• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Isaac Clarke
Equatorial Strait

Isaac acted fast, whipping around and throwing his arm up, blasting a cobalt-blue burst of energy at Nanome. He felt his throat tighten as he remembered that fucking screwdriver incident again, and he didn't want to kill anyone. So, instead, he hit her with stasis. For a few seconds, she would be essentially frozen in time, giving Isaac and Khara a few moments to restrain her, which Isaac promptly did by using Kinesis to rip the blaster out of her hands, and tossing it to the side.

Then, he aimed his weapon at her, knowing their time was running short. Hopefully that shot didn't connect with what she was aiming at, but if it did......

P PopcornPie Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Jeef_jones Jeef_jones
The world around Nanome had corrupted itself onto a twisted battlefield. Enemies were all around her. Deadly enemies. Where were all her fellow soldiers? Oh, right, they were dead and dying. She had to avenge them! Rather than be vengeful and angry, however, she was scared out of her mind. She was still crying. With no allies providing body heat, her shoulders were chilled. She felt like a baby bird who had fallen out of her nest, stranded in a field full of predators.

And then all her bones locked up, her bloodflow doubled in speed. So did everything else. She was still moving normally, seemingly the only one. That meant her allies were dying faster than she could prevent it. "Help! Commander, help! We have to retreat! Commander, where are you?"

Sleek Sleek
Last edited:




??? hrs

Connor took each step in the water with an err of caution, moving the light in front of them with Captain Crence. Every step forward, he could hear noises every so often. Between the Buzzer noise and the screams of the soldiers in the war being taken down. He was there once on the battlefield, except for buzzers, there were terminators.

As they reached the split point, the Baker family decided to split, leaving only their son Lucas
Along for the ride.

As they finally reached Beta team with the group, it appeared Beta team was tangled up in a mess of buzzer webbing.
Torchwick had carefully informed them not to YELL OUT LOUD but nobody seemed to understand as Yuseki summoned his strange card monsters who suddenly came alive in a loud voice.

Then Oddessa slashed her plasma sword at the webbing, then the strange shape shifting “woman” he saw earlier suggested she turn into one of the creatures and try to talk to them.

The Buzzers were above the group feasting on prey they had earlier.

Hopefully the beta team would be cut down soon.

The plasma could possibly melt the webs right?

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (GM, Crence, Beta Team), jigglesworth jigglesworth (Captain Rex), PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Odessa), StaidFoal StaidFoal (Lucas), darkred darkred (John Connor), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Mina), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Alfa), Jezza Jezza (Noveran), 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (Remilia, Yusei)

  • Khara Daelynn ~ Equatorial Strip

    As Nanome struggled for her personal bodily autonomy, Khara released her, eventually. Clearly she... did not do the best at taking advantage of this situation. She stepped back, letting the pilot struggle with her own issues. She seemed upset enough after being cradled like that. She almost reminded Khara of Ava in that regard. Touchy and hesitant to trust at first. But she could work through that barrier, with time.

    Khara turned to the source of the light and sound, and then immediately turned to the pilot who had... snapped. It was a little disturbing. She pulled a gun, screamed something about a defense squadron, and opened fire on whoever shot the explosion into the sky. Before Khara could turn the gears in her head and react, the other suited-armored person pulled a gun and froze the pilot in place. She half-panicked, and moved to defend the pilot from whatever harm he was intending on inflicting, but it seemed he wasn't particularly hostile. She picked up on a subtle sense of urgency coming from him, turned back to the pilot, and braced to stop the girl from attacking anyone else, whenever the stasis effect wore off.

    "What did you do to her?" she asked Isaac.

    P PopcornPie Sleek Sleek
"Commander!" Nanome cried for her leader like a calf who'd lost her mother. "Commander, I'll be good! Please don't abandon me! Help! Heeeelp!" The explosions got faster, as though she was listening to a thousand rocks banging against each other in a washing machine. Flashes, screams, blasts, it all beat her down faster than she could blink. She collapsed to the ground, struggling to breathe.

As abruptly as it started, it ended. The battlefield melted away. Nobody was dying around her anymore. Yet she still remained crumpled, as though someone had stepped on a land mine right in front of her.
Samus-Polar Cap
"Mario, you remember. It's Sa-mus. We were just blown all across the multiverse, remember? Oh, Lord, that puppet mix did terrible things to you..." Samus's eyelid twitched. Her little inside voice began to sing, to the tune of that one annoyingly cheery song from Beauty and the Beast: "We are fucked, we are fucked, now our leader is disfigured, in every single meaning of the word. He's a shell, he won't survive, how am I going to tell his brother..."

