[Overlord: Shards of Immortality] The Main Hall

Eratio, the Traitor

Upon hearing a voice, Eratio was quick to drop his laughing mood and had his sword drawn... until he recognized that voice as the one of Serene, the newest General. It appears that she had finally awaken.

"Ah, Serene! Good to see that you're still alive! David, Alisha, and I were just resting up and letting our thoughts flow... after having dealt with a pesky Paladin who was insisting that this place be destroyed." He sighed and laughed, as if such a thought were a high joke, then stepped past David, and looked at her. She was, as he hoped, still as youthful looking and, well, intriguing as always. A former Cleric is always fun to talk with, for that former Prince. "So, I assume you woke up without much difficulty?"
OOC: I'm going to do the whole explaining thing for us so we don't have to go through this again.


Serene Harenadiphes

Heh. Serene gave a slight chuckle when Eratio said 'still alive.' After an almost-eternity of silence, yes. Serene was still alive. Still, talking to him was a joy.

'Without much difficulty'? She gave those words some thought. "Did others not return as they originally were?" Eratio told Serene about how some of the Generals that have returned so far came back with interesting side effects. The first and best example was Venore-- he was melting a little. General Vitae no longer had a body of flesh-- but of lightning. Lord Thraxis was two feet tall (How did that happen...?).

"I see," Serene replied. Based on this information, it was likely that Serene may have obtained some kind of side effect as well. "I haven't tried anything yet, but I am aware that the shield I used to carry with me has gone missing." It was odd to Serene; she came back to life with a sword... but no shield in sight. Eratio brought to her attention that her magic may not be working properly. If General Venore's and Vitae's magical abilities altered their physical appearance, Serene's light magic may have done something to herself, as well. "I might have obtained some sort of adverse effect, as well."She would have to try.

Serene braced her feet and held still. I will always remember the teachings...she whispered in her mind. Empuridah's army was not worth her respect, but the Hall of Majesty-- they taught her everything she knew about the holy realm. Serene held her hands close together and a glow emanated from each palm, then a small sphere of light appeared in between each hand. She grabbed the shining orb and allowed it to rest on her right palm. Someone may have been hoping for a huge display. The problem with light magic is that it's... very bright. Serene felt that she could cause unnecessary trouble. Eratio spoke of a Paladin, but she did not comment on it. It appears that the Generals have already garnered enough attention.

There was another issue, as well. She didn't produce as much light as she had hoped. "Perhaps I have been dead for so long that I can no longer do as I once could." She was well versed in the art of light magic before she joined the Overlord. There could have been multiple reasons. Maybe she was out of practice? Then again, she did just awaken not even ten minutes ago. "I'm sorry. Please give me a few hours. Or maybe a few days. Maybe then we will know if there is anything wrong with me."

David Leviathan, the Phoenix Commander

"Just don't push yourself too hard Serene, since the Core was stolen this might be the only life we get for a long time." David says "And I didn't, after my body was incinerated I had to be Reincarnated in the Forges." He points out, motioning to the hallway behind him. "Anyways, I believe our first order of buisness is to begin rebuilding our great Tower. However, it will take both me and Venore to do it." He looks at his Elemental "Go, find General Venore and tell him to please meet me here. Oh, and do be quick and nice about it? I don't feel like having him after me as well." He says, as the Elemental nods and heads down the same path as Venore, soaking up the magma left by the Earth's Commanders' cursed form.

Serene Harenadiphes

Serene thought as David's elemental left to find General Venore. The tower core was missing? ... Then how was it possible for any of the Generals to awaken in the first place? Nevermind that-- if the core was missing, why did they appear here in the Overlord's domain and not where the core is?

"Yes, rebuilding the tower should be our first priority."

The Phoenix Commander mentioned that some of the forges were intact and in working order. She wanted to ask David a favor. She turned her face towards the man in red. "David. Is it too early to ask if it is possible to forge a shield that I may use in the battles ahead?"

If the Paladin was killed, but the soldiers were let free as Eratio explained, it was very likely that the tales of the Paladin's defeat would spread quickly. Especially if he was well known. Then who knows what kind of attention they would receive. To some nations, the Overlord was an evil dealt with long ago.

