P. R. I. A.

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I was thinkin' mebe Silas learned ur dude was an angel? Is it possible? And how would it happen x) just over a cup of coffeh?
Hey Killi, my friend Lovable Darkside, reaaaaaaaaaally wants to join. And trust me, she has a very..interesting..character idea. And she'll do an alien specialist, to help balance it out a little. What should I tell her?
xD uhhhhhhh

Why do I have to make these decisions? xD

hm, I say she can go ahead and submit her character, and based on that, I'll determine if it'll work or not. 

Polemistis said:
Can I just say this is the most detailed rp I've ever seen?
To answer @Killigrew 's question:

Jeanelle is hyper-sensitive to things not of this world, but not the actual demons or ghosts causing it. Say if an object (e.i. an urn or a necklace) was important to the demon/ghost/sometimes alien(?), she would be able to tell that, or if whatever they are hunting left a trail not visible to the human eye, it makes her a valuable 'tracker dog'. Sometimes though all the sights of neon bright colours or overpowering scents crowds her and makes her prone to severe headaches and occasionally, when a certain item is smothered in energy fluctuations too extreme for her to handle(not often) she goes loopy and claims to hear 'the voices', doing as they instruct, until the object is found and exorisied and/or destroyed.

Jeanette is able to see a demons true form, if most people saw a ghoulish demon all they would see is a gaseous form similar to a ghost, and if they saw a physical demon, say one that was deformed, holding a bloody hatchet and baring ten thousand sharp fangs, they would be freaked the heck out. Jeanette would look at it though, and see either a normal looking(rather frightened) person, or an even more horrifying sight, depending on why it's out haunting. This makes her a good addition when hunting demons, so that rather than exterminating a mere child that had been scared, they actually get the truly evil ones, however, it also makes her vulnerable to frequent and very disturbing nightmares.
Hmmmm, I don't know if this would work well with the demons I was going for. Unless you were thinking they were something other than the Judeo-Christian demons?

The abilities would make a lot of the mysteries too easy, too -- the tracking one I mean. Being able to track down ghosts just from an item they had makes it too easy for the characters. As for Jeanette, the demons are going to look exactly like normal people. Except in urban legend cases, where they can take physical form, even. I haven't really posted anything on lore, but think mythology and suburban legends (IE Bunny Man). If you can qualify your characters by legends or myths, then we can talk it over and figure out what'll work.

Btw, can you access the Google doc? I haven't seen you in there as of yet O__o
Pardon me, but I'm redoing the relationships for Hageshi. Currently having been edited is Silas, Eraniel (previously Lucas), Abby and Mae. Leo's space has been emptied and will be refilled soon.
Just a little rundown on what Eraniel can do and what his limits are:


-He can harm spirits with his sword.

-He can perform minor miracles, most common of which is his "laying of hands" or healing skill. The healing effect has body-wide coverage.

-He turns into a werebear at will.

-He can sense other spirits.

Limitations/Special Conditions:

-He can only gather prayers once per week, which are vital to what is left of his minor miracles.

-He can only perform minor miracles once per day for six days and needs to gather prayers in order to order to bring the count back to six again starting on the day after he gathers the prayers.

-The miracle usage count does not go over 6 regardless of how many times he gather prayers.

-His "laying of hands" mends non-fatal wounds sustained in a fight but not ailments such as poisoning, tuberculosis, leukemia, cancer, to name a few. Bone fractures, cuts, scrapes and the like are mendable.

-He can only infuse his sword with prayers once per week.

-His sword is a very dull sword that is only ever used to harm malevolent spirits or spirits he sees as malevolent. It cannot hurt a potato, much less a tomato.

-His sword's spirit harming ability caps off/maxes out at the first 5 slashes before needing another prayer infusion.

-He can uncap the sword's spirit harming capabilities for an hour at the cost not being able to call upon the power for 30 days.

-His armor is basically an ornament that can't even stop a 9mm bullet among most low caliber modern ammunition or but it can still turn knives.

-He turns into an uncontrollable feral bear once every 28 days as a reminder of his previous sin committed to the bear deity. As a counter measure he leaves Blythe's residence whenever he feels the "urge" coming and isolates himself from civilization, opting to sate his bloodlust with the plentiful game in the woods or starve himself regardless of the sharp pain. His body would pay severely for the hunger when he returns to being semi-human.

