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Fantasy Paranormal Investigation Club (P.I.C.)


Despair :3
(Redo of the original rp)

A group of students gather together with the backing of companies to solve paranormal occurrences while still balancing school and relationships.
Episode 1- P.I.C.

It was just like any other day for Hayden, he was so used to moving to new places that he literally forgot what it felt like to be in one place for long. He woke up to his alarm, freshened himself up, got dressed, went downstairs and greeted his mom on the way. He had been a part of the Shizoku family for a total of 7 years now and had decided that maybe it was time to shape up a bit. He scratched his head of white hair as he descended the stair, his eyes looking left and right animatedly waiting for something. As if on cue he heard the sound of quick pattering feet, turning a bit to late he was glomped by his little sister who was so excited to see him. Falling down about 6 or 7 stairs he landed on his back a bit sore, but his little sister landed beside him perfectly fine. "
Morning big brother!" She exclaimed giving him a peck on the forehead before running to the kitchen for breakfast, her back pack bouncing on her back. Sighing Hayden got up brushing himself off, he was used to her doing this to him but it was kind of annoying to get injured so early in the morning.

"Mornin' Anna." He said a bit slowly trying to show he wasn't bothered by it much, he walked into the kitchen and sat crossed legged at the table. His dad was sipping his coffee, a newspaper in hand and a bowl of half eaten rice in front of him. His little sister stared up from her bowl of rice and fish and frowned at him, almost to the point of pouting. "Oh no... what did I do this time?" She always did that to him when he had said or did something she didn't like which made it easy for him to at least tell when she was bothered about something.

"You said Anna... you are supposed to say little sis..." She said wiping her eyes starting to shed tears. She knew he was a sucker for those things and he didn't take to long to cave in. Unlike most people he met, he thought that only his little sister could ever beat him in anything. All she had to do was act cute and he would just give in, but at the same time he didn't mind it at all. He didn't exactly have any real sibling so it was nice to have an interesting life at home.

"I am so sorry little sis," he stated scooting closer to her and petting her head, "How about to make it up to you I will treat you to ice cream after school?" Her sad face instantly changed to one of a big smile and she cheered 'yay' with delight. His dad cleared his throat a bit and looked at the clock then back at his son.

"You need to get going. Your mom made you both Bento boxes, they are on the counter. Love you both," He said putting down the newpaper before standing up to stretch, "get to school safe... now where did your mom get off to..." He went off in search of her.

"You heard him, let's go. We don't want to be late on our first day of school." He walked Anna to the door where they both put on their shoes and walked outside. "You have walked to school from here before right? Will you be ok?" She looked up at him a bit nervous.

"Will you walk me to school? I am... a little nervous on my first day of middle school." He scratched his head and looked at his watch. He had to get to her school, about a half an hour to fourty-five minute walk, return and walk another fifteen minutes to the train station which left the station at 8 am. He didn't have enough time if he walked there and back but if he ran back... he decided, without thinking to take care of his little sister first.


Nodding he took her hand and walked her to the left past houses, stores and the library to the front of a pretty fancy little school adorned with what looked like a golden trim sign marked [Sakura Middle School]. He looked back down at his watch, it wasn't as bad of a walk as it had seemed at first. At most it took about twenty-five minutes in total, but they were fast walking and he would occasionally put her on his shoulder when a stray dog would walk up. "Well here we are. Enjoy your first day at school..." He began and she closed her eyes and got behind him, her hand clinging to his shirt. "What's wrong?"

"I am scared. What if I don't make any friends or they laugh at me? What if no one likes me there? I don't know anyone at all." She started and he could feel her trembling hand and he bowed his head. He knew that feeling all to well. It was that feeling of being unsure of not only yourself but the fear of not being accepted. "What should I do?"

He knelt down and brought her around to face him. "You have to face it. There are things in this world that are scary at first, but until you face that you will never be able to move forward. You will be fine. Knowing you, you will make plenty of friends on the first day. After all..." He looked up and gave her a big hug. "You are strong just like your big bro."

