P. R. I. A.

Where shall PIU's City be?

  • San Jose, California

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dallas, Texas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fictional City of Collaborative Choice

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'll have to do it later. =/ I'm on this stupid tablet, and it keeps spazzing out every time I try to work on it. It'll let me look at it, but not add Ozzy's stuff. I'll do it as soon as I get home. :3
I got it a little too vague. Here's the more detailed explaination

Ectomancer: Having control over the dead, can talk and interact with spirits of those that passed away. Have some authority over these spirits, bending them to his will to a certain degree. Can sense and see the livings' souls. Can conduct a spirit's mind through his own, gaining their physical skills and abilities.

Not too OP considering that this doesn't help much against demons and aliens, or very useful in normal circumstances. 
If no one have any objection, I'd just go ahead and do this:

The original founders: (back then it was like a small friend group rather than a business.)

  • Henry Tompson: A strong man with an even stronger mind, Henry's the best psychic in the country, he can sense all type of paranomal activities and direct the team to the supernatural sites. A natural leader and a superb strategist, Henry saved many lives and helped a lot of people, aquiring quite a reputation for himself in the secret supernatural world. Henry is serious and friendly at the same time, the everyone-like type of guy. He's very plesant to have as a partner, always supporting and encouraging the others.
  • Raymond "Ray" Jackson: A cheerful young man, Ray is the team's mechanic, his speciality is using his little inventions to detects and protect his teammates against the paranomal threats. He also handle the team's communication.
  • Owen Pitt: The oldest member of the group, Owen was 26 when he died. He's the front line man, dealing directly with the threats. Owen is a scholar, studying the supernatural world for a long time. He can exorcist demons, ghosts and all kind of other nasties. He's also a very good psychologist. Owen is the model of a healthy life, always bugging the others to make them take better care of themself. He looks after the team's finances.
  • Nathan Leroy: The team's ghost specialist and scout. He asseses the danger level of the paranomal threat, and extract informations out of the spirits at the scene. Also the team's forensics expert and first-aid guy, studying in medical school at that time.

The details of the incident that killed the other 3 will be revealed in Nathan's flashbacks. Henry might be mentioned a lot, while the other 2 not so much. Note that Nathan got his mental disorder for only a short period of time, but it was servere. It was the result of the traumatic experience that killed him teammates. 
Oh and just to clarify, Nathan's three assistant ghosts are NOT the deceased founders. 
Also, Killi, do we have enough people yet? If we do you might wanna put that sign from accepting to closed.
I did change the sign .___. but strangely, it doesn't change to "Closed" in the Character Sign-up thread .__.

Also, we are waiting for Pooka :D FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES I WILL WAIT

@Shadow Michaelis : I think today'll be a good day to determine more closely your character's relationships and history with every employee. Are you up for that?

@Polemistis : Same goes for you. How involved did u wanna be with everyone/how long were you

thinking the twins had been employed as Silas' assistants? Also, what specifically can they do that's beyond the scope of the average human? And what does Silas/anyone in the PIU know about their abilities? 
Hmmmm in that case, we can talk it over here. Have you got any ideas for how ur character connects to the others, or were you looking for suggestions?
Well someone said something about the twins having to go to highschool, so she could know them from there. And she used to be the P.I.U.'s competition. That's all I really have so far, so yeah, suggestions are welcome.
Hmm well, how long's she been working with em? And who specifically helped her out? Does she know anyone else through familial or relational ties? What's her family life like/status/how's she feel about them? Has she got any older siblings? And how'd she get her own business at such a young age?
Let's see; She was only twelve when the P.I.U. got started, so I'd say....two years? She would have started working with them at 15 years old.

Not sure on that one.

Not really, unless anyone wants to be related to her.

Her mom died when she was 10, and her dad is away on business a lot, so she practically lives alone.

She has an older brother who's in college but they don't talk very often. He felt kind of left out and ignored since he was normal and she got so much attention for her talents. In other words, he's jealous of her.

She was a really strong psychic, and so parapsychologists and other people who work in that area were very interested with her. She worked cases under their watch, so that they could monitor her brain patters and see how she dealt with spirits. She got in the habit of helping out spirits, and decided to start making money off of it. Of course, her dad took care of all the real 'business' aspects.
Alrite, so since she's a ghostly chick, one of the ghost-girls would have helped her. Perhaps a Silas-Abby team jumped in while working a case that converged with Mae's? Or maybe Blythe was the one that saved her? Perhaps even Silas-Abby-Blythe?

Could be a case that first appeared to be only a vengeful ghost problem, but turned out to be a demon residing in the house, something Mae didn't know how to handle?