She worriedly followed him back to the Maintenance room, her tone gaining a slight frustrated edge. "How can you think of rock collecting at a time like this? Mario, if nobody acts quickly, everyone will freeze. Yet..." It absolutely drove a thorn through her gut to say it. "...In your condition, this is too dangerous for you. So stay out. Banjo, Kazooie, Isabelle, make sure he doesn't follow me." She outpaced him to the Maintenance Room, and shut the door behind her.

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Sleek Sleek thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore SheepKing SheepKing
Isaac Clarke
Equatorial Strait

"Stasis'd her. It won't hurt her, it's just something to slow stuff down. Had to keep her from killing us somehow."

Isaac briefly explained to Khara as he aimed his plasma cutter at Nanome. He didn't even take off the safety, the weapon was inert, but he wasn't gonna be taken by surprise. Why did this always follow him everywhere? The insanity,the monsters, the infighting, the otherworldly powers beyond his ability to explain? That was another question he'd probably never get answers to.

"For now, we need to keep an eye on her and keep her away from weapons or anything she could even turn into weapons. Anything pointy and the like. I've seen this before....and I know how quickly this can devolve."

Isaac said. Though now he was worried.Would she be a wanted woman, like he was back on the sprawl? Would she be sent to some fucked-up place where they literally carved out a path through their memories? No....no. She wasn't a Builder. She hadn't seen a Marker. She was just a deserter.

....but didn't they execute deserters? Isaac was torn on what to do. On one hand, she was an obvious burden that would only slow them down and hinder them. On the other....he didn't wanna leave her vulnerable, or just toss her to the wayside. For now, he decided on having her stick around....assuming the others didn't try to harm her.

"She isn't in her right mind. If we can get her some help, she'll be fine."

P PopcornPie Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Polaria - Group 1

P PopcornPie SheepKing SheepKing BoltBeam BoltBeam Jeef_jones Jeef_jones thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Veradana Veradana

Standing between our heroes and the mystery of it all, stood a valve handle steel door, already forming ice on its edges. it gave in with a push, creaking and snapping from the cold as it slid open. They were instantly greeted to the coldest air they'd seen yet, the humidity of the air itself freezing into a thin layer of ice around the walls. The tall ceiling was littered ventilation shafters from all the rooms of the base, feeding into one another like a river's arms as they headed towards the back of the room and into the main piece of the place, a 10 ft tall boiler fashioned from a rusty, dark metal. As it was expected by some, it was doing the exact opposite of what it was supposed to, producing an icy haze from its insides instead of steam.
The reason for that was clearly visible on the boiler's front: there laid a complex pattern of cyan light there, hovering just above the survace. It consisted of a circle and several intersecting lines that formed polygons, a shape that slowly hovered and spun around its center. A speck of dust was falling from the cailing when it came about a couple feet from the construct, becoming instantly encased in ice and dropping into the floor; Surely anything else that dared to go near it would meet a similar fate. Yet, the haunting creaking from the shrivelling metal pipes served as a reminder: They owed it to the others there to give it their best shot.

Polaria - Group 2

darkred darkred

The hooded figure hesitated for a moment upon hearing Jak's suggestion, calming down his breathing and straightening his stance for a brief moment.
"A man of business, I see." He reached for his pockets and produced a stack of credits, worth 10,000. "Half upfront, half if you get them out alive. Now, if you want your money, better hurry, or there won't be any friend to rescue. I will get the help."
And with that, the young man ran into the snow.

Tropic Strip

(Post tomorrow, hopefully! To P PopcornPie you must've missed my tag on Discord. Cassie pointed out that Laurelia is in the South-West direction in this post to Mao Mao as well as all the others)

NCR group

(Waiting on post from Bardock, prolly gonna skip this weekend if we don't have it until then)


(Waiting on several posts before i continue the tour)

P PopcornPie
Upon approaching the notice board screen, Entrapta was met with a somber font saying: "Welcome to Newerth, home of the Ascended" slapped on top of the screen. It's an electronic board, featuring several floating notes of various content. All of the messages have a "Click me to apply" button at their end.

Job offer - Leyline maintenance
The Leyline tower is constantly requiring work to keep it clean and functional, and the mages refuse to apply their magic in such a menial job. Do not apply if you're afraid of heights. 8 hour job, pays 9,000 credits per person, per day. Meals included.

Pet Retriever
A local Blobba pet named Pinky was last seen in the outskirts of Newerth. Retrieve it to receive 12,000 credits and return peace of mind to a woried owner.

