. He wasn't sure exactly how it would go down, but he assumed that he would cross the bridge when they get there. He just hoped that they don't become hostile.

"Is that all that there is in Newerth?" He was sure that that wasn't all that Newerth provided to its visitors and residents, but he was curious and wanted to know more. He was also wondering about what happened to this particular area he stumbled upon, too. "How did this place get destroyed like this?"

CapRock CapRock (Interacting) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie darkred darkred (Open for Interaction)​
After a while, Nanome felt well enough to stand up without hurling. "Okay, time to hold up my end of the deal." She muttered to her ship as she lifted the hood open, immediately given a sharp pang of dread by how much sand had gotten in. Then she produced her beloved toolkit from under her seat, which consisted mostly of duct tape, various wrenches, her ship's handbook, and a handkerchief in desperate need of a wash.

Her first instinct was to use the handkerchief to gather up all the sand that had accumulated around the major components. This didn't make the engine any prettier, as it was still caked in layers of old oil, old duct tape, and rust. While Nanome had gone noseblind to the scent of the oil, it was pretty nauseating to anyone coming by.

Amanda Mossby - at North Temperate Strip, NCR party

with things quieted down, Amanda starts to collect herself. She knows that she's not safe where she is right now and the NCR haven't shot her on sight yet so going with them is probably the safest option she has.

Amanda walks up to Mathew and tugs on his sleeve shyly asking "C-can I go with you Mister Bow? Can you keep me safe?"

Afterwards she turns around to Ruby and asks "Can you keep me safe too please, Miss Rosy?" looking at her with wide eyes.

CapRock CapRock marc122 marc122 Nightwisher Nightwisher
Max Wellington, XCOM Commander
Status: Relieved
Status: Tired, Relieved
Actions: Looting the Wurm
Actions: Reviewing Case File
"Drive is fried, yup. And yeah, that was definitely Void Light. But I get the feeling he's not a Guardian... so what gives?" ( Corrosion Corrosion )
"...this may sound outrageous you two, but I get the feeling we're not even in our home universe. If a human can use Void Light... then something is definitely wrong... or different."
"You know, Jim, I don't think that's a theory I can discount."
Festung cracked his neck as he decided to quickly search the Wurm. Bosses ALWAYS dropped loot. Most of the time it was some crappy "rare" engram, but the occasional legendary engram dropped. Festung was personally hoping for the fabled exotic engram. If loot still worked here, that is...
As the Titan turned to scavenge the remains of the giant robot wurm, Festung took note of Isaac ( Sleek Sleek ) and turned to face the engineer. Yeah, no, not a guardian.
"You missed the fight of legends of us against this giant murderous-and apparently robotic-pool noodle!"
"Hey, uh, Jim, send my regards to the one person who still has a flying craft... whatever THAT is supposed to be. I'm going to check out the wurm to see if it dropped loot."

"Uh... right."
The Ghost quickly sent a transmission to the pilot in the sky (Nanome, P PopcornPie ).
"Hey. We appreciate your support, but at the same time I can't say I recognize you. Just who are you?"

"Well, that's over with."
Max let out a relieved sigh. Time to get back to the case at hand. Missing person. Went missing in the desert. Motives unknown.
But... why, was the real question, when THIS was out in the middle of nowhere.
As the Commander got up to head back out on the last reported location of the man, Issac ( Sleek Sleek ) caught the Commander's attention.
Max's only reaction was a shrug and a confused expression on his face. Looks like he didn't know either.
"Alright, off I go to find an idiot..."
"But first."

Max put the case file on the ground for a second to turn to the wolf. (Penelope, Nightwisher Nightwisher )
"You've got a knife in your side. Do me a favor and stay still, will you? I'm going to try and get it out."

Pryden Spaceport, Reocopia

For a Split second, Alpha wasn't sure if she was seeing things or if the Team-73 simulation systems were failing, again. Alpha inwardly cursed, as that meant she'd have to do another observation while more qualified members repaired the oft-overloaded system....again. As she turned to Xander, to comment on the situation, she didn't see him. In fact, she wasn't even in the same place anymore! Next thing she knew, she was standing in the middle of what looked like ye olde airporte.

