Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

Maggie's eyebrows knit together and before she could think about it, she leaned over and put her arms around his neck. He had no one, and was traveling alone for so long, at least she had the kids back at Camp, she felt so bad for him, "It'll get easier, you always have a home at Camp Half Blood,"
Arthur was surprised when her arms were around him, but he didnt care. He needed this. The warmth from her touch, knowing she cared for his situation. He didnt have other friends to have his back. He put his own arms around her wait, careful not to go anywhere over the limit.

Her scent. What is it? Not flowers, but something sweeter, like a breeze from the hills. I always feel at peace hiking there.

"All my life, since i was seven," he said, with pain, but bravery, "I always stood alone, going from one fight to the next. I couldnt work with others because...Hell, i dont know. They thought i wasnt worth it i guess. It was all training, gaining power, and proving it. You say I'm not the only one. I'm not alone. Even if i come to peace with that..."

He raised his face to hers, almost an inch from her own, and said in almost a whisper, "What the hell do I do now?"
Maggie met his eyes, then glanced away as her ears reddened, she couldn't help but notice the blue of his eyes and how firm his arms were around her waist, "We're going to California on a quest, you could come with us, Artemis and her hunters prefer that region, maybe we can see if we can find Artemis with them.
Seeing her glancing away, he noticed how firm his hold on her was. He lessened his grip, but now he was stuck in a loop in his head. Her hands were still around his neck, his around his waist, this was one of those moments where he did NOT know what to do. His heart began pounding, but he didnt let his emotions rule him.

"California?" He said after some silence. "I...I guess i could come."

Ok, woken up now. NOW what do i do? Do you want me to let go? No she'll think its creepy! Dude, I'm hugging a total stranger i've only met for like half an hour or more! Whats more, my hands are on her fricken waist! SHE hugged you,she knew what would happen next! What, that i'd almost fall from depression into her arms and it's Twilight in a train? Is she complaining? Nevermind, I'll say something.

"I'm sorry." he said with a hint of relief, "I'm...not good with these situations."

THAT'S the best you can come up with!?

"I just...never had someone care for me like this..."

It's the Titanic all over again! Urgh! Let me deal with this!

Arthur let his right hand free while keeping his left gently on her waist. He let his right reach for her wrist, holding it with care, letting his fingers stroke it. His red eyes slowly regaining their old, sky blue colour.
Maggie's cheeks flushed pink, she had absolutly no idea what to do and was relieved to find that she wasn't the only one. She leaned back, her hand still in his, "It's okay, I know personally it can be hard living on your own," There was a buzz of static in the air and a man's voice came over the intercom system telling them the train would be arriving in Chicago in fourty five minutes. She sighed lightly, "We should probably meet up with the others now and see whats going on,"
Arthur felt he was at a cross-roads, though a part of him felt the awkward moment was saved by the buzzer. Though for some reason, he was having a hard time trying to find the will to let go of her hand. His eyes still glazing at her own.

Why do you want this to stop? Have you noticed she's still holding onto your hand while her arm is around your-

Have YOU noticed she just leant back? She's not comfortable with this! Her cheeks just went red!

Blushing shows she's flattered, right? Just rope her in already!

"Sure...I'll gladly come with you..." He said quietly.

THATS roping her in?

No, I'm trying to salvage the situation before i freak her out of proportion!

URGH! You fought countless monsters so far, went of the brink of death more than once, and your having the toughest time of your life trying to kiss the dam girl!?

WHOA! Where did that thought come from?

She's still holding you, hand and neck, still close, and not letting go, and she's blushing redder than a cherry! If your waiting for your romance moment, HERE IT IS!

This isnt romance!! It's me feeling weak and having someone-

Ok. That's it.

No, no, no, NO! DONT YOU-

While the moment was there, and whether it was out of lust, instinct, or wanting, he kissed her. In one soft and deep kiss he let out his gentle passion, his completion, and his relief from letting go of all his pain. Once it was over, his face went blank. Shocked as if he just found himself giving the Pope the finger. What the Hell happened to him?