Propaganda Hunter
A delinquent has been spreading around false propaganda about the Industrialist guilds. Catch them and bring them to justice for a reward of 60,000 credits.

Godslayer Tournament Qualifiers
Inscriptions are open! Survive in a battle royale against other sign-ups to enter Morrighan's Godslayer tournament. The winner of the tournament will be rewarded with a technique that's capable of killing even an immortal, and competitors from across the system are expected. Are you up to the challenge?

Missing person: Garmund

The members of the BadWolves guild have been looking for their missing leader for years. They’ll offer 100,000 credits to anyone who can bring him back alive, and half of that for anyone who brings back proof that they’re dead.

Announcement from the NBI
Anyone who can provide useful information regarding the notorious PVPer "Jack the Griefer", be it whereabouts, appearance or affiliations, will be given a reward of 150,000 credits should it prove true. If encoutered, it is highly advised to not engage with them; Notify the NBI instead.

At the back of the sign post, you spot a small paper note glued to the frame. It says "If you need someone to 'disappear', take this note with you. Prices may vary, be ready to pay them."

Equator Strip

(From this moment on, I'll be handing off the Equator Strip for GearBlade654. Please refer to them for further GM posts)


Topless Topless thefinalgirl thefinalgirl DapperDogman DapperDogman

The Imps are startled by the suddent attack, with some enduring the first blows better than others; The one hit by the metal ball and the one who had its throat slitted fell almost immediately, and the one hit by Taro's spear was lifted into the air, screetching and flaining its claws wildly. Ken's foe was stunned by the punch and stumbled back, then lifted flight to retreat; the two who were shot by Ragna quickly recovered and flocked over her to attempt to claw at her. Out of the last two, one headed directly for Lloyd and the last one flew towards Junko, leaving the bomb unattended.
Despite her position, Nanome was listening. "No, I'm fine..." She responded weakly. "I'm just...I..." She was shuddering. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." Her head lifted slightly. "There's no need to waste your time helping me. I'm no good to you. I'm only any good to Commander. I can't survive on my own, why did I try..."
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Sleek Sleek

"Jesus, when was the last time this room saw a double check..." She was honestly awestruck at how much ice had accumulated in the room in such a short span of time. Her Scan Visor persevered for her, picking up on the strange object on its front. It looked disturbingly like some organization symbol, and it seemed to be able to produce cold enough air to turn dust into hail. It would be so foolish to try approaching it. With her Power Suit dented open in so many places, she would freeze inside it.

But would her Grapple Beam make it?

Samus's Arm Cannon produced a glitchy, frayed strip of energy, which she threw in front of her like a whip. To ensure she wouldn't just be pulled along, she gripped the door for stability.

Entrapta + Caramel-Temperate
Entrapta mused to herself about every activity. "Not afraid of heights? Oh, I'm not afraid of heights!...Hm, I'm not very good at finding people, not as good as they are at finding me..." Naturally, when her eyes passed over the Blobba, it was love at first sight. He was innocent, he was pink, and, by the look of it, he was tiny! "Ooooh, Pinky is so cuuuuute! And maybe I can study him while I bring him back to his owner!" Without a moment's hesitation, she accepted the Blobba quest.

Caramel joined the longhaired lady, her eyes quickly snagging the first job. Not for those afraid of heights, hum? The bunny chuckled warmly to herself. Heights were no problem, as long as she remembered to take things really easy. "Here's hoping they'll take a rabbit." She said sweetly, taking up the job.

CapRock CapRock

Mao Mao-Tropic
As they made their way to Laurelia, Mao Mao wavered between a fast ride, for his patience's sake, and a smooth ride, for Yang's stomach's sake. Going fast proved difficult anyhow, thanks to all these trees.

"So, you also come from a world full of monsters, huh?" Mao kept trying to have conversation with Yang, like a true Uber driver. "Do you protect a village, or are you freelance?"

CapRock CapRock marc122 marc122
Khara Daelynn ~ Equatorial Strip

The kitsune walked up to and knelt down to Nanome, to be level with her. She looked down for a second before staring Nanome down, "You have many uses, pilot. To more than just your original commander. And it's always better to survive with others, instead of alone, right?"

( P PopcornPie , Sleek Sleek is still right there)
"No, I don't. I always have the worst efforts on the field...Just look at my ship..." She cocked her head back to her fighter. The lighting exposed every ugly rust patch on its body. "My commander is the only one who knows how to make me useful, despite my failings. And I ran away from her..." She shivered, wincing. "This is wrong. We should never try to be smarter than the commander. Now look at me. I'm a dipshit." She looked like a defeated dragon, waiting for the knight's sword to come down and finish her off.

