Out of View(Highschool RP)

Leo smiled. "yeah and this isn't even my garden." he said taking her hand into his. "Come on." he said leading her into the woods. After about ten minutes he got to the clearing. in the clearing was a beautiful moon light garden filled with all sorts of flowers. "Here we are." he said showing her the garden. "What do you think?"? he asked
"However i would hate for the show to end" he makes more flowers bloom slowly and some of the trees to grow to form a portrait around the moon he laughs and walks to watch from a different angle
Leo smiled. "thank you." he said happily. Then new flowers started to grow. Ones he didn't plant or maintain. "what the?" he said looking around. Then he saw the kid from the lunch room. He stared at him with blood lust. "what are you doing here?" he asked with rage in his voice. This was his personal garden, his safe haven. "get out" he growled.
Laughs and twirls his sucker in his mouth "Well if you insist im sorry for keeping the nature around this school alive as he walks away the flowers start to drop and all the green starts to brown. Slowly the plants rot before your eyes.
Aria shivers. "yikes" she squeezes Leos hand. "dont fight. please. dont provoke people like him." she frowns. this is why i never fought back at my old school. she thought back to a time when her parents were still alive.
Leo looks around at the garden he planted. 'No' he thought. Tears started to fall down his cheeks. "HOW DARE YOU!!!!!" he screamed as the tears stream down. He felt Aria tug on his arm. her words echoed in his head. he turned to her. "Okay." he said softly. Then he turned to the boy. "if i ever see you here again i will tear the still beating heart out of your chest." he said clenching his fist.
"Im sure you will muscles" laughs at him and continues on his way twirling his sucker in his mouth. "I hope you remember because ill be expecting it now!" he yells so he can hear
"stop! please....." she pleaded "violence is what brought us to this school, dont let your anger take over." she let go of his hand and grabbed her sketchbook. she carefully sketched out the scene as it was, still fresh in her mind. she closed her eyes, and focused. a tiny cloud lifted from the page and grew overhead. an umbrella floated above them as the cloud poured rain, nourishing the soil around them. then slowly, the flowery images and green foliage crawled from the sketchbook and sought refuge in the ground around them, bringing the garden back to life. "this is my gift to you, for filling the hole inside me." she walked over and took his hand once again.
Leo watched as the flower bloomed once more. tears streamed down his face. "Thank you Aria." he said softly as he looked at her. "you have no idea how much this means to me." he smiled and kissed her softly.
"as much as you mean to me?" she smiled. she took his hand and held it tight. she wiped his tears with her other hand.
Leo smiled back. he looked up at the moon. "Such a beautiful sight." he said looking back at Aria. "Almost as beautiful as you." he said softly.
From a far enough distance away he noticed the garden and started to talk to himself "Hopefully she can do that every week this soil isnt fit for plant life.
Leo smiled. "A fairy tail huh?" he asked. then he turned and looked off into the woods. "I wonder why that kid keeps coming around." he said. then he looked back at Aria. "I should tell you this ground is poisonous to plants. and that's why i am hell bent on keeping this place alive." he said looking around.
"i will help in anyway i can." she smiled brightly, "this is our fairy tale, lets see it through till we see happily ever after"
"you better." she teased gently. "now i just need a ballgown, and you need a princely outfit." she said with a silly smile.
Leo smiled. "Please tell me i don't have to save you from a fire breathing dragon." he said jokingly. "and may i say you would look fabulous in a ballgown."
"would you excuse me just a second?" she smiled, and picked up her sketch book. she flipped through it till she found a character she had draw. there was a small radio next to the character. the radio lifted from the paper and settled in the grass. it began playing music as Aria walked back to Leo. "now we have our own personal ball." she held her hand out, palm down like a princess.
Leo smiled and walked over and slipped his hand into hers and placed his other hand in the small of her back. "May I have this dance?" he asked.
"how could i say no to such a charming gentleman?" she said putting her open hand gently on his shoulder. she paused a moment, "do you know how to waltz?" she was curious, it was one of the many things she learned since she spent a lot of time at home with a nanny. her parents were very busy at the lab most of the time.
Name(First and last):Yuro Inu


Age(teenager, or who appears to be one):16

Ability:He's a vamp with some wolf blood in him

Appearance(Picture or description, but if you describe, be as vivid as possible):He has platinum blond hair that falls in his eyes, sparkling gold eyes, snow white wolf ears and tail, his teeth are all white and his fangs are as sharp as a knife, usually wears his ankle high black converse along with his band t-shirts, skinnies, other shirts that are V-neck, or whatever he feels like wearing, he is kinda short (around 5' 5") and is pretty skinny (between 100-120lbs).

Backround: He has a pretty normal background.. His parents died when he was littler though, mentally scaring him sence he was in the same room of their murder.

Other:His personality is quite, if he gets to know you hes kinda weird and funny, he can get mean, but usually he's as sweet as candy.

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