"I...I'" He couldnt get the words out.

Well, I'm screwed.

Out of fear, he stood up, and walked right out of the cubicle, outside to the platform. He felt he just ruined his chance to get his answers from a kiss.
Rosa looked at the dead gorgon before her, then peered at her sword it was covered in blood. Sighing she grabbed a shredded piece of drapery and wiped the weapon off before turning it back into a bracelet. She slid the jewelry up her arm surprised by how warm the metal felt against her skin. Rosa crossed her arms looking around wondering what to do next. They had killed the beast but what were they going to do with the body? Had people seen them fighting, did they think they were murders?
After Arthur left the compartment, Maggie sat shocked for a minute, finally she giggled and ran a hand across the back of her neck. She finally had to get a hold of herself, "Com'mon, Maggie" she said aloud, scolding herself, "You're suppose to be a leader, get ahold of yourself. Get your head in the game," she shook her head, but her stomach was still jittery like a bunch of butterflies, but the good kind, "There are people waiting for you..." She mumbled, standing up, she fingered the hem if her tee-shirt then smoothed her hair. Maggie stepped outside the compartment and saw Arthur's shadow through the train car's window to the platform. She stood and looked at him for a moment before smile crossed her lips and she giggled again. Maggie made her face go blank and walked into the car with her quest members and the other unknown demigods, "So how are we doing? We have somethings to talk about," she glanced at Syllus and Rosa, whirling an eyebrow in question if they had spoken with the blonde kids, the curly haired one, and the Indian-descendant looking girl.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((I explained in post 260 on pg 26, I know its a lot to read every post :o ))
Suddenly, Arthur heard a giggle behind him. Faint, but it was a girls. Might have been another girl though.

"Ok," he said out loud. "Don't panic. Just go back in there, say sorry, and admit yourself an idiot."

After a few deep breaths, he walked back in, only to find the place empty. $%£! He began to panic now, until he heard her voice from the other car.

Taking one more breath, opened the door to find all residing in there. His first glance was at Maggie, which became a nervous nod. First time he felt like throwing up from stress.

With a straight face, or what face he could make, he spoke in a rush.

"These the Campers you told me about?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

((wait, what explaination? i couldnt find it in the post :P That or im just blind ))
Maggie smiled automatically when she saw Arthur then nodded. She looked at her team members, "Rosa, Syllus, this is Arthur, he's been a wanderer all this time so he'll be joining us on the quest to the other camp," Maggie then looked at the other three unknown demigods, "Which begs the question, who are you guys and why are you wearing orange tee-shirts? I've lived at Camp Half Blood since I was twelve and I have never seen your faces before." Jason stood up as Maggie was still standing as well, he introduced themselves and explained everything down to his lost memory, and their quest. Maggie nodded after a moment of deliberated contemplation, "Well, it looks as though were headed in the same direction," Maggie didn't go into details specifically about the Roman camp, but explained how they were going out to California to look for a site that may be of importance to them in the future. Maggie and Jason discussed the monsters attackes, finally Jason said, "Well, we might as well travel together, we'd be stronger in a group if all these monsters are after us anyway," Maggie nodded again and turned to her team, "What do you guys think?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

((it was about how they explained the mess the medusa made with a meteorite, it was more for 14, it's hard to read so many pages of post...had to read 15 pages to catch up in Ww, took me about two hours with breaks besides im a slow reader XP))
(Thanks :)

Rosa looked at the group of people before her and just nodded forcing a smile. She was still a little pumped from the battle and her mind was just a buzz. The idea of a few more people joining the group didn't seem like too much of a deal.
Arthur shook hands with Sylus, and glanced at Maggie quickly. She was smiling. No scorn, or what seemed to be a forced disguise. Smiling.


And the fish is officially hooked.

well...thanks i guess...

