[Overlord: Shards of Immortality] The Main Hall

Day also slips casually into the hall.

"I think we need minions, Alisha, before we tackle the repair of the tower. One sorceress, no matter how powerful, can't do this alone."
"There are obviously a few problems with that. First of all, how are we going to get the minions? Secend of all, we know nothing of the outside world, we have been away for one hundred years. We need to gather information, and create a stratagy, we can not just walk into this blind."
Thraxis shoot his friends hand, ignoring the small comment, and remains uncharacteristically silent as the others began to appear...

In truth, he is silent as something is taking much of his True Selfs attention, but that is now passed, as the miniscule demon God shakes his head into focus " Ah, hello my Sorceress Sweet" he says, Slightly Flirty to the Sorceress.." I Am Curious now, My friends... now that many of us are here... How did we Fall exactly?" he says, floating as close as he can to be between them all. "they seemed to Know where and How to attack us... I'm sure your all wondering how they beat ME of all things.." he says, turning to face the Lightning Man. "They used a Tool on my gateway.. a very, VERY Specifically Designed tool,Imbued with Divine Light.And it is quite obvious they all knew how, and where, to Strike all of you... It became Obvious by Hour Three of my Defending the Overlord's inner Sanctum that you were all already..disposed.." he says, with a Sigh. " I think, How they Learned of our weaknesses, is as Big a concern as the Minion Hives, and Repairing the Tower..." he says, trying to rally his Associates with his stirring Speech....

But His squeeky voice simply makes it Hilarious, and adoribal.

-=Lord Dra'Mogar'Thraxis Has Earned the achievement: "Make a Room on Generals Laugh"=-
Alisha looks around at the stupidity in this room and the only people she really likes are Vitae and Day. The others were stupid demon lords who had the the concept of infinity etched into their essence yet she saw how flawed they were here in reality trapped in physical mortal forms which could not properly filter their essence . . This was obvious in the simple way they acted: They were just plain stupid.

Quickly ignoring the nonsense in the room she turned to Vitae and Day and asked "Do any of you know where Grinder is? Perhaps if I make some repairs to some of the equipment it would take a few hours but I could maybe use Grinder's template to locate the hive"
"The last I saw Grinder was when he was outside with Gnarl and Fesos." "He was pretty beat up, though." He casually starts to test what he can do while in this electricity form. He firgures out that his base spellcasting abilites have not been changed, but the potency of some of his larger spells have been decreased. The smaller spells, like summoning a single lightning bolt, are actually eaiser to cast, due to his closeness to elecricity, he no longer has to mutter anything, he just uses a part of his body to cast it.
Day let Vitae do the talking, himself, he knew nothing about the grinder.

He knew that it was a valuable piece of equipment, but little else.

But he did nod quietly to vitae, a person he happened to respect.
[Entering From The General, The Minion, And The Bird]

Right on cue, the Brown entered the main hall. The angle of the light making his spikes and plates all the more menacing to behold. Sounds of screeching metal and cracking stone became audible as he drew closer... the full scale of his injuries becoming apparent and the horror of what he was falling upon the rest of those gathered. He was barely recognizable as the being he once was, and was more gruesome a sight than most human minds could handle. Unlike his kindred, one did not have to look down to see Grinder, but rather, up. "He is not here. We must find him, but not in this realm.".
"Yes, we need to find the Overlord." "But, the top priority is to gain knowledge, Grinder, what has happend in the past one hundred years?" He is still experimenting with shifting his form, he is now in the guise of a wolf, a bright, shiny wolf.
Azreal looked around at the bunch of misfits who used to be the strongest of the overlords generals and was amused at the fact that they were all lost, but he could not exclude himself from that category at the moment. "Like I told the accountant earlier, yes we need to find the overlord, but the biggest problem is that neither I nor my miniature plush friend were and still are unable to find him. Which is a very disturbing fact." He folded his gloved upon the table after stating this to emphasize this problem. "As for knowledge, we should all convene here in the main hall and find out what is really going on here. After which a decision must be made on our next course of action, or a temporary leader appointed."
"Gnarl." Grinder spoke without hesitation, his bladed claw resting on the ground when he hunched over to a more comfortable standing position. Looking over to the one who proposed the question in the first place he began to explain "He is the most knowledgeable out of all of us, and served as a direct adviser to the Overlord. If anyone should be trusted with the management of the Tower, it'd be him. I'm not just saying this because he's my father.".
"I vote Gnarl" said Alisha in agreement with Grinder as he came in. "Oh now that your here. Mind if I run some experiments on you? It may help locate the brown hive so we can start getting things back on track" she said still holding the spinning drill in her hand.
"I also vote Gnarl." "He has been out and about for the last hundred years, and not only do I trust his judgement, he has knowedge that we do not." He suddenly laughs, looking down at the drill, "That tickles..." He looks up, a smile on his face.
Alisha looked at the lightning entity and wondered if it could give her a good shock to her system. Her mind instantly wondering off to naughty ideas but she forced her self to put them aside for a while since there were things to do. "Hold still for a second Grinder" she said taking a blood sample from the creature and putting in a little vial. "I should be able to get something done with this" she said storing it in her box of tools securely. "Has any one been. . there yet?" she asked referring to the overlord's chamber.