He let her go and she turned away on her own and ran towards the building. Before going inside she turned and waved, "I love you big bro!" She yelled before vanishing from view.

"There she goes... crap I am late!!!" He turned and began sprinting towards the train station but by the time he made it there it was to late. "Damn." He punched the sign showing the train times and sat down. He would be there another twenty minutes at least until the next one showed up. This just was not his day. Late on the first day.
Jake was goddamn ready, and nothing could change that. The night before, he had prepared everything for him to wake up to. His schoolbag laid at the side of his bed, ready to be picked up in the morning and put to work. The bag contained all his school supplies, as well as his laptop and some other stuff.

He got out of bed and put on the new clothes that were beside the bed. His parents weren't awake yet; usually they made a lot of noise when they were downstairs. He made himself a gigantic bowl of cereal and started eating it, along with leftovers from last night's beef. He preferred this breakfast from others because it changed every day, sometimes not in a good way. Plus he never ate lunch, as he never believed in it. He finished up and got his shoes on, before heading out to the train station.

Jake always had headphones with him. It was a custom of his, he always wanted to be close to his music. He was listening to a song as he walked down to the station, nodding his head along with the beat. Once he got there, he surveyed his surroundings, looking for others. As he was looking around, he saw somebody come in looking flustered. Oh yeah, he was late as well. Except he seemed to care more than Jake. Jake walked up to him and took off his headphones, "It's probably fine, it's the first day. Nothing bad will happen except maybe a verbal warning."

@Shade Wraith
Madison is already at school reading, she was free firdlst period, something she didn't realize until she got there, but she took that time to read up on some things in the library "Dad won't even bring me to school right now" she mumbles annoyed, she had heard that there would be a new student, so she wondered what her/she would be like.

She keep reading in peace until a group enters the library "I can't believe we have to do that again" one complains, which Madison takes as her cue to leave, so she goes outside and sits under a tree, looking at the sky "It's the same each day, it's so boring" she says leaning against the tree trunk, ever since her father retired with the 'demon hunting' her life had become pretty boring, no more supernatural stuff to solve and so on.

She closes her eyes holding back a yawn, she didn't get much sleep again, after dinner her mother would bring her along to a photo shoot or fashion show, she didn't mind, but she always read a bit before going to sleep. She looks at the sky again and sighs softly, at least it's quiet right now, everyone is either inside the building or late meanimg she had some time to think.
@Foundry "Hm, oh, sorry I didn't see you there. I had to drop off my kid sister but I miscalculated the time to get here." He frowned a bit not liking being late on his first day. "Anyway, have you been waiting here long? The name is Hayden and you are?" He had been wanting to meet people and make friends who didn't know of his reputation. He wasn't particularly violent but when he got pissed off or he saw an injustice he wasn't one to test. People stayed away from him, even spiritual things knew not to mess with him. He thought to himself, 'At least this guy has no clue who I am. Makes making friends so much easier.'
Jake smiled, "Jake, nice to meet you Hayden," he said, looking out on the tracks. The guy seemed nice enough, at least Jake's face wasn't the next thing he punched. Though Jake had to admit that the action in itself was a little dramatic. Understandable though, if you were hard on yourself like that. "I just got here, so not long at all, no." He noticed that his headphones were still playing music that was slightly audible, so he pulled his phone out and paused it. "So, kid sister?" he asked, "How is that?" Being a single child, he didn't really know what it was like.

@Shade Wraith
"Well... she can be a bit needy at times but for the most part I don't mind. If she asked for the world I would most likely get it for her." He shrugged, "She looks up to me but I honestly don't know. If nothing else, having a sister makes me want to do the right things. If that makes any sense." He hadn't really been asked that type of question before so he was unsure what a proper answer would be. To him, though, Anna was more then enough for him.
Jake nodded, "Yeah, makes sense," he said, checking around the bend again for the train, though he knew what time it comes at. You never knew sometimes, it could somehow come early. "I don't know the exact feeling, since I'm an only child. But I am motivated in a way by other things though," he said, kicking a pebble, "Like for example, my parents. Them just being here motivates me to make good choices. I don't know if it's strictly because they told me to, or if it's because I don't want them to get upset. It just seems," he sighed, "well, I don't know. It's strange. I sometimes feel burdened by them, yet they help me so much."

