Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

"NO!" she yelled, then rushed forward, she had to take care of the chimera, before it hurt anyone else. Maggie ran forward, then dropped into a roll and stabbed the under belly of the monster's neck, then slashed at another one of it's legs, it toppled forward, Maggie struggle to get out of the way, just in time. A well placed kick to the side and fell off the side of the train and burst into a cloud of dust as it struck the ground. Maggie sighed, then caught her breath, realizing she had gotten a gash on her arm. She shook the thought of pain from her head then rushed over to the boy's side, her hands hovered over him and she bit her lip. She had no idea what to do, she wasn't an Apollo, she knew basic first aid, but that was where it stopped. "What do I do..." she murmmered, "You're breathing, right?" she put a finger to his neck, still not good with the words that came out of her mouth without permission, "Yeah, um, do you know how to treat acid wounds...?" she said panicing.

Jason shot out of his chair, he had dismissed the sounds from earlier as maybe bumps in the track or the sound of the wind--but he had seen the hulking thing fall off the side of the car and then a cloud of golden dust, definately a monster. He pulled on Piper's arm and went up to the top of the carriage to see two other kids with weapons--demigods.
Arthur's hands began twitching, his eye's fluttering. The acid was beginning to burn through his veins. If any god was looking down on him, he needed help.
Jezzabeth sat at the steps of Olympus as they stood in front of Zeus Poseidon and Aphrodite. " M-Mom?" Jezzabeth said with excitement. "Hello, my dear." Aphrodite stood tall over the Demi gods. "So Jezzabeth Maria Greene, that you... Have a gift to kill a god?" Zeus said arms crossed, as the others stood behind Jezzabeth. "Y-yes... It can be used only once though..." Jezzabeth said hesitantly. "Once?" Zeus raised an eyebrow. "Once." Damon poked in. "She is in danger Zeus. Hades wants the gift, to kill you." Poseidon killed Zeus's afternoon mood. "Me?" Zeus laughed so loudly and abnoxiously, that his laughter shook the building as lightning and thunder laughed with him. "Her gift, Kill me? That is so interesting that you think her gift is that powerful-" Just then Olympus shook, and blue fire raged in her eyes, as Zeus's chest armor cracked. Zeus looked astonished, seeing that Poseidon looked down at Jezzabeth with remorse for Zeus, knowing that his doubt would come back and kill him. "YOU DARE TEST ME?! I AM GOD OF ALL GODS!" Zeus's voice raged, when all of the sudden he fell to his knees in pain. Poseidon looked down and his reaction was that he was not surprised.... At all. "You pity full god, You? God of all Gods? Please." The voice of whatever controlled Jezzabeth at the moment, was as if a legion of a thousand gods echoed through the great Olympus.
Bristol took a shocked step back, this was happening so fast, she didn't know what to say. Cautiously she stepped up to Jezzabeth and shook her arm, "Com'mon, Jezz, snap out of it! Jezz!"
Sylus nodded "Sylus. Sylus Rin." he replied and frowned at the bow and arrow sheath on the boy's back.

Piper stood up and grabbed Jason's hand. She lead him to the girl "Excuse me, your Maggie, right?" she asked. Maggie had been at the bonfire when she had been claimed.
"YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME?!!!" The Legion like voice threw adam and damon to their knees. "I WILL DESTROY THIS WORLD!" Poseidon turned to normal size and aproached jezzabeth. "My dear, calm down" He put his hands on her shoulders then he, flew back. "I AM-" The large voice got cut off when jezzabeth fell unconcious.
Shit, didn't see your outher post.

Piper yelped as she was yanked from the table. It was then that she saw the monsters. She pulled the sword she had wrapped in her knapsack.
Maggie looked up and saw the two other kids from the carriage below them, seeing their shirts, they had to be demigods, "Please, are any of you Apollos?" she asked. Her first aid kit was in her backpack in their compartment with Syllus and Rosa, however neither of them would be of any help, they were Zeus and Poseidon, not Apollo. Maggie remembered back to the train when the boy first entered asking for Artemis, and she prayed to the goddess that she would come help, as a woman, she hoped it would help.

Jason shook his head, "Jupiter," he explained quickly, then motioned to Piper, "Venus," These kids, definately demigods, seeing as they just slayed some kind of beast. Jason looked around quickly, searching for something useful he could do to help. She was probably on a quest, so there must be others on the train, "Stay here with them," he told Piper then ran off, down the ladder and went from car to car looking for compartments. He leaned into their own and shook Leo awake, "Leo, com'mon0 man, theres an emergency, we could use you," he said urgently realizing that they could use his belt. Jason pulled Leo up from his sleep and directed him to the food car's roof, then took off in the opposide direction down the rows of compartments looking for the girl's team members.
Jason, Leo, and Piper have been brought into the story. Monsters are attacking the train.

