Out of Tower Chat

@The One Eyed Bandit It's not really overkill. Going by the official story there are a few Irregulars in the Tower, and your character doesn't belong to the main storyline, so it's cool. But if you want to change her to a princess I'm ok with it.
There are a few Irregulars in the Tower, but they show up pretty...



I mean, other than Bam and Rachel, one of which just rode the other's coat-tails in, there's only two of them.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]There are a few Irregulars in the Tower, but they show up pretty...


I mean, other than Bam and Rachel, one of which just rode the other's coat-tails in, there's only two of them.

Karaka, Urek Mazino.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Is Karaka an Irregular? I though Urek and Enryu were the only ones?
Well, other than Phantaminum.

And the ten family heads.

Yes, all Slayers and Slayer candidates (with the exception of Hoaqin) are Irregulars. So is Zahard. There's this post on SIU's blog somewhere which states that a few Irregulars were interviewed about the world outside of the Tower once (and those Irregulars were not members of the ten families, Zahard, Enryu, Urek, or Phantaminum).
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It's been a bit, but I don't remember that being stated anywhere? I can't find anything saying that they all are, either. I mean, I thought they were all Irregulars, but White does contradict that.

SIU also said that the number of Irregulars in the Tower is a secret, so they could have been unintroduced for all we know. I also doubt FUG would be keen on having their Slayers interviewed xP
Upon further research, apparently Slayers are supposed to kill Zahard and the 10 Families. Not just the head honcho himself. So I'd think Baam is probably the only Irregular.

Also sorry for triple post >~<
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[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]It's been a bit, but I don't remember that being stated anywhere? I can't find anything saying that they all are, either. I mean, I thought they were all Irregulars, but White does contradict that.
SIU also said that the number of Irregulars in the Tower is a secret, so they could have been unintroduced for all we know. I also doubt FUG would be keen on having their Slayers interviewed xP

I remember everyone in the webcomic being very shocked when they heard that Hoaqin became a Slayer despite being a Regular. There's also the fact that Slayers are "ones who kill Zahard". So at least some of them must be Irregulars.

Ok I forgot to add the Slayers to the exception list. Thanks for rubbing it in though xD .

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]And wasn't Karaka aiming to turn Baam into a weapon? So he can kill Zahard with that?

He might have wanted more power. Transforming Baam into a weapon would have greatly increased his chances against Zahard.

Then again...Karaka does have the Zahard ring...so he might be related to Zahard somehow (like Wangnam).
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]apparently Slayers are supposed to kill Zahard and the 10 Families

That's a good point. Well we'd have to wait and see xD .

I am very curious about the leader and nr.1 Slayer of FUG though, Grace Mirchea Luslec. For some reason, I think he is an Irregular.
Yeah, I think if any of them are Irregulars it's him. Apparently he emerged during the time Zahard and Co were climbing the Tower, (or when they were making their kingdom?)

I'm rubbing something in? Sorry! I wasn't meaning to ._.

Also sorry if I'm being a lil rude right now. x_x Cause I feel like I am.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Yeah, I think if any of them are Irregulars it's him. Apparently he emerged during the time Zahard and Co were climbing the Tower, (or when they were making their kingdom?)
I'm rubbing something in? Sorry! I wasn't meaning to ._.

Also sorry if I'm being a lil rude right now. x_x Cause I feel like I am.

I was just joking.

I don't think you are being rude.
Yes it is still active, but we are taking it slowly. On the other hand there are too many characters in the main storyline atm. If you want to join relatively soon then you'd have to join the storyline in IC 2.
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[QUOTE="Azure Sky]I hope so too.
By the way, am I the only one who thinks Baam will probably destroy Kaiser?

I dunno, I can kinda see him being a wuss about fighting now that he knows he devoured the souls. I'm thinking they'll end up stealing his name through tricks or negotiation, maybe.

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]
I dunno, I can kinda see him being a wuss about fighting now that he knows he devoured the souls. I'm thinking they'll end up stealing his name through tricks or negotiation, maybe.

But the best they can do is still the Jyu Viole Grace pseudonim xD

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Man, that meal makes me hungry ;~;
Especially for those pickles. Man.

I know...that's why I used that image :D
Alright. I've finished season 1. I'm a bit angry. But after I read 20 chapters into the second season, I am a bit excited to say the least haha. How far is everyone, if I may ask, in the series?

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