[Overlord: Shards of Immortality] The Main Hall

Day shrugged as he watched the lizard leave. Its speech irritated him, but he didn't remark, only standing there, observing the hall, plotting how to rescue his coat.
"While we wait for the other Generals, I think I will check my Study for my Staff and other things. Alisha, if you could come with me, I might need some help taking down the wards."
The Miniature Demon Lord shakes his head from his deep thought... if he was paying attention, he would of offered the Lizard some of his Wine, having allreayd hadhis own fill..

For Thraxis to be so.. Still and Quiet is fairly Uncommon...

He lets out a toothy yawn, the disappointment his Botched inspirational Speech not phasing him any, as he did it simply to Do It...

"I also support Gnarl... I know i wouldn't want to Lead this.. Bunch of Unique individuals." he says, leaning against a rock sitting on the Table.
A great roar rings through the tower and the doors to the main hall open to reveal a great mass of armor with a sword and shield in hand. This horror stood taller than most and and stepped forward slowly but the ground shook. The great mass of metal had no helmet, this wasn't a problem to most but there was no head attached to it. The body seemed to be nonexistent as well, another roar filled the area, Dullahan could see them and recognize most. Dullahan knew trying to communicate wouldn't work but, he still tried anyway. Roars and grunts ensued for a moment, this ended swiftly as he knew he was getting nowhere.
The Demonlord floats up from his reclined state, and looks at the newcomer.. "I thought being Tiny was bad!" he says, flying over to get a better look at his Headless Homie. "What happened?" he asks... now realizing why he felt a certain fey Scream earlier...
Dullahan couldn't reply and tried to see if he could motion what he thought but, it was not really more than a flurry of hand gestures.
Azreal took all of the continuous banter in remaining impassive and quiet during entrance of the lizard. Simple putting away his items he replied in general, "My vote is neutral as I do not want to lead nor have any likes or dislikes either way." Turning to the headless suit of armor, "But this will be as problem as one of us is unable to communicate, but I can relate as it is a bother missing parts of your body."
Venore the Earthern Commander

---Entering from the Court Yard---

The great courtyard doors creaked and groaned, dust and torn rusted pieces falling down with a clatter. They grew wider, as what appeared to be a figure of golden armour walked in, with magma oozing out its cracks and crevices. He walked forwards, his boots creating a dull thud with every step, he stopped - surveying the area. Most of the Generals had now amassed, congregating and talking amongst themselves. Some turned their heads to see the strange, yet familiar figure. The man looked further around, seeing the sheer destruction caused within the room. Bricks, statues, all manner of rock had cascaded down and broken, and disintegrated into fine dust over the years. The walls ruptured, no longer its splendor. The battle inside here must have been glorious...

He walked forward, arms raised outwards to his sides, magma dripping to the floor, yet burning nothing it touched. His armour made no creaking or buckling as it moved, despite its serious battle damage, and its shine and power no longer present, unlike his previous diamond armour.

”Brothers, Sisters! A pleasure for you all to have returned. I hope I have not missed much?" Venore shouted, his voice echoing the main hall.
*Zar'hesh sat down at the table near the tiny Demon lord, but this time he turned to thoroughly clean the bee stings of the unwanted tissue, leaving only the venom glands. he also placed the carnivorous flower in front of him, checking every now and then, as he worked on the stings*
The Lord of Plushies looked at the Lizard picking apart bugs, and at Lava-man...

Briefly realizing just how... unique each member of the group is.

"So.. why are you dissecting Bee's?" he asks, curious...
I'm collecting their venom, of courssse *answers Zar'hesh* Beess are known to causse a poisson-shock to certain individualsss, and with a ssstinger thiss big *shows one that could easily serve as a dagger* it'ss definitely fatal

Misstresss Alisshha might find ssome good use with these

*zar'hesh continued cleaning the stingers and checking the carnivorous flower in front of him, after a few moments he noticed a wine bottle near the tiny demon lord* .. hm.. mind if i..? *he points to the bottle*
"Not at all." he replied when the Lizard asked for the Bottle that.. holds more then one would expect.

