[Overlord: Shards of Immortality] The Main Hall

Thraxis Would fall from wherever he was Floating at that time... bellows of high pitched laughter escaping his toothy demonic Maw, ever delighted by the shenanigans..."that.. That was Priceless" he says, wiping a acidic tear from his eye.. "Let the Poor creature down, he is merely doing what he is Meant to do, if you want to be Angry, be Angry at whomever created him. " he says, wondering if Jester still has that "Property of Dra'Mogar'Thraxis" brand on his Tush, that he put there...
Seeing the Overlord removed any ill intent Delrodas felt towards Gnarl. Only for the Jester to be the new target of his annoyance. He was tempted to talk Venore into letting him kill the jester in his stead, but he was already a mess.He didn't need some fools blood staining his armor, regardless of the poor condition it was in. Right now he was content with watching the little cretin being torture.
"Venore enough!!!!" Zarkoff yelled as he knew what was going through his mind, he was about to keep yelling but the burning stinging pained ruturned attcking his right eye and body, "Jester" he said "how dare you commit such an act of foolishness of impersonating the Overlord in such a time like this, I will save you this time but be foreworned you incompetent little worthless prick the next time you try something like that I will be the one who will not hesitate to kill you in such manner that you would've wished for a swifter death" the anger that flew and sparked in his eyes meant death at that point "what we should all do is try to help clean up" he said as he was turning to Alisha only to see she was very close behind him
*zar'hesh was so confused by the sudden "overlord" appearance and it's comical end that he allowed the carnivorous flower to bite down on his finger, making him let out a surprised hiss. he turned his head at the flower gnawing on him, and then back at the jester, held by Venore* nice.. very nice.. *he says it sarcastically* Gnarl.. what do you sssuggesst that ssshhhould happen to him?
Venore the Earthern Commander

The Jester squirmed, attempting to wriggle his way out of Venore's armoured hand. It was all futile. Venore enjoyed crushing the Jester - his display of disrespect at such a time was inexcusable. Some Generals requested he let the creature go, Thraxis making an excellent point. This WAS his purpose.

But surely, such a purpose had no meaning? He let go of the excuse of a creature, a small thud and whimper as it landed on the stone ground. It skittered away from Venore, most likely afraid of it - or perhaps planning its next trick specifically for him.

”Be gone with you." Venore growled. He pointed the tip of his halberd at the goblin. "I may be of a different mind next time you attempt such disrespect and foolishness."

He retracted his halberd to his side, and returned to the pillar he was leaning on. He awaited Gnarl's speech.
*Zar'hesh returned to his seat, but he still tried to make the darn flower stop gnawing on him, with not really much success*
Returning to his seat after passing Alisha saying "we ahould all try and help Alisha with the fixing process as fast as possible and.... BAM!!!! The sound of a gun went off all the other generals turned to see the end of zarkoffs gun smoking as he continued to speak "can that flower please stop that insufferable gnawing noise I can't even hear myself think" he said as the flower went flying from one end of the room to the other "now that one nussance is out of the way the other one to deal with is the fixing process, for now I say we wait for what Gnarl has to say and then we should start fixing up the tower
"If everyone is quite finished trying to kill the Jester..." David says out loud, attempting to silence the others. "Though it was a dirty trick, it did show us something incredibly important..." He walks over to the armor, picking up the helmet and setting it on the table. "The Jester had the Overlord's armor, which means obviously he wasn't in it. Think about it, nobody knew his identity , his real name nor what he looked like, which means he could simply put on civilian clothes and head out one of the back entrances, and he's gone. If hes not dead, the Overlord could be living in exile right under our noses. However, that means we cannot find him either." He looks over the others.
"Interesting theory David but why try to blend in with civilians when you're the most powerful being alive, to be honest my guess is that he knew is if a power is strong enough to create a battle plan that will not only shut down the tower but kill all of us as well it's worth hiding from until it's better understood, I'm not calling the overlord a coward I'm just saying he might have left in order to find a way to destroy what or who ever it was that did this to us" he said looking around and waiting for a response from his fellow generals
Venore the Earthern Commander

Venore listened to David, and didn't believe the theory at all. Surely this couldn't be the Overlord's armour? He was out there somewhere, most likely planning, waiting for his Generals to finally return from death.

Yet, he wasn't convinced with himself. He walked towards David, and lifted the helmet to inspect it. It... it was certainly ornate, it had a feeling of... power... such eminations... there was no mistake. This was the Overlord's helmet. And he was holding it in his hand callously. He put it back down on the table gently - as if the helmet was a precious object deserving such respect. He froze for a few moments, pondering the implications of this, assessing David's theory.

He turned around to face David and the other Generals. ”And... dare I say... What is to say that the Overlord has succumbed to death? Like us? We thought ourselves invincible."

He shook his head. ”And if he is alive, the Overlord would never stoop to such lows, retreating from the battlefield disguised! Where is the honor in that? Even if honor is not in the question, why would he not take his armour hidden in bags? Amd why has nothing been done in a century..."

Venore folded his arms, and leaned slightly on the table. The Overlord's dissapearance was a conundrum indeed. He was alive, Venore was sure of it... but things didn't make much sense.