Alpha immediately drew her pistol, not pointing it at anyone, but having it ready, the sudden change raising her heartrate. She looked all around, and was too dazed to even recognize what was going on. She pinged Team-73 comms, a small seven note tone she lifted from one of the memories that she heard in her dreams. It was almost a lullaby, but to those who knew the tone, it was a signal.

The Boss Monster slowly calmed down, but for now, her adrenaline was too high for her to do much rationally.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun @hearyehearyeagoathasarrived​
While she tinkered on the engine, Nanome's radio went off. Did that mean the other two pilots were okay? Hopefully!

"Hello! Sorry about my disastrous performance..." The silverette greeted mellowly. "I'm having engine trouble again, and I didn't really have time to find the problem. That's changing right now." In case of someone replying, she left the communicator active, so Jim could hear her squeal as her engine belched right in front of her face, followed by coughing.

GearBlade654 GearBlade654
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[div class=tabs][div class=tab]Ruby[/div][div class=tab]Roman[/div][div class=tab]Details[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent r"][div class=rBg]
[div class=rText]Ruby Rose

Temperate Strip, Neon Haven

Finally, the untrustworthy men had left. Ruby turned towards Matthew, who mouthed them off before pretending to shoot them dead behind their backs. The Huntress-in-Training giggled; she would've loved to fight them if she had the chance. Unfortunately, it looks like the majority of the group who had joined the white-haired mage, who did not exactly give much of a reassuring tone. Whatever, it was done for the time being; only she, Amanda, and Persephone remained.

At the very least this NCR group was not looking down on her like those from Newerth were. This alone enabled her to calm down even further; now, no longer was she in a constant state of panic. Yet, she was still shaken by the fact that she was left to fend on her own without Yang, without her friends, without Qrow. If she was going to live without them, she had to get comfortable.

She let out a melancholic sigh, as she looked down again at Amanda, whose foot she had accidently stepped on earlier.

It didn't occur to her, but now she was starting to see she was...not quite human. The way she talked, emphasizing her "o"'s, was fine; she did come to Beacon and had sworn she overheard such a similar accent. Howevever, one of the first things she noticed was the mouth's length. It was a touch too wide, resembling that of a cartoon mouth more than that of a real-life one than anything. Her head and eyes were bigger than she saw of other humans. Those alone marked her as "not quite human".

Yet, she saw beyond the odd appearance of the little girl. Just like Penny, there was more to the being than just the quirks; just as Penny's speech came off as mechanical, Amanda's look was more akin to a drawing with bad proportions. But she seemed genuine; she did not appear to have ulterior motives, unlike the mages. She was just...herself, like Penny, and she was ready to believe her.

Then Amanda asked if she could protect her. Instantly, she had been reminded of why she had joined Signal, then attended Beacon; to be the heroes from the books, wherever she can, and save the day.

The hero in her quickly jumpstarted; she grabbed onto her scythe's handle and pulled out Crescent Rose. She twirled it mid-air, all the while it transformed into its signature scythe form. After it had transformed, she held Crescent Rose behind her and did a heroic pose.

[div class=rText]"Yes, I will!"

Yet, her heroic display did not last for long. As long as her eyes strayed away, she realized that everyone else was already in the jeeps.

[div class=rText]"...Huh?!"[/div]

Ruby yelped, then disappeared, promptly reappearing on top of the jeep Amanda and Matthew were on, rose petals materialized behind in the process.

[div class=rText]"I almost forgot! Now, uh... Are we missing anyone?"[/div]

CapRock CapRock (GM, Richard), Nightwisher Nightwisher (Persephone), P PopcornPie (Caramel and Entrapta), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Unregistered Hypercam 2), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Ed, Edd, n Eddy), darkred darkred (Bardock), Yamperzzz Yamperzzz (Emperor Gargan)
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent y" style="display: none;"]
Roman Torchwick


As the democratic process of choosing a leader, Roman, meanwhile, preoccupied himself with what he thought were the Buzzers.