@Shade Wraith
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Eliot had already been walking around the area to get an idea of where things were at least from the area he was staying at, Eliot however wore obvious dark sunglasses and a hat to better hide himself in his opinion though given the time of day it made him stand out more than normal. After stopping a few times either to take posters down or to ask directions to the train station he soon found his way. Rolled up posters in hand Eliot began ascending the stairs to the station platform as he adjusted his hat with his free hand and was relieved to see two others already on the platform "Hey there! Waiting for the early train?" Eliot asked both unaware of train schedule and of the strange appearance he presented from his 'disquise'.

@Shade Wraith @Foundry
1??::????? - 1::?????????


Irona's eyes swelled up with crystal clear tears as his swift, pale hand went up to his face, wiping the tears away with a simple motion of his wrist. He sat, knees curled up and legs folded beneath him, in a large room. The walls were decorated with a soft peach color and two closed white doors sat ahead of the body in the room. Bed sheets wrapped around his wast, flowing out upon the bed like a large dress. The curls and dips in the sheets gave the motion of the blanket a wave-y vibe, the very tips of it dipping off from the mattress as a waterfall would. The silence other then the gentle sniffling emitting from the small boy was overbearing, the air stiff and fragile as if someone had sat a group of people in a classroom to test. The harsh feeling it gave off simply dared for someone to say something to break off the silence, as if one whisper could start a sudden uproar in the room. The floors were shined down, looking as if someone had poured a fresh batch of water onto the tiles just so it looked good for a photo-shoot.

As the sniffing died down and the albino child stopped his crying he pushed his body up, the dress blanketed over him dropping down onto the bed with a sad vibration. Irona paid no mind to it, turning his body and taking a few steps forward before sitting down on the end of the queen-sized mattress and slowly dropping his small feet onto the floor, his body giving a shudder at the cold feeling that engulfed his feet like a wave. It wasn't wet as it had appeared to be, but instead bone-dry. The cold feeling in the tiles sent an alarming touch to the boy's feet, but he managed to set down his entire sole before pulling his other foot down and letting it sit upon the floor softly. As his actions were taking place, yet another person entered the room. It was a tall man, he had a medium frame and a head of silky brown hair. His eyes were a crimson-brown color, and his orbs settled on the boy who had turned his neck to face him, eyes full of ecstasy. The man turned his head to look at the boy with a gentle frown and stone-hard look, and suddenly the albino child's happy gaze faltered and his own crimson eyes fell onto his small hand, the weird pink mark that resembled a scar vibrant against his pale skin. The man looked to the door and with a painfully somber tone spoke, "
Oh good, you're awake. Get ready." With the end of the sentence, the brunette shut the doors behind him. The white-haired boy stood up, the cool touch of floor no longer bothering his soft feet as he stepped over to his dresser, settled against a wall in the big room and pulled out a long, silky piece of fabric, deciding on a complicated outfit to strain the amount of time it took before he had to leave the home.

Pulling his arm through the sleeve of the yukata, Irona was finished with putting it on. It had taken quite a while to complete, but eventually the success paid off. He knew the outfit was probably against what he should have been wearing, but Irona never felt comfortable in anything else. And discomfort meant he wouldn't be able to work properly, or so that was the excuse he'd use on anyone who told him it was still a violation of the code.

It was a simple outfit, the colors that painted it were a pale white tone with red and pink markings dashing over it. It looks fairly feminine on the male, but without a care he headed over to the room's door and opened it up, setting his bare feet down on the gentle floorboards of the hallway to head out. He didn't bother to say goodbye to the man from before- his father- before he left, the two having had a fight the previous night and still in a slightly tense mood around each other. His bag was waiting for him at the door, Irona picking it up with a swift motion and putting on some sandals before leaving the home.