If anyone has an issue with this feel free to put it in the comments below(spoken like a youtube host) or in another post on this thread. Just tag me. I am aware that he may be OverPowered and I'm trying to limit it so I don't fray someone's nerves.
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A random musings production.

A Sol and Kaine production.

Please note that this is the very watered down version of a back and forth discussion between me and Kaine that lasted for 2 or more hours. I lost track of time. I have a transcript of the conversation if anyone wants to know the full story, do note that the transcript is very long.

The afterlife is part of the spirit world but it isn't THE spirit world.

The afterlife is not a storage device but a transition point, it is where souls stop to rest and then move on to implant itself onto a fetus or something to begin the cycle of life anew. Much like reincarnation.

An extinction event happens when the afterlife overflows. To counter this, it seals itself for a short time to let the souls in it leave. The souls that can't get in, roam the land until such time the afterlife regulates itself and is ready to accept new souls. During this time, the wandering souls have the capability to band together, it makes the returning to the afterlife streamlined for all of them. However, those wondering souls have a nasty habit of possessing any living thing it sees.

The precursors/aliens regulate the afterlife.

The AI is a creation of the precursors.

The AI is trying to realize what it means to be human via afterlife.

Lauren is used by the AI to gather data in the afterlife which gives her a number of neural enhancements.

Lauren is pivotal to controlling the AI and regulating the Afterlife.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/alsdjapdsj.txt.11d91fe2ae43d27db5503019925ac039.txt" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/alsdjapdsj.txt.11d91fe2ae43d27db5503019925ac039.txt" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/alsdjapdsj.txt.5a90a3f2704cde5cc3c74b8604d2b77c.txt" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/alsdjapdsj.txt.5a90a3f2704cde5cc3c74b8604d2b77c.txt" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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The only thing i would add to Sol's post is more towards Lauren as a character. She was abducted by the Precursor race before she was born, and the wreck that killed her parents is actually when she was abducted by the AI.

The Precursor gave her the ability to share/feel emotions of others.

The Precursor Race gave her Higher brain function.

The AI gave her the neural implants.

The AI are on earth and certain points on earth are easier to cross over into the afterlife.

I figure Lauren is key to making the AI understand that if they don't leave the afterlife alone, and protect it as originally created that humanity will end. 
Realize this is a doubt post, i wasnt gonna post it, but this is my interpretation of Sol and I's conversation. lol


- Precursor

- A.I.

- Humans


- Afterlife

- Souls

- Earth


- All living things have a soul. When souls pass from their living body they either stay or move on. When they move on, the go to the afterlife. The afterlife is like a waiting line. When ready the souls pass on into a new body and the cycle is complete and then restarts. Basically rebirth.


- The Precursor Race discovered the afterlife. They managed to find a way to move between these realms without being a part of that cycle. This however causes an imbalance and for what ever reason shuts down the after life. I figure this is because a living being takes way more room than a soul does. When that happens the afterlife closes. This makes for souls to pile up on ground level.

When souls pile to much they being to clump together and form more powerful, violent beings that can cause physical harm and pull souls from living creatures. If left unfixed long enough, within a short period, an extinction level event occurs.

- Precursor Race designed a Race of AI to insure an extinction event never happens again. This race was so advanced though, that it easily became self aware and after many years eventually forgot about its initial protection and moderation design.

- Precursor race helped accelerate the evolution of humans and since then the AI as begun observation and experiment upon humans to create a soul. Seeking the answer to being “alive” and how to enter the afterlife.

- AI Commonly abducts people and performs implantation and experimentation. This is all done on earth.

- The Precursor race no longer controls the AI. But humans are the key to making the AI understand. Lauren was first abducted by the Precursor Race, before she was born. They gave her the gift of emotional transference. A.I. killed her parents and abducted her. she is the key to getting the A.I. back to their goal.

I figure after everyone elses input this will get a final perfection/revision. :P
This is all great stuff! But I hope there is still room for the mysterious aliens. The strange explainable phenomena that is an essential part of ufology.

If it's all set in stone now we cant have crazy insane xfiles weird stuff.
Im not gonna be makin this spirit realm be a reincarnation system solely. Hmm but your ideas could work. Ill be on my comp in a few hours and can get a more cohesive post on what is already planned out for the spirit realm and we can discuss the extent of the implementation of these ideas and their impact on the rp in greater detail then.