"I was never much fond of Weapons, or Poison... May have to learn too,However... " he says, looking at his formally massive claws, now tiny.
*Zar'hesh takes a big sip from the bottle* Ahhh... ssssweet crimsson nectar..

asss for poisson, small thingsss are alwayss the deadliessst *finishes and stores the stingers, putting them into a pouch, then he cleans the table of the remaining bits and leans on elbows, examining the carnivorous flower in front of him*
Day had quietly snuck out a moment earlier, with intent to seek out things in the rest of the tower. It was exhausting, all these petty lords around one table. Someone needed to find something to sell...

He eventually came across the passage leading to the forge. He could smell the stench of gnarl. He strode in.
Venore the Earthern Commander

Venore was mildly dissapointed nobody acknowledged him. Some certainly looked, most likely trying to remember this vague... shell of a person. His cursed body was certainly harder to recognize from his old former self.

However, he despised it all the same. How disrespectful.

Whatever the case, Venore focussed on the matter at hand. He looked at the diamond blade in his hand, and nodded to himself, marching towards the passage leading to the great forge. Hopefully it was still intact.

---Entering The Great Forge---
ah.. venore *zar'hesh caught a glimpse of venore as he disappeared in the great forge* ..i can't imagine what sssspark of magic morphed him into that molten.. thing..
Enter from The Great Forge

"Easy, Easy..." David says to Drednov, as he holds up the battered Zarkoff as they head from the Great Forge down to the Main Hall. "Could somebody give me a hand here?" He asks his fellow Generals, looking around as he searches for a seat for his wounded comrade. "Damn Zarkoff, how much equipment are you carrying? I know you don't weigh a ton but it sure as the Nether feels like it..."
Grinder groaned in annoyance at the proceedings, the sweet happy friendliness was almost enough to make him puke. "I'll see if I can move some rubble blocking access to the other sections of the Tower... this is making me feel ill just being here. Kill the Jester for me." The Brown spoke before turning and moving a colossal piece of stone masonry out of his way. "Hopefully the Minions didn't all scatter... again... quite annoying to hunt them all down.".

[[Exit, Grinder]]
Zarkoff looks at his fellow general and says "I'm carrying as much equipment as necessary my sword and gun is all I need granted the fact along with my own weight do add some heft" he said responding to David's shock, he paused and took a very long and hard look around both his eyes wide open until the agonizing pain of his right eye returned. he almost fell from the shock but tried not to and he took a look at all his fellow generals and said "it's very good to see every one to bad I can't really say all in one piece, isn't that right Dullahan" he said while letting out a chuckle as well, "all jokes aside I say can someone please hand me a chair so we can try and figure all of this out and get our lives back on track along with the overlord's wherever he may be"
The Dullahan roared to Zarkoff and walked slowly out toward the stairs to the tower, his steps rumbled the ground around him. His massive shield and sword clinked to his armor loudly, a small cold aura pulsated around him. He wanted to see his chambers once again and catch the jester that took his leg; though he didn't need it, he felt he wanted it back with the rest of himself. His body was nowhere to be found and a small thought came over him, 'What would the Queen think?'
Seeing how his joke was some what hilarious to himself he stared at Dullahan and said "like I said before my friend I feel it's best we all wait here and figure everything out" he said hoping to get Dullahan to stay "Gnarl why don't you go find that incompetent prick of a jester and have him return Dullahan's leg" he said while looking to Gnarl with a dark twisted look from his good eye that would always work in order to get Gnarl to do what he's told
-Main Plot Begins!-

Anyone who left began to return to the Main Hall about an hour later after heeding Gnarl's summons. While some of you mingled and others just waited around for something to happen it was all quite peaceful as the more outgoing and cheerful generals began to bring some life to the place with their personalities. Shortly after Alisha managed to cast a shadow spell that created servants that were less useful then minions but they did basic things like fetch food and clean up by using Vitae as a generator. After creating some waiters, she proceeded to make some food for those still human enough to eat but it was not as good as real food since it had a sense of "fake" to it but it was still better then nothing. Candles began floating around the place on their own to provide light thanks to Alisha's magical engineering and for the rest of the afternoon everyone shared theories as to what could of happened but manly you celebrated your rebirth.

If anyone managed to notice Gnarl was a few hours late before he came and addressed the room as it got quiet.

