Out of View(Highschool RP)

Leo smiled. He blushed a bit when she kissed his cheek. He sat there holding her close to his body. "I have never been close with anybody before either." he said. He blushed even more. "I have never been with anybody before. You're my first." he said softly
"me too" she said, her face went completely red. "it would be nice to go somewere for a date, but looking at the circumstances..." she trailed off frowning a bit.
Leo looked at her. "I'm sorry." he said. He looked down. "I would love to go some where on a date but...it's that damn laboratory." he said frowning. He looked around a bit. "Aria how do you feel like sneaking out with me tonight?" he asked.
"sneaking out?" she repeated nervously. "are you sure its safe?" she looked at him with concern i her eyes.
Leo looked back. "If you don't want to we don't have to." he said. "it's just I know of a really romantic place for us to have our first date." he said.
Leo smiled. "okay." he said happily. He looked back up at the sky. The sun was about to set. "perhaps you should go get ready?" he asked.
Leo laughed a bit. "nothing like that. Feel free to wear what ever you want." he said. "so how should this date be? Dressy or causial?" he asked.
Leo smiled. "yeah." he looked at her. He got up. "meet me back at my room in an hour okay?" he asked. "my romantic place is out side my room." pointing to the woods. "it's in there. A clearing with a garden." he said.
Leo climbed down into his room. He smiled and shut the door behind Aria. "wow." he said. He put on his best outfit he owned a black v-neck shirt and black skinny jeans. "she did say casual." he said looking at himself.
She put on her favorite purple blouse and dark blue denim jeans. she headed back to Leos room and knocked softly on the door.
Leo heard a knock on his door. "hm?" he got up and opened the door. "please come in." he said. He looked at Aria. "wow you look beautiful." he said. He walked over to the window. "okay so we'll wait a little bit before we go." he said.
Leo blushed slightly. "okay just a few more minutes" he said. He looked out the window then back at Aria. He got up and walked closer to Aria. He pulled her close to his body. "Aria..." he whispered as he got closer to her.
Leo kissed back. He smiled under the kiss and deepened it. He stapes his arms around her waits. He broke the kiss. "perhaps we should go now?" he asked looking at Aria.
Leo blushed. "me too." he said. Leo looked out the window. "okay lets go." he said climbing down the escape. He dropped off and landed with almost no noise. "come on I'll catch you." he said holding out his arms.
she looked a little nervous at first but knew he would catch her. she jumped out as quietly as she could.

((g2g be back tomorrow))
Leo caught Aria. "see I told you." he said smiling. He put her down and grabbed her hand. "okay lets go." he said. (okay I'll be on.)
Brady walks down the hallway and watches from the window as the happy couple walks out "Aw how precious im sure that will last" leans on the wall and unwraps a sucker and sticks it in his mouth
"its really beautiful back here" Aria commented, "i wouldve never guessed that there was all this behind the school"

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