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Futuristic ParaCom: Adversary Uncertain

Pedro Matas

Pedro's rifle snapped to where the Canadian was shooting, where two monsters showed their ugly faces. He'd seen these before. Monsters, but they seemed to be foot soldiers, just grunts for the invasion. Didn't make him take them any less seriously as he squeezed the trigger and sprayed a burst of lead at it. Unlike his more boisterous colleagues, he didn't have time for one-liners, and what ones he did have were not going to be wasted on the likes of these things.

Both the Canadian heavy and the Portuguese assault took down the ghouls with one hit. However, the group were not out of the woods yet. Near Arrow's and Red's position, a ghoul suddenly appeared, taking cover behind a tall cactus. While Scarecrow opened fire, he missed the target but a narrow margin.. The unharmed ghoul then laid suppressing fire on the Scottish assault.

Another ghoul climbed on a sand dune a good distance away. It went into overwatch, ready to fire at any opponent that gets in range. Alina unleashed suppressing fire on the ghoul in an attempt to secure the ghoul in place. The ghouls weren't going down without a fight.
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My Paracom title goes here

Red tries to fire back as he drops to the ground, only having the sand as nearby cover. Keeping low he gets two shots out of his shot gun but he can barely see the cactus let alone the ghoul. Hearing this Arrow crouches and, using his non firing arm and his knee as a rest for the gun, aims down his sights and fires a shot, hoping to clear his friend of suppression if he doesn't kill the thing. Once he fires the shot he focuses his attention to his surroundings, making sure no enemies have made their way to him and reloads the weapon to fire another shot.

After arriving on base, Ben was swept up by the much more charismatic guard as they embarked on their grand tour (the driver slunk off to some hidden corner to take a smoke break). The base was one big bunker, with a maze of connected compartments, ever expanding. The design was not as chaotic as it seemed, with all the compartments being near their logical counterparts. He made a metal note to unload his gun before he dropped it off at the armory, most Armory Officers where less than pleased about his aesthetic changes to his munitions.

It didn't take long for Ben to transfer his belonging from his bag to his locker, mostly things like clothes, toiletries, allergy meds, a packet of sharpies, and the bag itself. With that done, the PDA was next on the agenda, it used to have a sticky note attached to it with something or other important written on it, but that was lost in the locker now. Sitting on the bed, he began to familiarize himself with various protocol and other tidbits that might become important later.

"Heee-llooo!" The sing-song-like greeting floated down from the cieling. Should anyone be inclined to look up, a curious scene would await them. Hanging upside down from the barracks rafters, rocking back and forth, was a person; A person, sporting a wicked looking machete and black combat armor straight out of a Tron movie. While unable to see the strange individual's face - hidden as it was behind the helmet - the focus of the words was definetly directed toward Ben. Conversation or not, the figure seemed content to continue its impromptu trapeze routine. Swinging by its legs from the cieling beams, humming rhythmically, the starring intently at the soldier below.
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Pedro Matas

His target down, he snapped his head to survey the area. Close to him, a ghoul was hiding behind a cactus and laying down some fire on an operative, but the sniper beside that man blew the fucker's head off. That left a ghoul hiding behind a dune, a little ways off. It was waiting for someone to break cover, and he wasn't going to take that chance and draw fire unnecessarily. Instead, he brought his assault rifle up, took careful aim, and squeezed off a burst of rounds at it. Not the best odds, but it could happen.
Arrow took out the ghoul in one fell swoop while Red was struggling. However, the ghoul on the dune was still suppressed yet still on overwatch. Pedro made a wise decision in attempting to take the ghoul down from a distance. The ghoul was killed in one hit. The coast was clear for now. Alina reloaded her light machine gun and advanced. "Dragon should be close now..."

Alina's uttered statement proved to be right. The dragon crash site was just a little less than fifty meters from the dune the ghoul was on top of. The remaining trio of ghouls took cover behind the dragon's wings and the rhinoceros-like horn. A last stand was imminent. Center radioed the group. "Now they're fighting tooth and nail to secure their cargo. Eliminate the hostiles and recover all loot."
Pedro Matas

Pedro had been holding the centre of the group, and immediately dived to the dune that he'd just been shooting at not twenty seconds ago. Peeking over the ridge, he could see three more ghouls, all in cover. He noted his current position as an excellent firing point. Pedro rolled onto his back, hand-signalling three hostiles and waving over the man with a sniper rifle. A moment passed as everyone got mostly into position.

Then he rolled again onto his belly and took aim at the right-most ghoul, hiding behind one of the 'wings' of the dragon. A second passed as he lined up his sights, then doublechecked their alignment, and finally fired a short burst towards the ghoul. The gun barked over the silence, commencing the firefight.