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"Ah sorry I'm late there seems to be a terrible weed problem and it thought I was not tasty. Obviously it has a bad sense of taste and must be destroyed but lets move on to more important matters. If you have forgotten who I am due to being dropped on your head as a baby by your backstabbing wench of a mother or an incomplete regeneration progress, I am Gnarl, Minion Master and devoted Servant of Darkness. He takes a little bow as the his lantern shines a little more brighter then usual. "I have been trying to think of a proper response to the current situation and I think we shou-" said gnarl as he was interrupted by an familiar dark figure entering the room.

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Everyone's heart stopped as you all saw the overlord and proceed to do the traditional salute as your leader walked into the room. "FOOLS!" he yelled out in his horrible dark voice as he stepped toward the crumbled throne. "HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED? WORTHLESS ALL OF YO-" screamed the overlord as he was tripped by a small wine that was coming out of the cracked floor and fell down to the ground with a massive thud.

"Master!?!?!" Gnarl screamed as he rushed over to help the overlord up and much to his surprise and that of the others the helmet fell off the dark suit of armor causing everything to be silent to the point where a fly could be heard as the helmet just rolled away from Gnarl's feet and the jester fell out of the suit of armor still holding on to Azreal's leg

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The jester began to step back while the entire room was paused with what just happened and began to run way dropping Azreal's leg in the process. This caused the Dullahan to get a better look at it and realize that it was not his in the first place and that he is truly hollow.

Gnarl finally broke the silence. "What the hell just happened?"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_01/Gnarl.jpg.5faea1bd6c62be705da737b0eb65e4ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_01/Gnarl.jpg.5faea1bd6c62be705da737b0eb65e4ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_01/Gnarl-2.jpg.7f96e1928350f55a0ef125f03249832f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_01/Gnarl-2.jpg.7f96e1928350f55a0ef125f03249832f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_01/overlord-iiiiii.jpg.cc5a8e5ec252760a5e37886690330cd5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23355" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_01/overlord-iiiiii.jpg.cc5a8e5ec252760a5e37886690330cd5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_01/31428_Quaver_normal.jpg.a7f7c6b032f2265796c1c4166cb5b0cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_01/31428_Quaver_normal.jpg.a7f7c6b032f2265796c1c4166cb5b0cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Venore the Earthern Commander

Venore waited, and grew tired of waiting. The other generals communed with themselves - some addressing Venore directly. Venore talked, boasting his slaughter at the foot of the tower, retelling his demise; like so many others were telling. Yet at the back of his mind, he was thinking of Gnarl's summonings, no doubt addressing problems, the main one being the Overlord's dissapearance. He tried to consume some of the conjured food from the shadow waiters, but it simply burned up as he put it towards the area of his mouth. A pity.

By the time Gnarl had finally entered the Main Hall - Venore was leaning on one of the broken pillars near the courtyard doors. Gnarl hobbled to the centre of the main hall, adressing all the Generals. The room, now silent like it had been for a century prior. Gnarl spoke, stuttering in areas, perhaps scared under the presence of all the Generals of the Overlord. However, this was cut short when an almighty presence entered the room.

The Overlord. Venore saluted immediately, relieved that he had indeed survived. Of course he would have survived. Yet he was displeased, calling everyone "Fools", and how worthless they were. Venore sighed - the Overlord of course ment the others. Venore was one of the most capable Generals there were.

He strode forward towards his throne... only to trip on the floor. Venore leaped forward to help - but immediately froze upon seeing the Overlord's helmet skitter across the floor, revealing no head. This was not the Overlord...

”What manner of trickery is this!?" Venore bellowed. He quickly found the source. The Jester, clutching what appeared to be a bony leg, backed away from the pile of ornate armour. Venore rushed the goblin, who fled as quickly as it could, its eyes wide with fear. Venore's left hand grasping its puny body, squeezing tightly. He smashed the Jester into the wall, and put his glowing, seething face right in front of the Jesters. The Jester looked around, its face sweating from fear as well as the heat from Venore. He raised the tip of his halberd to its neck.

”You dare... DARE... ATTEMPT SUCH FOOLISHNESS!" roared Venore, flecks of harmless magma spewing from his helmet. He thought of killing this insignificant creature, but withdrew that thought. Instead; he squeezed harder. The foolish jester squirmed delightfully.

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