Could also be that Nathan just jumped in and saved her. Idk, what do you think? lol

2 years is a good time -- I guess she'd take over all of Nathan's more trivial cases to free him to work on the big stuff, and work alongside Abby, maybe help out Blythe too. That gives her more connections to the rest of the team too, since Abby drags Silas on ghost cases as well to scout them out and the like. (Silas is probably always cramming for his next test in his free time xD ). Does that sound good?


Also, for the city, did you guys want a real place (in which case i'd either go San Jose, California or Dallas, Texas), or did you guys want a fictional city that we can hash out as we like?
Sounds awesome to me. And I think the demon one would work best-being from a family of psychic's helps her handle any type of haunting pretty well. And I'd go with San Jose, but whatever works. :3
Awesome, will take note :) So that's settled then.

xD I meant that Mae's relationships were settled xD

Also, I added a Poll :)

@Shadow Michaelis

In the meantime, could you write out your character's relationships with everyone, and as for her own name, put in her family life and current living situation?
Hey everybody I just wanted to let you know will be gone Thursday and Friday with only access to my phone but no wifi :(

Just thought I'd inform :D
Can I just say this is the most detailed rp I've ever seen?

To answer @Killigrew 's question:

Jeanelle is hyper-sensitive to things not of this world, but not the actual demons or ghosts causing it. Say if an object (e.i. an urn or a necklace) was important to the demon/ghost/sometimes alien(?), she would be able to tell that, or if whatever they are hunting left a trail not visible to the human eye, it makes her a valuable 'tracker dog'. Sometimes though all the sights of neon bright colours or overpowering scents crowds her and makes her prone to severe headaches and occasionally, when a certain item is smothered in energy fluctuations too extreme for her to handle(not often) she goes loopy and claims to hear 'the voices', doing as they instruct, until the object is found and exorisied and/or destroyed.

Jeanette is able to see a demons true form, if most people saw a ghoulish demon all they would see is a gaseous form similar to a ghost, and if they saw a physical demon, say one that was deformed, holding a bloody hatchet and baring ten thousand sharp fangs, they would be freaked the heck out. Jeanette would look at it though, and see either a normal looking(rather frightened) person, or an even more horrifying sight, depending on why it's out haunting. This makes her a good addition when hunting demons, so that rather than exterminating a mere child that had been scared, they actually get the truly evil ones, however, it also makes her vulnerable to frequent and very disturbing nightmares.
It could be that Nathan knew Mae's parents from his previous works, and somehow she left and go work for P.I.U. If you want to tragedic reason, it can be that her parents died. Less dramatic reason, they had a fight and she left. Normal reason is that P.I.U. needs a secretary and she's available so he just hired her....
Well her mom died when she was ten, and her dad is always away on business, and she needed assistance on a possession case, so she went to the P.I.U. But I like the fight idea. It would explain why she completely left her dad's business.
Also, name change suggestion.

Paranormal And Supernatural Tactical - P.A.S.T. (Can't think of anything T- so I just put Tactical in there.)

How about that? xD A little lame but I just want the name to spell something cool.
how about FEAR

First Encounter Analysis and Reconnaissance

Its close to the video game F.E.A.R.

First Encounter Assault Recon....

So it may not work.

Maybe FEAT

First Encounters Analysis and Tactics.

Do you want an acronym or abbreviation?
Hmm...nice name, but it's not really suitable. We're an investigation group, and Fear is a little...extreme and out of character....
Waugh(city name) Paranormal Research and Investigations Task Force (or Unit or Incorporated) 
We could call it "WaPR" for short ( pronounced wapper) 
@Shadow Michaelis Fill out your character's viewpoints and relationships and maybe a brief summary of whatever history she had with each of the characters:

Silas Eagleton:

Jeanette Rogan:

Jeanelle Rogan:

Nathan Leroy:

Mae Osbourne:

Abigail “Abby” Tompson:

Lauren Fousenfaust:

Blythe Foster:

Leo Molchenko:

Lucas Meyer:

Hageshi Arasoi:

You can see the doc, right? So using that as reference, go ahead and determine what you'd like for every character. Feel free to tag and ask questions if you have any, otherwise have free reign and have fun with it! :)
Awesome, thank you. :3 
I kind of want to make Mae have a giant crush on Silas, just to make things even more awkward. xD Also, does anyone want to work out a special history with Mae?
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Okay I edited the spreadsheet posts for Eraniel, though if anyone has any special relationship in mind with the sociopathic Ex-angel turned werebear now dean of custodial affairs (head janitor, only janitor). I'd be happy to put it in there.
Well, I already decided that she used to work with her dad, and they got in a fight so she took a possession case that she couldn't handle. The P.I.U. helped her out and she ended up joining.
It seems to me that we have an ubalanced distribution of profesions, as most of us chose to be ghost specialists, with one Alien-related character and one Demon specialist, that's without counting the Angel dude that's a little bit of everything. Does this affect the RP?

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