[Overlord: Shards of Immortality] The Main Hall

"What do i always Answer with? Boredom." he says, drinking from his rough hewn cup. "...in a way, I am Envious of Day.. still able to obsess over the little things... always Busy, always thinking... He believes he always has something to do... he does not need to search for a distraction from eternity." he says, finishing his cup. "On the otherhand, I find his Interests eternally Boring..." he adds...

"Odd i randomly bring that Topic up again... in a effort to keep this ongoing, we Three are the first to 'Awaken'?"he asks, using the term extremely loosely.
"He reminds me of someone I once knew, but yes the old are always envious of the young." A red glow could be seen from under Azreal's cloak, the same red glow from the rose. In fact it was, the rose slowly floated down from out of hood of Azreal cloak until it was on the table. "We are bound by our boredom, never to have what we want, never to get it, just simply watch it turn to dust." Azreal began to painfully laugh, he swiped the rose off the table and put it back in his cloak.

"But we don't have that luxury do we *******, of -" when Azreal said this the whole tower shook like the earth beneath was in rapture. As the quake died down, Azreal lowered his head as if sad, but then began to laugh quietly. "I forgot I can't say that here, reality doesn't like it."

Completely changing the subject, "For your last statement I think it practicality why were are the first three, he is the book keeper and most likely the only person to get things in order quickly and efficiently. As for me and you, well that is up to your interpretation, I have my own thoughts about why us second."
"The fact Gnarl was obviously expecting me to me.. closer to my previous Incarnation. If I was back at full power, the Tower would allready be Fully Erect again..." he says, with a chuckles.."Fully Erect... oh why must the most childish Humor amuse me so?" he says, with a sigh, summoning forth another drip of wine,
"Was it not that dreaded scientist, if you could call her that, who made the tower. If anything it would be her who could fix the tower." Azreal trying to get the full measure of the mini-Lord's height put his gloved hand on his head and said, "It amuses you because you are like a child both in voice and appearance my miniature friend." thoroughly please with himself he took his hand off and began to laugh again. "But what do you expect with this world in shambles, if you were at full strength a flex would crush the tower and we can't have that now. That accountant would get all ruffled and agitated."
"yeah, best not we tell him this Wine is of such value it could of payed for the Repairs itself." he says, giving a Evil little chuckle, allready used to his Microsize.
Laughing so much he smacked the table, Azreal took a few minutes to compose himself from that joke. "I assume this 'awakening' will take a while so we should get some entertainment, don't you agree?"
"I am actually still trying to get used to my new Form. a BIT of a change from towering over everyone else here." he explains, sipping.
"I think it is better that way, but you were always so flashy, its not like you need to be huge." he said, while smirking under his hood.
he states simply. "if somethings worth doing, it's worth doing in such a way, it'll be remembered for generations. So yes, I like to be Flashy"
Azreal Valdis

Azreal continued talking with the tiny lord enjoying the wine that went through his body before dropping the cup as his entire body shuddered for a moment feeling extremely cold. "Did you feel that?" he said looking around all confused to see where the source came from
The small demon chuckled(tho sounded almost like a Malicious.. giggle), as he looks in a direction, as if through the walls.. "Mab's Plaything Woke up... and she does not feel all too Happy about it..." he says, floating upward.
Azreal Valdis

He considered bending over to pick up the cup but decided against it since he was missing a leg and simply flicked his wrist as it just shot off the floor and back into his hand. "I see . . We don't talk much even the other creatures of the nether die but those fae are just plain creepy even by my standards. Do you know her well?" he asked curiously as he poured himself some more wine from the bottle and realized that it never stops coming out and thought the demonlord was very clever.
He seem's suddenly distracted... looking off in a upward angle.. "I... will get back to you on it.." he says, lifting off the table, and flying up through a hole in the ceiling, seemingly 'concerned'.."Just a Moment, Azzy." he says, shortening his already short name...