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Sleek Sleek
Khara Daelynn ~ Equatorial Strip

"There there," Khara placed a hand, gingerly, to the pilot's back, "your commander saw use in you. I think I could, too." Though Nanome expected the righteous stab to the heart, none would come. Rather, the 'knight' reserved her blade for... later, already knowing how best to deploy her venom. "Tell me, pilot, more about your... horror stories. The stories told around a campfire, about how the enemy hides in plain sight? I can't help assuage your fears until I know what I'm dealing with." Khara held Nanome in a reassuring way, while trying to get a read on her emotional status through her eyes. There was a lot one could discern from a simple glance. So much put up on display between those two orbs of sight... a useful tool, knowing how to discern.

P PopcornPie
Equator Strip, Neon Haven

CapRock CapRock , GearBlade654 GearBlade654 , P PopcornPie Sleek Sleek , Jeef_jones Jeef_jones , Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
The moment Chance heard the explosions behind him, Monte Carlo was in his hands in a mere instant, him shifting to a combat stance. His body flared with Arc Light as he aimed his auto rifle at the one who caused the explosions, bayonet (which he never really bothered to use) glinting off the blazing sun. Seemed like the engineer had the right idea, aiming his odd looking hand cannon as well. He glanced at him. "Yeah, what he said," Chance spoke. "I crash here and the first thing I'm doing is fighting a giant mechanical worm thing. Not that that's anything new, though."

Then someone screamed. He turned to see a child there, no older than fifteen wearing a pilot's jumpsuit. She had pulled out a small energy sidearm and was aiming it at RoOk. Wait, was that Nanome? He recognised her voice. She was a lot younger than Chance had expected. More than that, she opened fire.

Chance immediately sprang into action. He could probably used a minute amount of Arc energy to pacify her, knock her out safely. Punching her in the face, even using the bare minimum of his strength, would probably be more than a little lethal.

The engineer acted first, however, firing a blast of blue energy and seemingly freezing the pilot in time. Her movements were slowed significantly, something that reminded Chance of Guardians trapped in Fallen Web Mines. A second later Isaac had ripped the sidearm out of her hands, tossing it to the side.

"What did you do?!" Chance demanded, to which his got his answer. Stasis, apparently. So he was right about the effect being similar to the spatial disruption the aforementioned Fallen weapon used.

A moment later Nanome was out of stasis, crying rather pitifully. Chance frowned (if he could), putting his auto rifle on his back and making his way over to her, as did a woman with... fox ears and tails.

The massive Titan knelt down, putting an armoured gauntlet on her back. "You know, even commanders can lose hope," He told her. "It's a very human thing. Everyone makes mistakes, even those hardened by centuries of battle."
"Commander never lost hope in me!" Nanome turned defensive. "Just because she kept getting angry at me doesn't mean she lost faith in me!" If Commander had truly lost faith in her, she would have had her tossed into space! "It's my fault for always screwing up." She sniffled. "Even though she told us all those stories as we grew up. Oh, such dreadful things have happened to soldiers in the past!" She shifted her wet eyes up to Khara.

"N-12 tried to rebel, and ended up being left to fend for himself on the dark, murky Swarerie. P3-29 wanted to explore new horizons, and she ran out of fuel next to a black hole. Her commander still remembers her last call for help. L2-13 wasn't paying attention, and fell into a magma-filled abyss on Obsidato..." Just spreading the tales made her shiver. "And I'm gonna be next! O-7 tried to embark on her own adventure to solve a mystery behind a book she found, and she was captured and bludgeoned to death by strangers on a planet only accessible by a wormhole!" Nanome pressed her palms over her eyes, whimpering.

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Corrosion Corrosion Sleek Sleek
[class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 50%; [/class] [div class=tabs][div class=tab]Yang[/div][div class=tab]Details[/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent b"][div class=yBg]
[div class=yText]Yang Xiao Long

Tropic Strip, Neon Haven

One of the first things Mao Mao asked Yang about was her world. That, she didn't have to think about much just to provide a satisfying answer since it was rather broad for a question. Then, the anthropomorphic black cat asked the Huntress-in-Riding about her "job". This time, it was a bit difficult; she wasn't really working around the clock. Rather, she was training for the job, and Mountain Glenn was one of the first times she would get a glimpse at the field her parents — and Uncle Qrow — once worked in.