Else where, Over the Main Hall - Zar'hesh's awakening

Gnarl casually walked over the Main Hall on a walkway that that allowed easy access to the core which used to hang over the beautiful table. Every one down below oblivious to his presence over them he walked over to where the core used to be and spotted something glitter in the rubble. He saw a small piece of what remained of the core in the hands of a dead corpse. He reached out grabbing out and pulled but it would not let go. He put his tiny foot on the corpse and began to pull on the shard managing to wrestle it from it's hands but accidentally causing the corpse to fall over the pathway and down below unto the dining table where everyone was sitting instantly interrupting anything they were talking about. Gnarl peeked over from the platform down below where everyone was and watched as the corpse crashed with the table that it began to regenerate. Instantly realizing that it was one of the generals he said "Oops, I'm sure he will feel that when he wakes up.
*The corpse suddenly twitched, slowly gaining it's flesh back, muscles tensed up, as the black scaled skin started to appear, a long tail also started to grow as the creature looked around, not knowing what is happening, nor who it is..*

*after a few more moments a Lizard-like humanoid formed completely and let out a small hiss* .. what.. happened..?
Everyone looked surprised as Zar'hesh's sudden introduced but Alisha remained unfazed and instead addressed the lizard man. "Oh welcome Zar'hesh you are just in time. My lab is completely destroyed, I don't suppose your poison room is still in one piece? Some of those chemicals might work for what I'm trying to do." asked the crazed scientist.
*Zar'hesh crouches on the table, looking at Alisha* wait, wait.. will sssomeone tell me.. anything? I wass about to kill a few more attackerss when... *he thinks to himself* ..was i electrocuted..?
She looks mildly annoyed that the lizard did not respond to her question. Every moment she was delayed was a moment wasted that she could have used to complete her experiment and hopefully locate one of the minion hives. "I'm sure you were. Where the hell did you fall from anyway?" She said looking up and still expecting an answer to her previous question.
*zar'hesh looks up to where the core wass supposed to stand* ahh thiss iss bad.. the core.. *he looks back at Alisha* I sshhall go up to check my poissons.. *and with that said he slips from the table and goes, a bit wobbly, up the staircase to what's left of his little room*

EDIT: *a little shriek and a tumble later, Zar'hesh comes down, looking rather ash-like (pale)* it'sss a mess! all looted and desstroyed.. and what wass left hass "eaten" into the very ssstone
Alisha thanked the gods she did not want to murder that there was some one here mildly competent besides Day and the Vitae. "Anyway gentlemen once Zar'Hesh returns I will begin to work on the tracker. If anyone has any other ideas on what we could be doing please do speak up." she said out loud.

Alisha knocked things from the table with her hand as Zar'Hesh delivered that he was missing the chemicals as she flickered between Alisha and the charred skeleton again. Taking a deep breath she turned to Day and asked how much money if any we had. She thought that even a hundred years later there must be towns and merchants outside the tower.
*Zar'hesh tried to find his pouch, to see if he "miraculously" had any gold left, but it seemed that he too was looted after his "death" since even his hidden-dagger wrist contraption was missing*

.. *sigh* do we happen to have anything to drink at leassst? I'm.. toassted
He chuckles at Zar'hesh "Gnarl, what have you found out about the outside world?" "How has it changed?" "Are the Demons still there?" he sighs "I also need to check the my study, I had some valuble artifacts stashed there, as well as my staff." "I left some nasty suprises for unwelcome guests, but after one hundred years, I don't know if they are still active.." he turns to Alisha "I don't think anyone has been there yet."
Day was very curious to know what had changed, and how that effected his calculations for economic recovery. The information Gnarl had would be extraordinary important. He relaxed back against a stone wall, watching the hum-drum of the other petty little generals. He needed some space to think.

He suddenly frowned. Alisha still had his overcoat on. He liked that coat. He needed to get it back, sometime, for as much as he liked alisha, she would forget someone gave the coat to her and claim it for her own if he waited too long. He valued that coat more than... most things. The only thing he allowed himself to monetarily overvalue.

He nudged a piece of rubble with his foot. This whole, planning a rescue and search wasn't what he was comfortable with. He needed to be given a supply train to organize, someone to be productive and produce something. Something to trade, invest. Something. But where do we start?

A loan? No, we need minions. that is what we need. With a free workforce, anything can be done. They could do contract work, or... no. The service sector was an unstable market, manufacturing had stability, they needed to be productive.
There isss money to be made in herbss.. *says Zar'hesh while sitting at the table* balmss.. tonicsss.. poisonss.. yess.. poisonss..

*he also secretly glanced at the tiny demonlord, trying to figure what happened to him*
-Up At The Corer-

Gnarl saw as he caused the general to plumet down unto the dinner table and casually brought walked alway from the cover to continue awakening the others.

-Main Hall-

Everyone continued to discuss different plans and strategies and some where along the line Zar'Hesh got the idea to check the court yard for anything that could have grown in the past 100 years of having it unattended.

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