Wait a minute. A new train of thought emerged as the thoughts about 'rebuilding the tower' and 'not getting attention' clashed. Rebuilding the tower WOULD attract a lot of things that the Generals were not ready to deal with, yet.

"Hold on," she spoke loud enough so that the little amount of people in the Main Hall would be able to hear her. "I believe we are all well aware of our situation. Is rebuilding the tower necessary? Especially so soon?"

There was a moment of silence. "Think about it from the perspective of the outside world. Would they not find it odd that the centerpiece of the Overlord's domain had suddenly returned as it once was one hundred years ago?"

They didn't even have the core to the Tower. Not to mention their lack of manpower. Then there was the Paladin. Who went outside and encountered the Paladin and his soldiers? They may remember your faces."

Eratio, the Traitor

At Serene's quiet conclusion that they were not ready for the world, Eratio basically threw his hands up in exasperation. "That, Serene, is about what I had said to Venore! But, being the oh-so-noble fellow he is..." He sighed and let his hands fall theatrically to his side. "If we're to repair the tower and prepare for response to the Paladin's defeat, then we need to stop thinking like 100 years ago. Which is what I was trying to tell Alisha here... but she seemed in la-la land... The fact remains that we're in trouble if we first don't get the Core back and secondly prepare for any responses. We should also make it a high priority to get an army before we continue calling ourselves Generals."
Alisha, The Shadow Sorceress

Alisha had listened to Eratio and wondered to her self when he got this smart. She somewhat greeted all the generals who joined them at the hall and returned her gaze to Eratio, she continued to look at him and thought he was kind of cute too. Smiling back she said "I can't do anything till the others return with the piece of the core" she said with beautiful eyes that would create wars just to see who got to be her, yet there was something a little thrilling and dangerous about them, like a dangerous tiger waiting to pounce on her pray and devour it.
David Leviathan, the Phoenix Commander

"Of course Selene, I would be happy to do it." David says, nodding to the Paladin. Maybe if I do this and do a good job, I may have a shot... he says to himself, before turning to Eratio. "It may bring attention to us Eratio, but I'd rather fight an army than get crushed by the tower. It's current state is horrid, and the Paladin's work here didn't exactly help."

Serene Harenadiphes

Hearing David's reassurance put the former priest's mind at ease. Having a shield would be a welcome addition to her current arsenal. As the Phoenix Commander spoke of his opinion on their current state of affairs, he had a sure argument. The Tower itself was crumbling terribly. It would become more difficult if its condition were to worsen. Could the remaining Generals just repair the Tower's core itself and the rest could wait?

Serene looked around the tower again, counting the number of people in the Main Hall. There was only a handful... so where were the others? "Where have the others gone?" She had yet to see Lord Thraxis. Knowing how dominating his appearance was, Serene was a little surprised how he had not made himself known yet.
OOC: I'm gonna pull the same trick as Ignitedstar. Saves posting time.


Eratio, the Traitor

Eratio had been bugged by something for a while now. "Say, David, where's Zar'hesh and Thraxis?" After hearing where the other Generals were and what had fully transpired (as far as his friend knew) with the crystal, Eratio gave his dark smile. "Aaaah... so they're off to save the crystal, eh? Well, why didn't you say so?! Come on, David, I'll need you if a vine took it." And with those words, Eratio drew back out Crowcall and grabbed a torch for, if he had heard David right, vines were taking things... And so, the General rushed for the stairs, ready to help the big demon, heading up to the Roof.
Serene Harenadiphes

Serene was also concerned. If anything had happened to Lord Thraxis and Zar'hesh as well as anyone else whom was up there, Eratio might need some help. She didn't wait for Alisha or David to say anything. "I'll go, too," she said, watching the path that Eratio was taking. With haste, she immediately followed the man to the Tower's Rooftop. If there would be a battle, she was ready to take down new foes.
This thread has been locked for organizing reasons and the Main hall will be continued in a new thread located here.

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