[div class=yText]"Yes, and no. Where I came from, Remnant is faced against Grimm, who are attracted to negative emotions. That is why we have Huntsmen for that. Trust me, you don't want to feel down in the middle of a forest. Also, I'm not really working 'round the clock per se. Just a Huntress-in-Training. I got three more semesters to go before I become a professional Huntress."

As she rode on the passenger seat of the Aero Cycle, she noticed that Mao Mao was taking it a little easier than expected with the speed. She was certainly observant; she, too, liked to control her speed when the situation called for it, but that was under normal conditions back in both Patch and Vale. The one time she had to chase Roman in the giant robot with Neptune, she had to go full-throttle to catch up, never mind having to dodge a small avalanche of cars launched towards them.

[div class=yText]"How long have you been driving that bike?"[/div]

CapRock CapRock (GM, Sarika), Jeef_jones Jeef_jones (Robert), P PopcornPie (Mao Mao), GearBlade654 GearBlade654 (Smokestack), CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Lucario), BoltBeam BoltBeam (Gretel), @Chungchangching (Christian Brutal Sniper), @Hahli Nuva (Scorpion), Corrosion Corrosion (John Freeman)
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent rt" style="display: none;"]

[div class=rText]Ruby Rose[/div]
[div class=rBox]Status

Hey guys, what'cha talking about?
May I join in?
[div class=rBox]Inventory
Crescent Rose
[div class=wText]Weiss Schnee[/div]
[div class=wBox]Status

Oh, nothing much, just...
Yes, you may. If you want.
[div class=wBox]Inventory
[div class=bText]Blake Belladonna[/div]
[div class=bBox]Status

Minding our business.
[div class=bBox]Inventory
Gambol Shroud
[div class=yText]Yang Xiao Long[/div]
[div class=yBox]Status

Perfectly fine!
[div class=yBox]Inventory
Ember Celica
[/div] [class name=rBg] background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/W1KexJH.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=yBg] background-image: url('https://i.imgur.com/yykUQZ5.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=wbBg] background-image: url('https://i.postimg.cc/xTPTqxPm/rwby-bg-transparent.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 15em; background-position: center; [/class] [class name=rText]display: inline; color: rgb(226, 80, 65);[/class] [class name=wText]display: inline; color: rgb(196, 230, 255);[/class] [class name=bText]display: inline; color: rgb(147, 101, 184);[/class] [class name=yText]display: inline; color: rgb(250, 197, 28);[/class] [class=tabs] background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(255,255,255); font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; min-width: 300px; text-align: center; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4); [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Ruby) (show r) if (eq ${currentTab} WB) (show w) if (eq ${currentTab} Yang) (show b) if (eq ${currentTab} Roman) (show y) if (eq ${currentTab} Details) (show rt) [/script] [class name=rBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(226, 80, 65); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=wBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(196, 230, 255); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=bBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(147, 101, 184); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class name=yBox] display: inline-block; width: 100%; background-color: rgb(250, 197, 28); color: rgb(255,255,255); padding: 2px 0; margin: 8px 0; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; [/class]

-The Fellowship-

"Volkhov"=Shujinko Kanou
"Squada One"=Ken Akatsuki
"Sriracha"=Taro Saito
"Righteous"=Piko Rockwell
"Acme"=Genpachi Go

"Volkhov"=Dorothea Ivonne
"Lacquer"=Ragna Rockwell
"Tomorrow"=Yuri Yakumo
"Pacifico"=Mitsuri Saionji
"Permanent Marker"=Eun-Jin Soo
>"Oh? What do you like to watch?"

>The assault went well. The imp Ken punched made it's retreat and the ones that Lloyd and Yuri dealt have fallen. As for the others, Taro is struggling to keep the imp from getting near him, the two imps that were shot by Ragna recovered and they surround her, and two other imps have begun to charge towards Lloyd and Junko.

"Damn it! Can somebody help me out here!"

>Before the imps could do anything, Ken comes in and delivers a sucker punch on one of their heads. With that imp distracted, Ragna focuses on the other as she aims down her sights. On the other hand, Yuri quickly notices the two imps that are charging towards Lloyd and Junko. She makes a run for them and tackles the one aiming for Lloyd.

"Shujinko! Junko!"

>You are called into action. You went in front of Junko, but how will you defend yourself from incoming imp? You hear a voice in your head.

"Shujinko, activate your Factor!"

>Dorothea is telling you to use your power. Your heart starts to beat fast. You muster up your courage and yell.