Aero sat back in the pilot seat, unbelievably bored. He was to sit up there, alone, until these trigger-happy murder machines mowed down all of the enemies. He didn't even get to fly down and see the dragon! Unbelievable. Sighing, he curled up in his seat and resolved to take a nap while waiting for the others to call for his aid. Maybe he would get lucky and the dragon would wake up, so that he could fly down there and rip a hole through its chest with his dad's ship. It was fun to imagine, but the truth was, from the things he heard about the dragon's scaly hide, he wasn't sure that even the .50 cal guns on the Little Lady would be enough to penetrate them.


When a voice pierces your subconscious while you are lost in thought, it is not uncommon for one to be startled, even surprised. A lesser man may even fall from whatever perch where they are currently resting. They may end up on there ass, starring back at whatever had startled them. Ben in this case, seems to be our lesser man.

The object of Ben's surprise was at first glance a mannequin dressed up as a fighter pilot nailed to the ceiling, perhaps the product of a bizarre prank. Mannequins don't typically great people or swing back and forth quite as much as this one seemed to do, which meant that this probably wasn't a mannequin but a person. Which meant that sitting on the floor silently wasn't a best first impression. The figured starred back at him waiting for a response (he assumed, for all he knew they were sticking there tongue out at him).

"How's it hanging?"

When in doubt, cringe it out, thought Ben.

Nastda followed the Portuguese assault to his new position and watched him fell the ghoul with a well placed shot. "Good shot, almost would make me think you were a Paratrooper before this." He said to the man laying beside him. He brushed some sand off of his BDUs and flipped up his face shield. It was funny he thought to himself, how only in the heat of battle he noticed all the little details, humidity, distances, how the man beside him was breathing, how often his heart beated. Eyeballing the range to the ghoul hiding behind the horn he spoke to the Portuguese Paratrooper. "Back off a bit and stay clear of the backblast. I'm going to use the RPG." He moved to his knees almost silently getting into a stable position so the launcher wouldn't knock him over as he fired. His light machine gun made a thud as he dropped it in front of him. Now he slid the Carl Gustav recoilless rifle off of his back, and shouldered it. Lining up the unsuspecting ghoul he smiled, then with a pull of the trigger he fired.


The metal man moved the the left and climbed a high dune so he could see the crash site. It was effortless, most things were for him due to effort having little meaning for machines. It was a human invention so some could use it as an excuse not to be at max efficiency. At the top of the dune he used his inbuilt range finder as well as optical cameras to locate the final ghoul, or at least the one not consealed in sand and horn shrapnel. The Robot then opened fire.
All three remaining ghouls were slain in one fell swoop. No doubt the explosives helped. The dragon was to be secured and Center radioed the group. "Excellent work out there. Mission success."

Aero was ready to extract the squad. Promotions were a certainty. The dragon crash site would also have its contents recovered and plenty for the science team to have. The lab was notified for preparations.

Now that the fight had ended, Aero flew down from his comfortable little cloud down to the L-Z. He sat bored with his chin resting against his open palms, staring out of the window into the empty desert. "That was boringly easy. Nobody even had a leg blown off, or bitten off by a dragon, or something." He sat back in his chair, pouting. "Which, I mean, technically is a good thing, but it doesn't make for a very entertaining show." He felt the Little Lady hum with him in agreement.
Sometime later, the group was back at the base. Once Center arrived, he was to promote Alina Ivanova, Pedro Matas, Harold Natsda, and James Harrow to Corporal for their contributions. "This may not be much, but it's a good start. Take as much time as you need until the next mission calls." Seeing that the squad didn't have any casualties, it was good news for a change and a good start indeed.

Center would then announce to the science and engineering teams, "We just got ourselves a ton of material to study. It would be best to complete the research efficiently." Internally, Center knew it was just a calm before the storm. It always was with the paranormal.
Harold Nastda

Nastda patted Matas on the back. "Good work out there! I don't think I got to introduce my self to any of you properly! I'm Harold Nastda! What are your names?" His attitude had changed now that he was off the battlefield. The victory in retrospect was very minor, fighting against weak and poorly armed grunts but none the less he had a grin on his face.The air was somewhat musty but that was the norm for a bunker he guessed. "Anyways nice to meet you all, I'm heading back to the barracks. If any of you want to join me feel free."