Piper,sighed as he ran off. She grabbed Maggie's hand "Where are the other demigods?" she asked as she ran through the train.
Maggie shook her head, she had to stay with the kid, "They're in the train car three down from here," She pointed towards the back of the train. She continued praying, she wanted to believe she was tough, but when it came down to it--she couldn't stand to watch someone die while she sat idly by.

Jason ran along and leapt the gap between the two cars as another person was coming through it. Finally he found the compartment with the two other kids in CHB tee-shirts, he shoved the door aside, "Girl, dark hair, blue eyes, tee-shirt like this--" he plucked at his camp half blood shirt, "And a boy, black hair, blue eyes, 'yay'-tall--" he held his hand out for a rough estimate of height. "Your friend's hurt, com'mon!" He grabbed both of their wrists and pulled them out of the compartment and dragged them along. He met Piper halfway there, "Lets go, hurry!"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Bristol let Adam and Damon take care of Jezz, though she stepped forward, "Your godliness, I don't know how to express my apology for my friend here," she said, with her most charming smile, "You see how powerfull her 'gift' is, and you can see it definately needs protecting. For some reason Hades wants to kill you, and we can't have that happening, can we. My friend, Jezz, needs help."
Arthur's eyes fluttered again, and slowly opened. He was still in considerable pain, and growing weaker by the minute. He noticed the girl by him. The look on her face. He knew that look. He had that look on his face too many times when he was younger.

With what strength he had left, he raised his hand and pointed at his bag.


Hopefully she'll be able to find the syringe with a strong dose of adrenaline. A last parting gift from his guardian.
Maggie bit her lip as she rifled through his bag until she found it. She went back to the boy's side, snapped off the cap, and stuck the needle into the kid's thigh, pressing on the punger. She wasn't all to familiar with adrenaline, what she needed was some nectar--though she didn't have any on her.
Arthur gasped as the liquid rushed in his veins. Breathing rapidly, his eyes widened, and out of nowhere, he grabbed Maggie's hand tightly. He had to hold on to something considering the amount of pain he was in.

He smiled weakly at his saviour. Out of nowhere in his head, she seemed pretty cute. He didnt know what planted that in his head, but he didnt care.

"I'm...Arthur." he spoke weakly. "Or did I already say?"

Just as Rosa had put away her sword and settled in another monster popped. A low curse escaped her lips and she shot into action. She wiggled her arm until her snake bracelet slide down to her wrist and with a flick of her fingers the piece of elegant jewelry was now a sword. Everything was a blur of flashing metal and the occasional scream of pain. She could tell she was being driven further and further from the group but oddly she didn't really mind. Her instincts taught her to just keep fighting but remain aware. Rosa noticed that a few more people had entered the fight but she couldn't see their faces for the distance.
Maggie was glad to see the shot having an effect, "I don't think you did, but I'm Maggie," she said with a relieved smile. She moved her free hand to the one on top of his to check his pulse, "You're heart's beating really fast...That can't be good..." she fowned a bit, she had heard stories of people that died from adrenaline shots, having a bad reaction to it or having a heart attack.
Zeus, looked at bristol. "Fine what gods do you think, child of hetate, I should send in disguise (sp?) to watch her until hades drops this death wish... of his own?"
This question caught her off guard, "I--Uh--Sir, that would be your job--sir," Bristol didn't know what to say, who was she to decide what god be assigned to them--it was the gog of gods that delegated that responsiblility. She wrung her hands in front of her nervously.
Zeus crossed his arms, "Child?" Damon and Adam looked at Bristol. "Uh bristol... He wants YOU to decide..." Adam said with a raised eyebrow.
Arthur coughed up a bloody chuckle. "I've had...ok, this is the worse i've felt, but i've been in close-death situations before." He gazed at the bite mark on his shoulder. "Speaking...of i need anti-venom or something?" he looked back at Maggie, "Because if i get out of this, the least i deserve from my mother is a kiss on the cheek to her son...for killing something that ​big."
Rosa didn't know a lot about monsters but she knew what Medusa was. She even knew pegasus supposedly came from her neck after she was beheaded. She had seen a flash of the creature as she darted from compartment to compartment. She held her sword close to her side so that the blade wasn't so obvious.
Jason grabbed a vile of nectar and some ambroshia, and headed back down the train. When he saw the Gorgon he turned around quick and ran for the other side of the car. Jason climbed to the roof and ran across the cars to where the other two demigods were, he shoved the stuff into the girl's hands, "Thought you might need this," then ran off to enter the car with the Gorgon from the opposite side. The plan was to attack her while the others were keeping her attention.

Maggie sighed, a small smile at her lips seeing he was making jokes. When the blonde headed boy with the Camp Half Blood tee-shirt pushed the things in her hands, she stared at them shocked for a second. She shook her head and gave Arthur a peice of the ambroshia, "No anti-vemon, but I hope this will work," She then unskrewed the bottle of nectar and sprinkled it over his wound.

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