Chuckling, Venore opened his palm towards Gnarl. ”Perhaps Gnarl can finally tell us what he has been meaning to tell us, yes?"
As the figure of the Overlord walks in, Vitae's eyes widen in suprise, and he mutters, "After all this time?" As he sees the being trip, and the Jester skimper out of the suit, he sighs, and gives an annoyed look in the direction of the Jester. He stands up, and picks up a bottle of wine, and tries to take a sip of it, only to have it evaporate into the air. "David, that would make since, but only to a point. Have you ever seen the Overlord with his armor off? I haven't." "I have a theory, that I have been hesitant to say until now, I belive that there was no Overlord behind the armor, we have been working under the assumption he is humanlike, how do you know he is not just a wisp of air?" he sighs agian, staring sadly at the wine bottle, he doesen't drink much, but Vitae needs one right now... "I don't know were the overlord has gone, but if he was alive, he would not have left his armor." "Alisha, after we are done hear, could you come help me get my staff and other items out of my study?" "I might need help with the wards."
Zarkoff sat there seeing all the theories his fellow generals were coming up with he finally barely stood up in a leaning fashion and said"nonethe less whether the overlord is dead or not we were given a duty by him for if not for him none of us would be here at all" he said sitting back down from the pain "none the less I say we listen to what Gnarl has to say and then begin the rebuilding process"
Kssss Who gave you the right to ruin the ssspecimenss i collected? *Zar'hesh hisses at Zarkoff shortly* you maybe dessstroyed something that could have been ussseful to the misstress.. *he stands up and walks to the carnivorous flower, checking what remained of it*
"Zar'hesh please it's just a useless flower a flower will not help us! It will not help rebuild! It will not heal any of our wounded! And it will not find the overlord! A flower is expendable our overlord is not!"
*zar'hesh returned to his seat after putting the remains of the flower in his pocket* mhm.. yesss.. ssorry that my obsesssion with potential poissons i could extract got in the way * he says to Zarkoff*
"And I am sorry as well I did not mean to raise my voice I am just distraught at the fact that our overlord is missing and some of us our wounded please forgive me" he said looking over to Zar'hesh with an apologetic gaze "as for the rest of us we still have to listen to what Gnarl has to say" he said looking over to the demon "but for now I say we begin the restoration process to at least get some progress in" he said attempting to get up but falling back down to his seat saying "as for me I think I'll stay here" giving a little chuckle
*Zar'hesh nodded in an approving way* i ssshall mix up ssome balmss when i gather enough ingrredientss, but until then.. *he crosses his fingers and leans on the table, supporting his lizard chin and looking at Gnarl*
"yes" says Zarkoff looking at Gnarl in an approving manner of what Zar'has was thinking "since I plan on staying by force I, just like my friend at the end of the table am rather interested in what you had to say" he said looking at the demon with a most evil grin
"What honor is there in dying when you know its possible to live another day and return stronger than ever?" David retorts, quoting the Overlord himself during the early years of his Conquest. "And I'd like to point out the fact that he felt fatigue after battles, as well as other feelings not possible by a wiff of air." David says, putting a hole in the other theory.
"now now David" said Zarkoff "I know you have every reason to be angry but now is not a time to have at eachothers throats like this especially in a situation of this proportion, what we have to do now is be as united as ever begin the building process and then figure what happened to our overlord" he said holding his head with one hand and playing with a blank bullet with another on the table "does anyone think other wise?" he said looking around making eye contact with each one of his fellow generals
Vitae chuckles a bit, "David, wisps of air would feel fatigue, as they still have to move, and even if he did not, he could be faking for purposes unkown." He says, punching a hole into the supposed hole that David punched into his theory, "Also, I have a feeling that the armor was the only thing binding him to that form, if he stepped out of the armor, he would become formless." he looks at Alisha impatiently, "You coming, or not?"
Zarkoff looks over at Vitae and gives a little chuckle and says "you know speaking to her like that won't get you anywhere" he says looking over to Alisha
Azreal simply remained silent, he walked over, hobbling a bit and picked up his leg. A loud cracking noise was heard from his cloak as he stood up straight for the first time in this body. Returning to his seat he put his scythe through the shadow of the table, head first and pulled up and placing it back on his lap. "Now I am done killing the jester." completely aware that the conversation have moved on. He folded his gloved hands and watched at the other generals talked.
The overlord had strode in just after he had entered, day had slipped in unnoticed, trying to attract as little attention as possible. Then this monumental shape comes in through the door, but something was wrong. It... the overlord had a certain aura, a certain way of moving that inspired fear and awe. This shape- Then it collapsed.

Day didn't loose composure, but his eyes were wide in surprise. "How-" The jester. That little, annoying, worthless, pitiless, frustrating, irritating, unprofitable...

But he contained himself, and his hair stood up with delight as Venore began to crush that fool... but he forced himself to relax. Even the jester had his uses. A workman. And he was about to put his hand out to stop Venore, when he let the whelp down. He retracted his hand. Then discussion changed to the overlord's armor. It looked real, seemed real. Even if the minion's movements within such magnificence were unimpressive, he still still believe that the overlord was dead, and that this armor was all that remained of the husk.

He reached his hand out to brush a finger over it. It was like static electricity, shocking, sudden, a bolt of energy. He pulled his hand back. This could fetch a high price, his mind told him. But he knew that the other generals would never cooperate. He allowed a shrug and takes a step back, nodding at venore, a creature he respected and quite enjoyed, even his arrogance was pleasing in its certainty. He nodded as words were spoken, but he said nothing.

Then Azreal spoke. Day whirled sharply, nearly incensed with irritation. "Did you just kill the jester?!" He snarled angrily, continuing with energy, a thing he didn't feel he could bring to an argument, but somehow he managed. "You fool, everything has its uses! Again and again you set us back by microns, but microns still! Be of use!" He allowed himself to spit the words out like acid, turning away from Azreal, disgusted.
"That fool had no use to us alive Day." The Phoenix Commander says, attempting to calm the raging General. "If anything, he'd play 'jokes' and actually sabotage our workings of rebuilding. We're better off using his corpse for feeding the new minions, than using his skeleton as a warning for the others."

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