Irona's father was a traditional Japanese man who usually wore yukatas. His son got the habit from him, too wearing the silky cloth, even on days as the one now. It wasn't cold but wasn't to warm either. It was a little under hot, the sun beating down on his pale skin. With a look up at the sky for a moment, Irona had turned his feet with a soft twist and walked back up to the door of the home, opening the white frame up and squirming half of his body in to strain his arm and reach for the umbrellas in the home. He pulled one out, a red one, and wormed his way out again, setting his hand on the cold door-handle and closing it, turning around and opening the umbrella with wide eyes. His crimson-brown eyes turned down the path he'd be walking on as he turned around once more and began walking again.

Because Irona had taken so long with getting dressed, he was already pretty late, missing the train. He could have just ordered a taxi or had gone to school in the car with his father, but he wasn't all-to-excited for the upcoming event and didn't mind being as late as he was. His pale hands held the wooden hilt that held the red fabric of the umbrella above his head, casting an eerie crimson color onto the boy's face. His already red-like eyes held a creepy glow to them and the vibrant scar on his cheek seemed to pop in color. Irona's pale lips held a gentle smile that looked as if he could stab someone at any moment prior. He looked everything suspicious. People kept giving him weird glares as he passed by, but he payed little mind to them, continuing on his path to the train station.

Upon arriving there, Irona noticed three other boys standing in-line waiting. He bent over to the side a little to catch a good look at them before shrugging gently and leaning against a pillar in the station, settling the tip of his umbrella onto the ground and twirling it. He found he wasn't to patient himself and so needed something to distract him from waiting. Irona was listening to the voices near him however, not blocking them out a bit. He had a tendency of eavesdropping. It was how he tried to gather as much information as he could. He'd key in on certain conversations in public locations to listen in on them. It was a definitely useful skill he had picked up on.
"Tired already? Its only first period." Jean asked, hanging upside down from a tree branch by her legs. She'd climbed up to the top of the tree before school had started, to try and get away from all the interference with her latest device, while she waited for her Grandmother to finish with the Principal. The sweet older lady had insisted on being the one to go down to the school and sort out her transfer. But other things had been occupying Jean's mind, so she'd excused herself quickly from that little sit down. After all artists were nothing if not long winded and she didn't feel like being trapped on a couch with the Principal for hours. Plus if her latest device was to be believed then her new school was just absolutely rip with paranormal energies. Which would mean something would need to be done about it immediately. More then likely though something in it was just short circuiting. Coming to that thought she had started taking it apart and going over all of its internal pieces with tools she pulled from a small backpack, still in the tree of course. No reason to waste time moving things to the ground. Of course this meant that she was now in a tree, upside down while holding something the size of a small notepad that had flashing lights and made faint beeping noises. Talk about first impressions.

@Flame Demon
"Got home late yesterday, my mother took me to one of her fashion shows" Melody says looking at the girl "You know... you can just do that on the ground" she says and glances around the school grounds, sweardropping, sometimes she could see spirits, but that was due to the fact she had the birthmark that was the symbol of an old demon hunting clan, she would have to train further if she wanted to see more then just spirits and ghosts. "And we're free during first period today, seems the teachers have something boring to discus, besides, it's too noisy in the library" she says focusing her attention back to the girl. She takes out her phone and finds Jack's number, which she had asked once and she sends him a text saying 'We're free during the first period, you won't be late'.

@JustKay @Foundry
"Normally yes, but" Jean swung herself right side up before dropping to the ground lightly. "For some reason there is a ridiculous amount of interference the closer to the school, and the ground, I am." Jean shrugged as she casually tossed her object into the air as it flashed and beeped more wildly. "See?" Turning it off she sat down next to the girl. "So your mom does fashion shows: model, photographer, or designer?" Pulling her bag into her lap she opened it up and pulled out a little box that the device fit snugly into.

