Out of View(Highschool RP)

she entered quietly, and took a seat near the window. she began to draw pictures in her sketchbook, hoping they would be helpful in telling her story later.
Leo walked in and sat in his seat which was behind Aria. he saw her start drawing. He didn't try to look at what she was drawing. He looked out the window. 'I wonder if she likes me.' he thought.
Aria was a quick drawer, and managed to get through all the drawings she needed before class was up.
Leo drifted off throughout the class. He still answered questions. But his head wasn't there. The bell rang. Class was over. He packed up his things and got up.
Leo smiled. "okay." he said taking her hand. He lead her to his room. "here we are." he said opening the door. He lead her to the fire escape. "I have the only fire ecsape that goes all the way up to the roof." he said climbing out on to it. "I hope you're not afraid of heights." he said climbing up.
Leo got to the top and helped Aria up. "I'm sorry." he said looking at her. "but this is the most secluded place I know." he said. "so what do you want to tell me?" he asked sitting down.
"this will help." she set her sketch book down on her lap. the pages turned slowly, and the images peeled off the pages and danced around in front of them "when i was five, my parents discovered my ability." she pointed at each picture as they floated by and disapeared. "my parents told me never to use my ability outside the house. when i was ten i made friends with a girl in the neighbor hood with abilities as well. one day she was taken away to the Laboratory. this is when i found out my parents worked there. when i found out what was going on they promised me they would never let anyone hurt me. 5 years later someone found out. there was a struggle and i ran.a few minutes later the room my parents were in exploded. they were both killed and ive been living in orphanages, but when i turned 17 i decided i would make one last try at finding happiness and came here to this school." Aria finished as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.
Leo gasped and covered his mouth. He looked at her and dryed her tears. "Aria..." he began. "what do you mean by find happiness?" he asked. "are you looking for someone?" he asked
"im looking for someone to fill the hole. im so lonely." she pointed to her heart. "and it seems youve started to" she looked at him, she couldnt help but blush.
Leo looked at Aria. He leaned in closer to her. "Aria" he said softly. "I really care about you. I care about even more knowing you're story. I want to fill that hole in your heart." he said as he leaned in closer.
"i thought it would take me a lot longer find my way." she smiled as well, "but it seems im the one who was found."
Leo smiled. "yeah." he said softly. Then he looked up to the sky. It was a beautiful blue. He looked back at his new found love. "you're so beautiful." he said
"you think so? i guess i never put much thought into looks." she blushed shyly, giving his hand a squeeze.
"just wondering what its would be like to see the stars from here" she put her head on his shoulder.
Leo looked up. "yeah me too." he said smiling. He held her closer. "so what should we do now?" he asked. "I mean now that we are together?" he asked.
"i dont know. i'll do what ever you do. ive never been this close to someone." she kissed him on the cheek.

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