With the last statement he turned about and lightly started jogging to the barracks. He went through the northern door to the room they were gathered in. As he moved through the base he noted construction crews digging new tunnels with both massive and small machinery, messing about with wiring sparks flying here and there, new rooms being assembled plate by plate. The project it's self was a massive under taking. As he was jogging he stopped besides the base's gym and looked in. There were people practicing unarmed combat in one section of the gym, he watched as one man flipped another. Then someone else was tackled and brought to the ground. In another corner people were repeling from a rock wall in full tactical gear. Yet another corner was a pool, MSN and woman were practicing combat divig. "That place is massive, and amazing." He thought to himself as he was turning away. There was a thud and a splash as he bumped into a red haired woman wearing PT gear. She was just screwing her water bttle's lid back on as he walked into her, the contents exploded with a great splash. "Hey watch where your going!" She exclaimed angrily at the Canadian Paratrooper. "Sorry I was too busy watching your short shor-" She slapped him as she could.
Pedro Matas

Pedro couldn't help but smile at Harold's enthusiasm. It was encouraging to see people taking this whole thing so well. It was just so hard for him to not take it that well, since he'd lost everyone but his sister in the attacks. "Pedro Matas. Precursores Aereterrestres." He made a small fist pump. "Paratroopers, all the way." As strange as it was, he immediately felt some sort of camaraderie there, just for being paratroopers. He moved to follow Harold.

Inside the gym, it was almost a playground of every training exercise that a soldier could need. He especially paid attention to the unarmed combat sections. Normally he was very much an enthusiast for that, but now it looked so... futile. You could know all the pressure points you want, and you could know how to break a knee in seventeen different ways. But what happened when your opponent wasn't human? It was very unlikely they had the same weaknesses as a regular human. Sure, later on techniques would be developed, but for now it just seemed wasteful. Like learning how to bake a cake and expecting to be able to prepare a salmon. Using the wrong tools.

He was so wrapped up in his own cycle of negativity that he didn't notice the impending collision until it was too late. Now all that remained was to see how it would turn out. So far, it seemed the woman was very much of the 'fiery redhead' stereotype. An amused smirk crossed his features as he watched, but tried not to make it too obvious.
Floodwater31 said:

When a voice pierces your subconscious while you are lost in thought, it is not uncommon for one to be startled, even surprised. A lesser man may even fall from whatever perch where they are currently resting. They may end up on there ass, starring back at whatever had startled them. Ben in this case, seems to be our lesser man.

The object of Ben's surprise was at first glance a mannequin dressed up as a fighter pilot nailed to the ceiling, perhaps the product of a bizarre prank. Mannequins don't typically great people or swing back and forth quite as much as this one seemed to do, which meant that this probably wasn't a mannequin but a person. Which meant that sitting on the floor silently wasn't a best first impression. The figured starred back at him waiting for a response (he assumed, for all he knew they were sticking there tongue out at him).

"How's it hanging?"

When in doubt, cringe it out, thought Ben.

"Quite well, thank you."

From behind the dark helmet, Misaki's bit her lip to stop the giggle that threatened to burst out. The soldiers reaction and response was amusing. With a quick swing forward, she untangled her legs from the rafters, flipping over once, before landing gracefully on the bed, and hopping daintly to the floor. Leaning forward, she extended a kevlar gloved-hand to the sitting soldier; in case he needed a little help getting back up.

"Have a nice fall, darling?"

Ben "Mut"

Ben watched as the figure pulled off a maneuver infinitely more graceful than his own, landing with barely a squeak from his bed before taking the hop down to the floor. A hand was extended in case Ben had a need of assistance. Ben took the gloved hand and allowed himself to be helped to his feet, it would have been sorta rude to just ignore it.

"Not the worst fall, at least someones here to help me up. I'm Ben"

He offered his hand, even though he'd just let go of their hand.

James saw the guy, Harold's, enthusiasm. Good for him he thought more concerned with how little they really achieved. He was barely in that engagement. He knew he was operating terribly but he couldn't pin point why so he decided to head to the shooting range. Red, meanwhile, was pumped and didn't care about anything other then the thrill. He didn't even hit anything but he was still pumped. "See you around Harry" he said to Harold, as he headed out to explore the base, since it was huge and, as he could see, ever expanding. His first plan was to find out where the engineers were and say hello to James brother.
August 11th, 2021: Operation Patient Savior.

Four days later...

"Hello Center. We have a mission of utmost importance that your specialists can handle. A bomb has been set up in London. Before you start asking about the bridge, everything would be blown to atoms and you will lose a huge portion of United Kingdom's support. It would also risk withdrawing them from the ParaCom project. Do take this seriously."

Center then radioed to Aero. "We got ourselves another operation. This time, a bomb defusal. It's possible they're trying to retaliate after our stunt with the dragon. All volunteers are welcome to board the Little Lady."


"Whooo!" Aero stood in the middle of the hallway, ecstatic at the chance for some action. He ran to the docking bat and have the Little Lady a pat before climbing into the cockpit. From there he announced over the intercom that all who wished to take part in this mission should come to Hangar A. "Hop to it. We're leaving as soon as Center gives the cue!"


Finally, it was time to go. He was disappointed at missing the first mission but was delighted, if he could be, that he didn't have to wait much longer for a second one. He was the first one besides the pilot in the Hangar, but considering he rushed over here, he wasn't surprised. He silently loaded himself into the back of the Little Lady. This time he armed himself with a standard .300 Win Mag. As he walked into the darkness of the ship, the tinting on his glasses lightened to give him a better view. It was spacious, until the other passengers would get on. He had never been in a confined space with several people at once. This would be interesting.