>As you have yelled, a sword's handle comes out from your chest. You take it, and when the imp has gotten near, you quickly pull it, slashing the imp. What comes out from your chest is a sword of mysterious power. Your companions are in shock. After you have defended Junko, you begin to hear a voice coming from the weapon in your hand.

"I am Naegling. Hold on to me and we shall forge a path of unlimited possibilities. Cast aside your worries, doubts, and fears and let us face the obstacle before us!"

>"Shujinko, from this point on, your journey has already begun."


Emperor Gargan
Temperate Strip, Neon Haven

The Emperor narrowed his eyes as Thomas answered his questions in an aggravated tone. By how he described Newerth, Gargan assumed that Thomas may have been exaggerating a bit. Gargan was expecting them to lead them to a dark castle where he was sure that they would kill them or turn them into slaves. He didn't see a large city anywhere, just dilapidated ruins. Maybe the city was where the strange tower was?

Speaking of ruins, the Emperor only shook his head solemnly after learning the fate of the people who built them. During the heyday of his alien conquests, it was common to see an alien race ravaged by disease. Gargan often used their illness to his advantage when inhabiting their planet. It was usually easier to invade them. But, if he was lucky enough, he would arrive when most of the life on the planet had been extinguished by disease. He was unaffected by any of the sicknesses, likely because the illness was unable to infect an alien body with alien biology. The Emperor frowned at Thomas at his mention of magic once again.

Gargan's theory of the tower being part of Newerth was correct. Admittedly, the city did look advanced and beautiful. He arched one of his eyebrows as he examined the city. He noticed the notification board as well as the large crowd collecting at the entrance. He turned his head slightly towards Thomas to show that he was listening while he continued to survey his surroundings. He didn't turn to face Thomas directly.

"Wherever my condition can be cured." Gargan continued to drip lava on the ground.

CapRock CapRock (Interacting) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred P PopcornPie (Open for Interaction)​
As Rex, Jack, and Marguerite would leave to go clear a path, they would leave through another exit door and onto a paved brick road with a glowing blue pipe built into its center, and a giant tram bus hovering over it, there would also be lights alongside the road showing glimpses of the soldiers and buzzers fighting on either side. You all would also notice that the bus was being filled with injured soldiers, one of the medics would look to the three of you after loading up her last patient
Oh thank God....you guys must be the people we were picking up..I’m glad you’re here, hey can you walk down the road to that exit station and make sure no buzzers can g-
As soon as she said that, two buzzzers would land on the middle of the track, screeching. The nurse would scramble into the bus before yelling at you all
I’ll stay here and protect the patients...go get em guys!
jigglesworth jigglesworth
StaidFoal StaidFoal
Khara Daelynn ~ Equatorial Strip

Khara patted Nanome's head softly, "There there, darling. Really, you're not alone here. Even if you abandoned your post, or got lured away from home, or simply got lost along the way, you're not alone here. I won't let anything else bad happen to you, okay? But- we're not safe here."

She stood up, beckoning Nanome to do the same, "This is still a hostile desert with hostile inhabitants not unlike that worm. We need to get somewhere safer, alright? Then we can tell all the campfire stories we want."

P PopcornPie Sleek Sleek Corrosion Corrosion

For all her bluster, she stuck close to the armoured-woman as they entered the room. The cold air burnt her lungs with every breath. Her eyes drew to the sigil shining in front of the ancient looking boiler, and she watched it freeze dust into a block of ice and shuddered. So this was the cause of their troubles here? This wasn’t just some simple malfunction, or a demon having a fun playtime messing with the humans. This was some psycho trying to kill everyone here, and who knew what else they had planned for this little bunker.

While, obviously, they couldn’t touch it, it was probably just as dangerous for them to try and destroy it while it was attached to the boiler, lest they blew this whole place sky high. So it was lucky for them that the armoured woman had a beam-rope that she could try and bring the sigil closer to them. If, and only if, the thing came away from the boiler, Takemi would summon her Persona, hitting it with a tiny spark of lightning.

CapRock CapRock P PopcornPie SheepKing SheepKing BoltBeam BoltBeam Jeef_jones Jeef_jones thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Maintenance_Crew_(#gooddecisionstime)

    • Rex listened to Crence as he spoke, and walked with him all the while. These Buzzers usually keep to the swamp, but once they heard the loud flash grenade, came running for a late night snack. Or, maybe lunch. Breakfast? He can't really tell, considering this perpetual darkness. They aren't attracted to the light, and in fact hate it, for some unknown reason. Rex has no idea what kind of light it is, or how it works, so he can't make any speculation right now. Important thing is, he might be able to get those things to back up with his flashlight. Unfortunately, it only reaches a few feet into the darkness, so they can still probably attack him with their long limbs. Once the explanation was over, the clone nodded to Crence, then took off towards Jack and Marguerite.

