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Overcoming Struggles (Luthor & Terra)

Roy's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as he was driving back home from work. It had been another bad day at work. Being a reporter was always what he wanted to do and it was great at first. But now his boss is just overworking him. Then his thoughts went to Kat, his dear wife. For the life of him he could never figure out what went wrong between them. They were so happy together. He stopped by a coffeshop and bought coffee then headed home. He glanced at the clock, yup she should be home by now.

He thought that maybe a change of scenery is what they both needed. Maybe he should take her and go have dinner in a fancy place or maybe a walk on the beach. That is of course if he managed not to get in a fight with her before that. He finally reached his home. He parked the car and carried the coffee inside. "Honey I'm home." He called as he entered the house.
Kat's day probably couldn't have gone worse- the accountancy she worked at had manage to lose files for a current customer, a regular who paid her to file his tax returns. Not just that, cuts were being made to the workforce, so her job was also on the line. Brilliant. She'd been home for about half an hour, but hadn't really gotten past kicking off her heels and putting on the kettle for a cup of tea.

Upon hearing her husband's voice, she smiled slightly and called back,"In the kitchen, love!" Seizing a teabag, she began to fiddle wih it, tossing it from hand to hand as she waited for the kettle to boil. Whilst listening to the water, she began to wonder where the marriage had fallen off the rails; how had it gone from so amazing to so...awful. Was it when he painted the room a different colour and threw off the colour scheme? She tapped her fingernails as she mulled it over.
Roy took off his coat and carried the coffee to the kitchen. He smiled as he saw his wife. He noticed the kettle "Oh you're making tea? I brought us coffee." He said as hugged and kissed her. She was looking as stunning as ever, h stared into her captivating eyes. ""You're looking as beautiful as ever." He complimented her with a smile. "How was your day sweetheart?" From the state of the kitchen he figured that she didn't start cooking anything. Which was good. "So I've been thinking that since you didn't start cooking anything, how about we go have dinner out tonight, maybe a nice and fancy restaurant?"
Kat smiled at him, desperately attempting to hold back the floodgates,"Honestly, my day was awful, and everything went awfully and I hate my job and my boss and my company." She let her hair down from its bun, and ran her hands through it, a habit she adapted to cope with stress. "But, a meal sounds good. I've been so hungry lately, and I'm craving Italian." Thinking about food had improved her mood slightly, and she simply rested her head against his chest, looking up at him,"Is an Italian restaurant good for you?" Knowing she usually got her way, she ran her fingers up and down his arm, grinning widely.
He felt bad that her day didn't go so well. "Sorry about that baby, if it's any consolation, my day was just as bad. But we need the money." He was relived that she liked the idea of going out for food. Italian food wouldn't have been his first choice but as she gave him her captivating smile that always sealed the deal. he couldn't resist or refuse her. "Well you're the boss, Italian sounds great." He said as he kissed her forehead. "So are you going to have coffee or tea, I bought yours just the way you like it." He said as he stretched his hand and grabbed his coffee, taking a sip.
"Well I've been looking forward to trying this new tea all day, baby. Thanks for thinking of me when you got the coffee though." Taking the kettle off of the heat, she went about making tea in her favourite china teacup, which she proceeded to cradle in her hands. "Oh, don't forget, our rent's due next week. I don't have enough saved to cover you again." Kat sipped at her tea, burning her tongue in the process, but playing it off as a cough. He was always so sweet to her, but she felt it a bit misguided. Could they even afford to go out for a fancy dinner? It had been so long since they had last, so all of Kat's pretty dresses remained hung in her wardrobe upstairs.Softly, she sighed to herself.
"suit yourself." He said jokingly as he sipped from his coffee. He raised his eyebrow as she said she can't cover him. "Is that so?" He laughed. If there is one reason he liked hey obsession about being organized it's that she always remembered their appointments and deadlines because he could never keep them in mind. "Well don't worry, I've got it all under control. At least one good thing came out from working the extra hours last week." He then noticed her cough and said. "Don't tell me this is one of those creepy Chinese herbal teas. An old lady forced me to try some once and it tasted awful." He then rubbed his forehead with his hand "So I guess we're set on dinner, let me just change my clothes and get out of this suit."
Glancing down at herself, she decided that she definitely needed to get changed too,"Yeah, I think we need a bit less office grey if we're going to a nice restaurant. And don't worry about the tea, it's probably not poison. Tastes fine." Kat smiled, taking a big gulp, despite the heat- she didn't want to show up too late to the restaurant, just in case it was overcrowded. The idea of getting dressed up nicely excited her, so she happily headed to their room, picking out a flowy cornflower blue dress-a stark contrast to the office pencil skirts. Her mood was vastly improved so she returned to her tea with a smile on her face.
As they headed to the room to change. "I'm gonna take a quick shower." He told her as he entered the bathroom. Feeling the cold water on his skin refreshed him. He got out of the bedroom and put on a casual and elegant pants that Kat had bought him. He looked for his favorite shirt but couldn't find it where he left it. "Unbelievable." He whispered with a sigh as he went back to the kitchen. "Honey have you..." His words were lost as approached her. "And here I thought you couldn't possibly look more beautiful. I love this dress on you." He then refocused. "Honey did you move my navy blue shirt? I left it on the cupboard."
