Percy Jackson and the Olympians::Camp Half-Blood::Semi Lit

Name:Rya Shirabuki

Nickname:Heart Crusher, Thief of Love

Age: 19


Son/Daughter of:Aphrodite

Bf/Gf:Many but none true love.

History:When Rya was first born he had a talent for Love Magic, unknowing making random people come into his room trying to take him away as the cops quickly handled this. as Rya began to grow he gained control over his abilities he was able to do Charmspeak exceptionally, had to power to control things that he ''Loves'' very good in Love Magic somehow able to fly & float by ''Taking all the weight off his Heart'' he got in touch with his mother now he lives at The Half-Blood Camp. Has a Gem covered box that he uses to put his loved items in.

Appearance:5'8 120'Lb Long Wavy Pink hair that falls around his feet Soft Purple Eyes. creamy skin tone, Long White shirt with White pants gray shoes has a snowflake button in his hair.

Other:His weapon of choice is a Floating Heart Covered Book called Awoken Heart that he can use to fight or "Read" the Heart of his foe getting their secrets & weaknesses despite The Book's appearance it is able to block bullets & Blades & most spells without harm to the book he is able to change the size of the book at will to the size of a shield to guard himself or as little as his hand for easy put-away, his Fighting Style is called Heartful Battle-casting, also has the power to "Change" The Heart meaning he can make a foe feel feelings that he chooses can change his outfit at will with his Magic.
Accepted, you can rp with my charrie Rachelle. Sylus is her boyfriend though.

Rachelle sat in the strawberry fields staring absentmindedly at the ocean, wishing Sylus was back already.
Rachelle glanced up as she heard the sound of a singing voice. It was melodic and in her fragile state, almost comforting. But as soon as she saw it was Rya, her smile dropped and she looked away from him. She stood and stared out at the ocean, practically begging it to bring back Sylus, wherever he was. Little did she know that he was far, far away from the ocean and New York. He was in Chicago.
Rachelle sat back down, her back facing the boy. She tried to block out his singing and was about to give up when she remembered her iPod in her bag. She pulled the tan leather bag towards her and dug through it. She pulled out the sleek device, covered in a case that had been customized with a picture of her and Sylus on the beach. She stood behind him arms around his neck, a large smiled on her face. she sighed and placed the ear buds into her small ears. She sifted through her music finally choosing her and Sylus' theme song 'We Found Love' by Rihanna. She smiled as the music coursed though her.
Maggie made sure no one was looking while they entered down through the man hole. Luckily it was a bit back into an alley, so they weren't too conspicuous. It didn't smell as bad as she thought down there, though it helped it was winter and it was very dry outside, but it turned out to be a drainage pipe, not the sewer. From what Maggie could tell, the Chicago area hadn't gotten much precipitation lately and there was just a small stream of water flowing down the center of the tunnel. She led the way down one of the two walkways flanking the gutter stream thing in the middle. Maggie elongated her sword and scabbard and slung it around her shoulders so her sword was accessible from her back. She shined a bright mag-light down their path. Surprisingly, it was decently warm down there, around 50 degrees.
Piper sighed as she realized it was not a sewer. She walked behind Maggie and frowned as she heard a voice. The words were undetectable and were coming a little farther down the pipe.

Rachelle looked up as she realized Rya had stopped singing. He was right behind her and she didn't like him being so close to her. She frowned and hit his leg. She stared at him hardly knowing he was a Charmspeaker and a Love Magician. One of the rare children who had both abilities.
Rya softly chuckled at this. "Don't jump to random things,Even if i did what could you do to stop me?" Rya asked with a sly smile.
Rya smiled before he walked away from her, as he took out Awoken Heart reading the girl's heart finding out about her ''boyfriend''
Rachelle frowned "He'll be back. It's just a quest." she said. But she almosted doubted Sylus for a minute. What if he didn't come back? What if he died?
"And he's questing for his death,He never coming back dearie" Rya said as he made the book float to his pocket.(He's called Heart Crusher for a reason)
rachelle felt her heart get heavy but she put on a brave face. "I have complete confidence that Sylus will come back." she said and stood.
"How about you stop gazing out at the sea & figure out how to fight!" Rya said as he looked at his watch before he looked to the girl."Well i have to go see you never!" Rya said as he blasted off into the sky.
Now Rachelle was pissed. He'd gone too far. He thought she couldn't fight. She'd show him she could fight. She'd show him at the bonfire tonight.
Rya had gone to a shopping center as he got many bags of clothes as he softly chuckled as people pooled around him helping him pick out clothes...Oh the wonders of Love magic.
Rachelle sighed and decided to go to the mall. She walked around before stopping in Hot Topic. She grabbed a new bag, some bracelets, and a necklace. She then ran to Old Navy, well not really ran, walked quickly. She picked a new dress and a pair of skinny jeans, as well as a cute t-shirt. She finally went to Foot Locker and bought a pair of Nikes. Those would surely hurt Rya's face when she kicked him.

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