Hey, she needs it with what she went through.

A thought shot through his head then. 'What she went through'? The fight within himself wasnt like him at all. Still, he wasnt bothered for now. He was just glad he found himself in the company of others like him.

"So," he said to break the ice, "just to let you all know, i'm a bit new to all this, except in a fight. I just didnt all this to happen in one day."
Maggie catch Arthur's eyes and she swallowed a giggle. 'Maggie! What is wrong with you?! Are you gonna let some boy turn you into some soft little girlie-girl?!' 'Yes?' 'Gah!' But Maggie didn't have time to argue with herself, the train started to slow a d soon stopped, the voice over the intercom system voiced they had arrived in Chicago. "I guess this is our stop?" Maggie said, a rhetorical question, she shouldered her back back and waited the others.
Arthur heard the intercom, and reached for the door. "I'll see you guys on the platform!" Rushing out, he went to his cubical and packed up his bow with the rest of the essentials. Water, cell phone, and his wallet. After checking for anything he missed, he rushed out of the car, and on to the platform at the station, keeping a look-out for the rest of the students. While looking around, out of the corner of his eye, he say a strange figure with hazel, golden eyes. The same bum he met of the train. Turning to face him, the bum noticed Arthur looking at him, and just stood there smiling, until a lightbulb burst, and the bum vanished in a flash. A few people were surprised at first, but Arthur just stood there thinking "So i'm the son of a maiden goddess in a world full of Greek legends...boy if Akira would see me now." He smiled at the thought, and then realised he needed some new arrows.
Rosa turned in the cubicle trying to figure out where her bag had disappeared to. She finally found it shoved in a corner on its side, she picked up the canvas backpack and slung it across her shoulders. She liked the weighty feel it had on her back, the way it made her arch a little bit and forced her to roll her shoulders back as she walked. Rosa followed the others out of the train and onto the platform wondering what the next step would be.
Maggie stepped off the train behind the others they met with the others on the platform. It was getting dark out, and a chilly gust of wind swept over them, Maggie zipped her jacket closed, "First things first, we need to get out of this cold, then we can focus on getting the wind spirits and Coach Hedge back," she said, glancing at Jason, he nodded and looked around at the company, "Anyone have any ideas?" They were near the center of Chicago, the streets were crowded, and the sound of people talking, cars, and wind filled the air. Building were stacked high around them, channeling the dry air. Maggie was sure that if her nostrils wernt bruurning from the cold dry air, she would be able to smell the lake water coming off of Lake Michigan.
Arthur rolled his eyes. "Again, new to this so cant help much." Still, he looked around the area. He remembered going on a field trip here for some of the museums. "I think i know my way around the city. I spent some time here while i was in the orphanage and learnt a thing or two from the learning centres. If we want to go somewhere high, then we need to go there." He pointed at the tallest skyscraper in view. "Thats the only place with the best view of the city."
Piper shook her head and shrugged. She sighed and sat on the ground. She was tired and rubbed her eyes.

Sylus bit his lip and thought for a moment before shaking his head and mutterinig "It would never work."
Jason ignored Arthur and mused, "Were would someone hide in a big city..?" Maggie sighed and sat down on the curb next to Piper, she shrugged and ran a tired hand through her hair, "I dunno'...the sewer?" she suggested, her eyes landing on a manhole cover.
"I think its the best idea yet, considering there aren't any other sugguestions," Jason shrugged, then turned to Piper and assured her, "It can't be that bad, Piper, just give it a shot,"
Arthur didnt like the idea of going about in a sewer, but hey. What other option was there?

"Ok, there might be a sewer grate in on of the allyways by some italian meat store. We can start there."
Rosa's eyes flashed between the people listening quietly to the conversations. She wondered when her mind would start jumping to ideas like that. I mean allies and abandoned buildings had been her first thought but sewers could work to. If you wanted to be really hidden and not risk being disturbed sewers were probably a person's best bet.

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