@Flame Demon
"Model" Madisom says and she adds "Has it downsides, she won't let me leave the house in something that's not a good match", she looks at the device and asks "Is that for paranormal activity? If it is then yeah it would, but I can only see spirits at this points, my grandfather promised to train me further with it, but I keep forgetting", she would be with her grandparents this weekend anyway since her parents would be on a trip then and she didn't want to come along "That reminds me, there's a spirit sitting on top this tree, not sure why, but this is my favorite place and it makes me feel at easy, strange right?"

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Jean chuckled at the comment about a matching outfit, "Yeah I can understand that." But then the girl had mentioned something about paranormal activity which made her pause midway through zipping up her backpack. "Hmmmmmmm... It was actually designed to detect multi-dimensional energy spectrums in an attempt to either prove or disprove a few theories." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully as her eyes got a sort of glazed look. "But a mass of energy, sentient or otherwise, that could fall under the predefined area of paranormal could also be detected...." Jean trailed off with a slight mutter as ideas and formulas raced through her head. In theory she could modify and narrow the range that the device detected, maybe even boost its strength so that she could then in turn track those detections. If she could manage getting around the huge amount of power it would need she might even be able to record all of that data and later use it to predict hot zones of activity. Which she could then verify through on site activity. If everything played out right she might even be able to-

Stopping herself she suddenly looked at the girl and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about that, I kind of get dragged along when my mind goes off on an idea. I'm Jean by the way." Zipping her bag up the rest of the way she sat it next to her on the ground.

@Flame Demon
Madison shrugs "Everyone their quirks" she says and sighs "So... are you new here?" she asks, she hadn't really seen the girl before "And I'm Madison" she says while stretching, her mind wandering of, she wondered what her father was up too, he always seemed licked in the basement for some reason, while she knows that he makes gadgets there he has been spending an awful lot of time there, even her mother didn't know.

she then thimks of the day before, it had been a normal day, well as normal as it could for her, until the power went out, at first she thought it was her father's doing, but he was making lunch for a change "I wonder why there are supernatural beings here" she mumbles sbsentminded.

"To the school at least." Jean replied, dancing around the 'new' question as much as possible. She picked up a leaf that had drifted down and twirled it between her fingers. "If I had to guess its probably the land the school is on and not the school itself." Tucking the leaf behind her ear she gestured at all the builds vaguely. "Everything here are too shiny and brand new for that sort of thing to already be clinging to them."

@Flame Demon
Madison shrugs "I don't really know when the school was build" she says and adds "But I didn't mean here alone, I meant everywhere in this city". She glances at Jean before looking at the school building "Most people don't notice anything, wish I was among them, but I quickly realized that's impossible for me" she says leaning against the tree.

Jake turned to the newcomer, who he noticed was wearing quite the assortment of accessories. It was a little over the top, sunglasses and a hat just for the first day of school. Though everybody did have their idiosyncrasies he guessed. "Definitely," he said, smiling, "Welcome to the late club! We're getting to know each other. Not like we have anything else to do," he held out his hand, "Jake," he said. As he did this, he noticed over the guy's shoulders there was a small head that poked out behind a pillar. Jake quickly made eye contact with the head and furrowed his brow before the head disappeared. Was that boy -- girl -- person spying on them? Jake decided to not question it, though he kept it in his mind.