- - - - -​

So far, Captain Rex said those things are gigantic, flying insects with stingers, which would put them in the same group as bees. Since nobody else appears to have said anything about those darnedest Buzzers, I'll just guess for myself. Since we don't even know who they are, beyond the name, they might as well not even be insects for all we care! They could be rogue humans working to subvert against everyone, robots, or even...I don't know, Grimm.

My only problem with my guess? I'm not even on Remnant! If I was, the guess would be much easier, but then again, we'd be calling them Grimm and not, well, "Buzzers". Eh, I'll just decide for myself later on.

- - - - -​

As he pondered, Roman had picked up one of the lights Bertram had provided. Closely inspecting them at first, his attention was later diverted towards General Connor when he spoke up and asked the others, including Roman himself, to introduce themselves.

'Bah,' he scoffed in thought, 'I thought we'd already introduced ourselves. At least he didn't stop at names.'

As soon as Bertram introduced himself and his skillset, Roman raised his eyebrow towards whatever he said. 'Surely he must be kidding, right?'

Noveran, on the other hand, was much more interesting. Just like the Silver Eyes, his elemental powers — namely thunder, fire, ice, you name it — descended from a long line of warriors. The fact that he allegedly shared the same blood as dragons was another thing that interested him. The cherry on the top was, of course, immortality; something he had only heard of in word, yet was something he thought could benefit the team immensely. He could be the tank.

As Noveran explained, though, something had caught his eye; a new arrival had appeared in the midst of the room. He could barely make out the new girl, as he was still primarily focused on the Dragon-born, but he saw that she wore some sort of cap over her pale blue hair. Not just that, but she had bat-wings as well. Was she a Faunus?

And then something magical happened; Just as he turned to face the girl, she, all of a sudden, turned into a middle-aged man. Instantly, from the way she acted as "him", despite the flawless-looking disguise, he caught on. However, just as with the Bakers, there was something off about her. This time, he could not pinpoint it as easily, but nonetheless, she became someone to look watch out for.

The thing about him and the others being killers, though, humored him.

Roman gave a dark chuckle, holding his fist to his lips.

"Now's not playtime, kid. Besides, who are you, anyway?"

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (GM, Bertram), jigglesworth jigglesworth (Captain Rex), PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Odessa), StaidFoal StaidFoal (Jack, Marguerite, Lucas, and Eveline), darkred darkred (John Connor), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Mina), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Alfa), Jezza Jezza (Noveran), 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Remilia)
[/div] [div class="tabsContent rt" style="display: none;"]

[div class=rText]Ruby Rose[/div]
[div class=rBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
[div class=rBox]Inventory
Crescent Rose
[div class=wText]Weiss Schnee[/div]
[div class=wBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
Talking over things.
[div class=wBox]Inventory
[div class=bText]Blake Belladonna[/div]
[div class=bBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
[div class=bBox]Inventory
Gambol Shroud
[div class=yText]Yang Xiao Long[/div]
[div class=yBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
[div class=yBox]Inventory
Ember Celica
[/div] [class name=rBg] background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/W1KexJH.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=yBg] background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/yykUQZ5.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=wbBg] background-image: url('https://i.postimg.cc/xTPTqxPm/rwby-bg-transparent.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=rText]display: inline; color: rgb(226, 80, 65);[/class] [class name=wText]display: inline; color: rgb(196, 230, 255);[/class] [class name=bText]display: inline; color: rgb(147, 101, 184);[/class] [class name=yText]display: inline; color: rgb(250, 197, 28);[/class] [class=tabs] background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(255,255,255); font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; min-width: 300px; text-align: center; width: 100%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 33.33%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4); [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Ruby) (show r) if (eq ${currentTab} WB) (show w) if (eq ${currentTab} Yang) (show b) if (eq ${currentTab} Roman) (show y) if (eq ${currentTab} Details) (show rt) [/script] [class name=rBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(226, 80, 65); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=wBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(196, 230, 255); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=bBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(147, 101, 184); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=yBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(250, 197, 28); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class]
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Jack, Marguerite, Lucas, and Eveline
Location: Colonium