"Oh, yes, it's in your chest of drawers, love." She smiled at him, as she cradled her teacup in her hands. Leaning against the kitchen counter, she drank him all in, happy when she realised he chose to wear the trousers she'd bought him. "Is that a problem? I just thought that it would look tidier if i put it away. It was making everything look messy." Kat shrugged slightly-she took time to clean the house ans organise things, so she felt that she had a right to move things.
"Actually yes it's a problem. I put it there so that I would know where to find it! Why can't you stay away from my stuff." He said jokingly. He then went back to his room and found the shirt. He could never get used to Kat and her obsession with tidiness, it was one of the big problems between them. He wore the shirt then stood infront of the mirror checking how he looked. Then he went back to the kitchen and stood infront of her. "Are you ready to have some good time?" He asked with a wink.
Kat rolled her eyes as he left- his dislike of order and neatness really got on her nerves. After all, their vows said that what was his was hers, which meant that they BOTH needed to work to keep the house in perfect order. Yet he never seemed to pull his weight; she was always the one cleaning and cooking and ironing. She barely noticed his return until he spoke,"Oh, yup, I'm ready." Then, she downed her tea and put the cup in the sink, nodding softly to herself.
He held her hand as they walked to the car. "Ahh the weather is perfect tonight." He said as he enjoyed the soft breeze. "It really has been a while since we went out for proper dinner. Shall we go to the Italian restaurant we used to go to when we were engaged? We have some good memories there." After fifteen minutes they arrived and he got of the car, circling around he opened the door for her. "We're here my lady." He said while flashing her a grin.
She shook her head, a smile playing on her lips as she got out,"Why thank you, kind sir!" Giggling slightly, she curtsied to him before flattening her dress and grabbing her purse from the car. As she glanced at his outfit, she realised that they'd coordinated with hues of blue and chuckled to herself-Kat always used to love looking like a real couple with Roy, in similar outfits with their rings a main focus. Her ring...wasn't on her finger. Kat paled a little, but hid her left hand, hoping he wouldn't notice.
He smiled at her reaction. They used to do a lot of stuff like this when they were engaged. He held her hand as they entered the restaurant. "A table for two please." The waiter led them to their table elegantly and they took seat. "Can we have the menu please?" He asked. A minute later the waiter arrived with the menu and Roy handed it to Katharine she was always good with food and orders the good stuff. "Here you go, I'll have whatever you're having, but don't forget the wine."
"You know I never forget the wine." She chuckled and opened the menu, skimming down the choices,"Do you want a starter or shall we just have a main and dessert?" Kat smiled at her husband, and studied the wine list, her eyes falling upon a 2007 Chardonnay, and her face lit up. It was the same wine they had when they got engaged-where she may have gotten a little too tipsy...Smiling at the memory, she once again consulted the menu, perusing each choice steadily
He laughed at her wine comment. "I know hun, just making sure." He then thought a little about her question. "Lets skip to the main then dessert, because I'm starving to be honest, haven't eaten a thing all day." He said as he opened the water bottle on the table and filled his glass and Kat's. He looked around as he sipped water. It had been about a year since they last came here but it still hadn't changed one bit.
Grinning, she put down the menu,"How does lasagne followed by a chocolate fondant sound? There's strawberries and ice cream with the dessert!" She salivated a little at the idea, and sipped some water, before waving over a waiter, and adjusting her dress. The tall, smartly dressed man headed over, freshly shaved with pomade-smoothed hair. Her smile was now directed at the waiter as she told him their order,"One bottle or two?" She asked Roy, smirking.
"This is why I leave ordering food to you, you always nail it and hit the spot. Lasagne and chocolate fondant sound great." He said as got even hungrier at the mention of the food. Her attention now turned towards the waiter and he knew she would be grading him. He glanced at the guy and predicted he'd get a good score. His attention was back to her as she asked her question. "Two, just for the hell of it."
Kat watched the waiter as he left, eyes scanning up and down his body...a solid 9. Once she could no longer see him, she turned back too face Roy and smiled,"I love this place so much." The candlelight gave everyone an ethereal glow, and created a very romantic atmosphere. And the waiters were attractive, as a bonus.
He watched her check the waiter out as he left then as she turned to him he asked. "So, how much did that guy score on Kat's sexiness scale?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. He then smiled at her comment. "Yeah we have some good memories here. He stretched his hands and held hers. "Remember the time when we ma..." He then noticed something strange. "Where is your ring hun? you don't wear it nowadays?"
Chuckling softly, she replied,"About a nine. Not quite a ten- his hair was just a bit too pomade-y." Upon hearing his question about the ring, she pulled her hand off of the table and dropped it into her lap,"U-um I must have just forgotten to put it on again after washing my hands?" She offered, not really convincing either of them. In truth, she was hoping for a promotion, so she never wore her rings to work- or put them on the other hand.
Roy faked a smile as she explained. He knew Kat well enough and of all the lame excuses she could've came up with, this one is an award winner. "Well atleast you haven't sold it yet." He joked to lighten the suddenly tense atmosphere. He didn't want to make a big fuss out of it. They came here to try and have some fun after all. It wasn't the fact she wasn't wearing the ring that bugged him, it was the fact that she wasn't straight with him with why.
The waiter returned with the bottles of wine in buckets of ice, uncorking the first and pouring it into both of their glasses. Smiling, she thanked the waiter a little too eagerly, and sipped at the glorious pale liquid. Once again, the waiter left, her gaze upon him, before her attention returned to her husband. "You know I could never sell my rings. I love you."

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