[Overlord: Shards of Immortality] (OOC) Overlord - Discussion

Vitae, while inhanced by the tower, is still an accomplished Elecromancer in his own right, becoming a master without the aid of the tower. While he is weakend, he can still do some damage.
VonRidel said:
Vitae, while inhanced by the tower, is still an accomplished Elecromancer in his own right, becoming a master without the aid of the tower. While he is weakend, he can still do some damage.
The tower also held your soul and your original powers. Exploding caused not also for your soul to be weakened but you are not on the level that you were before joining the overlord and most certainly not as strong as when the overlord amplified your powers.
Ahh, ok, thank you for clarifying. So, it takes most of my original powers with it, I do want to get that crystal fixed. a weakend state is no place for a powerful Elecromancer! :P
So what about Generals like Venore and Eratio, who are melee fighters (with magic thrown in), or Zarkoff, our Archer? How badly will it have affected them?
Melee fighters are not as strong etc. You don't lose skill but your bodies feel physically weaker so it may be harder to do things for long, etc.
Funny, i read everyone talking about how bad the Nurfhammer hit them from Dying, and all i can imagine is a Mouse sized Thraxis going "Hey! What about mee!? Someone notice me!" in the background while you discuss it xD
I'm still giggling over his entrance. Please don't give me more to imagine... you may make me die of laughter.
"I'm over heeere! Stop looking for me, I'm right here!" he yells, barely audiable, waving Landing Cones to try and get everyones attention.
Ok, time to think of some advantages each of us has right now in the Venore+Eratio vs Ronahan fight.

Ronahan (aka Mr Shiny)-

  • Experience. He's obviously done stuff like this a lot.
  • He's wielding holy gear. Woop-de-doo.
  • Heavy armor, and fast speeds. Each of those will be something of a problem.
  • Fervor- ok, a rule of Sun Tzu is that people fight better when they have a cause and conviction.
  • Another rule happens to be that, when pressed against a wall, people fight better.
  • He has traps, spells, and tricks.
  • Even though we're at home, he kinda has the home field advantage. He's been awake longer, so he knows the current terrain better.

And now for us.


  • Command of the earth. Ok, Monsterous, stop using this for just summoning golems. Realize that he could change the terrain to his advantage.
  • Magma body- besides the pain that'll act as a focus to Venore, he effectively is now untouchable, unless someone wants a bad day. Magma melts steel.
  • Experience- Each General will have this. We've all spent at least 3 years or so fighting with the Overlord, right? Well, that Overlord was no peacemaker. We obviously had to learn.
  • Heavy armor, even if damaged, is still heavy armor.
  • By wielding a halbard, Venore has a longer reach, which means he can have first hit often.


  • Ok, I just know that Miz is going to want to claim that Eratio duel-wielding is going to be a disadvantage, but here I say it's advantageous, considering how he's a very skilled swordsman. (Pride moment, check!)
  • He's angered, which means he's going to fight harder, which means he's going to slug harder.
  • Wielding Dragonbreath is a great advantage. Named flaming swords are not to be ignored.
Pity the Demonlord isn't there... FUN things happen when you Apply Holy energy to Thraxis...

Fun, FUN things!

Fun, Explosive, Evil things.

Actually, he can only manifest earth into sentient beings that serve him. He has very minor control over the element itself. (Much like raising the dead rather than creating the undead)

Also, his magma body doesnt burn anything, its just... 'there'. Hence why every time his magma drops have touched something it hasn't effected it at all.

And yes, he has superior range in this fight. Most likely he'll adopt a defensive position and counterattack from afar since warhammers aren't exactly fast.

Also, dont forget Alisha is on my shadow. The paladin doesn't know about her yet.
NPC B**** fight GO GO GO!!!

Dark's NPC or Miz's WHO WILL WIN!
I feel like I'm overcalculating everything. But yet, if I didn't write all of this out, I have a feeling that I and other Generals would be fighting like idiots against Roranehon. By the way, is my typing this out breaking the rules? As in, could I actually have figured all of that out?

Also Miz, did I correctly guess on how that Paladin fights? By disabling and merely stopping his opponents' attacks, vs killing them?
Am i the only one who wishes Lava Guy's Lava wasn't Impotent?

Not to be Hurtful, and i can see how it'd be OP'd...

But it seems..Pointless unless it burns stuff...

Might as well be Orange Cream.
I'm suppose to be fiery and reckless Robot, that comes with the power.

And it cant be OP'd, because at his power level the fireball will most likely dissapate before it hits the Paladin, and the Axe can burn easily, but it will only work if David can get behind that Warhammer.
I think he means Venore. But yeah, I'm with Cliff, which is why I pointed it out. Don't have a trait like that and then say "It does nothing." Even if it's power balancing.
The magma affliction is more a severe curse, if anything. Fire will hurt like a bitch. (though he doesn't know that.) Also, he glows, so he cant exactly hide effectively.
Can I mention that it's so much more fun (and easier) writing Eratio as a cold, cruel, and calculating fellow than as some laid back person?
Tempest, im confuzzled, how did you pick up the general when Venore has picked him up, and how did you get past the Iron golem thats blocking people getting to Venore :P
You silly goose :P

Though, Venore would prefer the Paladin dead. Its just that hes an honorable bastard >_>
Stupid honorable fella :mad:

Get to killing that army! Or... we should figure out some way to make those men join us. The problem is that we have nothing to offer.
Hmm...Alisha got bitchslapped............How to respond...Nothing good can come of this D:..

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