Percy Jackson -RP-


Camp Half-Blood...That's where we all came to hide, make sure we are all safe.

This camp is not just any camp. It's a training facilities for DemiGods.

It's OUR home, and it's our task to make sure that

it's safe.


Story Line: We are all Demi-Gods Living in Camp Half-Blood, we do training, have fun! That and we do quests! Also we Team battles every month should prove to be interesting...



  1. Number one rule; is to Please follow the Rules of RpNation, no Rated 18A stuff, no god-modding and so on. If you really wish to do 18+ stuff please bring it else wear. No one needs to learn how to do the dance with no pants! Thanks! ♥

  2. Number two rule; NO GOD-MODDING! Please, Yes I know it will be easy to do this but we are DEMIGods, not full out Gods sadly.

  3. Third rule; is please do not OOC (out of Character chat) In the RP thread, please ask questions here or PM the person!

  4. Fourth rule; is please keep the peace! If you have a problem do not lash out at them, either contact me and I can deal with it or talk with them in PM them.

  5. Rule number Five; is No one liner. This includes your Character creation, please be as detailed as you can!(At least 3+ lines and you'll be okay don't stress!)

  6. You can have up to 2-3 Characters, just make sure you can handle that many Characters!

  7. Also, Please don't all be the same type of character! Have some evil character, some sweet others snobby as hell! Make things interesting >:]

  8. On that note, don't all be from the same God. One 1-3 per-God. OTHER than the three main--Hades, Poseidon & Zeus--Only one for their children, but I will be very picky on who their kids are so please be detailed if you want them to be your parents.

  9. &Last but not least have fun, and If you have any troubles with your Charater creation or just want to say hi. Please do not be shy, PM, me and I can help you in any way I can!