Lucas shrugged Roman off, grumbling away about horseshit and assholes. He returned to leaning against the wall with crossed arms. He eyed all the new people with contempt, as if they'd done something awful against him. When John Connor asked for everyone to reintroduce themselves, Jack rolled his eyes. "What, was 'Jack, Marguerite, and Lucas' not enough of an introduction for ya? We're the Bakers, and you make damn sure to remember that! As for what we can do? Well, my little girl has given me a gift, and that gift is with me always! I can show y'all something' real special, now!" After muttering those words, he turned the axe against himself, and swinging both his head and arms, dug it deep into his skull. Blood ran from his head and dislodged eye from his clothes to the ground. A smile still plastered on, he pulled it back out with a few strings of flesh and the gulching of blood to show for it. The wound appeared to be writhing unnaturally, as if trying to find another part of itself. Jack let off a broken cackle when he saw everyone's faces.

Marguerite had laid the upper half of the corpse's skull like a bowl, looking into it on all four limbs. She looked up Captain Rex, a wide smile crawling to her lips. "Bugs, you say?" She stood, picking up the lantern with her hands stained in god knows what. "Why, then none of you should be so worrisome!" Then from the skull came hundreds of spiders the size of thumbs and narrow centipedes as long as arms. They scurried only over to Marguerite, climbing up her legs and underneath her clothes. She didn't seem to care in the least.

Lucas interjected, a shaking smile to come with it. "Well, Connor, if it helps any way I can make a bomb outta junk! I was also made a lead researcher for a time! Oh, you shoulda seen the look on those guys' faces when I was promoted to be their leader!" Lucas didn't seem to care if he was bragging about the wrong things, just that he was proud of them. He walked to Connor's side, picking at his nails. "They didn't take kindly to that, so I transferred them into test subjects where they served more use. And that is what I can do, mister!"

The old woman in the corner, still stuck to the wheelchair, blinked only once in the time that has passed.

marc122 marc122 jigglesworth jigglesworth darkred darkred Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @Colonium_crew​
Equator Strip, Neon Haven

CapRock CapRock , GearBlade654 GearBlade654 , P PopcornPie Sleek Sleek
A few more hits and the metal monstrosity went down, broken pieces of itself raining down from above as it fell to the ground and curled up, and stopped moving. A few moments passed, with Chance wondering if it would get up for a second phase like he'd seen many powerful enemies do before. When it was clear it didn't the Titan looked quite dejected. Well, if he had a face he would be.

"Awww," He muttered sadly. "I didn't even get to use any of my Supers. Or punch it. How disappointing."

He put his rocket launcher away and wandered over to the fallen wurm. Ultras always dropped loot, mostly consisting of several engrams (most of them blue Rares and maybe a purple Legendary or two), and a fair amount of Glimmer.

While he was doing that, Zeke turned to his fellow Ghost, nodding. "It's not really outrageous if it's true," He said. "The rift Chance and I went through, and I'm taking you too, and all of us here, I'd managed to take a few scans before we were pulled through, and I can safely say that it was pretty similar to an Ascendant portal. I can only conclude that we are indeed in a whole other dimension."

The wurm had indeed dropped several engrams. As predicted, they were disappointing Rares that no Guardian of his caliber would use, and also a Legendary containing an Edge Transit. Again. "Again with the Edge Transits..." Chance muttered, his left optic twitching. He'd gotten over a hundred of them by now, and he'd dismantled the vast majority of them for Glimmer and Legendary Shards. He had no idea where they kept coming from.

Out of the corner of his eye and hidden under the wreckage, however, he noticed a bright, golden glow. His eyes widened.

It was an Exotic engram, containing some of the rarest and most powerful gear a Guardian could wield. He walked over to it and picked it up. It was faintly humming with power.

He was just about to call Zeke over to decrypt it for him, when he remembered Festung. The younger Titan was still fairly new to the Guardian business, despite being nearly three decades old. Chance figured his old mentee needed it more than he did. He already owned around a two dozen or so, after all.

"Hey, got something for you!" He called out, tossing the Exotic engram over to Festung. "Maybe you'll get a Telesto or Fighting Lion!"

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