@Shade Wraith @Neuro Salem -i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x
Looking up at the new arrival he gave a vague nod to the new guy and then kind of sighed a bit trying to think of a proper response for what to say next but just as he was about to respond the train arrived a little bit earlier then expected. "A bullet train?" He leaned forward looking at it, "How rich is this school? From this map it is only a campus based train so it goes from here to the campus and to its own... private shopping district?!" He massaged his eyes a bit wondering if he was seeing things. The train also seemed to be one of the few ways to get to campus as it was also suspended over the water. Boats seemed also a viable option to get to the school. However the road was way on the other side and would prove difficult to get to on foot unless they lived close to the city. Just what the hell did he sign up for?
"Nice to meet you both! I'm Eliot but you can call me Eli" Eliot said as he shook Jake's hand and nodded to Hayden but as he did, Eliot finally processed what entirely Jake had said. "late club!?" Eliot said in a bit of a surprised tone thinking he had made it on time, "Oh man this is gonna be one crazy first day..." Eliot said aloud wondering what the school could possibly be like, however his thoughts where cut short from the sudden appearance of the train "Soooo what kind of school is this suppose to be again..." Eliot said noting the similarities in the trains design from other private schools he has been too previously, He had started to wonder if this 'quiet' town was more than it seemed.
Madison gets up and stretches "I should probably go and see if the new student had arrived yet" she says and she walks to the gate, but a girl stops in front of her, holding out a notebook and pen "Right" Madison mumbles and gives her signature before walking on, slowly but surely she was becoming famous, she didn't mind that much though, her phone goes off and she takes it "Haunted house?" she asks, she had seen a few seasons and her mother was in one season, but her character fled the house as she went crazy "What role" she mumbles and sees another text 'Private detective who can get rid of ghosts', she smiles and decides to do it, sbe rarely had homework so this was perfect, her mother must have recommended her.

Her mother may be a model, but she sometimes did movies as well and would drag Madison in it as well, but she preferred movies, you wouldn't have a huge audience in front of you. She puts her phone away and starts heading to where they have to arrive, occasionally glancing at posters that would promote several movies or series.
Jake nodded, "Yup, congratulations on being late!" he said, "It's not so bad, at least..." he stopped when he saw the train. "Damn," he muttered. Compared to other trains he had seen, this one seemed like it was from ten years in the future. The sleek silver look and the smoot design ticked something off inside him that told him this school was rich. He looked at the map that Hayden was looking at, and saw the exact same thing that he was ogling at. "Private shopping district?" he said, "Why would a school even need that?" He looked back on the open doors of the train. "Come on guys, keep staring at it and you'll miss it!" he said jokingly, walking through the doors of the train and finding a seat.

@Shade Wraith @Neuro Salem
1??::????? - 1::?????????


The ashy-blonde's crimson eyes flickered away from the dazzling look of his spinning umbrella, his gaze staring at the train track as the rushing sound of the train's arrival filled the station with a loud sensation. For a moment, Irona had taken his hands up and dropped the wooden handle of his umbrella to cover his ears from the loud noise, closing his eyes white he was in the process of avoiding the obnoxious sound.

As the train slowed to a stop in front of the group of teenagers, Irona couldn't help in but key in on the fact the other boys were astonished at the funding of the school. The white-haired child was fairly surprised himself, but nothing he hadn't seen before. He picked up his umbrella from off the cleaned down floor of the station, bringing it up with a swift motion of his hands and spinning it in the air, closing it as he did so. The swift motion was finished before it even began as the small boy turned himself and narrowed his eyes, gaining his eerie smile once again and following into the train after a black-haired male who was with the others. Irona fled a little further into the train the the first had, taking a seat and setting his umbrella between his legs. His yukata gave of a soft glow in the light a nearby window fled into the seat and his shy-blonde toned hair appeared white in the light.

He folded his hands neatly onto his lap, letting his head lean against the train window as he closed his eyes. He still held a faint smile with this action, making his face look peaceful. He looked fairly out of place, but that obviously didn't bother him at all. He kept his eyes shut in his simple motion, his ears keying in to the nearby noises.
Following him he sat down in a chair by the door. He hadn't really the time to waste getting off the train when they finally arrived so he would need to be sure to actually be prepared to run at a moments notice. But looking up at the clock in the train he noticed something a bit odd. It displayed the school time versus their current time. "Wait... we are early?" He looked at his watch and then looked at the map again and face palmed, of course they were early. The school was far enough away that it was in another time zone. The bullet train now made a lot more sense. It was scheduled to leave at any moment now. To the passengers the actual school looked like a small dot in the distance, 'but wait what about the boats...' He thought looking down and realized he was mistaken again. It wasn't a boat but another bullet train that ran along the water, "What the hell..." He couldn't believe it, he had just moved here but this school was already unreal.

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