:) Awesome to see u guys putting your heads together on this stuff!
Silas Eagleton: Mae has a gigantic crush on Silas. She respects him greatly, but always turns into a bloody idiot whenever he's around. She just hopes that he doesn't notice.

Jeanette and Jeanelle Rogan: Mae knows the twins from school, and normally avoids them. She's not a big fan of their pranks, and to be honest, they really creep her out.

Nathan Leroy: She respects Nathan, and is always cheerful and polite to him, but they rarely talk.

Abigail “Abby” Tompson: Mae really likes Abby. She enjoys talking to her, and views her as a friend.

Lauren Fousenfaust: Lauren's an adorable little girl, but Mae has never had a real conversation with her. All she knows about Lauren is that she's really smart, and close to Leo.

Blythe Foster:They're frenemies, but Mae respects Blythe. She understands how Blythe feels about being able to hear ghosts, since Mae can too.

Leo Molchenko:Mae respects Leo, but in all honesty, he used to scare her. She's a tiny girl and he's this gigantic soldier, so obviously she'd be a bit nervous around him. Over time this nervousness has faded, and she looks up to him and likes that he's so dedicated to his job.

Hageshi Arasoi: Mae will openly admit (but only if bribed) that she is terrified of Hageshi. The woman is mean, and Mae simply doesn't understand how someone could be so hateful. She tries to keep her mouth shut whenever Hageshi is around, to avoid being snapped at. Mae is absolutely positive that if she's around Hageshi for too long, she'll either start crying her eyes out, or screaming at Hageshi for being such a bully.

Aretha Knox: Mae met Aretha in school, and they had always argued, even before knowing that either girl could speak to ghosts. They had always been competing to be better than the other, and Mae was actually relieved when she found out that Aretha had moved away. It meant no more phone calls from angry teachers from school.

Mae Obourne: Mae's family had always been interested in the occult, on both sides. Her mother came from a long line of psychics and mediums, and her father from a line of parapsychologists. A love the occult had seemed to run in the family, until Mae's brother, Declan, had been born. He had no skills or talents in this are, and absolutely no interest in it either. Mae had been born just years behind him, with a number of paranormal gifts, and he had been forgotten, just like that. Mae and Declan had never gotten along, and they hardly knew each other. Declan hadn't even shown up to their mother's funeral. Mae hasn't seen Declan in about 4 years.

Her father is away doing classes on parapsychology, guest starring on ridiculous talk shows, whatever. Mae really couldn't care less. They had a falling out when she was fifteen, and she ended up leaving his company because of it. She worked solo for a while, using what little resources she had left to get cases, and eventually took a possession case that she couldn't handle alone. Reluctantly, she called on the P.I.U., her former competition, for help, and ended up joining their team.

(I hope you all enjoyed Mae's life story, because I typed in like 12 minutes. Hopefully it wasn't to terrible xD And yes, I know I'm missing a couple of people, I'll have them up in a little while.)
Well the precursor race can be mysterious i mean. They can enter the afterlife afterall. They are higher than humans but lower than god/s. so. yeah.
Waugh Agency of Paranormal Research and Investigations? 
@Kaine @Sol

I updated the overview, and I gotta say, idk if there is a precursor race antes de humanity.

Perhaps instead, that which you call precursor could in truth be spirits? Like how fae abductions would happen way back when, they changed form to masquerade as aliens in this time period instead.

Also, the afterlife does have a reincarnation system, but its not so defined. Its an option for the spirits rather than a requirement. Growth and extension of life is a must considering the population spike and our vast array of mythology to draw upon.
You can do what ever you like. im thinking i need to redo my character. the more and more we try to do aliens the more it seems like it wont work lol.
Aw, well, I hope they fit well enough with what we got.

Anyway, I've added a new tab to the gdoc. Who would like to accompany Silas on a mission to obtain the Jersey Devil? :>
Nathan is probably not going. Can I make another side mission? That involes some others while you're doing this?
^ lol jason u sure ur not psychic irl?


I'm gonna make a few side-missions, too. If anyone has any suggestions, voice 'em now or forever hold your peace! > :D
Don't we already have 2 side missions ready?

EDIT: In the story board tab?
Yeah, we have a few to choose from. Just wanted to know if anyone had anything in mind for to do immediatamente.
I kind of want to make it where Mae's older brother has ghost issues and has to call on her and the P.I.U. for help. He's so hateful towards psychics (and especially Mae) so I think it'd be entertaining if he didn't really have a choice but to trust them. I'd write for him of course.

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