He continues to the tip of what remains of the tower, and eventually lands himself on the highest tip... and begins to look around.....
Azreal found himself alone again with nothing to do but wait. As he sighed from boredom he pulled out that rose again. Of obvious sentimental value he twirled it around with his gloved hand, watching it frozen in time.

He put the rose back in his cloak and leaned over the table as if to put his face down upon it. Underneath the back of his cloak two objects moved and shook. He flinched and a out the back of the cloak were two bone wings, though not on his mortal body before it seems that his body decided to add some more structure.

He flexed these bone wings as if stretching, and then folded them backing to his cloak. He then sat back and slowly began humming Remember, Remember. As he sat back and waited for the next lost soul to enter the dinning hall.
he continues to Search the horizon.... why he is acting as such, few could likely guess, but he stares about intently...

"I..suppose not..." he says... disappointment in his voice, and he goes to return to the Dining Hall.
As the mini demon lord returned from where ever he went in such a hurry, Azreal had switched sides on the table so he would face towards the entrance into the hall, so he could see who was entering. The obvious disappointment on his scrunched tiny face peaked Azreal interest into what had Thraxis so worked up. "What was that all about, you seem like you were in a hurry, how unlike you."
"It is nothing... i was merely expecting something, that did not occur... perhaps i missed it..." he says, returning to his tiny cup. "did i miss anyone, as of yet?" he asks, diverting the subject.
"You missed nothing, just absolute silence and more boredom. But I want to know why you went up there." Azreal leaned in closer and said "What where you looking for or at my tiny friend."
"Vitae how are you, you look terrible." Azreal took his hand and grasped it like he was meeting an old friend without getting up, he released without showing any signs of noticing the electrical discharge emitting from Vitae. After pulling his hand back smoke rose from the glove of his right hand. "But it seems that you are not the only one with body problems." Indicating at Thraxis on the table and to himself with his smoking glove.
He, at first, looks a little puzzeld, then he sees the tiny form of Thraxis on the table, and tries to stop himself from bursting out laughing, and almost succeeds. After he is done, he looks at him, and extends a hand to the tiny lord. "Hello Thraxis" He says, with a large smile on his face. "I apologise for the laughter, but I hope you can forgive my small mistake." He says, putting emphasis on the word small.
Entering from The Lower Levels - Laboratory

As Azreal, Thraxis, and Vitae talked they suddenly heard and saw a massive rock suddenly sent flying accross the dining room as Alisha walked in. "God damned rock you are in my way" she said putting down her bare foot back on the ground. She walked over to somewhat intact table walking past Thraxis and just stopping. She back tracks a bit to stand infront of him and opens her mouth raising her finger as to inquiry about his tiny form and sighs. "Hold on" she said walking past him again and heading over to the table. On the way to the table she walked past Azreal and he instantly heard her say something that would run a chill even down his bones. He could have sworn she said that he was next.

Alisha opened the tool box on the table finding a power drill and notices the being made out of electricity. She has a brillent idea as she suddenly much to Vitae's surprise sticks a cable in him and her power drill begins functioning again. She turned around to face the rest of the party power drill still spinning in hand from an infinite power source giving it electricity and her beautiful form flickers between a charred burnt skeleton and back to the beautiful Alisha you know.

"Bitches broke my tower. It's time to get to work" she said eying everyone here.
He looks baffled, then bursts out laughing, and laughing, and still laughing. "Why, hello there, Alisha." He says, mirthfuly, "That was suprising, yet ingenious." He smiles, then looks down at the cord, then at Alisha, noticing her flickering form. His laughter dies down, and a look of genuine concern replaces it. "Alisha, are you hurt?" He asks, quite bluntly.
After laughing hysterically at Vitae and Thraxis he turns to Alisha saying, "Hmm, you seem to be the worst off here, body wise that is. Just a shadow of your formal self." Azreal began to laugh again.

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