      They arrived to a brick road with lights inlaid at the center. More lights were placed on the sides, shining down and illuminating the soldiers protecting the tram in the center. Said tram was quite large, and evidently carrying the sick and wounded, hovering over the road. Someone approached the trio, though Rex would hesitate to call the three that. She was one of the medics for these soldiers, and she needed the three of them to keep the path clear to an exit station so they could get out. Before she could finish her sentence, two Buzzers landed on the middle of the road dead ahead. They emitted a horrifying screech, readying to munch. The medic ran inside the tram to keep the wounded safe, so it was up to Rex, Jack, and Marguerite to take down these Buzzers. "We've got you covered!"

      It seemed like Rex was the only one with ranged weaponry, and he wasn't about to give the Bakers a gun. So, he went forward, keeping the light that was given to him on the Buzzers. Rex aimed his blasters at the leftmost Buzzer and knelt down. He began firing, aiming for its head and torso. They're big, they're creepy, they're ugly, but that won't stop this clone from getting the job done. Or at least trying to. "Don't let them touch that tram!" he yelled at the Bakers, not positive they're on board with actually helping people.

Isaac Clarke
Equatorial Strait

Isaac listened to Nanome's stories and nodded at Khara's response. Sticking together WAS the safer option, and getting to the closest city would likely get them off this rock faster. Or, at least, help them figure out what to do from there.

"She's right, y'know. Having someone to watch your back can be life-saving. And you're not alone on the fucked-up part. I've dealt with monsters, bad guys, cults, you name it. I've seen a lot of stuff that others wouldn't believe, so believe me when I say that I understand why you're so scared. I might stasis you and take your gun, but it's...for your sake, more than anything."

He said, bending down, and picking up the blaster she'd had. As a gesture of goodwill, he handed it back to her, handle first.

"So how's about we try this again? Whaddya say?"

He couldn't help but at least offer. If she said no, or shot at them, Isaac could at the very least have done his part. Now it was up to Nanome to make it work.....at least, he hoped it was.

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind P PopcornPie
1584140780194.png 1584140710806.png
Jack and Marguerite Baker
Location: Colonium

When the couple laid eyes on the medic and her patients, they cast a rather creepy glare onto them, but their march was thankfully interrupted by the buzzers. Jack rolled his eyes at the sight of the large bugs, while Marguerite smiled warmly. "Oh, hush, my babies," she'd say to the screeching buzzer. She carefully approached it like she would a child, trying to control it somehow... only to find that it wasn't heeding her commands. Her amiable smile turned into a frustrated snarl. "Damn it, the hell's wrong with 'em?"

Jack rolled his eyes and shoved her aside, walking fearlessly into the midst. "I think these ugly critters are just stupid!" He then charged straight in with his axe, tanking every jab and wound he received from the buzzers. He laughed off their pathetic attempts at hurting him, responding with a swing of the axe. "Hey, Marguerite! Whaddya think'll happen if we give one of these folks to 'er?" he asked, mid swing. "Maybe that boy Lucas would want one alive!"

"I'm giving these worthless sons of bitches all my love! All of it! And they toss it away like it's some fucking joke!"
Marguerite stomped on the ground, ignoring her husband's suggestion. Scowling, she lit up her lantern, and regular insects started to flutter around the light. Flying out from underneath her clothes were large, mutated wasps, bigger than a person's hand. To any buzzer that dared come near, the wasps would swarm and sting them. "My other children will show those ungrateful fucks what my love is for!"

"Fucking damn it, Marguerite!"
shouted Jack, pissed that she didn't answer his question. "Can't go one day without having to do somethin' easy for you!" Jack lowered his axe, looking at the next buzzer that approached. Without a word, he darted towards it, reaching to grab its neck. One of his fingers might have been chomped off by the buzzer's large, sharp teeth. "Quit squirming around you pathetic maggot!" He dropped his axe temporarily and punched the buzzer's head square in the face. If that didn't make it fall unconscious, he'd continue beating it repeatedly until it did. The Bakers either completely ignored Captain Rex, were too distracted by the killing, or didn't care enough to respond.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch jigglesworth jigglesworth
"But I wasn't abandoned, or lured, anything like that." Nanome explained softly. "I managed to sneak out of the mothership on my own." She didn't feel comfortable disclosing her reason for doing so. Anyone would gladly take advantage of a lost IDS soldier looking for what she was looking for. All she needed was to be persuaded that two creepy con artists were her parents, and she would be sold for however much young, healthy soldiers of one of the universe's largest militaries were worth. "And they're not campfire stories. They've really happened. Before I was recruited." She pouted.