Leo stood just outside of Camp Halfblood and he was absolutely fuming. He couldnt believe his mom had dropped him off at this crappy camp full of dorks. His red eyes were shining with hatred. His mom had said he would learn to love the camp but he new that wasnt a possibility. His duffel bag was slung over his shoulder and he gripped the strap tight. Am I supposed to just walk in or what? He rolled his eyes. This was just another super lame, unorganized, camp.
Ashlynn saw someone at the camp entrance, she half-waved at him and smiled slightly. She wasn't sure what to say or do. She glanced around, not seeing anyone else. She decided to walk up to the boy. "Uhh-umm" she said nervously. "I-" she started.
Noah was walking around Camp when he notices 2 campers. He quickly and quietly walks over to them. "Hello there! You might want to step inside the Camp boundary before anything shows up." Noah says pointing along the edge of the Camp.
Raven, boredom obvious over his features stepped out of his cabin with a low yawn. He pushed the door closed carelessly with his foot and placed his hands on the top of his head, his green eyes flicking to the newcomers. He snorted and rolled his eyes. He was standing in his shorts, his tanned torso exposed to the world. He sighed and stretched, yawning and wandering off to grab some food, his bare feet wiggling in the dirt. The son of Poseidon flopped down at his table, humming lazily to himself, grumbling to himself about the sun. He rose a large hand to shield his eyes from the light, blinking as his vision readjusted. He grinned to himself as his food appeared and dug in shamelessly.
Ashlynn nods and walks to where he pointed at. She looks at him. "Hi" she smiled. "I'm Ashlynn" she says, looking down. She looks around the camp. "What is this place, exactly?" she asked him.
"This is Camp Half-Blood." Noah said to the new comers. He pulls out a brochure from his pockets. "Normally you would have to wonder around or end up in the medical tent for someone to show you around unless you came with a satyr. So I made a brochure for new campers. It has a map, list of important people and the schedule."
Eponine strolled from her dark, shadowy cabin with black sunglasses perched on her nose. Humming a tune from Wicked, she climbed up the steps to the pavilion, made a plate, and threw her best, most blueberry-y waffle into the fire. "For Nyx. Bringing the wonder of the Night." Her voice was strong and clear as she watched the fire burn up her waffle before she turned and looked for someone to sit with, hating to sit alone at Nyx's table since, sadly, it was directly in the sunlight during breakfast. She noticed a Poseidon kid and walked over, an interested look in her eyes. "Bonjour, my name is Eponine, may I sit wiz you?"
Ashlynn nodded. "" she looked at the brochure. "Umm, thanks" she glanced around nervously. "Um," she looked down. "Sorry, Im really quiet before you get to know me so, I uh, don't know what to say." she looked up at him.
Raven slowly rose his head from the food he was ravishing. "Uh. Okay?" He said slowly. He shrugged to himself, finishing off his pancakes and getting up to scoop some bacon into the fire, muttering lowly "For Poseidon." Before wandering back and sitting down, taking a sip of orange juice. He eyed the obvious french girl, his eyes narrowing slightly. "How come I've never seen you 'round here?" He muttered sceptically. He casually leaned back, keeping himself from falling backwards off of the bench. He rose his hand to comb his fingers through his brunette hair, his emerald gaze casting elsewhere.
Noah just stares down at her. "Eh, I don't hang out with people I just meet either." Noah analyzes Ashlynn. "Which one of the God's or Goddess is your parent?' Noah asks.
Eponine took polite, small bites of her food and swallowed before answering. "I'm Nyx's child so I don't really get noticed from people what wiz always being surrounded by shadows. May I ask for you appellee-I mean, name, monsieur?" She studied him from a curtain of black curls before picking off of her plate once more.
Daniel walks into the cafeteria. He rarely comes out of his depressing cabin but today he felt OK. He looks around and see's so much people and starts to sweat. He takes a plate of food and looks for where to sit down. He see's Eponine and knowing she looks like a demigod of some dark thing he sits next to her. " H-HI I'm Daniel "he says nervously.
Raven gazed at Daniel bitterly. "Guess the Poseidon table has become a hangout place?" He rolled his eyes and stood. "Names Raven." He muttered to Eponine before glancing at the stuttering boy trying to contain his laughter. No, Raven wasn't the mean kid. At least, not all the time. "Bro, work on your stutter yeah?" Raven stretched, patting his muscular, bare abdomen. "Well, I'm full. I'll be seein' ya." He turned on his heel and strolled off.
Daniel seeing how he made a guy look at him bitterly looks down in disappointment. His hair blocks out his eyes as he gets up leaving his plate untouched. He turns around to start secluding himself to the cabin.
Eponine frowned slightly, feeling bad for both boys. Her feet decided for her what she would do and she took a step into the table's shadow, falling deep, deep into the blackness before stepping out into the light hindered by her glasses. " 'ey, wait up! Don't let one grump ruin your day." She smiled charmingly at Daniel as she jogged to catch up to him. "Je m'appelle Eponine, my name is Eponine." Reflexively, she translated her French for him.
Daniel shocked looks at the girl before him. " O-oh you don't mind me? I thought since the other guy left you would go for him..." He looks back at the ground depressed releasing his weakening powers to those around him.
Eponine suddenly felt a yawn stretch her mouth and blinked, surprised how she was suddenly tired. "I don't go for zat type. Plus, I zink you would make a better friend. So, who iz your godly parent? Mine is Nyx." With a sleepy but alert smile, she tilted her head down to look up into his face. "Why so Ca va mal? Why so down?"
A rare smile appears on Daniel's face. It's rather hard to tell he is smiling but a smile none the less. As he smiled his depressive aura completely disappears. " My dad is Thanatos, the god of death. My aura weakens those around me kind of like his death touch. " This girl wants to be my friend? Wow...
Eponine's smile broadened as she shivered with delight, "Oh, ze God of deat iz a good one! No wonder I am so fatigued, then." She decided she liked that small smile on the boy's face. Usually she would have been a bit cold towards a stranger, but she knew Daniel was no threat, maybe even a friend, by instincts alone. "Would you like to 'ang out today?"
Rae walked out of his cabin which smelled only of the finest designer perfumes and colognes "Hmm today should be another love filled day" he smiled walking to the cafeteria sitting down to some red velvet pancakes crepes and bacon with a Cotton Candy frappe
Daniel continues to smile. " Oh what do you do when you hang out ? " he says as if it was something that's foreign to him. Wow she must think as me as my friend. This is new...
Eponine tilts her head, black curls falling in her face in the process, as she tapped on her chin thoughtfully. "I am not sure...I never 'ad any American friends...but my friends back in France would chat about the latest musicals or operas...or school...or clothes...oh, we'd swim a lot! And we used to play paint darts as well....Et toi? What do you like to do?"
Daniel stares at her blankly. " Fun?" He tilts his head to the side. " I've never really left my home or the Thanatos cabin. I don't even know what I would do for fun. He looks down at the ground and starts to feel a little depressed about his life. The only thing I even do at the cabin is stare at the ceiling just like everyone else...
Rae finishes breakfast walking past the two kids talking his designer cologne filling their nostrils and hair swaying in what seems to be artifical wing he picked up a handful of chocolate covered strawberries "For the lovely,the beautiful aphrodite" he clapped his hands and turned on his heel walking back past the kids giving them anotehr whiff of his cologne and took a stroll outside

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