"Alina Ivanova, at your service." She too entered the Little Lady, with her light machine gun equipped with an advanced stock. This should help her hit enemies more efficiently. Providing heavy firepower, she was ready with Lance.

"Now let's see who's brave enough to join us." A heavy and a sniper would make an excellent team. The former destroys cover while the latter picks off the newly vulnerable enemies. Together, they may be unstoppable. Hopefully the paranormals do not get upgrades.
Harold Nastva and Pedro Matas, Parabros

"You fucking pig!" She screamed at him after the slap. He saw it coming and could of stopped it if he wanted to but he admitted to himself he deserved it. The situation it's self was quite common with him, and his sense of humor. "Here to wipe yourself off." Pulling off his shirt he offered it to the woman who simply walked away in disgust.

Pedro chuckled as he ambled up behind Harold. "You certainly have a way with women, Harold. Reminds me of Andreia." He laughed again, a surprisingly deep rumbling sound. "Only woman in the platoon. Matched an aggressive approach with an aggressive denial. I used to bet money on who would get slapped next. Became a game." He hadn't seen her die, but it was definitely possible that she did. The casualties that day, anyone could be dead. He tried not to let that show, and kept up a small smile.

"Thanks I like to think I do at least." He chuckled as well, almost matching the other man's deep tone. "Hey I'm going top side to check on what happened to that dragon, and to have a smoke. Want to come?" Behind him there was a no smoking sign, a commonality in the base. Bunkers were a notoriously bad place for smoke to gather.

Pedro shrugged. "I don't smoke, but sure. Not like I've got much else to do."

"Alright you wanna lead the way?"

Pedro nodded and moved off back out the door, winding through the base. As they walked down a mostly empty hall, he turned to Harold. "So, what's your story? How'd you end up at ParaCom?"

"I lost my leg, spent two years recovering, then I was deployed when the bastards hit Ottawa." Harold said a bit gruffly. "About two months later I got an offer to join a joint task force, originally thought it was JTF-2 until I was ordered to report to Africa."

Pedro glanced down at Harold's leg. Huh, he hadn't noticed that before. Amazing how subtle prosthetics could get these days. "As for me, I was born in a military family. Been soldiers since Napoleonic times. My... what're they in English... the Air-Land Pathfinders got combat dropped in Lisbon. Most died, as did most of my family. All I've got now is my sister." A sudden fire entered his eyes, before quelling itself just as quickly. "So now I'm here."

"Sucks about your family, really does." They were in an access shaft now climbing the stairs. "Paratrooper as well? Not surprised. You've got a certain air about you." Harold had left his shirt outside the gym, and just now he realized it. Though he didn't care much, Africa was hot.

Trying to put his family out of mind for now, Pedro responded to his Canadian soon-to-be friend's second statement. "Yeah. They tend to, from what I can tell. Takes something special to be able to willingly throw yourself out of a plane kilometres up off the ground, I'd say." As the surface drew nearer, Pedro became slowly more convinced that Harold had the right idea with already being shirtless. He began to start unbuttoning the top of his shirt as he walked.

"Dammit, right when I was going for a smoke, fuck me." Harold exclaimed when he heard Center's voice over the PA. "Let's head to the barracks and gear up!"

"Beat you there. Threetwoonego!"

"Let's not make a game of this, that bomb goes of and the death count will reach millions..."

"True. Okay, let's go." Pedro turned away and started a quick jog for the barracks.

Harold moved fast, this was a serious matter. The Barracks were on the floor below them so it was a quick run. They rushed in. In a flash Harold shouted. "Gear up or get the fuck out of the way!"
Ben "Mut"

Ben was loosing a game of cards as center's request came through, he was out of the room before the message finished. At a sprint, he dodged his way through the hall. Even hurdling over a small cart moving something or other to another section of the base, the guy pulling the cart bode him farewell with a string of obscene language. He assumed, Swahili was not his strong suit.

He entered the hanger, at a faster than average pace with shotgun in tow. He'd switched out the stock last week and it seemed to help, of course dummies don't shoot back. Two soldiers had already taken beaten him to the Jet, a sniper who had crammed himself into the back and a chipper looking heavy.

"Hey, I'm Ben Summer, nice to meet you", he extended his hand in the hopes that one of the two would take it.
"Alina Ivanova. Right now, we kill monsters. Rookie, consider this a rite of passage. It'll never be as intense as the first one." The Russian heavy saw how green Ben was. "Don't worry. No difference from killing humans."

About five troops filled the Little Lady. More would be welcome to join up. Similarly to last time, any more than eight would become cramped. In the very same case, claustrophobes need not apply if it does happen.

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