She greedily accepted her blaster when it was returned to her, and cradled it. This was her only weapon; Her entire survival depended on taking care of it. As Nanome fixed on the three with soft blue eyes, her chin quivered. If she tried anything, she would just be put in stasis again, never mind what the other two could do. The poor girl was outnumbered three to one. Her deepest apologies, Commander, she knew she only had herself to blame for this...

"Okay..." Nanome stood up wearily, holding her arms out, waiting for the handcuffs. She sobbed heavily, her hope spent. "I thought I could handle this, but here I am, a prisoner...I'll never see Commander, or my squadron, or my ship, or my cot, or the Mess Hall, ever again..."
Sleek Sleek Corrosion Corrosion Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
Mao Mao-Tropics
"Since I was a solo hero." Mao Mao answered smoothly. "I bought her with the first reward money I ever earned." Listening to Yang speaking about her education put it in perspective just how easy going Mao Mao's society was. "I was just trained until I felt ready. No semesters. And then I literally fell into my Sheriff position." Which reminded him, King Snugglemane was probably beside himself with worry. Just thinking of the hug he'd receive when he got home made him feel suffocated. "Not sure if we have any creatures that work off negative emotions. They're just the make-territory-in-Town-Square variety. Not that they'd find much power in Pure Heart Valley, anyway."
marc122 marc122
Oh, wow, she got to choose!? Too good to be true! "Well, Oswald and I liked to watch Calico Critters..."
Topless Topless
Last edited:
Equator Strip, Neon Haven

CapRock CapRock , GearBlade654 GearBlade654 , P PopcornPie Sleek Sleek , Jeef_jones Jeef_jones , Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

Nanome shook off Chance's attempts to comfort her. He frowned as he stood back up to his full height. The fox lady seemed to be much better at it than he was, so he kind of just awkwardly stood there as she continued. Eventually, the engineer offered Nanome back her sidearm, which she readily accepted, and that seemed to be the end of that.

Chance decided to speak. "She's right," He said, nodding at the fox lady and turning to the group. "As much as I'd like to hang around and find more things to punch, we can't stay here. None of you are Guardians. Well, except Festung here," He turned to RoOk. "This... city you mentioned. I have a feeling you're not talking about the Last City."

He looked away. "Zeke, what's the status of my ship?"

The Ghost appeared next to his head. "Just sorting out a few more things. Just hang in there a while longer." He vanished again.

Chance nodded, and noticed Nanome holding her arms out with a look of utter defeat. He blinked. "...What are you doing?"
Max Wellington, XCOM Commander
Status: Calculating
Status: Neutral
Actions: Taking Situation into Stock
Actions: Overseeing Jumpship Repairs
Max watched as the Rare engrams flew from the Wurm, and one of the robot... humanoid... things, Guardians, was it? He tossed his fellow Guardian what appeared to be a yellow hexagonal prism, whatever that was.
Max had to raise an eyebrow, for he did not see the purpose in that prism. All he saw was a fancy glowing box thrown right at Festung's face.
At least, until Festung caught the engram, which immediately dissolved into light, resolving itself into a Prometheus Lens Trace Rifle.
"...well then. Wish it worked like that back home."
Max leaned against a rock, and folded his arms. Next on the spot to search was the city of Blacksea, see if anyone had spotted his man. Anyone watching would see that Max was noticeably withdrawn for now, minding his own business.

Festung grinned-well, tried to-when he saw what it was.
"Aw hell yeah, my own personal death ray! Which... was what Xur was selling... ah well, personal death ray!"
Festung spotted a Legendary Engram fly from the Wurm as well, which Festung picked up.
"An Outrageous Fortune grenade launcher, huh? This is a keeper for sure, who knew giant death worms-"
"Uh, Festung? I don't mean to alarm you, but it seems we've got company."
Festung looked up, and spotted quite the crowd. The pilot from earlier, who looked defeated. Some fox lady. Man, this was one hell of a crowd.
Festung was about to speak, when a faint rustling was heard.
It was no creature.
It was a sandstorm, bearing down on the group.
"Jumpship is nearly repaired, Festung! There's a city around from what the Jumpship's navigation computer telling me!"

(Note-I'll be taking over for CapRock for now)​

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